The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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Ole Debacle Joe’s record of DEBACLES :

Afghanistan Debacle
Debacle at the Southern Border
Electric car Debacle
Inflation Debacle - food / energy costs
War in Ukraine Debacle
War in Palestine Debacle
Prolly more but enough for now 😉
“Im healthy inside and out”
Who needs affordable healthcare?

Yea if you have zero skills , why should you get paid a living wage to feed your *******?

“Low wage workers make more than poor people in most countries”
So do they earn money in America and spend in Vietnam ?🤦‍♀️

You not too sharp huh
Yea you a critical thinker 😂
If you have zero skills and you ask for a BENEFIT known as a job, you get what you put out. Industrialism is simple- you get what you put out.

You may be confused- no one has a right to a job, a job is a benefit and a privilege. You have the right to be paid what you are worth. Those two things may need to be understood before moving forward.

Someone begging for higher pay but offering NOTHING of value MAY be confused as to how the universe works... Are you a communist or something?

You already seem like a paid shill sent to spread disinfo and disharmony...

If you have zero skills, perhaps the money game is a bad arena for you. Perhaps one should move to a homestead- but anywhere one goes, skills are needed for life- right?

What does America and Vietnam have to do with what we are talking about?

You just level another accusation after proving nothing, disproving nothing, and spouting nothing...

You are the epitome of sheep. Good job public school system!

Did I ever call myself a "critical thinker"- or is that just you? Are you arguing with yourself now?

I bet you do that all day... Seek help please... You are so bass ackwards it's kinds sad..
Bitchute guy listen
You call us sheep
But you all put on your red kkk hats
And you all get ushered into a field
And you all bhaaaaa to each other “it’s rigged , stolen election, fk Joe Biden”
The rest of us just laugh and laugh at you losers
Who did I call sheep other than you and mask wearers? (All of who are actual sheep following life-altering orders from no one about nothing) What do YOU call people who follow blindly, millions of them die violently and unexpectedly- yet still deny any weirdness is afoot?

Do you have any evidence of any red hat owned or worn by me? Or is this another slanderous lie with zero proof?

Do you have any evidence of any "KKK" affiliation- or are you a habitual liar?

When have I ever mentioned politics or any election? How dense are you to keep arguing against points that you made up and pretended they came from other people?

Are you actually insane? Chemical imbalances abounding over there?

P.S. You are evidence that the Prussian school system WAS the best one to bring in!! They molded you into a zombie who parrots group-think perfectly! WOW!
Jesus dude is triggered
Incase you missed it bold font large text + capitals
Some body insecure
What evidence do you have of that? Or is this yet another claim, that is shown to be a lie- as you show ZERO evidence to support it?

You can attack the font and bold- that's all you can attack- because you are a mental midget who only insults and never stays on point.

You are a certified shill.

Bring up the font, bring up politics, bring up insults, bring up bullshit- but I notice you NEVER stay on topic because you would embarrass yourself after you run out of things to repeat from daddy government.

You feel so weak in your everyday life that you feel the need to start a thread just to argue your political CRAP!

You are so weak that you need to identify on a "side" and hate "the other side"...

You are no different than people who worship a particular team and hate the other teams...

You are no different than someone who thinks THEIR religion is better than the rest...

So weak that you feel the need to attack and insult instead of converse like adults...

You are LOST in division... and it is sad to see.

Keep being average, slave-minded, plain jane... good lord the world needs more of that 🙄
Ah yes the victim strikes again
Show any evidence of victimhood or victim mentality over here? Or else stfu with the baseless allegations... this is how I know you are a shill.

YOU are the one who wants equal pay for everyone, no matter the skillset... YOU are the victim who is advocating for WELFARE!

Ever find your projections ironic?

Or are you too busy coming up with middle school level retorts?
Anyone want to dance? Let's dance everyone, I hear it's great therapy
Golden Girls Dancing GIF by TV Land
Boy you triggered!
For a guy who doesn’t care much , man you wrote an essay . Guess the ice cream shop closed early 😂😂😂.
Come on! - No body wants you fatty least of all me.
Jog on.
I think I’ll call you my chubby nugget.
I'll keep it short and sweet you non original dusty whore ..ain't nobody taking about wanting you or your plastic nurse fit .

Get that's out your head😂😂😂😂
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O Master of Head ya posted the same thang thrice

Kinda boring - are ya trying ta make us pay a price

If so I don’t think that’ll work

Be better seeing a nice arse twerk !!!! 😉
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