Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Doesnt matter who the commanders are, basically you are saying they are out for revenge for meddling in the middle east and i say you are flat out wrong.
to stupid a statement to even bother responding.... you need to take your meds again... must be painful trying to come up with some of the logic you do
basically you are saying they are out for revenge for meddling in the middle east and i say you are flat out wrong.
From what I've been reading for a decade now, is its a war on westernization beliefs and ideologies, and YES ... the US & UK are primary targets, and the war started long before Iraq & Afghanistan were invaded. Those invasions only supported & accelerated the war on Chistian beliefs. And if the US bans all Muslims from our country, as Trump has so declared he wants to do, it would only accelerate other highly populated Muslim countries to turn against us as well ... such as Turkey.
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to stupid a statement to even bother responding.... you need to take your meds again... must be painful trying to come up with some of the logic you do

Your the idiot who said the reason terrorists are targeting the US is because the top ISIS commanders are former Iraqi generals and that if we had not stuck our nose in we would not be targeted.....reread your post.

Thats what you said which in short means they are pissed because of our involvement in Iraqi. I think you wrong......there is way more to it than that.
From what I've been reading for a decade now, is its a war on westernization beliefs and ideologies, and YES ... the US & UK are primary targets, and the war started long before Iraq & Afghanistan were invaded. Those invasions only supported & accelerated the war on Chistian beliefs. And if the US bans all Muslims from our country, as Trump has so declared he wants to do, it would only accelerate other highly populated Muslim countries to turn again us as well ... such as Turkey.

I totall agree its a war on western beliefs and ideologies and it started way before iraq. I would not go so far as banning muslims from the US but i would have a heck of a lot harder screening process than we have now.

I think the radical muslims will attack us regardless of what we do in the world....heck i think they would attack us if we had zero involvement in the middle east.
this all from the same guy who didn't know that AR's are already banned in 2 states... you are really on top of things!

Actually your being an ass.....when i originally said about an all out ban i meant nation wide but i was not clear enough and you like to pick words apart so here we go.

Actually more than 2 states have assault weapons bans if you look up the definition meaning a ban on some feature of a weapon considered an assault weapon. 7 states have some serious restrictions on assault weapons. Its still legal to own an assault weapon in NY for example if its grand fathered in so its not so cut and dried as you make it seem.
.....reread your post.

Thats what you said which in short means they are pissed because of our involvement in Iraqi
I did say that and I said it again and you still have some problem with it???????

I think you wrong......there is way more to it than that.

there is more to it than that... but our going over there and sticking our nose in... in a way created ISIS... because like I said a lot of their top commanders are former Husain commanders... if we hadn't knocked out Hussain... they still might have grown... but we helped them by giving them trained generals!

damn watch the news once in a while will you?!... read a few articles before you shoot off with some....???
Actually more than 2 states have assault weapons bans if you look up the definition meaning a ban on some feature of a weapon considered an assault weapon. 7 states have some serious restrictions on assault weapons. Its still legal to own an assault weapon in NY for example if its grand fathered in so its not so cut and dried as you make it seem.

again I posted that article on here shortly after your last stupid comment!... go back and read the article I posted ON THIS SITE!
I did say that and I said it again and you still have some problem with it???????

there is more to it than that... but our going over there and sticking our nose in... in a way created ISIS... because like I said a lot of their top commanders are former Husain commanders... if we hadn't knocked out Hussain... they still might have grown... but we helped them by giving them trained generals!

damn watch the news once in a while will you?!... read a few articles before you shoot off with some....???

Dude what the fuck are you talking about. I dont disagree that many are former iraqi military but come your position is if we just get the fuck out of the middle east and stop meddling that terrorism at least against us should go way down....i actually think it will get will make us look like we are giving up and dont have the stomach to battle them.

We had to get rid of Saddam, he was a crazy fucker and who knows what he was caple of. Yes by disbanding the Iraqi military didnt help but ISIS and ISIL i think would have been on the rise regardless...
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I did say that and I said it again and you still have some problem with it???????

there is more to it than that... but our going over there and sticking our nose in... in a way created ISIS... because like I said a lot of their top commanders are former Husain commanders... if we hadn't knocked out Hussain... they still might have grown... but we helped them by giving them trained generals!

damn watch the news once in a while will you?!... read a few articles before you shoot off with some....???

