How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
President are selected not Elected. Through their *******. Voting... Lol. Just something to make people feel good about living in this new Babylon. Bloodlines our how the Zionist put their puppets in the white house.
lol -ok my Brother I'll let you tell it how it is. Now pass me the peace pipe and let me toot that good ******* rasta-man.

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BABYLON will fall, it was prophesied in Revelations:

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~The Great Bob Marley
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People need wake up out their programmed dream state. The cock roaches who run this country and own every last central bank on this planet, except for Korea.... Our doing very evil things...
many more people are against Trump than for him and it will be reflected next election as a vote to remove his insane clown ass if he doesn't get impeached, or resigns first.

hope you are right.... I know there are a lot against him.... but the right has always been very good at gerrymandering... denying voting rights.... moving/closing voting places!
after all look at congress and their approval rating and yet the same ones keep getting re-elected!

happen to read or see the you tube vid of arnie swarztnegger?.... he makes a good case about how anymore we are not picking the politicians.... they are picking us!
you look at the out line of some of these voting districts... it is just amazing how they can sell that *******... but these republican gov's are letting it happen
A knight of templar bloodline member and a Jesuit pope... Funny how they paint that picture. All are devils!
hope you are right.... I know there are a lot against him.... but the right has always been very good at gerrymandering... denying voting rights.... moving/closing voting places!
after all look at congress and their approval rating and yet the same ones keep getting re-elected!

happen to read or see the you tube vid of arnie swarztnegger?.... he makes a good case about how anymore we are not picking the politicians.... they are picking us!
you look at the out line of some of these voting districts... it is just amazing how they can sell that *******... but these republican gov's are letting it happen
@subhub174014 Yes you are right in them re-drawing the district lines, gerrymandering, voter suppression and there is a counter-offensive being launched against that B.S. But all of the facts you listed was what has helped the GOP get their candidate elected although that candidate is a disaster and their experiment is backfiring.

@Orion Pax I know of and have read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", Beware of a Pale Horse, Pawns in the Game by William Carr which is one of my favorites, The Da Vinci Code, all of which are good fictional works but still good at alerting people that something ain't right with the world.

I got a couple of partners whom you would probably spend many days and nights kicking it with as they 'literally' have a whole backseat full of books in their cars they can pull out to explain about this and that. I used to sit in the car with them some nights back in my college days and get a whole disertation on the Illuminati, Rothschild, Bilderberg, Tri-lateral Commission connection that I could've wrote a Master's thesis off of them. One very interesting one my boy put me onto was Hiram's Key which seemed to be a very good sourced documentary work on the Priory of Sion, Knights Templar, Freemasonry and the secret fraternity of families and organizations that supposedly runs the world.

Money and economic power does control and move things around the world, however that whole system is entirely fragile as you and I know if people have their eyes open and don't let things just simply slide. Hence the first place to address this is with Trump and his goons agenda then we move to making it better to work for more of us and not just a select few which is what they want. We can't get distracted by the make-believe stuff and boogey-men, we got a boogey-man live and in the flesh to tackle right now.

In the immortal words of my brother Tupac he put it best:

telling me about this illumaniti..., its another way for them to keep your self-esteem low, Its another way to keep you unconfident, .." all of this and that about the plan and the money, who the fuck leaked all this *******, I don't get caught up in all that.

I'm like Pac - I put the 'K' in the illumaniti. I know banksters and they punks. They hide behind their money, but they afraid of our real power especially when we organize. You sound like your afraid with the Zionists doing this, and the bloodline of Jacques de Molay doing that - fuk them and fuk Trump. He and they are just old rich snobs that would cut and run if ever confronted and ain't never been in a real fight.

Just the tupac audio is the part on point:

@subhub174014 Yes you are right in them re-drawing the district lines, gerrymandering, voter suppression and there is a counter-offensive being launched against that B.S. But all of the facts you listed was what has helped the GOP get their candidate elected although that candidate is a disaster and their experiment is backfiring.

@Orion Pax I know of and have read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", Beware of a Pale Horse, Pawns in the Game by William Carr which is one of my favorites, The Da Vinci Code, all of which are good fictional works but still good at alerting people that something ain't right with the world.

