The wall

see several of my above posts!

even several republicans agreed there were better ways of dealing with this than the wall!

there are a lot of better answers......for the most part the ones coming in are NOT from Mexico...the Mexican ones coming in usually know exactly where they are pick crops..and don't stay long...….the majority of them right now are from central America where crime and violence safe housing and food are not there for them...….and most come right to the centers wanting asylum....damn seems like I have said this a few times now...….90% of illegals come in in airplanes!...just never renew their visa...a lot come in under cover trucks......with the right technology we could see in those trucks...some come in through tunnels....with the right technology we could find those.....they already built a moch-up wall in Arizona and it took less than a minute to climb and be over

work on central America the crime and corruption there....better equipment and more manpower...we already have some drones patoling the border now...need more...far more effective than an unattended wall they can and will scale...even the right said we needed more technology as the answer but trump insisted on his wall....cried to the public and the right shut up and let him have his way....but Pelosi hasn't!

DHS quotes nearly 4,000 illegals per DAY are crossing the southern border. I dont really care what their nationality is all i want it is stopped. We already have all the technology you quoted. What we dont have is a deterrent for the nearly 2000 mile southern border. And it doesnt matter how many agents we have they cannot patrol every single mile and be effective.

The wall is not meant to stop every single determined individual but it will stop most and no.....the wall i have seen proposed you cannot climb easily. Sure you could tunnel under it. But that requires lugging equipment and it takes time, time spent where they could get caught. It forces people to go to check points instead of streaming across at 3am in the dark of night.
DHS quotes nearly 4,000 illegals per DAY are crossing the southern border. I dont really care what their nationality is all i want it is stopped. We already have all the technology you quoted. What we dont have is a deterrent for the nearly 2000 mile southern border. And it doesnt matter how many agents we have they cannot patrol every single mile and be effective.

The wall is not meant to stop every single determined individual but it will stop most and no.....the wall i have seen proposed you cannot climb easily. Sure you could tunnel under it. But that requires lugging equipment and it takes time, time spent where they could get caught. It forces people to go to check points instead of streaming across at 3am in the dark of night.
we don't have near enough....they find trucks full of them all the time already here

we was giving those countries aid money...but going to a corrupt gov and not to the to make things worse trump takes that money away

the wall will stop nothing!....those that want in WILL get in...most come here seeking on that problem...put some food stations in those country with some UN troops...just an idea......but most in congress and even some from the right agree...the wall will stop nothing......trump just has to have it!

plenty of good solutions submitted by several in the know...wall is not one of them
The Dems just don’t want the wall because Trump does. They voted for the wall before.
All the people that are in a position to know - DHS and the Border Patrol - have testified over and over that it would help. In most places where there are good barriers the infiltration goes down by up to 95%.
Yeah ya can’t stop em all but ya can certainly stop most of them - the few that get thru the Border Patrol can handle.
The Dems just don’t want the wall because Trump does. They voted for the wall before.
Your a typical liberal....always bitching about the right but never has any real ideas themselves.

I don't know about anyone else, but, Trump ran a major part of his campaign on "building a wall that Mexico would pay for" ... even as Mexico told Trump they would NOT pay for the wall. So, now Trump says "the US taxpayers will pay for the wall, but Mexico will reimburse us" ... this coming from a man who lies 8-10 times a day. Now WHY would we trust this LiarNChief to keep his word? He hasn't kept his word on anything else. Its because he is a CON, a LIAR, and vulture capitalist. Hell, his own Trump University was a con and he paid heavy fines. He established a charity then used the money IN the charity for purchases for himself and his family ... CON.
Nope, I'll not approve even one dollar going to the WALL. He'll get it from someplace, but not approved by Congress. Big deal, rules and regulations don't apply to him, he said so himself.
You people are so gullible.
How a Border Wall Would Hurt the U.S. Economy
Mar 17, 2016 · How a Border Wall Would Hurt the U.S. Economy. For instance, there are millions of men, women, and children who live in communities that fall on both sides of the international boundary. There are millions of tourists, workers, students, and entrepreneurs who cross the border each day. And there are the billions of dollars in two-way trade that sustain millions of U.S. jobs.

Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage ...
Jan 26, 2017 · Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage. The climate impacts of a massive concrete wall running from San Diego to Brownsville, Texas, along the border of the United States and Mexico begin with the source of the materials, Mills said. The production of cement, the material that holds together concrete,...

The Border Wall Won’t Help And Will Certainly Hurt Us - WSJ
Mar 01, 2017 · Regarding Evan Siegfried’s “Trump Can’t Build a Border Wall Without the Real Estate”: The Sierra Club has have long been involved in efforts to oppose a border wall.

