Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Soooooooooooo much Dem HORSESHITE - sooooooo easy to thumb right by it 😆

If you don't care about reality, you don't even really have to engage with the whole election thing.

Just put up a picture of Trump in your living room, insist that he's your president, and give him credit for things Biden accomplishes with a Democratic congress. "Thanks for finally passing the stimulus and saving the economy, Trump!"

"Great job stacking the courts to protect human rights, Trump!"

"Thank you for taking the Covid pandemic seriously and helping to close this horrible chapter in our history, Trump!"

"Amazing job on protecting the climate, Trump!"
I take it that all of these massive Trump Rallies , one after another, after another, after another mean zip ! The leftist Democrats that darken the political threads on this site are the real evidence of how far they have slid into the slime of scum know as liberal government. Ridgelyfan, that is a real reach claiming you only talk to people who engage with actual thoughts and words. You, Hardblackcandy, Ed4mwf, BBCSceptre, SCBlknNsty, Subhub174014, MacNfries and the others that pop in to show their blind opinion once in a blue moon, don't communicate. Mac is about the only leftist that can try to be civil once in awhile. Language, without using vulgarity and always putting others down are signs of intelligence, wisdom, real class and respect for others, and more than that respect for oneself. Not only do you people fall way short of good character, you are dragging this country down into the pits of hell with you.
I have a family, am starting a new career while wrapping up my first one (at 44 years of federal service) and have personal limits on my online time. I also do try not to get caught up in the insults both sides sling that get personal. You assess this as 'popping in once and a while to offer blind opinion' and as such, I don't communicate. I have found a number of your statements as attacking, condescending, narrow, insulting, intentionally ignorant of fact, and totally void of any true attempt to find common ground. I have never said any of this to you; outside of political debate you've never spoken to me- WE don't communicate, neither of us is privy to any discussion with anyone else, you saying that I don't is asinine.

You sir, in this one diatribe refer to me as a leftist Democrat, "slid into the slime of scum" and that I fall short of good character....the thanks for my service. But do know one additional thing: I am an American, I don't assess my existence or citizenship on your opinion, and you are NOT going to take it from me, we is free now Massa.