I got a couple of partners whom you would probably spend many days and nights kicking it with as they 'literally' have a whole backseat full of books in their cars they can pull out to explain about this and that. I used to sit in the car with them some nights back in my college days and get a whole disertation on the Illuminati, Rothschild, Bilderberg, Tri-lateral Commission connection that I could've wrote a Master's thesis off of them. One very interesting one my boy put me onto was Hiram's Key which seemed to be a very good sourced documentary work on the Priory of Sion, Knights Templar, Freemasonry and the secret fraternity of families and organizations that supposedly runs the world.

Money and economic power does control and move things around the world, however that whole system is entirely fragile as you and I know if people have their eyes open and don't let things just simply slide. Hence the first place to address this is with Trump and his goons agenda then we move to making it better to work for more of us and not just a select few which is what they want. We can't get distracted by the make-believe stuff and boogey-men, we got a boogey-man live and in the flesh to tackle right now.

In the immortal words of my brother Tupac he put it best:

telling me about this illumaniti..., its another way for them to keep your self-esteem low, Its another way to keep you unconfident, .." all of this and that about the plan and the money, who the fuck leaked all this *******, I don't get caught up in all that.

I'm like Pac - I put the 'K' in the illumaniti. I know banksters and they punks. They hide behind their money, but they afraid of our real power especially when we organize. You sound like your afraid with the Zionists doing this, and the bloodline of Jacques de Molay doing that - fuk them and fuk Trump. He and they are just old rich snobs that would cut and run if ever confronted and ain't never been in a real fight.

Just the tupac audio is the part on point:

This has nothing to do with politics, rappers, poor rich skin color etc. This is about good and evil. And yes in a biblical sense they both exist. Time is nae, people need to wake up.

@Orion Pax - Not everyone is brainwashed my man as many many more people are against Trump than for him and it will be reflected next election as a vote to remove his insane clown ass if he doesn't get impeached, or resigns first. This is a FACT, I know alot of people have seen enough - hopefully he doesn't get us into an unnecessary war first to try and hold power. Alot of Republicans are even vocally expressing he is a disaster.

- The Shadow Government deep state narrative being set by Obama is a false one and don't buy into that. 50% of the Federal Government employees especially in the INTEL community have been there since George Bush Jr. was in office and many of them are old school conservative Fox News watching Repubs who don't like Trump's bizzarre behavior and know he is a RINO (REPUB In Name Only). Trump wears a mask as a Repub but he is some weird fringe high-jacked faction of the weirdo far right with Bannon and those birthers/ White Nationalist crowd he retweets their idiotic BS.

The old School Repub guard like the Bush family don't buy into that BS either.

I love this video, had me dying laughing especially the Trump visit with the Pope part.. chick from that horror film the ring appears and it doesn't even look unnatural. Also whats up with Melania swatting away Trump's hand all the time - even she can't stand that Prick .... hahaha.

Great Photo, anyone recognize a bad Omen here....?
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Watch the video below:

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Berlin (AFP) — Germany unleashed a volley of criticism Monday against US President Donald Trump, slamming his "short-sighted" policies that have "weakened the West" and hurt European interests.

The sharp words from Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel came after Trump concluded his first official tour abroad which took him to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Brussels and then Italy for a G7 summit.

They followed Chancellor Angela Merkel's warning on Sunday that the United States and Britain may no longer be completely reliable partners.

Germany's exasperation was laid bare after the G7 summit which wrapped up on Saturday with the US refusing so far to sign up to upholding the 2015 Paris climate accord.

Days earlier, in Saudi Arabia, Trump had presided over the single largest US arms deal in American history, worth $110 billion over the next decade and including ships, tanks and anti-missile systems.

Gabriel said Monday that "anyone who accelerates climate change by weakening environmental protection, who sells more weapons in conflict zones and who does not want to politically resolve religious conflicts is putting peace in Europe at risk".

"The short-sighted policies of the American government stand against the interests of the European Union," he said, judging that "the West has become smaller, at least it has become weaker".

ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/afp-trump-has-weakened-the-west-hurt-eu-interests-german-fm-2017-5

ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/r-co...el-being-honest-with-us-spokesman-says-2017-5

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I know we greatly differ on Trump and I'll respect that boundary for sake of peace so I am just addressing whether or not Trump is the antichrist which is a jpeg you posted.

Some characteristics that the antichrist are alleged to have in the future are: possessing extreme charisma, being a problem solver, being a successful military leader, and not being a womanizer.
( https://www.prophecyproof.org/2012/07/identifying-the-antichrist/ )

As you reflect upon these traits, would you personally feel that would suggest Trump is the antichrist as all of them should line up?
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I know we greatly differ on Trump and I'll respect that boundary for sake of peace so I am just addressing whether or not Trump is the antichrist which is a jpeg you posted.

