TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Omg this trumptards saying Democrats lie 🤦‍♀️
I’m mean honestly
In between the breaks of kissing your cousin mule and sister did you lot listen to trump
There is a website that you can read 30,000 lies he told and then check them online
30,000 including a stolen election lie
No wonder no one rake you lot seriously
Perhaps stick to what you know cousin mule (donkey or burro in a pinch) love 🤣
Had to make is more specific to the person your speaking to.
Had to make is more specific to the person your speaking to.
S*ster Mule!

And the downward spiral of the Republicans accelerates. What a "class act" these ReThuglicans have become and it sadly runs almost top to bottom. Kevin McCarthy, as Speaker, should have stood up and told his "lose lip clan of rednecks" to either shut up or leave the chamber, but nooooooo. When God made him, he left off Kevin's BALLS. A Speaker is suppose to "Control the HOUSE" but Kevin's afraid if he says anything, the Republicans will kick his sorry ass to the curb and replace him with somone like .... Marjorie Greene, the bozo class of the Republicans now that Trump's not around.
Just another reason to give voters to vote Democrat in 2024 ... as Republicans act like kindergarten ki.ds. Dumb as a BOX OF ROCKS!

“Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans — some Republicans want Social Security and Medicare to sunset. I’m not saying it’s the majority,” Biden said.​

The remarks were met with boos and jeers from the Republicans in attendance, with many shouting “no” and some chiming in with “liar.” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) shook his head as he sat behind the president at the podium, beside Vice President Harris.​

Greene jabbed a thumbs down in the president’s direction and yelled “liar” after his comments. “Joe Biden is lying to the American People,” Greene tweeted during the speech. “Joe Biden is lying to the American People,” Greene tweeted during the speech. “He’s a liar,” she wrote, sharing a tweet about Biden’s Medicare and Social Security mention.​

Biden’s State of the Union is his first address before the newly divided Congress, and his first with McCarthy sitting behind him in place of his predecessor, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) The president’s remarks have drawn mixed responses from the crowd, with hefty support from Democrats and bouts of audible dissent from Republicans​
Witness the "Class Act" Of ............"EXCELLENT BATTLE TACTIC, JOE
..The REPUBLCAN PARTY! ........... BIDEN, With Taunting Maneuver"

View attachment 5848070.......................... View attachment 5848078

BRAVO to JOE BIDEN ... he held the HIGH GROUND & the MICROPHONE and SUCKERED REPUBLICANS Into a BATTLE. The Field General scores BIG TIME with a Flank Maneuver"and Republicas get EGG thrown in their FACE.

........................... SCORE: JOE BIDEN 10 ..... REPUBLICANS "0"

He is and if the shoe fits …
GOD, don't you WISH? Not one word coming through those cunt lips of hers had an ounce of TRUTH, not one word. I'm amazed she was able to keep a straight face while talking. Yep, Republicans choose a FIRST TERM congressman to give the rebuttal speech to the pounding Joe Biden unleashed on the Republicans. Man, oh man, this "ass kicking" speech was a long time coming I can tell you. Obama should have been the one who delivered that speech in his first term when he was called a liar on National TV but that's ok, WingMan JOE delivered tonight.
HAHAHAHAHA ... how stupid can one be to fall for the taunting Joe unloaded on the ReThuglicans to call their hand on TV. Man oh Man!

Your perception of REALITY is sooooooooo skewed - she’s a governor ya twit 😆
Now you understand? I doubt you understand ANYTHING.

You most certainly did say it ... you surely said George Bush was NO CONSERVATIVE ... so tell me, what was George H Bush? He wasn't a Liberal!
And I gave you the rebuttal article within 2 minutes of you opening your stupid mouth.

Let me ask you, did you even READ THE ARTICLE, bozo?

View attachment 5848129
PS ... How did you like the Ass Kicking Big JOE delivered to your RETHUGLICANS last night? View attachment 5848143

View attachment 5848142

Just cause ya believed the lies does NOT an arse kicking make 😁
Omg this trumptards saying Democrats lie 🤦‍♀️
I’m mean honestly
In between the breaks of kissing your cousin and sister did you lot listen to trump
There is a website that you can read 30,000 lies he told and then check them online
30,000 including a stolen election lie
No wonder no one rake you lot seriously
Perhaps stick to what you know cousin love 🤣

Dems lie everytime their lips move - you’re just another one that believes everything you read in the corrupt media and think ya know everything - I’m NOT impressed 😝
Ed, what are you implying here, that blkdlaur has a college degree? LOL Christ, man, I doubt he even has a GED degree. Try Elementary level, and not even 6th grade.
Oh, buttdlurp received a Valla-dick-torian Dope Certificate from "RepTard Rules of Rejects". "duh, Imma justa push dis ting ... hard". :devilish:


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    buttdlurp Doesn't Get It.gif
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G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". Well, yesterday evening it all became clear for the Country as Biden delivered a moving State of the Union Speech. After the country has been scratching its head for years about what the hell RepTards are trying to do, the party's ignorance was center stage. Let's take a look at how RepTard "selfish teenagers" still tried to rebel against the parental and sure-handed Democrats ...

