transformation of the Germans

"I'm curious when the first presidential candidate will stand up and tell you about your guilt! The guilt of your wars since the founding of the state!Your land theft, your targeted extermination of the original population of the country where you have spread, right up to the arbitrary wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghans, your destabilization of the Orient, especially Iraq!Anyone who has so much dirt on them shouldn't allow themselves to judge Germany!"

But, we have. Twice with devastating effects. War criminals are war criminals. Be thankful Germany wasn't Japan.

We also protected you from even further incursions by our former allies, the Soviets. And, we entered into a treaty to send troops halfway around the world - again - to save you from the Russians, again, if it becomes necessary. Be respectful.
Lächerlich … ihr seid am D Day gekommen wo das Deutsche Reich bereits völlig erschöpft , wenig Treibstoff noch hatte , die besten Soldaten tot oder in Russland gebunden. Für diese Strecke mit einer Fahrtzeit von 6 Stunden habt ihr noch fast ein Jahr gebraucht .

Ihr habt in der Folge soviel Unheit über die Welt gebracht , das ihr euch von morgens bis abends bücken müsstet!

Hätten die Russen ( so wie ihr in der Ukraine ) Raketen in Mexko stationiert , wäret ihr die ersten gewesen die dort eingefallen wären.
Lächerlich … ihr seid am D Day gekommen wo das Deutsche Reich bereits völlig erschöpft , wenig Treibstoff noch hatte , die besten Soldaten tot oder in Russland gebunden. Für diese Strecke mit einer Fahrtzeit von 6 Stunden habt ihr noch fast ein Jahr gebraucht .

Ihr habt in der Folge soviel Unheit über die Welt gebracht , das ihr euch von morgens bis abends bücken müsstet!

Hätten die Russen ( so wie ihr in der Ukraine ) Raketen in Mexko stationiert , wäret ihr die ersten gewesen die dort eingefallen wären.

"Ridiculous... you came on D Day when the German Reich was already completely exhausted, had little fuel left, and the best soldiers were dead or tied up in Russia. It took you almost a year to complete this route with a travel time of 6 hours.As a result, you have brought so much evil into the world that you would have to bend over from morning to night!If the Russians (like you in Ukraine) had stationed missiles in Mexico, you would have been the first to invade there."

We "came" on D-Day in the "Greatest Land Invasion" in the history of mankind - as was praised by every single one of our allies - even the Russians and French.

You had little fuel left because Patton and Montgomery slapped the Afrika Corps around like bitches and sent Rommel running back to Germany to eventually be executed by Hitler. depriving you of the Middle East oil fields.

It did take us a year, and we killed hundreds of thousands of Germans along the way while the Eighth Air ******* bombed the ******* out of the German mom land in broad daylight.

If the Russians had stationed missiles in Mexico, like they did in Cuba, we would have invaded Mexico again - we already have TWICE (and are prepared to do it again if this Cartel crap keeps up). As it is, Khrushchev was deposed in a coup for his miscalculation in '62. The Missiles in Cuba almost finished the Soviets because there was no missile gap. We had the far outgunned.

Germany is playing around with Putin with Natural Gas while we stand by Ukraine. Be careful.

At the end of our year long invasion in 1945, General Eisenhower stopped short of Berlin. He gifted Berlin to the Russians, and we sat back and watched them play with Berlin. Then we moved in and took half.
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"Ridiculous... you came on D Day when the German Reich was already completely exhausted, had little fuel left, and the best soldiers were dead or tied up in Russia. It took you almost a year to complete this route with a travel time of 6 hours.As a result, you have brought so much evil into the world that you would have to bend over from morning to night!If the Russians (like you in Ukraine) had stationed missiles in Mexico, you would have been the first to invade there."

We "came" on D-Day in the "Greatest Land Invasion" in the history of mankind - as was praised by every single one of our allies - even the Russians and French.

You had little fuel left because Patton and Montgomery slapped the Afrika Corps around like bitches and sent Rommel running back to Germany to eventually be executed by Hitler. depriving you of the Middle East oil fields.

It did take us a year, and we killed hundreds of thousands of Germans along the way while the Eighth Air ******* bombed the ******* out of the German mom land in broad daylight.

