How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Dude, first off I started this thread and moderator or not if you attack me I will strike back but not in an over the top way. You went tit and I went tat and swatted back.

Again don't start none won't be none and don't start anything your not prepared to finish.

I don't know where you get your news sources but start watching and listening a little more to Bloomberg TV and radio. Trump's first year is fricasee - there is political turmoil and they can't move his agenda. Executive orders only go so far and if you don't know us law and the Constitution their are 3 bodies of government, Congress wrotes, budgets for bills, and the executive branch executes them. Many of his executive orders have been challenged and nulified by some government agencies choosing not to enforce them.

I don't know why your so concerned about all of this any way as u take it way more seriously than I do and I know alot more than you do because of my proximity to DC and the white house and there are things I can't even go into on here but know this, Trump is in deeeep dog doo doo. That's a fact Jack. Keep watching. Hey I was a month early in calling out his impeachment and just wait till comey testifies next week and did you hear what Brenan briefed a day ago that the Intel community has recorded communications between Trump's campaign team and Russians. Dude all of the investigations are paralyzing Trump's ability to govern, he can't even get competent people to hire for staff support on his caninent.

And as for the petiton, that was an organization that already organized so many hundreds of thousands of signatures. You think with all of this negative press it's not damaging Trump's brand and image. Hence yeah say what you want about me. being a mod but you are mentally damaged if you can't see with objective optics that Trump is off tilt and all kinds of fucked up with his responses to situations.

Even Paul Ryan publically counters Trump's statement today saying 'James Comey was not a nut job.' The only nut job is Trump leaking Intel to the Russians and the same hypocritical accusations he hurled at others.

And people smarter than us with these Geo political affairs are saying that Trump's too thin skinned and the US's greatest enemies will have all too easy a time playing him like a guy with a easy to read tell at a poker table. Trump has no poker face, the right tempermemt, competence, or experience for the position he holds.

But I don't really give a fuck either way, I'm still winning in my life whether Trump succeeds or fails. I'll make money off him either way and my way of life is not impacted by him but I don't like liars, hypocrites, and idiots and all those things that Trump exemplifies. I had respect for him before his birther BS, and tweeting all kinds of innacurate ******* about Black people, spanish, and his idiot right wing/ white nationalist (Obanon)/mantra.

Again fuk Trump, fuk you if you like and support.Trump and have a fuking good life. I'm not the one to go.round and round about BS.

Your so religious well you know the saying God don't like ugly and Trump hit every branch on the way down the ugly tree. He is an ugly person inside and outside and the US deserves better - period.

He will be ousted, again I know alot more than you know as im on the inside and your on the out from 3rd party sources in a foreign land at that. Everything will be revealed all in due time. Then off the right wing spin-docror BS and just listen to cspan and the Senate hearings, ******* is only starting to heat up, but that pot will be boiling over soon and Trump's rump is already slowly being cooked.
I know it looks bad for Trump, but I wouldn't count him out just yet. You clearly have your own opinion and I have mine. And by the way it was @subhub174014 that said what was going on in his state. I was merely quoting him as you can see from my reference: ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/trump-wins.79333/page-107#post-1400395 )
I know it looks bad for Trump, but I wouldn't count him out just yet. You clearly have your own opinion and I have mine. And by the way it was @subhub174014 that said what was going on in his state. I was merely quoting him as you can see from my reference: ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/trump-wins.79333/page-107#post-1400395 )
Again where you and every other blind mice supporting Trump make the critical and fatal flaw is ignoring all of the facts from reporting I've laid out here and nothing has been opioniated except for my opinion of people ignoring the facts and responding with BS. I got no need to say anymore, ill keep posting the facts and ignore the BS especially when you show a lack of understanding the gravity of the situation from outside of the halls of power in DC talking about some state. This ******* is not going away and 100x worst than the Hillary email server BS.