Some characteristics that the antichrist are alleged to have in the future are: possessing extreme charisma, being a problem solver, being a successful military leader, and not being a womanizer.
( https://www.prophecyproof.org/2012/07/identifying-the-antichrist/ )

As you reflect upon these traits, would you personally feel that would suggest Trump is the antichrist as all of them should line up?
Some people hurled the Anti-Christ title at Obama, but at least Obama tried to work for the greater good of all Americans and he was labeled as a socialist. The whole title and traits of the Anti-christ can be debated from here on out to the end-of time but Trump is the closest thing the US has seen so far as to someone out to screw the greater majority of Americans. So Trump comes closest and gets the title in my book. He is the devil as Orion Pax had called out most elected officials but Trump is at the top of the Devil's Pantheon. Also judging by the sentiment of the internet - more people are negative than positive towards Trump and I'm not the only one who has feelings about him as this picture shows the Bride of Satan and his children little Damien with the greatest evil Vigor from GhostBusters in the background picture (I didn't make this up but shows someone else is feeling some type of way about the Idiot in Chief too)

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Even the movie the Omen prophesied the Anti-Christ would take power as the POTUS and it appears we living in the last days. At least some of us it sure feels that way especially when they giving that idiot a pass for ******* that they would never let Obama or Hillary if she were in office get away with. But because he is a white man and the Repub's leader they co-signing for him which is horrible for the country. Like these comments by once honorable men (H.R. McMaster, and John Kelley) trying to cover for the idiot in chief

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On Saturday, national security adviser H.R. McMaster told reporters that he "would not be concerned about a back-channel" between Trump and the Kremlin.

" We have back-channel communications with a number of countries. So, generally speaking, about back-channel communications, what that allows you to do is to communicate in a discreet manner," McMaster said.

On Sunday, Department of Homeland Security secretary John Kelly told NBC's Chuck Todd that he was not bothered by the revelations either.

But experts say those rebuttals are skirting around one of the most serious concerns raised by the report: the specific request to use Russian gear to establish a line of communication.

"The idea of using Russian facilities to skirt Russian surveillance in the US would either be a serious attempt to hide something or the actions of a young amateur," Clint Watts, a former FBI agent and fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, told The Atlantic.

"Contacts between a transition team and foreign diplomats is indeed entirely normal," said Eliot Cohen, a professor at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies and a former State Department official. "What is not normal, though, is asking a hostile government to provide secure comms to avoid FBI/NSA surveillance in order to do what, precisely."

Colin Kahl, a professor at Georgetown and former national security adviser to Joe Biden, echoed that assessment.

"A private citizen using secure comms of a hostile power to undermine US policy undetected is not good or normal," Kahl said on Twitter.

ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-kushner-russia-backchannel-ties-2017-5

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The Washington Post has previously reported that Sergey Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the US, told his superiors in Moscow that Kushner proposed a backchannel line of communication between the Trump transition team and the Russian government in December.

Current and former Trump administration officials told The New York Times that they now believe that meeting in December could have been when Kushner tried to reach out to the Russians.

Kislyak facilitated Kushner's meeting with Gorkov, who has not been known to act in a diplomatic capacity for Putin. But the timing of their meeting and Russia's role in interfering with the US election has raised questions.

Former US intelligence officials have told Business Insider's Natasha Bertrand that if Kushner did try to establish a backchannel to Russia without going through the conventional US intelligence paths, it would be "off the map," "explosive," and "extremely dangerous."

ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-gorkov-kislyak-meeting-investigation-trump-russia-2017-5

Well at least one real world leader stood toe to toe with Putin and instead of fawning over him and admiring how supposedly strong he is as a leader he told him where he can go with his Russian KGB/FSB Free election mass media manipulating propaganda machine. Way to go Macron - show Trump what a real leader in the West should look like.

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Macron, whose campaign was the target of a massive cyberattack just before his election victory last month that cybersecurity firms have traced to Russian operatives, accused Russia Today and Sputnik of spreading misinformation.

"Russia Today and Sputnik have been influential outlets which at several times have spoken mistruths about me and my campaign," Macron said, according to an English translation. "And that's why they were not invited to my headquarters. All media outlets, including Russian ones, have had access to my campaign. Relationships are always the same."

