Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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you don't really believe all that do you? or is that just more twisting of the facts!... you do know that there are some republicans working right now on legislation with some dems and going against the nra to get something done!
There is no twisting of facts. Secret lists that can be used to deny rights with no legal recourse. Pretty straight forward.
There is no twisting of facts. Secret lists that can be used to deny rights with no legal recourse
I don't know about any "secret lists"... just your imagination working overtime!... but I do know there are a lot of "flaws" in the lists!... weather intentional or just someone screwed up they need looked at!
I don't know about any "secret lists"... just your imagination working overtime!... but I do know there are a lot of "flaws" in the lists!... weather intentional or just someone screwed up they need looked at!
The terrorists lists are secret. There is no defined policy for someone getting on or off the lists. I recently read about a family that discovered their 6 month old ******* was on the no fly list. More than likely the baby's name was similar to a terrorists or someone that might be a terrorist. However there is currently no way to over ride what is obviously an error. President Obama wants to expand this flawed system
Another secret list is President Obama's secret "******* list". Getting on that one means the military is authorized to ******* you on sight regardless of any constitutional rights you are supposed to have. This came to light after the killing of Anwar Awlaki. Anwar was born in the US. Therefore he should have had right to a trial. Obama personally decided this US citizen could be executed despite his constitutional rights:

Imagine how the liberals would have been going apeshit if it was G W Bush who ordered this! With Obama, there were lots of chirping crickets from the left.

This did lead to one humorous thing. Someone started a petition on the white houses' petition site asking them to create a "do not *******" list similar to the do not call list. So US Citizens could put their name on the list, asking the government not to ******* them without due process.*******-list-2012-5*******-list.png

This petition got the requisite 25,000 signatures that is supposed to require the white house to respond. Interestingly other old petitions are still out there on their system, like this one:

But the do not ******* list, while still showing up in a google search, leads to a blank page:*******-list/HwqFwRtG
This came to light after the killing of Anwar Awlaki. Anwar was born in the US. Therefore he should have had right to a trial
he was a terrorists and a traitor... he should have died!... you damned liberals and wanting to give those their rights... when they plot to ******* americans they don't deserve anything but what they give
Are you serious? Tell me what Obama has done and tell me what Hillary will do to make our country a better place? Please don't say anything that has to do with handouts! Now do you think, as Obama said tonight that Hillary is more qualified than any man or woman to run for the office? She is pathetic. Remember I voted for Obama in 08'. One of the biggest mistakes of my voting career. She's even a bigger liar than Obama. I just don't understand how people believe the BS she spews. She claims the "people at the top" are the ones who need to be controlled. SHE AND HER FAMILY ARE THEM! They are multi millionaires from public service. Do you think Goldman Sachs was just being nice by paying her so much to speak? They are getting something in return and it's certainly not going to benefit you or I.
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Are you serious? Tell me what Obama has done and tell me what Hillary will do to make our country a better place? Please don't say anything that has to do with handouts! Now do you think, as Obama said tonight that Hillary is more qualified than any man or woman to run for the office? She is pathetic. Remember I voted for Obama in 08'. One of the biggest mistakes of my voting career. She's even a bigger liar than Obama. I just don't understand how people believe the BS she spews. She claims the "people at the top" are the ones who need to be controlled. SHE AND HER FAMILY ARE THEM! They are multi millionaires from public service. Do you think Goldman Sachs was just being nice by paying her so much to speak? They are getting something in return and it's certainly not going to benefit you or I.

I totally agree with you and i would add that its not even that they believe her BS its that they just dont care! Its amazing how many people vote strictly on familiarity or because she is a woman or because she is a democrat....some dont care what she has or has not done and thats sad to me.
you 2 just don't pay any attention to the world around you!

Hillary has fought for health care even when she was first lady... especially children's health care... equal rights and pay and so much more... as for Obama... let's start with ACA..sure it could be a lot better but with no support from the other side and no one wanting to help or submit any input we got what was working ( put out by a repub gov. Romney) in Mass.... it worked there and basicly the same until congress started trying to dismantle it a little at a time.... a lot of people don't like it and the republicans keep trying to pick away at it making it worse... but he did a lot for those with pre-existing conditions.... and that is about 1/3 of the country... and he did a lot for senior citizens and their health care... just recently he put a bill forward so these investors couldn't screw the retired out of their savings... but the repub's are trying to block it... says it is unjust to the investors.. he ended the donut hole in social security... used to be social security paid the first 25.000.. you paid the next.. he ended that... all kinds of things for seniors... ended the 3 wars we were in.. although the thing with ISIS is new... but that started because we went and stuck our nose in the middle east to begin with... he has done a lot of little things for the economy.. ( best he can do on his own with the obstructionist in congress)... if you 2 can't pay attention to the world around you except what someone tells you... you really have no opinion on anything... except what someone tells you
you 2 just don't pay any attention to the world around you!
I don't know about you, subhub, but I'm thinking I'm just going to start assigning numbers to my responses to these "so called" conservatives and their redundancies. That way I won't keep having to retype the same answer to them over and over and over ... I'll just say #5, or #17 and they can go to the list, look it up and see my response. I really don't have the luxury of time these guys do to keep responding over and over to their stubbornness & refusal to view world events in a reality world.
I will agree with that... a lot of repeat conversations... they just don't listen... or don't want to

We dont listen because you dont make sense. The thing with ISIS is new but that happened because we stuck our nose in the middle east........are you shitting me? You actually believe that then you are truely blind. Your one of these people who think if we just stay out of the middle east the terrorists of the world will leave us alone.....your kidding yourself.