Keep watching.
Of course she'd love to "fuk Trump", but she'd better clear it with Melania

well according to a statement by Bannon..... both trumps wife and ******* both "play"... so I'm sure she wouldn't care
I thought for sure when he said Krutcher was a cuckold he would be GONE but not even a reply from anyone in the trump family
Trump still quietly fucking America and people just letting it slide.... I see today he is asking for another 25mil to protect Trump tower.... part of that is for rent and utilities
that is about the only fucking he is doing!
surely you saw/heard that he tried to hold melanias hand during a visit and she slapped his hand away!
still think divorce is right around the corner!... right now it is all just "show"
after all you can't stick a limp noodle in a wildcats ass!
Aw man, gimme a break

I got ta rub when I can.... after all I am out numbered around here

and some are real assholes about it!
I'm sure you noticed on "another" thread... someone called me a retard... and told me I was guilty of treason because I didn't agree with him.... and that's some of his nicer words to me
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Again where you and every other blind mice supporting Trump make the critical and fatal flaw is ignoring all of the facts from reporting I've laid out here and nothing has been opioniated except for my opinion of people ignoring the facts and responding with BS. I got no need to say anymore, ill keep posting the facts and ignore the BS especially when you show a lack of understanding the gravity of the situation from outside of the halls of power in DC talking about some state. This ******* is not going away and 100x worst than the Hillary email server BS.

Keep watching.
I told you this ******* wasn't going away and to keep watching,

Trump is in deeeeeep dog *******. His days are really counting down here. We are taking office bets in DC now on how much longer he really has. You people looking at 3rd party sources and under estimating the gravity of the situation which is sucking Trump into this vortex of the Russian influence have no fucking clue how serious this is.

I've been relaying nothing but facts from what's being reported not opinions. Say goodbye to the Moscovian Candidate. We got a connection that ties directly back to him now.

Jared Kushner is becoming a focus in the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation


The FBI says it is taking a closer look at Jared Kushner in its investigation of alleged ties between President Donald Trump's associates and Russian officials during the 2016 election.

Kushner is Trump's *******-in-law and a senior adviser in the White House. Federal investigators say they believe Kushner may have "significant information" related to their ongoing inquiry, NBC News reported on Thursday.

It was reported last week that a White House staffer close to Trump had caught the attention of investigators.

The Washington Post said Thursday that authorities were looking into a "series of meetings" held by Kushner and Russian operatives in December. Kushner's meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and a banker from Moscow gave investigators pause due to the "extent and nature of his interactions" with the Kremlin, The Post reported, citing people familiar with the investigation.

Both The Post and NBC News reported that Kushner has not been accused of any wrongdoing.

"Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with Congress what he knows about these meetings. He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry," Jamie Gorelick, one of his attorneys, said in a statement.

The meeting among Kushner, the Russian ambassador, and the banker from Moscow caught the eye of the Senate Intelligence Committee in March. Kislyak reportedly orchestrated the meeting between Kushner and Vnesheconombank CEO Sergey N. Gorkov, who was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in January 2016 as part of a restructuring of the bank's management team, Bloomberg reported last year.

The new development suggests that the FBI's Russia investigation reaches among the highest levels of the White House. Former Trump associates have also been named in the ongoing probe - including, most recently, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, whose businesses were subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee this week. Flynn declined to comply with a subpoena for documents related to its investigation, invoking his Fifth Amendment rights in response.

Despite the FBI's new focus on Kushner, he remains active in the Trump administration, having just returned from the president's first foreign trip as a head of state this week.

Natasha Bertrand contributed to this report.

Ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-fbi-trump-russia-investigation-2017-5

Also see:
Jared Kushner had a previously undisclosed meeting with the CEO of 'the bank that financed Vladimir Putin’s grandest ambitions'

President Donald Trump's *******-in-law and top adviser, Jared Kushner, met with the CEO of Russia's state-owned Vnesheconombank in December 2016, The New York Times reported on Monday.

The meeting - which had not previously been disclosed and came on the heels of Kushner's meeting with Russia's ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, at Trump Tower - recently caught the eye of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election and whether any members of Trump's campaign were complicit.

Kislyak reportedly orchestrated the meeting between Kushner and Vnesheconombank CEO Sergey N. Gorkov, who was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in January 2016 as part of a restructuring of the bank's management team, Bloomberg reported last year.

Gorkov, who graduated from the Federal Security Service (FSB) Academy of Russia in 1994, was the vice-president of Russia's state-controlled Sberbank before joining Vnesheconombank.

Ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-russia-vnesheconombank-ceo-putin-2017-3

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I got ta rub when I can.... after all I am out numbered around here

and some are real assholes about it!
I'm sure you noticed on "another" thread... someone called me a retard... and told me I was guilty of treason because I didn't agree with him.... and that's some of his nicer words to me
@subhub174014 The only retards and fools guilty of treason are those who are turning a blind eye to Red Dawn going on here and Trump basically opening the front door for the Russians to come on through. Can you believe the ******* Trump has not only said but been doing? Imagine if this was Hillary, ah man this whole off topic forum would be lit up. The problem is my friend we are surrounded by zombies who got half of their brains eaten out already. They have no ability to think for themselves and mindlessly believe the Fake/Fox news breitbart low information weak on credible sources hype and regurgitate the *******.

We living in the real world version of that movie idiocracy and you can't convince these idiots that Brondo juice is killing the grass and we just need water. ******* is fucking scary actually that the movie was so prophetic of what we would live through now. I thought we were at least 50yrs away from it happening, but nope the idiots actually elected


It's like the movie 'idiocracy' is actually a documentary now.

You and a mosquito have a lot in common tonight ... annoying.
soooooo ....
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@subhub174014 The only retards and fools guilty of treason are those who are turning a blind eye to Red Dawn going on here and Trump basically opening the front door for the Russians to come on through. Can you believe the ******* Trump has not only said but been doing? Imagine if this was Hillary, ah man this whole off topic forum would be lit up. The problem is my friend we are surrounded by zombies who got half of their brains eaten out already. They have no ability to think for themselves and mindlessly believe the Fake/Fox news breitbart low information weak on credible sources hype and regurgitate the *******.

We living in the real world version of that movie idiocracy and you can't convince these idiots that Brondo juice is killing the grass and we just need water. ******* is fucking scary actually that the movie was so prophetic of what we would live through now. I thought we were at least 50yrs away from it happening, but nope the idiots actually elected
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It's like the movie 'idiocracy' is actually a documentary now.

Ok BBB76, seeing that the evidence is so overwhelming that Trump, toss in Melania, toss in Pence, toss in Tillerson, Kushner, Ivanka, ..., and all of the Trump babies are so guilty and complicit of all the crimes you say why haven't the CIA or anyone else in authority break down the White House doors yet and hauled them out to jail? Why haven't a majority or all US generals, Senators, and Congressmen and Congresswomen resign in disgust or openly plan a state coup with likeminded citizens like yourself because their Commander-In-Chief is so much in bed with the Russians? Or an impeachment trial of Trump going on right now? Certainly if there was a murderer was on the loose killing ******* like DAESH like what sadly happened in Manchester, UK the authorities would step in to kick their ass (which is what is happening behind the scenes arresting more people guilty of having a hand in that horrible crime as I am composing this post). So certainly these crimes are at the highest of plateaus that must be addressed immediately that Trump and his team committed. So why isn't anything being done to remove Trump yesterday? Or right this second seeing whoever is authority right now dragging his ass in chains and sending him into prison and throwing away the key? Certainly if a killer on the loose should be removed immediately, so why not a traitorous president?
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Ok BBB76, seeing that the evidence is so overwhelming that Trump, toss in Melania, toss in Pence, toss in Tillerson, Kushner, Ivanka, ..., and all of the Trump babies are so guilty and complicit of all the crimes you say why haven't the CIA or anyone else in authority break down the White House doors yet and hauled them out to jail? Why haven't a majority or all US generals, Senators, and Congressmen and Congresswomen resign in disgust or openly plan a state coup with likeminded citizens like yourself because their Commander-In-Chief is so much in bed with the Russians? Certainly if there was a murderer was on the loose killing ******* like DAESH like what sadly happened in Manchester, UK the authorities would step in to kick their ass. So certainly these crimes are at the highest of plateaus that must be addressed immediately. So why isn't anything being done to remove Trump yesterday? Or right this second seeing whoever is authority right now dragging his ass in chains?
* Yawn * your retorts bore me. Who brought up about the other family members involved not me?