If the Russians had stationed missiles in Mexico, like they did in Cuba, we would have invaded Mexico again - we already have TWICE (and are prepared to do it again if this Cartel crap keeps up). As it is, Khrushchev was deposed in a coup for his miscalculation in '62. The Missiles in Cuba almost finished the Soviets because there was no missile gap. We had the far outgunned.

Germany is playing around with Putin with Natural Gas while we stand by Ukraine. Be careful.

At the end of our year long invasion in 1945, General Eisenhower stopped short of Berlin. He gifted Berlin to the Russians, and we sat back and watched them play with Berlin. Then we moved in and took half.
Ihr habt überhaupt nichts gewonnen!
Unser Geisteskranker Diktator hat unser Volk an allen Fronten ausbluten lassen. Wir haben es selbst verloren.
Der Day war kein! Großer Sieg da unsere Stellungen kaum besetzt waren.

Ihr habt in der Folge keinen einzigen Krieg mehr gewonnen und eure Döhne und Töchter in irrwitzige Konflikte, Überfälle und Kriege geführt wo viele in Zinksärgem nach Hause kehrten.

Der Abstieg der USA ist offensichtlich - egal wer nun bei euch Präsident werden wird,

Alles Gute dabei !
Ihr habt überhaupt nichts gewonnen!
Unser Geisteskranker Diktator hat unser Volk an allen Fronten ausbluten lassen. Wir haben es selbst verloren.
Der Day war kein! Großer Sieg da unsere Stellungen kaum besetzt waren.

Ihr habt in der Folge keinen einzigen Krieg mehr gewonnen und eure Döhne und Töchter in irrwitzige Konflikte, Überfälle und Kriege geführt wo viele in Zinksärgem nach Hause kehrten.

Der Abstieg der USA ist offensichtlich - egal wer nun bei euch Präsident werden wird,

Alles Gute dabei !

You too ! :)
Du schreibst : “ Nimmt man es genau, war der Judenhass in Deutschland kein Rassismus. Denn man hat eine Religion auslöschen wollen, keine Ethnie. Eine Religion hat keine Ethnie! Punkt!”

Das ist total falsch.
Hast du jemals von den Nürnberger Gesetze 1935 gehört ?

Die Juden wurden von den Nationalsozialisten als Rasse bezeichnet. Und übrigens bezeichnen sie sich selbst als ein Volk: ein semitisches Volk, das seinen Ursprung in einer Genealogie hat, die mit Abraham beginnt und die leicht zu identifizieren ist, da sie in der Tora dargestellt wird.
Auch heute noch kann man kein Jude sein, wenn man nicht von einer jüdischen Mutter geboren wurde. Ist dir das bekannt?
Also schreibst du wieder einmal Unsinn.
und das Hinzufügen von Ausrufezeichen ändert daran nichts
Also sagst du, dass wissenschaftlich bewiesen das Judentum eine eigene *Rasse* ist? Was die Nazis gesagt haben interessiert mich nicht. Erstens gibt es bei Menschen ohnehin keine Rassen. Mich interessiert nur die Wissenschaft und nicht irgend eine Meinung. Und die Wissenschaft sagt, eine Rasse muss immer die Voraussetzung haben, das es sich um eine gezüchtete Form handelt. Der Mensch ist aber nicht gezüchtet. Zweitens gibt es keinen wissenschaftlichen Beleg, dass Juden andere Merkmale haben als andere Menschen. Völlig im Gegenteil, wenn du dir Isrealis ansiehst, wirst du schnell merken das es sich um Menschen verschiedener Ethnien mit differenter Herkunft handelt. Was die Juden und Nazis sagen oder gesagt haben, interessiert mich die Bohne. Denn wissenschaftlich ist das absoluter Quatsch. Es ist eine Religion! Und es bleibt eine Religion. Du kannst mit aber gerne einen wissenschaftlichen Konsenz zeigen, wo anhand seiner Genetik klar darzustellen ist, dass es sich um ein Jude handelt. Wirst du nicht finden!
Ihr habt überhaupt nichts gewonnen!
Unser Geisteskranker Diktator hat unser Volk an allen Fronten ausbluten lassen. Wir haben es selbst verloren.
Der Day war kein! Großer Sieg da unsere Stellungen kaum besetzt waren.

Ihr habt in der Folge keinen einzigen Krieg mehr gewonnen und eure Döhne und Töchter in irrwitzige Konflikte, Überfälle und Kriege geführt wo viele in Zinksärgem nach Hause kehrten.

