The movie Civil war , who has seen it?

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It's summer time!!!!! Beach weather, vacations, random sex with strangers! I fell ya! Smell of the neighborhood all Q'n at the same time! It's heaven..
Lmfao@ mac too white = victim 🤣 😂 💀
Winter where I am ! Fortunately
Ya know I actually find Australian culture interesting. The accents are very sexy .and a very beautiful country..

I find Australian laws and people are very similar to Canada. Unlike American there's somewhat of a embracing repect for the monarch and even authority.

Us Americans don't have that .
American core vaule is to oppose British culture and crown in the name of Christianity /god .

Alot of Americans laws was originally written from religion and bibles some states still do .

I know that Australia was created from England's convicted but it not like a rebellious nature it's actually more like Australians are proud of it ..

Fuck me up when I seen someone do a shoey
and I actually like woman's college netball
So that totally something I would be interested for you to chime in on
thats pretty spot on.
I can’t add much to that.
There is a mate ship that exists. The country is born on the backs of brotherhood and unions .
It’s why we have strong workplace laws that translates to strong social justice outcomes.

4 weeks paid minimum vacation time /year. If you work for government you get 6 weeks minimum.
10 days minimum paid sick leave / year that is aggregated. Ie work for 5 years get 50 days
3 days domestic leave
After you work for 10 years you get 3 months off (paid)
And the country has done this off 169 continuous quarters of growth ( this number might have increased)
Gives a great balance between work and play

Conservatives banned guns ( farmers can have one ) so no mass shootings.
Very safe to live.

Awesome Medical Care, pay next to nothing when visiting drs. pay for the medicine that is heavily subsidised

We are working on better mental health care to reduce homelessness .
Currently we are training people to be mental health officers. So just like you have first aid officers at work soon in high risk industries for suicide we will have mental health first aid offices.

Beautiful beaches

We are far to travel to however ☹️
I'm about to plan a vacation to Memphis next month and check out the steam boats and civil right museum

Mac can't go there ..too black too many .soo white he will be a victim .
I've been to Memphis a couple times ... love their jazz and some of the blues & jazz bars there, like BBKing's. And Memphis "dry rub" Ribs very, very tasty like Corky's. Nice atmosphere to try some local boubons, too. I liked Blanton's pretty good ... double on ice with a water cap. When my brother visits we hit the bourbons in my bar really hard. I have a half bottle of 1792 Barton in my bar right now.
And, there were as many whites as blacks ... most everyone really kewl. Just don't start one of your "pity party" conversations and everything's alright.
Heck, I got an old Kalamazoo f-grove that my grandfather had back before Teddy Roosevelt's charge up San Juan Hill, that sounds really good with a slide bar ... makes interesting blues sounds. My brother plays keyboard & half ass dobro.
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Winter where I am ! Fortunately

thats pretty spot on.
I can’t add much to that.
There is a mate ship that exists. The country is born on the backs of brotherhood and unions .
It’s why we have strong workplace laws that translates to strong social justice outcomes.

4 weeks paid minimum vacation time /year. If you work for government you get 6 weeks minimum.
10 days minimum paid sick leave / year that is aggregated. Ie work for 5 years get 50 days
3 days domestic leave
After you work for 10 years you get 3 months off (paid)
And the country has done this off 169 continuous quarters of growth ( this number might have increased)
Gives a great balance between work and play

Conservatives banned guns ( farmers can have one ) so no mass shootings.
Very safe to live.

Awesome Medical Care, pay next to nothing when visiting drs. pay for the medicine that is heavily subsidised

We are working on better mental health care to reduce homelessness .
Currently we are training people to be mental health officers. So just like you have first aid officers at work soon in high risk industries for suicide we will have mental health first aid offices.

Beautiful beaches

We are far to travel to however ☹️
That's kinda what I mean guns made America.
Mass shootings are even in our history.
The Boston massacre was a mass shooting
And that was the British
It's understandable to us to bare arms ,because we understand that citizens who are armed can't be invaded

Mass shooting is definitely a problem
But America is the leading costumer in the world .
And honestly the root of Americans problem boils down to one thing ...and the is that the states and the federal has the same power and one doesn't have more then the other .

