transformation of the Germans

As a Russian, I can analyze it neutrally. You are secretly afraid of the Germans. Otherwise Germany wouldn't be a constant topic of discussion among you. The largest proportion of your ancestors are German. They make up the largest share of the usa. Your fear could be recognized at the time by Churchill's statements. No matter how many times you try. Germany keeps coming back to the top. And that doesn't suit you. Just as you don't like the German connection to Russia and China. Why? If Germany were to show solidarity with Russia and China, you would no longer have any relevance at all. And you know that very well. Why do you think Nord Stream was blown up and the Silk Road from China to Germany is being boycotted by you? Although oil is tied to the dollar, the euro comes before the dollar. None of this suits you! As some have already written. Your time is long gone and you have long since been replaced by China. If Germany or Europe were to turn its back on you, you would be finished! And that is precisely why I can only repeat myself. Europe does not need you. You
needs Europe! You have the highest debts on the planet! Not us! You are the most hated country in the world. Not us! And now go on living in your dream world!
You're delusional! Scared of Germany??🤣🤣
Your what if scenarios are laughable! You idiot, who do you think guards Europe from and attack from the East?? The U.S. does. Kind of like how Ukraine has stopped any cowardly Russian advance with U.S. weapons. How many shitty next generation Terminator tanks has Russia lost to 1980's American weaponry? I know Russia has lost enough that Putin called them back to well behind the lines because Javelin missiles were punching holes through them! 🤣

The U.S. doesn't give a ******* about your feelings on the matter. You just remember to call us Daddy.
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
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1. Der Faschismus enstand in Italien.

2. Da der Rassenwahn der NS-Ideologie hat NUR indirekt etwas mit der Hautfarbe zu tun hat, kann auf Deutschland bezogen von "White Supremacy" keine Rede sein.

3. Der Rassismus in den USA unterteilt Menschen nach ihrer Hautfarbe, beim Rassismus der Nationalsozialisten egibt sich die Rasse aus der Sprachfamilie.

Und hier der entscheidene Hinweis:

Cuckolding ist keine Form von *******, bei der die Bezahlung in Form von moralischer Wiedergutmachung erfolgt. NICHT der Mann bietet seine Frau einem BBC Bull an, sondern die Frau sucht sich ihren BBC aus.
To think millions of their grandparents generation died for racism, while Africans take their country and women so easily today!
Power through hatred and violence always comes to a complete collapse eventually but nature will always outlast. Superior biology has always won out and African genes are unstoppable. Resistance to nature has been hugely costly but it's fading out exponentially now. The inevitable evolutionary Black triumph over the iceman is imminent.
Your inability to understand world history is pretty hilarious. You claim that the racism against blacks didn't exist anywhere else in the world?? Oh, really?? Who do you think were enslaving and selling those Africans into slavery? OTHER AFRICANS!!!
The Irish were also enslaved and you don't get much whiter than a pale Irishman.
Plus, the Native Americans weren't "wiped out". There are plenty still in the U.S.
I Never say racism is Only in the usa. You usa guys told that Germany is the Center of racism. And i show many examples that it isnt Like this. There is no center of racism. Racism is everywhere.
Power through hatred and violence always comes to a complete collapse eventually but nature will always outlast. Superior biology has always won out and African genes are unstoppable. Resistance to nature has been hugely costly but it's fading out exponentially now. The inevitable evolutionary Black triumph over the iceman is imminent.
Brother no one is better Than the Other. The skin colour and Origin isnt important. We all should learn about the past. We all have the Same blond.
1. Der Faschismus enstand in Italien.

2. Da der Rassenwahn der NS-Ideologie hat NUR indirekt etwas mit der Hautfarbe zu tun hat, kann auf Deutschland bezogen von "White Supremacy" keine Rede sein.

3. Der Rassismus in den USA unterteilt Menschen nach ihrer Hautfarbe, beim Rassismus der Nationalsozialisten egibt sich die Rasse aus der Sprachfamilie.

Und hier der entscheidene Hinweis:

Cuckolding ist keine Form von *******, bei der die Bezahlung in Form von moralischer Wiedergutmachung erfolgt. NICHT der Mann bietet seine Frau einem BBC Bull an, sondern die Frau sucht sich ihren BBC aus.
Zu Punkt 2. das ist genau das was ich vorher eben auch beschrieben habe. In den USA ist richtiger Rassismus seit 500 Jahren. Beim deutschen Nazi-Regime war die Hautfarbe völlig egal. Du konntest auch ein Deutscher sein mit weißer Haut und du wurdest nur aufgrund deiner Religion umgebracht. Wenn man sich die Unterstützer des Nazi-Regims heute ansieht, waren da fast alle nicht blond und blauäugig. Weder die Italiener, noch die Rumänen und erst recht nicht die Japaner und Thailänder. Es ging um eine Religion. In den USA hingegen gab es Rassismus gegenüber schwarzen, Latinos und asiaten. Da können sich die Amis das noch so schön reden. Genau wie dass sie sich noch heute mit unseren russischen Federn schmücken. Wir haben Deutschland befreit! Nicht die usa! Dieses Land hat einfach keine marinieren und keine Ethik. Keine Moral, keine Kultur.
You're delusional! Scared of Germany??🤣🤣
Your what if scenarios are laughable! You idiot, who do you think guards Europe from and attack from the East?? The U.S. does. Kind of like how Ukraine has stopped any cowardly Russian advance with U.S. weapons. How many shitty next generation Terminator tanks has Russia lost to 1980's American weaponry? I know Russia has lost enough that Putin called them back to well behind the lines because Javelin missiles were punching holes through them! 🤣

The U.S. doesn't give a ******* about your feelings on the matter. You just remember to call us Daddy.
At best, we call you a cheap copy of Europe. A nation full of failures who didn't make it in Europe. You are nothing more than the cowards of Europe and will always remain so. Racist no-goods who only have any status at all because of their deviousness and sucking Jewish cock. Look at your poor country. Homeless and junkies without end. Endless debt. 15% of your total exports are weapons. If this leg breaks off, you will end up in oblivion again. The whole world already knows you're finished. Our European politicians don't realize it yet, but look what's going on in Europe right now. Everyone is calling for your asses to be kicked out of Europe. And then you'll see what China and Russia are doing to you. China says usa has a lot of bills to pay haha. And There will pay for it. Only a question about time. What makes you think Russia will lose the war? Boy, turn off your propaganda from your idiot TV in the usa! Damn u are Funny. We Are the Original. Never forget this! U are only the copy!
You're delusional! Scared of Germany??🤣🤣
Your what if scenarios are laughable! You idiot, who do you think guards Europe from and attack from the East?? The U.S. does. Kind of like how Ukraine has stopped any cowardly Russian advance with U.S. weapons. How many shitty next generation Terminator tanks has Russia lost to 1980's American weaponry? I know Russia has lost enough that Putin called them back to well behind the lines because Javelin missiles were punching holes through them! 🤣

The U.S. doesn't give a ******* about your feelings on the matter. You just remember to call us Daddy.
First of all, make sure you get a standard of living like Europe. You are Neanderthals living in caravans. Your whole country is built on debt and lies with bloody hands. You weren't even able to defeat Syria and Afghanistan. Let alone Vietnam. There you had to use weapons that violated human rights. You had to drop atomic bombs on Japan. Honorless monkey . Trust me the day will come Where u will pay all your debts ;)
Wow, the German couples on this forum have entered a race to find a black bull

From Germany, which was the world center of f*scism and racism until a quarter of a century ago, to Germans whose women pursue black men... Is there any German who still believes in the "white supremacy" fallacy? LOL. Today, the descendants of the N*zis offer their blonde-haired, blue-eyed wives, whom H*tler described as the "superior race", to black refugees from third world countries. Modern Germans who want to take revenge on their ancestors would do well to support and encourage this
View attachment 7270895View attachment 7270896
Bro, what’s exactly is your objective with this post? I’m a black man living in Bayern today and so far only good experiences with german ladys and wanti more, maybe a mixed kid in future! Let’s no segregate but come together!
Amerika ist ein zweiter jüdische Staat.Mit Amerikas Händen mordet sie das palästinänsische Volk nach dem sie das palästinensische Land geraubt haben
Die USA ist eigentlich durch Israel kontrolliert. Das weiß jeder. Man muss sich nur mal ansehen, wem die ganzen Banken und Unternehmen gehören. Dann ist auch schnell schlüssig, wieso Israel so reich ist. Die Kohle wandert von den usa nach Israel und das eigene Volk der usa lebt minderwertig.
Bro, what’s exactly is your objective with this post? I’m a black man living in Bayern today and so far only good experiences with german ladys and wanti more, maybe a mixed kid in future! Let’s no segregate but come together!
Sehr guter Post. Würdest du sagen, dass in Deutschland ein sehr starker Rassismus herrscht, der Vergleich mit dem in der usa ist?
True and that's why Trump is a threat to the globalists and they tried killing him.
They know Trump is America first and the democrats hate America.
Last but Not least a Ranking with the highest living Standards in the world! 16 of the top 20 in the world are from europe. And your poor country is Not Even in the top 20. Germany is in the top 10. Call europe the Original and accept that u are only a Cheap copy. The highest debts in the world and Even Than Not in the top 20. i can Tell u why. Your Money is in Isreal 😂. Can u find the usa? Yes, 48. place! Even singapor is better! And now is bed time in your caravan after Finish your Daily 3 Jobs to survive.