Der Abstieg der USA ist offensichtlich - egal wer nun bei euch Präsident werden wird,

Alles Gute dabei !
Das sehen mittlerweile alle auf der Welt so. Nur die USA selber realisiert es nicht. Man versucht in den USA Russland schwach zu reden, dabei hat die usa nicht eine Sekunde die Eier dazu gehabt Russland in irgend einer Weise Parole zu bieten. Das einzige was man gemacht hat war, Nord Stream zu sprengen. China tuckert mit seinen Kriegsschiffen munter vor Taiwan umher und selbst da macht die usa nichts. In Brasilien schließt man sich den Brics Staaten an und auch da schaut die usa nur zu. Sie merken nicht ein mal Mehr, dass niemand mehr Angst vor ihnen hat. Die Zeiten sind längst vorbei. Wenn China morgen die Produktionen für die usa einstellt, was sie ohnehin irgendwann tun werden, dann ist das land sofort pleite. Es ist doch nur eine Frage der Zeit. Oder warum baut man sich gerade den gesamten afrikanischen Kontinent aus? Das sind die Abnehmer von morgen! Und wen jucken dann noch die 360 mio Einwohner der USA? Nigeria ist alleine von der Einwohnerzahl auf Level usa und der Lebensstandard wächst in Afrika. Ich war erst vor einem Jahr mit meiner Frau dort. Da passiert was! Und wenn man die Menschen dort fragt für wen sie sind, hörst du zu 90 Prozent Russland und China. Europa würde gut beraten sein, wenn man sich von der usa emanzipiert und endlich zum Wohle Europas handelt! Sich neutral stellt gegenüber jedem Kontinenten. Die Schweiz fährt damit seit Entstehung sehr gut! Genau so sollte Europa auch reagieren. Geschäfte mit allen machen und sich raus halten! Das hat doch in der Vergangenheit super geklappt. Aber nein, wir lassen uns von den usa dazu nötigen, immer näher an Russland zu wollen. War doch klar das putin irgendwann die Reißleine zieht. Und jeder weiß, das Putin sehr viel von Deutschland hält. Er hat lange hier gelebt! Das hat er immer und immer wieder betont. Er hat sogar angeboten, dass jeder Deutsche sofort in Russland einwandern darf.
"Ridiculous... you came on D Day when the German Reich was already completely exhausted, had little fuel left, and the best soldiers were dead or tied up in Russia. It took you almost a year to complete this route with a travel time of 6 hours.As a result, you have brought so much evil into the world that you would have to bend over from morning to night!If the Russians (like you in Ukraine) had stationed missiles in Mexico, you would have been the first to invade there."

We "came" on D-Day in the "Greatest Land Invasion" in the history of mankind - as was praised by every single one of our allies - even the Russians and French.

You had little fuel left because Patton and Montgomery slapped the Afrika Corps around like bitches and sent Rommel running back to Germany to eventually be executed by Hitler. depriving you of the Middle East oil fields.

It did take us a year, and we killed hundreds of thousands of Germans along the way while the Eighth Air ******* bombed the ******* out of the German mom land in broad daylight.

If the Russians had stationed missiles in Mexico, like they did in Cuba, we would have invaded Mexico again - we already have TWICE (and are prepared to do it again if this Cartel crap keeps up). As it is, Khrushchev was deposed in a coup for his miscalculation in '62. The Missiles in Cuba almost finished the Soviets because there was no missile gap. We had the far outgunned.

Germany is playing around with Putin with Natural Gas while we stand by Ukraine. Be careful.

At the end of our year long invasion in 1945, General Eisenhower stopped short of Berlin. He gifted Berlin to the Russians, and we sat back and watched them play with Berlin. Then we moved in and took half.
Last but not least, I would like to make it clear that nobody here has anything against the citizens of the USA. Only politics or foreign policy is criticized here. Just as we criticize our own policies in Europe. Criticism should be allowed to be expressed with a democratic mindset. Every European country, including Germany, as well as the USA, has a bloody past. None of us is better than the other. In the usa, however, citizens do not directly notice what is happening in Africa, Europe or the Middle East. But we in Europe notice it because we have millions of refugees. I don't hold it against a single refugee. I would act in exactly the same way if my country was being bombed or ******* dry by sanctions. First and foremost, we must slowly stop our national pride and this aggressive war policy. The world no longer accepts a single world power and political opinion! Whether we all want it or not. We should stop to discuss the past. What was 75 years ago is 75 years ago. important is, what we will do in the Future
Lächerlich … ihr seid am D Day gekommen wo das Deutsche Reich bereits völlig erschöpft , wenig Treibstoff noch hatte , die besten Soldaten tot oder in Russland gebunden. Für diese Strecke mit einer Fahrtzeit von 6 Stunden habt ihr noch fast ein Jahr gebraucht .