What should i watch CNN and MSNBC
What should i watch CNN and MSNBC
I rarely watch CNN because of some of the coverage it just goes on and on and on... 1 hour and you've seen all there is to say from them for the day... I do watch a lot of cbs.... never watched msnbc... know nothing about it except they make the news once in a while on Yahoo... I get the majority of my info from Yahoo!... they cover both sides from a lot of different source... I just pick what I am interested in
Your post shows a complete ignorance of actual facts.
1. The country is clearly better of post Obama. Jobs? Up. People with health care coverage? Up. The economy? Up. These are FACTS. Not opinions.
2. Did you really just fault Hillary for Monica Lewinsky? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Bill got a BJ and whatnot. WHO FUCKING CARES? Consenting sex acts between two adults are none of anyone's business. Your posting on a site dedicated to married white women and single black'd think you'd understand that. Come on. The hypocrisy is abundant.
3. Our country is a joke because of Obama? Really? Really? I guess you missed his recent address to the Canadian Parliament where he received a standing ovation amid shouts of "Four more Years."

4. You watch too much FOX news... poor people aren't the problem. Corporations hide TRILLIONS of money offshore and many pay little to no tax. But helping poor ******* eat(handouts) bothers you? Trickle down economics DON'T WORK. There's no reputable economist who thinks it does. Yet simpletons like yourself want to continue to demonize the poor as if somehow they're dragging us down.

4. Trump? Really? He's a rich kid who's never worked a day in his life. Talks about "making america great again" but outsources his business to China.
I could go on an on....
Yes jobs are out there but what kind of jobs? McDonalds, Burger King, retail. But hell you can make $15 an hour at those jobs now. Why not make the minimum wage $40 and everyone will be happy. Again the governments roll was never intended to support lazy ass people who won't get off the crack pipe and get work. But if the government is going to give me a phone, food stamps, unemployment for ever then why go to work? BTW all of the links (except the fox one) you list are all from so far left liberal news outlets of course they're going to praise the twisted stats of Obama. I get so tired of the "you watch too much fox news" statement. As I said I voted for Obama who, in my opinion, will go down as the worst president in modern times. Even worse than Carter. I vote for the person I think will be best for our country NOT ME. That's why I voted for Obama in '08. And for those of you who think Hillary isn't even more of a liar and criminal just blows me away. If God forbid you or anyone else for the matter harms another person by accident just say "I didn't intend to do it." See where that gets you. These people are corrupt to the bone! Get them out of our White House!
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We had to get rid of Saddam, he was a crazy fucker and who knows what he was caple of

Bush Sr. knew better and when to quit.... he may have been an asshole and did all kinds of things... but no more than some in other countries... hell look at our ally Egypt and all the ******* they pull .... anyway he DID stabilize the region and kept Iran in check.... now with the new gov over there they want to team up with Iran... NOT GOOD!

Bush Jr. was a complete fucking idiot... he wanted revenge on a statement from Saddam about getting even with Sr. and Cheney saw it as an opportunity to get rich... and that was all that war was about!.... and how many died?
Bush Sr. knew better and when to quit.... he may have been an asshole and did all kinds of things... but no more than some in other countries... hell look at our ally Egypt and all the ******* they pull .... anyway he DID stabilize the region and kept Iran in check.... now with the new gov over there they want to team up with Iran... NOT GOOD!

Bush Jr. was a complete fucking idiot... he wanted revenge on a statement from Saddam about getting even with Sr. and Cheney saw it as an opportunity to get rich... and that was all that war was about!.... and how many died?

Really? No more than some other countries?? He killed over 150,000 kurds in a genocide in the late 80's with the use of chemical weapons? Men, women and children. That alone is enough for me to say this guy was a nut and needed to go, and thats just one example. Saddam was a vicous tyrant who ruled by *******.

You may have not liked Bush and i was not a big fan either but i think bringing Saddam to justice was the right thing to do.