And your question again shows your lack of understanding in conducting investigations, collecting all of the facts and evidence and then proceeding with a trial laying everything out with enough to try and convict a person with overwhelming proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

And it will be the Justice Dept that is ran by Jeff Sessions who has recussed himself, and the FBI who had their director fired by Trump with the authority to enter into the white house with a warrant for an arrest not the CIA.

@subhub174014 see what's happening here, zombie mindless follower brains.
You and a mosquito have a lot in common tonight ... annoying.
soooooo ....
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"Yawn* your retorts bore me. Who brought up about the other family members involved not me?

And your question again shows your lack of understanding in conducting investigations, collecting all of the facts and evidence and then proceeding with a trial laying everything out with enough to try and convict a person with overwhelming proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

And it will be the Justice Dept that is ran by Jeff Sessions who has recussed himself, and the FBI who had their director fired by Trump with the authority to enter into the white house with a warrant for an arrest not the CIA.

See what's happening here, zombie mindless follower brains.
Well if Trump is such a cancer to America and all of your arguments are solid, then all of them are guilty too right? Perhaps Barron Trump as well as the other Trump children are perpetrating some nefarious acts upon America or even the whole world after learning the tricks from his Dad / their patriarch which you rightfully aforementioned? Perhaps they are responsible for the recent ransomware attacks worldwide from their private school projects?
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WannaCry_ransomware_attack )

If the investigations and evidence are so conclusive all things Trump are a cancer to America and they should be cut out just like a surgeon cuts out a cancer from a body. If that is the case why isn't it done already by anyone in authority to do so? Obviously not Comey, then why is not his successor hauling Trump to jail as I type this post? Why let the disease of Trump fester and ruin America an extra day? Or an extra second? As you said all my prior arguments defending Trump are baseless and I am going to be proven wrong, then where is the absolute victory for you where Trump and those in his administration being sent to prison? I missed that bit on the news yesterday where Trump is sent to prison and I can't find that link on CNN perhaps you can locate it and post it so I may be utterly defeated by you? And @subhub174014? And @MacNfries?
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You and a mosquito have a lot in common tonight ... annoying.
soooooo ....
View attachment 1286036
* Yawn * your retorts bore me. Who brought up about the other family members involved not me?

And your question again shows your lack of understanding in conducting investigations, collecting all of the facts and evidence and then proceeding with a trial laying everything out with enough to try and convict a person with overwhelming proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

And it will be the Justice Dept that is ran by Jeff Sessions who has recussed himself, and the FBI who had their director fired by Trump with the authority to enter into the white house with a warrant for an arrest not the CIA.

@subhub174014 see what's happening here, zombie mindless follower brains.

Oh and I forgot Gianforte the GOP running for Congress in Montana is also guilty of seizing your bodyslam title too and for being complicit by joining up with Trump's GOP:
( http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/24/media/montana-gop-greg-gianforte/ ) certainly he should be locked up or you could set yourself up as a temporary deputy and go there and you can arrest him personally after you body slammed him?

And afterwards you can fly off to Red Square in Moscow, break into the Kremlin and then body slam P U T I N himself for interfering with the US election. I have full confidence in your ability that you would single handedly subdue the entire Russian army with their full weaponry, FSB with their full weaponry, anything that might be left of the KGB with their full weaponry, and all their armed guards like a pissed off Jason Bourne on steroids spliced with DNA from the Incredible Hulk where you would destroy Russian tanks with your bare hands and you are oblivious to the effects of getting hit by their missiles or radioactive polonium or anything else Russia can throw at you. And don't let the fact that P U T I N himself is a judo master weaken your resolve for this mission should you dare follow through with it:


However after such a successful mission where undoubtedly you would singlehandedly and unarmed bring Russia to it's knees, I suspect it would weaken US - Russia relations just a little?
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You and a mosquito have a lot in common tonight ... annoying.
soooooo ....
View attachment 1286036
* Yawn * your retorts bore me. Who brought up about the other family members involved not me?

And your question again shows your lack of understanding in conducting investigations, collecting all of the facts and evidence and then proceeding with a trial laying everything out with enough to try and convict a person with overwhelming proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

And it will be the Justice Dept that is ran by Jeff Sessions who has recussed himself, and the FBI who had their director fired by Trump with the authority to enter into the white house with a warrant for an arrest not the CIA.