Ihr habt in der Folge soviel Unheit über die Welt gebracht , das ihr euch von morgens bis abends bücken müsstet!

Hätten die Russen ( so wie ihr in der Ukraine ) Raketen in Mexko stationiert , wäret ihr die ersten gewesen die dort eingefallen wären.
Das hatten wir doch mit Kuba. Was war denn in den USA los als Russland Atombomben auf Kuba stationieren wollte? Man hat Kuba sofort gedroht und hätte Kuba auch sofort zerstört. Russland hat damals alle Waffen zurück geholt. Dann geht man hin und sichert Russland zu, dass man die NATO nicht weiter ausbreitet. Selbst an die eigenen Abmachungen hat man sich nicht gehalten. Die usa hat heute noch auf Ramstein Atombomben liegen. Selbst Frankreich sagt, die müssen da weg. Russland sagt, was haben die Atombomben oder usa da zu suchen? Mit Sicherheit sind die nicht zu unserem Schutz da. Wenn es hier um deutschland gehen würde, hätte man Deutschland schon längst eigene Atombomben gewährt, so wie Frankreich es fordert. Man will es seitens der usa nicht damit man uns in einer Abhängigkeit halten kann.
Again. The racism against blacks that existed in the usa did not exist anywhere else in the world. As a US-American, you should be very quiet. First it took the land away from the Indians and then it wiped them out. At the same time, you brought africana and Chinese to build the country and kept them as slaves. Even after Hitler, black people still had no rights in your country. So what are you trying to tell me? You don't have to talk about us Germans just to make yourselves feel better hahahaha. First clean up your own country and your own past. Then you can say a word about Germany, which is 37 times smaller, has 6 times fewer inhabitants and still only exports 25% less! Have a little respect!
Your inability to understand world history is pretty hilarious. You claim that the racism against blacks didn't exist anywhere else in the world?? Oh, really?? Who do you think were enslaving and selling those Africans into slavery? OTHER AFRICANS!!!
The Irish were also enslaved and you don't get much whiter than a pale Irishman.
Plus, the Native Americans weren't "wiped out". There are plenty still in the U.S.
Du schreibst : “ Nimmt man es genau, war der Judenhass in Deutschland kein Rassismus. Denn man hat eine Religion auslöschen wollen, keine Ethnie. Eine Religion hat keine Ethnie! Punkt!”

Das ist total falsch.
Hast du jemals von den Nürnberger Gesetze 1935 gehört ?