"So it was serious that foreign media outlets interfered by saying serious mistruths during a Democratic campaign. And I will not give into that in any way," he added. "But Russia Today and Sputnik have not behaved as media outlets and journalists, but behaved as organs of influence, propaganda, and false propaganda."

At the news conference, Putin said he and Macron had not discussed the topic of election meddling, but rejected allegations that Russia attempted to influence France's vote. He also defended his preelection meeting with Marine Le Pen, Macron's chief rival in France's campaign. Putin said it would have been strange not to hold a meeting with a candidate who had expressed warming relations with Russia.

ref: http://www.businessinsider.com/macr...erence-rt-sputnik-propaganda-fake-news-2017-5

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I give to you - your Moscovian Candidate, He will help us make mom Russia great again
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stiffBBC I know you like this guy.... but he has done nothing for America....he said he would put out a great health care program.... the current one cuts 24 million off health care
he said he would not touch social security or Medicaid..... Medicaid is paid by workers and a majority for biz....to help give medical care for those that can't afford it.... to give his biz buddies a tax break... cuts Medicaid
pretty hard to go into all the cuts he has made to hurt the needy and to help the greedy

but here is a start just to show you how evil this man is
stiffBBC.... I put that together just for you and ... no comment?.... didn't read it?
curious as to how someone with so much religion can support someone that would do all this to people in need?!
stiffBBC.... I put that together just for you and ... no comment?.... didn't read it?
curious as to how someone with so much religion can support someone that would do all this to people in need?!
Hi @subhub174014 I missed that comment and though I can't really comment on Obamacare as it was passed with thirty thousand plus pages of legislation so the average individual can't really accurately comment on it as no one read it cover to cover? If you are a speed reader and you have access to it feel free to give your personal page by page precis of that act and determine if it's good for America.
( https://www.washingtonpost.com/blog...1638acc3942e_blog.html?utm_term=.de9548b9eb26 )

But if you want to know other reasons why it's opposed by Republicans, I'll give you these reasons:

Republicans say the law imposes too many costs on business, with many describing it as a "job killer". However, since the implementation of Obamacare, jobs in the health care sector rose by 9%.

They have also decried it as an unwarranted intrusion into the affairs of private businesses and individuals.

What are Obamacare's flaws?
As the law has been implemented there have been certain sections that work better than others, and some that cause problems for consumers. The Obama administration and Democratic members of Congress have tried to push through fixes that they say would alleviate these problems; the Republicans say the flaws are evidence of a failed programme.

Some of the bigger problems include:
  • The Supreme Court's 2012 ruling found the ACA constitutional, but also struck down a provision saying states had to change how they administered the government health programme Medicaid. Under Obamacare, states were supposed to expand the number of people who qualified for Medicaid, which had been reserved for the poor, and in return the federal government would provide the states more funding. The court said states could choose not to participate in Medicaid expansion. As a result, poor and working-class families who don't qualify for Medicaid find themselves having to pay for private insurance.
  • Insurance companies are backing out of participating in Obamacare because fewer Americans than anticipated are signing up; that in turn raises insurances costs for everyone, which then further drives down participation. For some middle-income Americans, the subsidies available for buying Obamacare policies are not generous enough and the fines for not having coverage are too small to encourage them to enroll in plans.
  • Premiums are to rise by an average of 25% in 2017. This increase was predicted at the start of the law, and government subsides to help pay for insurance will also increase. But those who should be covered by the Medicaid expansion aren't eligible for those subsidies.
( http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-24370967 )
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stiffBBC.... I put that together just for you and ... no comment?.... didn't read it?
curious as to how someone with so much religion can support someone that would do all this to people in need?!
It's sad that there are millions of Americans affected not getting health care but Obamacare may prove to be more expensive that what you may anticipate. To rectify these difficulties and seeing that this is a work in progress Trumpcare should restore these inequities in time for a health care system that was essentially out-of-pocket not too long ago.
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stiffBBC.... I put that together just for you and ... no comment?.... didn't read it?
curious as to how someone with so much religion can support someone that would do all this to people in need?!
I see in the US media a lot is said about getting a Canadian form of health care. If we in Canada had things so right then why did over 50,000 Canadians have to go abroad for their health care in 2014?
( http://news.nationalpost.com/news/c...oad-for-treatment-increased-by-25-study-finds )
( http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/bacchus-barua-/canada-health-care_b_9646872.html )

When Trump gets Trumpcare working I hope Justin Trudeau's successor whoever he / she will be will look to elements from that health care system to make improvements with ours. :D
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