@subhub174014 see what's happening here, zombie mindless follower brains.

And why stop there? You can also look at my prior posts and disprove everything I said? You can begin with my post where I suggested a false proof of how 2=1.
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/trump-wins.79333/page-93#post-1353359 )

Because I am such a fool, then it must be true? The algebra is right there if you can defend it? Please prove this to the B2W Community at large that this proof is true, and then mathematicians at large in universities at large and I would guarantee you that you would be the next Einstein and be famous world wide for destroying the number system as I fool like myself comprehends it. Afterwards you can author new textbooks where you prove the number system is as baseless as I am. And as a worthy secondary prize you'd make us all infinitely rich because if 1=2, then 3=2+1, but 2=1, so 3=1+1=2 and 2=1, so 3=2=1. And 4=2+2, but 2=1, then 4=1+1=2=1, or 4=1+2=3. So, 4=3=2=1. As a cancer just like how you suggest Trump is a cancer seeing I am so foolish to comprehend it I'll spare you with the details but if you extend this logic that you will eventually prove to all of us (again being conservative) 1,000,000,000 = 999,999,999 = 999,999,998 = 999,999,997 =...=3=2=1.

Then with your future yet to be written Nobel Prize winning novel(s) and or textbook(s) as our proof so we can all enter banks with extreme confidence and tell them we don't have $100 in our account because of your logic the future famous @bigblackbull76 has shown that that $100 is being generous is $1 billion in our account.

So at your leisure @bigblackbull76 please disprove my logic there too because I am such a fool. And I also extend that offer to @MacNfries, or @subhub174014, or anyone else.
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haven't the CIA or anyone else in authority break down the White House doors yet and hauled them out to jail?

first the CIA does not deal with American citizens... mostly foreigners that effect the US... the FBI does things "in House" and all that takes time... Like I mentioned earlier.... there is more and more unfolding... like the little meeting on the private island with the Russians and one of Trumps team..... can't go off half cocked!

Why haven't a majority or all US generals, Senators, and Congressmen and Congresswomen resign in disgust

a lot of long term people in government did resign rather than work with/for the man.... notice he had trouble replacing Trump... a couple refused the job... which is pretty much unheard of for a career military man to turn down the highest job... saying wanting to spend time with family?????
also the right is so eager to get some of their programs through... like repealing the ACA and a few others... they are willing to turn a blind eye to get everything else they want.... party over country right now

Or an impeachment trial of Trump going on right now?

impeach for what? not enough proof.... the only thing for sure right now is the obstruction of justice... and that is still an ongoing thing

So certainly these crimes are at the highest of plateaus that must be addressed immediately that Trump and his team committed. So why isn't anything being done to remove Trump yesterday

the right is in control...and they are not going to jump on anything against a right pres.... unless they are really pushed.. by the public.... the Comey firing did open a few eyes... but still they are turning their head..... luckily for us and the country the assit AG finally grew a pair of balls and appointed a spec prosc.... he is liked and trusted by both sides so we shall see.... but if you notice the investigations in the house and the senate are still nothing more than a dance with the facts and doing nothing

after all look at the Utah senator (chavetz) he is the one in charge of investigating trump on a lot of the charges and says there is nothing to investigate... he is taking so much heat from people around the country and in his home state... Knows he is not liked nor going to get re-elected... now has decided to withdraw and retire in June ahead of time!

like I said the right is so eager to get some of the things they want... ACA/tax reform and etc.... they will stick with him until it is to embarrassing not to

Or right this second seeing whoever is authority right now dragging his ass in chains and sending him into prison and throwing away the key
send someone that high in politics to jail?????
never happen really or at best highly doubtful.... but trying him for treason/obstruction of justice and etc will get him... and all the lawsuits against him for various things... the senator from Utah may be covering for him on a lot (money issues)... but there is a couple of private citizens working on a law suit doing the job that Chavetz should be doing... in this country the legal system is very slow.... and with the right doing what they can to slow it even more.....
but it will happen.... look at what all we found out this week!
first the CIA does not deal with American citizens... mostly foreigners that effect the US... the FBI does things "in House" and all that takes time... Like I mentioned earlier.... there is more and more unfolding... like the little meeting on the private island with the Russians and one of Trumps team..... can't go off half cocked!

