Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

General Kelly is right. Donald Trump is deeply flawed. To the point that he simply should not be president. At least not in this country. His style would fit in much better in one of those “******* hole countries” that he disparages so much. Decades from now when historians write about repugnant figures in American history, Donald Trump’s name will be noted alongside those of people like Benedict Arnold, Joe McCarthy, and Richard Nixon. How sad . . . .
Interesting point.
The irony is that some of these "******* hole" countries have had the worst leaders in the world. Many of their characteristics are so similar to tRump's that you would swear he read about them before taking office. If he read. We know he doesn't.
I'm talking about about Mbasogo, Dada, Al-Bashir and Mugabe.
I find Arizona turning on him even more satisfying as that is typically a very red state. I wanted AZ to deliver the knockout blow in memory of John McCain who Trump disrespected. So badly that he was not asked to attend the funeral. My politics are not McCain’s politics, but I would never disrespect him in the way that Trump did. Our service men and women are not losers and suckers. And certainly not those killed, wounded, or captured in battle!!!
got to agree with you....I had personal dealings with McCain (I am a vet) and found him to be a real asshole....and his state one of the worst for taking care of vets....although not his responsibility....anyway...did not like him but still he was a pow....he could have been released and sent home because of his dad...…..said he didn't want special privileges'…...never got them after that...determined to break him
So far... the polls were wrong only on one state,.. Florida.

I don’t know that the polls were so off in Florida. Florida was considered to be a real toss-up with no lean one way or the other. Could go either way. Biden must have known something we didn’t though because he didn’t try really hard to get Florida. Oh well! Say . . . where are our MAGA chums :)??? Probably out there demanding that the count stop :LOL:
They are winning DESPITE his antics. This election will be a repudiation of Donald Trump, but not of conservatism or the Republican party. We will remain a nation that is deeply divided, with the rural vote on one side of the chasm, and the urban/suburban vote on the other side.
The urban/suburban areas are where most Americans live, and most commerce happens. We are not an agricultural or manufacturing society anymore. Our politics is starting to reflect that. I am not a fan of coddling those who refuse to progress.
After leaving a cushy first job out of college at American Express, I started working in rural and small Midwest towns doing constituency work for a rural congressman. It sucked ass. Farming, mining and manufacturing. From noon to 5, AM-Conservative radio dominated. They got so bought into the culture war, their economic battle was secondary. They got more concerned about guns and abortion, than sustaining an economy that will attract young families.
Rural Americans need to start voting their pocketbooks and not aligning with the broadcasters from New York like Rush, Tucker and Hannity. Then we can have a real conversation on coming together.
The urban/suburban areas are where most Americans live, and most commerce happens. We are not an agricultural or manufacturing society anymore. Our politics is starting to reflect that. I am not a fan of coddling those who refuse to progress.
After leaving a cushy first job out of college at American Express, I started working in rural and small Midwest towns doing constituency work for a rural congressman. It sucked ass. Farming, mining and manufacturing. From noon to 5, AM-Conservative radio dominated. They got so bought into the culture war, their economic battle was secondary. They got more concerned about guns and abortion, than sustaining an economy that will attract young families.
Rural Americans need to start voting their pocketbooks and not aligning with the broadcasters from New York like Rush, Tucker and Hannity. Then we can have a real conversation on coming together.

And stop believing slick, lying assholes who come to places like PENNSYLVANIA and promise coal miners that their dirty energy jobs are coming back. They’re not coming back (truth) and in the final analysis, that’s good for the environment and the planet that we live on. We have to move on . . . get on with it . . . do things like replace dirty energy with clean, sustainable energy. But lying politicians like Trump won’t say that. They will tell a bunch of stuck in the past people whatever they want to hear. No people! Choose progress over lies that keep us mired in the past!!! On all fronts.
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