Die Juden wurden von den Nationalsozialisten als Rasse bezeichnet. Und übrigens bezeichnen sie sich selbst als ein Volk: ein semitisches Volk, das seinen Ursprung in einer Genealogie hat, die mit Abraham beginnt und die leicht zu identifizieren ist, da sie in der Tora dargestellt wird.
Auch heute noch kann man kein Jude sein, wenn man nicht von einer jüdischen Mutter geboren wurde. Ist dir das bekannt?
Also schreibst du wieder einmal Unsinn.
und das Hinzufügen von Ausrufezeichen ändert daran nichts
Und noch mal zu deiner These. Das Judentum entstand vor etwa 3000 Jahren. Also weniger als 1000 Jahre vor dem Christentum. Als das Judentum entstanden ist, hatte die Person aufgrund ihres Glaubens auf ein Mal eine andere Genetik? Der Mensch hat 300.000 Jahre evolution Hinter sich. Wie kannst du allen ernstes glauben, dass in 3000 Jahren eine eigene Genetik entstanden sein kann? Das Juden ihren Glauben durch die Mutter vererbt haben, hat dabei keine Relevanz. Das hat jede Königsfamilie in der Geschichte weitaus länger gemacht. Trotzdem würde man daraus keine genetischen Unterschiede feststellen können. Wie gesagt. Guck dir die Menschen in Israel an. Die gehen von Blond und und blauäugig mit deutschem Namen bishin zu dunkel mit dunklen Augen. Blonde Menschen mit blauen Augen KÖNNEN nur aus Mitteleuropa abstammen! Genau wie native Ureinwohner Lateinamerikas nur aus Süd Amerika abstammen können. Und schwarze Menschen nur aus Afrika abstammen können. Asiaten nur Asien abstammen können. Anpassung an die klimatischen Gegebenheiten über Zehntausende von Jahren. Dabei ist keine Ethnie besser als die andere. Sie ist einfach nur angepasst! Nur weil ich einer Glaubensrichtung angehöre, hat dies keinerlei Auswirkung auf meine durch Klima angepasste Erscheinung. So sagt es die Wissenschaft! Das Judentum war nicht die erste Religion mein Freund. Sondern nur die erste die an einem Schöpfer geglaubt hat. Die These die du mit der Genetik ansprichst wird meistens dafür genutzt, um den Staat Israel überhaupt eine Legitimation zu geben. Schaltet es nun bei dir? Warum sonst hätte man irgend eine Argumentation ein Land für sich zu beanspruchen, nur aufgrund einer Religion? Dann müsste die Türkei ja auch ab morgen Italien sein. Denn Istanbul war mal Konstantinopel, Christlich! Das sieht man auch sehr gut wenn man sich Istanbul mal ganz genau ansieht. Du siehst noch die Bauweise der Römer. Aber du kannst doch nicht ein Land beanspruchen, nur weil dort mal eine Religion am meisten verbreitet war. Anders ist es natürlich, wenn du hingehst und sagst, dass es nicht nur eine Religion ist. Sondern auch eine Ethnie (in deinen Worten Rasse). Und was auch noch dazu kommt ist, dass das Christentum mit Jesus zeitlich anfängt. Sprich jeder Christ stammt dann ja auch von einem Juden ab. Das funktioniert so nicht mein lieber.
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Your inability to understand world history is pretty hilarious. You claim that the racism against blacks didn't exist anywhere else in the world?? Oh, really?? Who do you think were enslaving and selling those Africans into slavery? OTHER AFRICANS!!!
The Irish were also enslaved and you don't get much whiter than a pale Irishman.
Plus, the Native Americans weren't "wiped out". There are plenty still in the U.S.
Read what i wrote. I didnt say that only usa done it with black people. Also France, England, Belgien, netherlands, spain and Portugal. Also Germany. What i did say was, that Germany didnt done it on such a Quantity and also Not in such a Long time! Not that Europe didnt done the Same.
Your inability to understand world history is pretty hilarious. You claim that the racism against blacks didn't exist anywhere else in the world?? Oh, really?? Who do you think were enslaving and selling those Africans into slavery? OTHER AFRICANS!!!
The Irish were also enslaved and you don't get much whiter than a pale Irishman.
Plus, the Native Americans weren't "wiped out". There are plenty still in the U.S.
Aha. Tell is why in South America the native Culture is still on a high quantity but in the usa u don’t have the Same Quantity on native americans? In North America, the strategy of displacement was practiced. In South America, the Spaniards mixed with the Native Americans. The lie is often used that most Native Americans died due to disease. Why didn't the same thing happen in South America? Can you explain? Quite simply because it has never happened in quantity due to illness! That makes no sense! If you look at Ecuador today, for example, you will notice that there is still an enormous proportion of native Latin Americans. Nevertheless, they speak Spanish and belong to Christianity. Spain did not ******* the people, but missionized them. In North America, Indians were largely wiped out. Completely different scenarios.
Read what i wrote. I didnt say that only usa done it with black people. Also France, England, Belgien, netherlands, spain and Portugal. Also Germany. What i did say was, that Germany didnt done it on such a Quantity and also Not in such a Long time! Not that Europe didnt done the Same.
"The racism against blacks that existed in the usa did not exist anywhere else in the world"
That's your quote, cut and pasted.
I don't care what's happened in central and south America. Do you have ADHD and cannot stay on topic??
Every race of people had been enslaved at some point on this planet, and for you to try and demonize the United States for something almost every nation has done at some point in history is ridiculous!
At present times there are predominantly two places on the earth where slavery is still in practice. One is the Middle East and the other is***drum roll, please*** Africa!
"The racism against blacks that existed in the usa did not exist anywhere else in the world"
That's your quote, cut and pasted.
I don't care what's happened in central and south America. Do you have ADHD and cannot stay on topic??
Every race of people had been enslaved at some point on this planet, and for you to try and demonize the United States for something almost every nation has done at some point in history is ridiculous!
At present times there are predominantly two places on the earth where slavery is still in practice. One is the Middle East and the other is***drum roll, please*** Africa!
What u cant understand? The Main topic of the thread Sense was, that Germany is the Center of racism. And Ill show u that is bullshit. And yes, in no other Country in the world black people was slaves and people with no Rights Like in the usa. Even when im asking Chat gpt, he says the Same. When in asking Chat gpt of the Origin of racism, usa is the First Nation he answer with. After that France, spain, Portugal and Belgium. So Again, why us people Always try to Call us nazis? We done Crime against judes. But u did Crime against the whole world. So, stop to speak about Germany in your Country. First Look on your own past! The New Generation in Germany have Nothing to do with nazis.
"The racism against blacks that existed in the usa did not exist anywhere else in the world"
That's your quote, cut and pasted.
I don't care what's happened in central and south America. Do you have ADHD and cannot stay on topic??
Every race of people had been enslaved at some point on this planet, and for you to try and demonize the United States for something almost every nation has done at some point in history is ridiculous!
At present times there are predominantly two places on the earth where slavery is still in practice. One is the Middle East and the other is***drum roll, please*** Africa!
Im asking Chat GPT *which Country had the biggest racism against black people in the world?*

