All I have to say is we know what we'd get with Hillary and I don't want any of that at all. We don't know what we'd get with Trump and for me it's worth the risk. I voted for Obama on 08 and regret that more than any other time I have voted for a president. I've asked liberals on other forums to answer a simple question but no one ever answers... What has Obama done to make our lives better and how has he improved the U.S.? I have and always will vote for the person I think is best for our country not by party or how a candidate will benefit me. Hillary screwed up a bunch of stuff while her hubby was president; Monicagate, Whitewater, health care etc...Her presidency will be Obama on steroids. We'll be even more of the joke of the world. It blows me away people buy into her "it's the people at the top who are keeping everyone down." She and her husband are multi millionaires and very much a member of the 1%ers!. They have made so much money from being in public office. Doesn't that say something? What the hell do you think Goldman Sachs is getting in return for paying her 2-3 hundred thousand to do a speech? Unfortunately Hillary will probably win because most people are 1 - Too ignorant to really look into and understand her record/past and the type of person she is. 2- Too ignorant to understand we (this country) cannot afford to continue to give handouts. We are almost $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. 3- Too ignorant and selfish to understand our government wasn't put in place to support it's citizens from cradle to grave.