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Sehr guter Post. Würdest du sagen, dass in Deutschland ein sehr starker Rassismus herrscht, der Vergleich mit dem in der usa ist?
I’m not american, neither this country please me, they have a very weir concept of “freedom” where they can say whatever they want including dumb ******* like this.
About the racism: It’s different, there’s is a lot of racism in Germany yeah, but from another kind not necessarily calling you names or explicitly segregating. I just decided to spend most part of my time working and not caring at all and sometimes when i can sticking my bbc in white pussies.
Zu Punkt 2. das ist genau das was ich vorher eben auch beschrieben habe. In den USA ist richtiger Rassismus seit 500 Jahren. Beim deutschen Nazi-Regime war die Hautfarbe völlig egal. Du konntest auch ein Deutscher sein mit weißer Haut und du wurdest nur aufgrund deiner Religion umgebracht. Wenn man sich die Unterstützer des Nazi-Regims heute ansieht, waren da fast alle nicht blond und blauäugig. Weder die Italiener, noch die Rumänen und erst recht nicht die Japaner und Thailänder. Es ging um eine Religion. In den USA hingegen gab es Rassismus gegenüber schwarzen, Latinos und asiaten. Da können sich die Amis das noch so schön reden. Genau wie dass sie sich noch heute mit unseren russischen Federn schmücken. Wir haben Deutschland befreit! Nicht die usa! Dieses Land hat einfach keine marinieren und keine Ethik. Keine Moral, keine Kultur.
Nicht ein einziger Aspekt dieses Textes ist historisch korrekt.
First of all, make sure you get a standard of living like Europe. You are Neanderthals living in caravans. Your whole country is built on debt and lies with bloody hands. You weren't even able to defeat Syria and Afghanistan. Let alone Vietnam. There you had to use weapons that violated human rights. You had to drop atomic bombs on Japan. Honorless monkey . Trust me the day will come Where u will pay all your debts ;)
LMAO, you're a fucking joke! You scum bags are getting your asses kicked by an untrained Ukranian defense ******* and you shitty commies are having to purchase missiles from Iran because yours SUCK!!🤣🤣
Tell us how the mighty Sperznaz are getting their killed because they're soft now.

Russia's hands are clean, though?!? STFU, you moron!!😅

It was WWII, there weren't any human rights! Both sides were fire bombing civilian targets!
Geez, were you born this stupid or did you practice at it??
Come on with it then, pussy.
Nicht ein einziger Aspekt dieses Textes ist historisch korrekt.
Damn, you're stupid! The U.S. hasn't been around for 500 years! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm going to suggest you shut your dick sucker about this subject because you're making yourself look like a bigger fool with every statement you make.
True and that's why Trump is a threat to the globalists and they tried killing him.
They know Trump is America first and the democrats hate America.
Now you've gone way too far! To state that dem's hate America is totally ridiculous. Don't bother to reply if all you can spew is crudeness. Insults are the language of those who cannot control themselves and cannot express a cogent opinion.
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You're delusional! Scared of Germany??🤣🤣
Your what if scenarios are laughable! You idiot, who do you think guards Europe from and attack from the East?? The U.S. does. Kind of like how Ukraine has stopped any cowardly Russian advance with U.S. weapons. How many shitty next generation Terminator tanks has Russia lost to 1980's American weaponry? I know Russia has lost enough that Putin called them back to well behind the lines because Javelin missiles were punching holes through them! 🤣

The U.S. doesn't give a ******* about your feelings on the matter. You just remember to call us Daddy.
Bro u are a poor Junkie Country! Stop to Dream with your 48. place poor country! U living in Wood houses and caravans, or u are homeless. Thats the Reality in 2024. dont waste your time :). No one cares the usa! To much debts. Fake Country
Now you've gone way too far! To state that dem's hate America is totally ridiculous. Don't bother to reply if all you can spew is crudeness. Insults are the language of those who cannot control themselves and cannot express a cogent opinion.
🤣🤣 Look at you crying, but not supporting your argument, and I'll reply to what i want to. Name one is Democrat policy that is pro America. You can't.
They claim they want to cut taxes, yet taxes increase when they win office. Have you been to the grocery store lately??
Bro, what’s exactly is your objective with this post? I’m a black man living in Bayern today and so far only good experiences with german ladys and wanti more, maybe a mixed kid in future! Let’s no segregate but come together!
Oh you misunderstood me brother. I already appreciate this situation