Yes jobs are out there but what kind of jobs? McDonalds, Burger King, retail. But hell you can make $15 an hour at those jobs now. Why not make the minimum wage $40 and everyone will be happy. Again the governments roll was never intended to support lazy ass people who won't get off the crack pipe and get work. But if the government is going to give me a phone, food stamps, unemployment for ever then why go to work? BTW all of the links (except the fox one) you list are all from so far left liberal news outlets of course they're going to praise the twisted stats of Obama. I get so tired of the "you watch too much fox news" statement. As I said I voted for Obama who, in my opinion, will go down as the worst president in modern times. Even worse than Carter. I vote for the person I think will be best for our country NOT ME. That's why I voted for Obama in '08. And for those of you who think Hillary isn't even more of a liar and criminal just blows me away. If God forbid you or anyone else for that matter harms another person by accident just say "I didn't intend to do it." See where that gets you. These people are corrupt to the bone! Get them out of our White House!