Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

They will NEVER stop trying to cheat!

WHAT - makes you assume it’s the right ????

It’s well known most Republicans vote on Election Day or in person - ergo - those calls are directed AGAINST the right - WAKE UP - THINK - before ya run your yap !!!!
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WHAT - makes you assume it’s the right ????

It’s well known most Republicans vote on Election Day or in person - ergo - those calls are directed AGAINST the right - WAKE UP - THINK - before ya run your yap !!!!

Right back at you . . . who said all the calls were directed at either the Democrats, or on the other hand at Republican voters??? I didn't! Regardless of who may have received such calls, it would be dead wrong to try to stop people from voting. Because you see, unlike your side, I don't believe in any form of illegal or unethical voter suppression! None! Country over party! And no one cult of personality man should be bigger than country or party. So how about you practice what you preach and think before you put words in my mouth . . . and your foot in yours . . . STUBID :LOL:
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WHAT - makes you assume it’s the right ????

It’s well known most Republicans vote on Election Day or in person - ergo - those calls are directed AGAINST the right - WAKE UP - THINK - before ya run your yap !!!!
Not true as usual, In my state AZ. most voters voted by mail because our state ask us to do just that. It saves thousands of dollars not running poling places and machine maintenance. Not the only state where mail in ballots are encouraged. We have more registered republicans than democrats so i would say that blows the hell out of your rather uninformed comment. Most this year took their mail ballots to existing recorders locations thanks to Trumps dumb ass trying to invalidate mail in votes. Your hero's too stupid to figure out millions of republicans vote by mail. He tells the incredibly stupid only democrats vote by mail, and they believe it.