TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

You're dumber than a damn squirrel you fool .... When George Bush ran against Ronald Reagan in his second term ... butthole

I doubt you even know how to tie your frik'n shoes, assfart!
No conservative was mentioned in the article, try again.
No conservative was mentioned in the article, try again.
Oh, so NOW you're implying George Bush Sr was a liberal, fucknuts? George Bush the 41st President was a Democrat? gif_Yellowball-BangingHead3.gif

Why don't you go to frik'n bed, buttface, haven't you embarrassed yourself enough tonight?
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Oh, so NOW you're implying George Bush Sr was a liberal, fucknuts?

Why don't you go to frik'n bed, buttface, haven't you embarrassed yourself enough tonight?
I didn't say he was liberal, but he wasn't a conservative... You do know that establishment Republicans are NOT conservatives, right? We just got rid of one in the senate here in Missouri...
Lmao, you leftists don't know what you're talking about... Or to use your improper sentence structure: "you leftists don't know what you talking about"...
And the downward spiral of the Republicans accelerates. What a "class act" these ReThuglicans have become and it sadly runs almost top to bottom. Kevin McCarthy, as Speaker, should have stood up and told his "lose lip clan of rednecks" to either shut up or leave the chamber, but nooooooo. When God made him, he left off Kevin's BALLS. A Speaker is suppose to "Control the HOUSE" but Kevin's afraid if he says anything, the Republicans will kick his sorry ass to the curb and replace him with somone like .... Marjorie Greene, the bozo class of the Republicans now that Trump's not around.
Just another reason to give voters to vote Democrat in 2024 ... as Republicans act like kindergarten ki.ds. Dumb as a BOX OF ROCKS!

“Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans — some Republicans want Social Security and Medicare to sunset. I’m not saying it’s the majority,” Biden said.​

The remarks were met with boos and jeers from the Republicans in attendance, with many shouting “no” and some chiming in with “liar.” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) shook his head as he sat behind the president at the podium, beside Vice President Harris.​

Greene jabbed a thumbs down in the president’s direction and yelled “liar” after his comments. “Joe Biden is lying to the American People,” Greene tweeted during the speech. “Joe Biden is lying to the American People,” Greene tweeted during the speech. “He’s a liar,” she wrote, sharing a tweet about Biden’s Medicare and Social Security mention.​

Biden’s State of the Union is his first address before the newly divided Congress, and his first with McCarthy sitting behind him in place of his predecessor, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) The president’s remarks have drawn mixed responses from the crowd, with hefty support from Democrats and bouts of audible dissent from Republicans​
Witness the "Class Act" Of ............"EXCELLENT BATTLE TACTIC, JOE
..The REPUBLCAN PARTY! ........... BIDEN, With Taunting Maneuver"

Web Web

BRAVO to JOE BIDEN ... he held the HIGH GROUND & the MICROPHONE and SUCKERED REPUBLICANS Into a BATTLE. The Field General scores BIG TIME with a Flank Maneuver"and Republicas get EGG thrown in their FACE.

........................... SCORE: JOE BIDEN 10 ..... REPUBLICANS "0"
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders NAILED the response to ole Debacle Joe’s State of the Union address !!!!! 👍👍
GOD, don't you WISH? Not one word coming through those cunt lips of hers had an ounce of TRUTH, not one word. I'm amazed she was able to keep a straight face while talking. Yep, Republicans choose a FIRST TERM congressman to give the rebuttal speech to the pounding Joe Biden unleashed on the Republicans. Man, oh man, this "ass kicking" speech was a long time coming I can tell you. Obama should have been the one who delivered that speech in his first term when he was called a liar on National TV but that's ok, WingMan JOE delivered tonight.
HAHAHAHAHA ... how stupid can one be to fall for the taunting Joe unloaded on the ReThuglicans to call their hand on TV. Man oh Man!
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You dipshit, I said no such thing... Now I understand why HH pushes your buttons, you hate anything profound... I'll address your dumbass at any time I choose. Gfy
Now you understand? I doubt you understand ANYTHING.

You most certainly did say it ... you surely said George Bush was NO CONSERVATIVE ... so tell me, what was George H Bush? He wasn't a Liberal!
And I gave you the rebuttal article within 2 minutes of you opening your stupid mouth.

Let me ask you, did you even READ THE ARTICLE, bozo?

Web capture_8-2-2023_21436_www.blacktowhite.jpg
PS ... How did you like the Ass Kicking Big JOE delivered to your RETHUGLICANS last night? words_JoeBiden.jpg

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You're not fooling anyone, you know less than nothing about economics, and even less than that about US politics... You're nothing but a hateful, whiny troll.
And you just help me win a $100 bet!
This is awesome
Your stupidity making me money ♥️♥️
Thank you and keep going… please 🤣.
Hey a question for you Mr economics professor
How do you think the small cap equity markets will perform in the light of of two variables, Russian stance on international investment and two the NASDAQ’s chairman recent statement of America’s lending proposals.
Their corrupt media gives Dems what they need - the key is when they say a senior Defense Department official was quoted as saying but NO name - there are definite tells to their corrupt reporting.

Funny NO reports of this during the Trump administration and the press LOVED to beat him to death with ANYFUCKINTHING they could - but now it comes to light. Also did NOT know our government had a portal to look into the past - that is big news - maybe they’ll finally tell us who killed Kennedy !!!!
Omg this trumptards saying Democrats lie 🤦‍♀️
I’m mean honestly
In between the breaks of kissing your cousin and sister did you lot listen to trump
There is a website that you can read 30,000 lies he told and then check them online
30,000 including a stolen election lie
No wonder no one rake you lot seriously
Perhaps stick to what you know cousin love 🤣
I didn't say he was liberal, but he wasn't a conservative... You do know that establishment Republicans are NOT conservatives, right? We just got rid of one in the senate here in Missouri...
Why are you thumbs upping this? Didn't you just lie about wanting more moderates in your party, (that this idiot also thumbs up), and right here, this pissant is advocating for more extremists, yet you like it?

And you wonder why it's so fucking easy to beat you in elections?
Your ONLY uniting principle is to oppose the Dems. Even against your own beliefs. Showing you really don't have any, and no matter how bad you talk about the opposition, a group with no beliefs will never garner support from the majority of the voters. Only a majority of the bitchers and complainers. Hence where you are today.