a lot of long term people in government did resign rather than work with/for the man.... notice he had trouble replacing Trump... a couple refused the job... which is pretty much unheard of for a career military man to turn down the highest job... saying wanting to spend time with family?????
also the right is so eager to get some of their programs through... like repealing the ACA and a few others... they are willing to turn a blind eye to get everything else they want.... party over country right now

impeach for what? not enough proof.... the only thing for sure right now is the obstruction of justice... and that is still an ongoing thing

the right is in control...and they are not going to jump on anything against a right pres.... unless they are really pushed.. by the public.... the Comey firing did open a few eyes... but still they are turning their head..... luckily for us and the country the assit AG finally grew a pair of balls and appointed a spec prosc.... he is liked and trusted by both sides so we shall see.... but if you notice the investigations in the house and the senate are still nothing more than a dance with the facts and doing nothing

after all look at the Utah senator (chavetz) he is the one in charge of investigating trump on a lot of the charges and says there is nothing to investigate... he is taking so much heat from people around the country and in his home state... Knows he is not liked nor going to get re-elected... now has decided to withdraw and retire in June ahead of time!

like I said the right is so eager to get some of the things they want... ACA/tax reform and etc.... they will stick with him until it is to embarrassing not to

send someone that high in politics to jail?????
never happen really or at best highly doubtful.... but trying him for treason/obstruction of justice and etc will get him... and all the lawsuits against him for various things... the senator from Utah may be covering for him on a lot (money issues)... but there is a couple of private citizens working on a law suit doing the job that Chavetz should be doing... in this country the legal system is very slow.... and with the right doing what they can to slow it even more.....
but it will happen.... look at what all we found out this week!
Compared to @bigblackbull76, you sound like the centrist as you are thinking rationally as well as to weigh both sides whereas he is much more the lefty where he also has logical arguments but he'd petition and take more immediate forceful action to remove Trump as seen here:

...Make sure to click the link below and sign the petition to impeach the idiot in the oval office and kick out his goons too:
ref: https://www.change.org/p/the-people-impeach-donald-j-trump

The Constitution of the United States, Art. 2, S. 4, provides that the president, vice-president, and civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, and/or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

We, the undersigned, lobby for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump suspected of treason, in violation of THE USA PATRIOT ACT for conspiring with Russia in tampering with the results of the 2016 election. He and his administration are an immediate threat to national security and his use of intimidation as president presents undeniable challenges in this investigation. Ergo, we petition his immediate removal from office as well as the removal of Vice President Mike Pence and all civil officers appointed under his rule, pending the results of his administration's investigation.

Donald J. Trump has violated the Federal law under civil and criminal ordinances with his documented use of libelous and insulting hate speech referencing citizens of color, immigrants, and those of the Muslim faith. His promotion and acceptance of violence towards the above stated has incited violence, discrimination and increased tensions throughout this nation.

Furthermore, Donald J. Trump is in violation of state law in the following 34 states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois,Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.

He is guilty of multiple counts of cyber bullying, before, during and following his election campaign; the most egregious being his statements regarding Mexicans, Muslims, the black community and his continuous taunting of China. Unlawful conduct of any kind, be it past, present or future is unacceptable of any person holding the office of President of the United States of America. He has caused international conflict with our allies and is dangerously close to destroying peaceful foreign relations.

Donald J.Trump’s leadership poses a threat to the peace and safety of our nation on both national and international levels. His immoral reputation and misconduct are an embarrassment and threat to the freedoms this country stands for and will not be tolerated by United States citizens.

THIS IS THE PEOPLES PETITION. Accepting contributors!
Send updates and letter edits to Support@DumpTrumpDumpTrump.com
Also if you are interested in joining our team, we are looking for leaders to help keep our users updated.
ref: https://www.change.org/p/the-people-impeach-donald-j-trump

here @STIFFBBC, this is what it really looks like on the ground across the US even in the states there were ******* red for Trump, the backlash is occurring fast:
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