Would a Mexican-U.S. border wall help or hurt the economy ...
57 percent of Americans think that building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico would hurt the economy; 70 percent of Republican respondents think it will help the economy.
How a Border Wall Would Hurt the U.S. Economy
Mar 17, 2016 · How a Border Wall Would Hurt the U.S. Economy. For instance, there are millions of men, women, and children who live in communities that fall on both sides of the international boundary. There are millions of tourists, workers, students, and entrepreneurs who cross the border each day. And there are the billions of dollars in two-way trade that sustain millions of U.S. jobs.

Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage ...
Jan 26, 2017 · Trump's Wall Could Cause Serious Environmental Damage. The climate impacts of a massive concrete wall running from San Diego to Brownsville, Texas, along the border of the United States and Mexico begin with the source of the materials, Mills said. The production of cement, the material that holds together concrete,...

The Border Wall Won’t Help And Will Certainly Hurt Us - WSJ
Mar 01, 2017 · Regarding Evan Siegfried’s “Trump Can’t Build a Border Wall Without the Real Estate”: The Sierra Club has have long been involved in efforts to oppose a border wall.

Would a Mexican-U.S. border wall help or hurt the economy ...
57 percent of Americans think that building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico would hurt the economy; 70 percent of Republican respondents think it will help the economy.
Im pretty sure you mean us tourist going to Mexico bringing back cheap inferior products. And they can go through checkpoints
Im pretty sure you mean us tourist going to Mexico bringing back cheap inferior products. And they can go through checkpoints

I'm sure there is a lot of that...not counting the G.I.'s that go there for sex!...but also the fishing industry here that has their fish cleaned there...….the crop pickers that come here for the seasonal work....that no American would do....a lot plays into it....but all that opinion...….the wall is a huge cost that will not work and plays very little into how they all get in here

3 of the Most Common Ways People Immigrate Illegally - New ...
While a smaller number of illegal immigrants use this method to enter the U.S., the BCC is the most common type of visa for registered non-immigrant entry. An estimated 148 million people out of 179 million total foreign visitors enter using the Border Crossing Card.

Ramos: 40% of undocumented immigrants come by air | PunditFact
Sep 02, 2015 · "Almost 40 percent of all (undocumented) immigrants come by plane and they overstay their visas." — Jorge Ramos on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015 in an interview on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News

How do illegal immigrants enter the US? - Quora
Jan 27, 2018 · Related Questions More Answers Below. Illegal aliens can enter the US many ways, predominantly by physically crossing the border and avoiding capture. they tuck themselves into vehicle storage spaces, cramped engine compartments, and I recall seeing a photo of onw actually sewn into a seat. They can wade across the Rio Grande in Texas,...

Fact-checking Trump officials: Most ******* enter US through ...
Jan 16, 2019 · Fact-checking Trump officials: Most ******* enter US through legal ports of entry, not vast, open border. Vice President Mike Pence said a border wall is needed, in …
Anyone coming for work should have visa gi for sex checkpoint. Build the wall.

well like the facts show...majority of americans are against it...even people living along the border...the work and etc goes both ways........and a large majority of republicans are for of the pres for one thing

just my opinion.....I'm against it because it will not stop anything and hurt more than it helps......and the COST!...seen the deficit lately?

but I am just the resident pot of a few Dems/libers on the site....others come and get on most everyday for a while
We could offset cost of wall with cuts

cuts? cuts to what or whom?...those cuts the right always talk about come from those that are the most in need......and they have already had cuts

what's wrong with a little corporate taxes?....oh wait they just got a huge tax cut can't do that!

Do you know how all these interstates...schools...airports and etc were built?....big corps paid right at 90% in a break if they hired or expanded their biz HERE!

now what is that corp tax rate...around 20% if I remember...and we don't have money for anything...but then workers were paid a fair wage back then also....which helped pay more taxes...….but those same big corps want wages as low as they can get them.....which also cuts the amount of tax into the gov
We could offset cost of wall with cuts
Excellent idea, 'Allfor', we could cut the tax cuts that Trump gave the top 1% & corporations in half and apply THAT money to the wall. Not one dime should come from the pockets of anyone earning less than a $half million.
If President Trump said black was black
You’d say - it was white - then call him a liar and a racist : |
I probably would call him a liar; the odds favor me on that.
So, are YOU saying WE should all take Trumps "word" that he would make Mexico pay for the wall? Really?
Please explain WHY we should trust him? I wouldn't leave him alone 5 minutes with my *******. Have you seen the photo of Trump lip kissing his ******* when she was twelve? Or the many photos of her sitting IN his lap!?
Nope, I wouldn't trust Trump if he said the sky was blue.