historically, there are a few countries particularly notorious for their systematic and institutional racism:

1. **USA**: The United States has a long history of racism against Black people, beginning with slavery in the 17th century. Segregation, Jim Crow laws, and widespread discrimination have left deep scars, and the effects are still felt today.

2. **South Africa**: During the apartheid era (1948-1994), the Black population was systematically oppressed and segregated by the white minority. Black South Africans were denied equal rights and ****** to live in separate, often deplorable conditions.

3. **Brazil**: Brazil also has a long history of slavery and systematic discrimination. Despite its reputation for ethnic diversity today, deeply rooted racist structures and prejudices still persist.

Oh Where is Germany? Your Center of racism. Strange Chat gpt Not Even use Germany when im basicly asking about racism in the world. Again. How u us guys can speak about Germany is the Center of racism? Or why u can say we are nazis? This is a Mythos, Nothing more.
"The racism against blacks that existed in the usa did not exist anywhere else in the world"
That's your quote, cut and pasted.
I don't care what's happened in central and south America. Do you have ADHD and cannot stay on topic??
Every race of people had been enslaved at some point on this planet, and for you to try and demonize the United States for something almost every nation has done at some point in history is ridiculous!
At present times there are predominantly two places on the earth where slavery is still in practice. One is the Middle East and the other is***drum roll, please*** Africa!
There are also many people of African origin living in Germany. Show me one incident where a black person here in Germany was shot by a police officer on the street because of the color of his skin. You won't find a single incident. But I can show you hundreds in the usa. So why do I read so often in this forum about Germans are nazis and the center of racism?

Chat gpt - which Country has the Most Chrime with a racism background:

Determining which country has the most crimes with a racist background is complex because different countries have different methods of recording and reporting such crimes. However, some countries are known for having a high frequency of well-documented racially motivated crimes:

1. **USA**: The United States has a high number of hate crimes, including those motivated by racism. According to the FBI's Hate Crime Statistics Report, thousands of hate crimes were reported in 2022, with a significant portion being racially motivated.

Even now the Mathematics says that usa has the Most Crimes with a racism Motivation. So what u want to Tell us? That Germany is the Center of racism? Damn u guys Watching to much televisión Sorry! Thats Not the Reality. This is the result of your Propaganda in your Country. Come to Germany, Stay here for a while and u will See, that Germany is a Mixed Culture Country Right now. We Had our Bad history Like every Country in the world. But sorry, we Are Not the Center of racism ;)
There are also many people of African origin living in Germany. Show me one incident where a black person here in Germany was shot by a police officer on the street because of the color of his skin. You won't find a single incident. But I can show you hundreds in the usa. So why do I read so often in this forum about Germans are nazis and the center of racism?