Yeah our health care isn't free but doctors get paid. It's a reason why so many doctors here are from over seas .
The same with the technical industry. American consumption is a target audience.

You have more opportunities here .you can make more money here. You can have wealth here . And most importantly you can have free enterprise here.

Plus I noticed you have more rights on a court of law in America

Like you can't refuse a breathalyzer test in Australia
Or you can't say certain words in public
you simply don't have the amendments .

American landscape is ever thing .mountains beaches desert sunny raining winter

You can literally drive across America and have the time of your life .
I've been to Memphis a couple times ... love their jazz and some of the blues & jazz bars there, like BBKing's. And Memphis "dry rub" Ribs very, very tasty like Corky's. Nice atmosphere to try some local boubons, too. I liked Blanton's pretty good ... double on ice with a water cap. When my brother visits we hit the bourbons in my bar really hard. I have a half bottle of 1792 Barton in my bar right now.
And, there were as many whites as blacks ... most everyone really kewl. Just don't start one of your "pity party" conversations and everything's alright.
Heck, I got an old Kalamazoo f-grove that my grandfather had back before Teddy Roosevelt's charge up San Juan Hill, that sounds really good with a slide bar ... makes interesting blues sounds. My brother plays keyboard & half ass dobro.
Yeah glo
And, there were as many whites as blacks ...
There you go ..bruh ....just because you are too white don't mean other white people ain't there .

You just weird and stand out .

Bad Santa Pain GIF by Sky
There you go ..bruh ....just because you are too white don't mean other white people ain't there .

You just weird and stand out .

Bad Santa Pain GIF by Sky
WHITENESS works Great In MY WORLD ... You can't be too white in my world. Ohhhh for all the advantages & perks of being a WHITE MAN.
If having a short dick is all I give up, I can live with it ... cause I have EVERYTHING ELSE. You can HAVE all the "short & ample" white women you desire. LOL
What about YOU? ..... gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
You are being played🎰...Does not matter the Political Party...If they don´t ******* you with Vaccines, Perpetual Wars, Lone Wolf´s Or Open Borders etc...I could go on...:unsure:

WHITENESS works Great In MY WORLD ... You can't be too white in my world. Ohhhh for all the advantages & perks of being a WHITE MAN.
If having a short dick is all I give up, I can live with it ... cause I have EVERYTHING ELSE. You can HAVE all the "short & ample" white women you desire. LOL
What about YOU? ..... View attachment 7269238
There you go thought someone was going to at mad and go into some deep conversation about some goofy ish that don't nobody care about but you .

Write it in your diary
View attachment 1000003851.jpg cool vibes and energy on here ..

Nas said " no ideas original, it's nothing new under the sun .it's never what you do but how it's done .what you basic your happiness? Material, woman ,and large paper ?
Which means you are inferior and not major "
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WHITENESS works Great In MY WORLD ... You can't be too white in my world. Ohhhh for all the advantages & perks of being a WHITE MAN.
If having a short dick is all I give up, I can live with it ... cause I have EVERYTHING ELSE. You can HAVE all the "short & ample" white women you desire. LOL
What about YOU? ..... View attachment 7269238
I reiterate:
This will never be you. In Paula's pussy..jpg
I don’t really know where to start on this nonsense so I’ll just pick a few.
Firstly while I work in finance I actually hold a Bachelor of science majoring in biochemistry .
I’m not sure whether I go on. I was going to explain each of your points but I recognise the name “bitchute”🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Here is what is said about bitchute
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence

Why does MAGA get fooled so easily!
Bitchute is just a medium toots- it has nothing to do with the work there. Recognize it or not- why shoot the place where the message is, instead of giving it an honest listen?

You are doing the classic "ignore the message" and just reciting your own BS. If you sent something to learn from, I would love to be open minded enough to check it out (in case I am very wrong). (But what if it is YOU who is wrong/indoctrinated here?)

It matter NONE where info is posted, what matters is what is IN the info and does it align with reality... wake up sweetie. You really trust the TV because they TOLD you to!! The TV is the one shouting "everything is fake", while being caught in lie after lie themselves... again- wake up!