They always have and always will find a reason to hate us.....and that reason is because of our freedoms and our lifestyle....they hate everything we stand for.
We dont listen because you dont make sense. The thing with ISIS is new but that happened because we stuck our nose in the middle east........are you shitting me? You actually believe that then you are truely blind. Your one of these people who think if we just stay out of the middle east the terrorists of the world will leave us alone.....your kidding yourself.

They always have and always will find a reason to hate us.....and that reason is because of our freedoms and our lifestyle....they hate everything we stand for.

How about this scenario....we pull out of every country in the middle east.....pull every american soldier every aid person, everyone. Dont give them any more foreign aid or any help what so ever.

Then the first time there is a bombing or an attack on the US or any US interest in the world we find out who is responsible and if it turns out to be any terrorists from Afghanistan or Iran or Syria we Nuke the country back to the stone age.....

No right.....if you think the middle east is unstable now see what happens when we have zero influence in the middle east.
All I have to say is we know what we'd get with Hillary and I don't want any of that at all. We don't know what we'd get with Trump and for me it's worth the risk. I voted for Obama on 08 and regret that more than any other time I have voted for a president. I've asked liberals on other forums to answer a simple question but no one ever answers... What has Obama done to make our lives better and how has he improved the U.S.? I have and always will vote for the person I think is best for our country not by party or how a candidate will benefit me. Hillary screwed up a bunch of stuff while her hubby was president; Monicagate, Whitewater, health care etc...Her presidency will be Obama on steroids. We'll be even more of the joke of the world. It blows me away people buy into her "it's the people at the top who are keeping everyone down." She and her husband are multi millionaires and very much a member of the 1%ers!. They have made so much money from being in public office. Doesn't that say something? What the hell do you think Goldman Sachs is getting in return for paying her 2-3 hundred thousand to do a speech? Unfortunately Hillary will probably win because most people are 1 - Too ignorant to really look into and understand her record/past and the type of person she is. 2- Too ignorant to understand we (this country) cannot afford to continue to give handouts. We are almost $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. 3- Too ignorant and selfish to understand our government wasn't put in place to support it's citizens from cradle to grave.

Your post shows a complete ignorance of actual facts.
1. The country is clearly better of post Obama. Jobs? Up. People with health care coverage? Up. The economy? Up. These are FACTS. Not opinions.
2. Did you really just fault Hillary for Monica Lewinsky? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Bill got a BJ and whatnot. WHO FUCKING CARES? Consenting sex acts between two adults are none of anyone's business. Your posting on a site dedicated to married white women and single black'd think you'd understand that. Come on. The hypocrisy is abundant.
3. Our country is a joke because of Obama? Really? Really? I guess you missed his recent address to the Canadian Parliament where he received a standing ovation amid shouts of "Four more Years."

4. You watch too much FOX news... poor people aren't the problem. Corporations hide TRILLIONS of money offshore and many pay little to no tax. But helping poor ******* eat(handouts) bothers you? Trickle down economics DON'T WORK. There's no reputable economist who thinks it does. Yet simpletons like yourself want to continue to demonize the poor as if somehow they're dragging us down.

4. Trump? Really? He's a rich kid who's never worked a day in his life. Talks about "making america great again" but outsources his business to China.
I could go on an on....
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The thing with ISIS is new but that happened because we stuck our nose in the middle east........are you shitting me?
do you pay any attention at all to what is going on.... do you know who most of the top ISIS officers are?... former commanders under Saddam Husain!
why are we the number one target? because we interfered to begin with!
The middle east was/is no different than a lot of African countries and we didn't run over there are ******* and do whatever!
The thing with ISIS is new but that happened because we stuck our nose in the middle east........are you shitting me?

I think before you answer any more questions or state something we need to run a breath analyzer on you
do you pay any attention at all to what is going on.... do you know who most of the top ISIS officers are?... former commanders under Saddam Husain!
why are we the number one target? because we interfered to begin with!
The middle east was/is no different than a lot of African countries and we didn't run over there are ******* and do whatever!

Doesnt matter who the commanders are, basically you are saying they are out for revenge for meddling in the middle east and i say you are flat out wrong.

I am just glad you are not making the foreign policy decisions for the United States.
do you pay any attention at all to what is going on.... do you know who most of the top ISIS officers are?... former commanders under Saddam Husain!
why are we the number one target? because we interfered to begin with!
The middle east was/is no different than a lot of African countries and we didn't run over there are ******* and do whatever!

Oh and by the way, how do you figure we are the number one target....from what i have seen ISIS is doing a lot of damage all over the world. Brussels, Paris, Egypt.

Pretty sure Brussels had little to do with the invasion and removal of Saddam Hussein