* Marjorie Taylor Greene Bean again made an ass of herself showing zero knowledge about the Chinese surveillance balloon situation.
* Greene Bean thought it would be ignorantly funny to walk around with "baawoon" all day and then wore a clown suit to the President's speech.
* Dumbass RepTards are yapping away about "duh, all dat info sent back to China ...", when in fact the US blocked all transmissions.
* RepTard idiots (poster-boi buttdlurp) are still trying to hold on to "Moon da Baawoon" mentality only to find our Biden acted perfectly again.
* Our passive aggressive RepTard pansies pissed their panties as China flew various Spy balloons over the US when TrumpTard was at the helm.
* The President called out some RepTards for wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare, only to have Tards retreat and hide like pansies again.
* Once again, Greene Bean had to open her childish mouth with "duh, liar ... no I dunt wanna see the cut plan offered by RepTard Rick Scott.".
* Biden again parentally offered RepTards "teenagers" that voted against the Infrastructure Bill, to reap the many benefits and party glow from it.
* Despite RepTards cry "duh, wanna more gunnies even if innocent people die", Biden was clear that he will continue to push for more gun control.
* In a precisous moment, "RepTard in Name Only", Romney calls out the RepTard Party and dumbass Santos about "not deserving to be here".
* The President handled the unfortunate Tyre Nichols situation by supporting the family and committing resources to reform and train as necessary.

What we clearly learned last evening, is that RepTards relish the role of "selfish and childish young" rebelling against their "dar stupid" successful parents. Unfortunately, the Country and the World are slowed and/or set-back by their oppositional ignorance, but as always, Democrats will persevere. :devilish:


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Dems lie everytime their lips move - you’re just another one that believes everything you read in the corrupt media and think ya know everything - I’m NOT impressed 😝
Lol ... Oh, our pudgy lil buttdlurp - we see you are hiding again this morning after you and RepTards looked like asswipes during the entire Biden's speech last evening. Now, absolutely no one on either side of the aisle gives a crap about you being "NOT impressed with a jerk-smirk". In fact, you're a political dumbass, so if you are "duh impressed", its black mark for the entire idea. Now get back to watchin' the fireworks ... Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp Trying to Impress.gif
    buttdlurp Trying to Impress.gif
    2 MB · Views: 0
G'moaning Everyone and it's time for "RepTards in the News!". Well, yesterday evening it all became clear for the Country as Biden delivered a moving State of the Union Speech. After the country has been scratching its head for years about what the hell RepTards are trying to do, the party's ignorance was center stage. Let's take a look at how RepTard "selfish teenagers" still tried to rebel against the parental and sure-handed Democrats ...

* Marjorie Taylor Greene Bean again made an ass of herself showing zero knowledge about the Chinese surveillance balloon situation.
* Greene Bean thought it would be ignorantly funny to walk around with "baawoon" all day and then a clown suit to the President's speech.
* Dumbass RepTards are yapping away about "duh, all dat info sent back to China ...", when in fact the US blocked all transmissions.
* RepTard idiots (poster-boi buttdlurp) are still trying to hold on to "Moon da Baawoon" mentality only to find our Biden acted perfectly again.
* Our passive aggressive RepTard pansies pissed their panties as China flew various Spy balloons over the US when TrumpTard was at the helm.
* As the President calls out some RepTards for wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare, only to have Tards retreat and hide like pansies again.
* Once again, Greene Bean had to open her childish mouth with "duh, liar ... no I dunt wanna see the cut plan offered by RepTard Rick Scott.".
* Biden again parentally offered RepTards "teenagers" that voted against the Infrastructure Bill, to reap the many benefits and party glow from it.
* Despite RepTards cry "duh, wanna more gunnies even if innocent people die", Biden was clear that he will continue to push for more gun control.
* In a precisous moment, "RepTard in Name Only", Romney calls out the RepTard Party and dumbass Santos about "not deserving to be here".
* The President handled the unfortunate Tyre Nichols situation by supporting the family and committing resources to reform and train as necessary.

What we clearly learned last evening, is that RepTards relish the role of "selfish and childish young" rebelling against their "dar stupid" successful parents. Unfortunately, the Country and the World are slowed and/or set-back by their oppositional ignorance, but as always, Democrats will persevere. :devilish:

Bowel moving maybe 😆
Lol ... Oh, our pudgy lil buttdlurp - we see you are hiding again this morning after you and RepTards looked like asswipes during the entire Biden's speech last evening. Now, absolutely no one on either side of the aisle gives a crap about you being "NOT impressed with a jerk-smirk". In fact, you're a political dumbass, so if you are "duh impressed", its black mark for the entire idea. Now get back to watchin' the fireworks ... Dope. :devilish:

Went out to get coffee - excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me

WHO looked like arsewipes is soooooooooooooytainly NOT your forte

Dem gibberish IS however 👍👍