As for your BS degree
- it is exactly that... the useful idiots go to college to serve the corporations.. just because you got some piece of paper, there is no correlation with CRITICAL THINKING... college/school teach WHAT to think, instead of HOW to think...

What does MAGA have to do with anything here? There is ZERO political care from me sis- I would appreciate if you removed your ASSumptions... they are making you look like an ass.

Just because you are stuck in a 2 party mindset doesn't mean everyone else is... some people govern themselves- no need for an outside daddy for real grownups...

Keep trusting the media and injecting yourself with POISON! You SURE are smart with that degree!
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I can’t figure out how they think they are ‘ critical’ thinkers .
He’s cited one source.
Also when ever we put foreign bodies into our body there IS a reaction.
He says vaccines takes 10 years.
With the internet this has changed we can share information quicker globally .
This was global with countries pooling resources.
With trump as president we had a larger sample set of sick people to choose from of all ages, sexes, nationality to run sample tests to create a vaccine quicker.
Remember for those that think this was just a normal flu, how come you ran out of freezer space?
The internet has allowed MAGA to find support in other 🤡s
I actually quoted a video of vaccine scientists who themselves claim it takes 10 years... see how much YOU research! TALK about critical! WOW!

There are thousands of doctors screaming as loudly as they can about this- keep burying your head in the sand!

As for freezer space- none of those trucks were ever used... they showed them to us, but all the morgues said there is no increase in deaths... all LIES to push more fear!

You would think that with the invention of the internet- you'd be farther along in understanding domestic t*rrorism...

Nothing political when both sides are high-fiving each other when the cameras are off... the division is only for the sheep. The two sides love each other, wake up.
Bitchute is just a medium toots- it has nothing to do with the work there. Recognize it or not- why shoot the place where the message is, instead of giving it an honest listen?

You are doing the classic "ignore the message" and just reciting your own BS. If you sent something to learn from, I would love to be open minded enough to check it out (in case I am very wrong). (But what if it is YOU who is wrong/indoctrinated here?)

It matter NONE where info is posted, what matters is what is IN the info and does it align with reality... wake up sweetie. You really trust the TV because they TOLD you to!! The TV is the one shouting "everything is fake", while being caught in lie after lie themselves... again- wake up!

As for your BS degree
- it is exactly that... the useful idiots go to college to serve the corporations.. just because you got some piece of paper, there is no correlation with CRITICAL THINKING... college/school teach WHAT to think, instead of HOW to think...

What does MAGA have to do with anything here? There is ZERO political care from me sis- I would appreciate if you removed your ASSumptions... they are making you look like an ass.

Just because you are stuck in a 2 party mindset doesn't mean everyone else is... some people govern themselves- no need for an outside daddy for real grownup...

Keep trusting the media and injecting yourself with POISON! You SURE are smart with that degree!
Jane says💄...Perhaps they should check themselves into a local Mental Health Facility...🏥

Bitchute is just a medium toots- it has nothing to do with the work there. Recognize it or not- why shoot the place where the message is, instead of giving it an honest listen?

You are doing the classic "ignore the message" and just reciting your own BS. If you sent something to learn from, I would love to be open minded enough to check it out (in case I am very wrong). (But what if it is YOU who is wrong/indoctrinated here?)

It matter NONE where info is posted, what matters is what is IN the info and does it align with reality... wake up sweetie. You really trust the TV because they TOLD you to!! The TV is the one shouting "everything is fake", while being caught in lie after lie themselves... again- wake up!

As for your BS degree
- it is exactly that... the useful idiots go to college to serve the corporations.. just because you got some piece of paper, there is no correlation with CRITICAL THINKING... college/school teach WHAT to think, instead of HOW to think...

What does MAGA have to do with anything here? There is ZERO political care from me sis- I would appreciate if you removed your ASSumptions... they are making you look like an ass.

Just because you are stuck in a 2 party mindset doesn't mean everyone else is... some people govern themselves- no need for an outside daddy for real grownup...

Keep trusting the media and injecting yourself with POISON! You SURE are smart with that degree!
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