Chat gpt - which Country has the Most Chrime with a racism background:

De gpttermining which country has the most crimes with a racist background is complex because different countries have different methods of recording and reporting such crimes. However, some countries are known for having a high frequency of well-documented racially motivated crimes:

1. **USA**: The United States has a high number of hate crimes, including those motivated by racism. According to the FBI's Hate Crime Statistics Report, thousands of hate crimes were reported in 2022, with a significant portion being racially motivated.

Even now the Mathematics says that usa has the Most Crimes with a racism Motivation. So what u want to Tell us? That Germany is the Center of racism? Damn u guys Watching to much televisión Sorry! Thats Not the Reality. This is the result of your Propaganda in your Country. Come to Germany, Stay here for a while and u will See, that Germany is a Mixed Culture Country Right now. We Had our Bad history Like every Country in the world. But sorry, we Are Not the Center of racism ;)

First off, I don't give a damn about what chat gpt has to say. If that's all you're going to quote, then you have zero knowledge about the subject.
Secondly, I didn't say anything negatively about Germany. I sure as hell easily could though!
I merely pointed out your accusations against the United States are off base.
First off, I don't give a damn about what chat gpt has to say. If that's all you're going to quote, then you have zero knowledge about the subject.
Secondly, I didn't say anything negatively about Germany. I sure as hell easily could though!
I merely pointed out your accusations against the United States are off base.
Again. Look at the topic of thread. The subject is Germany is the Center of racism. And this bullshit mostly i Read from US guys here. I Think u have no Knowledge about the Subject. Even Chat gpt is wrong with facts? Holy ******* 😂
Again. Look at the topic of thread. The subject is Germany is the Center of racism. And this bullshit mostly i Read from US guys here. I Think u have no Knowledge about the Subject. Even Chat gpt is wrong with facts? Holy ******* 😂

Damn, were you born this s tupid or did you practice at it??
How can you disagree with Germany being the world leader of fascism from the early 1900's to the mid 1900's? You can't! You also can't compare the wrong doings of both countries, because Germany revolutionized genocide. Your country tried to extinguish a people because of their religion.
You can try and demonize the U.S. to try and lessen and deflect the the atrocities that occurred in the holocaust, but you're only fooling yourself.
While the U.S. has its own bad history, it doesn't negate the fact that your country formed the blueprint on how to ******* your dissenting politicians, systematically murdering millions to appease H itler's sick, twisted vision.

The U.S. lost over 600,000 of is own citizens defeating slavery in this country. Germany murdered millions in their attempt to enslave the rest of Europe.

I think the real reason you're trying to disparage the United States is because we kicked your country's ass twice.
You i diots should've learned after the first world war.
Damn, were you born this s tupid or did you practice at it??
How can you disagree with Germany being the world leader of fascism from the early 1900's to the mid 1900's? You can't! You also can't compare the wrong doings of both countries, because Germany revolutionized genocide. Your country tried to extinguish a people because of their religion.
You can try and demonize the U.S. to try and lessen and deflect the the atrocities that occurred in the holocaust, but you're only fooling yourself.
While the U.S. has its own bad history, it doesn't negate the fact that your country formed the blueprint on how to ******* your dissenting politicians, systematically murdering millions to appease H itler's sick, twisted vision.

The U.S. lost over 600,000 of is own citizens defeating slavery in this country. Germany murdered millions in their attempt to enslave the rest of Europe.

I think the real reason you're trying to disparage the United States is because we kicked your country's ass twice.
You i diots should've learned after the first world war.

Damn, were you born this s tupid or did you practice at it??
How can you disagree with Germany being the world leader of fascism from the early 1900's to the mid 1900's? You can't! You also can't compare the wrong doings of both countries, because Germany revolutionized genocide. Your country tried to extinguish a people because of their religion.
You can try and demonize the U.S. to try and lessen and deflect the the atrocities that occurred in the holocaust, but you're only fooling yourself.
While the U.S. has its own bad history, it doesn't negate the fact that your country formed the blueprint on how to ******* your dissenting politicians, systematically murdering millions to appease H itler's sick, twisted vision.

The U.S. lost over 600,000 of is own citizens defeating slavery in this country. Germany murdered millions in their attempt to enslave the rest of Europe.

I think the real reason you're trying to disparage the United States is because we kicked your country's ass twice.
You i diots should've learned after the first world war.

Der Moderne Rassismus ist eine amerikanische Erfindung!