How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Any of you men think women want to listen to this ******* .............................I think not . done rant carry on

well sorry you feel that way...BUT.... if you took the time to read the title on the thread you would see what you are getting into!
most are like you and come for the.... "entertainment?".... stumbled onto this.... and have an opinion
I can't speak for the others.... but I am one of those that feels everyone is entitled to MY opinion
Word of mouth ...............................do you suck dick ??? Not judging .............................
lol - no but judging by your user-name and foolish words out of your mouth I take it you do.

If youve seen my profile wall then you would know what time it is.

Your just hot because you can't defend the imbecile you supported and voted for.

Ok thats enough Be Gone from here.~Bannished

Yeah you said that's your wife but she already been my bitch, fucked up her whole world and came up in that bitch. #winning
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Like watching a train wreck , or a Nascar crash ..............I accept that criticism .

Best advice hubby is ...And I'm typing this nicely :D Just stay out of here. If its not your thing then just ignore it...Same way I do the cuckolds section. Just don't enter.
time to stick this pig.... he's done!

Trump asked two intel chiefs to deny Russia collusion: report
Washington (AFP) - President Donald Trump asked two top US intelligence officials in March to help push back against the FBI investigation into his campaign's possible links with Russia, The Washington Post reported Monday.

In the newest report suggesting the White House sought to tamp down the Russia probe, the Post said Trump urged National Security Agency chief Michael Rogers and to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats to publicly deny any evidence of collusion between his campaign and Russia during last year's presidential election.

Citing current and former intelligence officials, the Post said both Rogers and Coats, who was appointed by Trump, did not comply with his request.

The president made the request after then FBI director James Comey revealed that the agency had been investigating Russian interference into the election since July 2016.
I am wondering how you are getting all that white pussy spending your time here .......................LMBWAO ..........

And one of my beautiful and sexy chocolate luving track and tennis team tanned blonde bombshell sluts had a message she wanted to send you that you could understand since you couldn't understand why we discussed politics on a sex site:

Who got the last laugh now!
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Of course she'd love to "fuk Trump", but she'd better clear it with Melania.:D

Really @STIFFBBC and now I know you really suffer from permanent brain damage. You should quit volunteering as a crash test dummy

Why would she pass up on A1 Prime steak for sloppy hamburger helper. She already belong to a real stand up man who got her heart yours truly BBB76 and not a decrepit ol nut who can't even get it up or keep it hard anymore. :blackgrimace:

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statue.jpg naked-donald-trump-statues-are-popping-up-across-america.jpg download.jpg

In fact when Don lump dic is out I got Melania right here servicing a real man
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If Trump never slept with Trump, I guess it was the stork that produced young Barron Trump?
Are you having a reading problem tonight, STIFF? I never said she never slept with Trump, I said she IS sleeping in a different bedroom in the White House ... comprenda'?
Are you having a reading problem tonight, STIFF? I never said she never slept with Trump, I said she IS sleeping in a different bedroom in the White House ... comprenda'?
Ahhh thanks for the correction, I'm getting lots of messages my way now. To correct myself: "
If Melania never slept with Trump, I guess it was the stork that produced young Barron Trump?"
You and a mosquito have a lot in common tonight ... annoying.
soooooo ....
View attachment 1286036
Ok? Not sure why you and @bigblackbull76 were tag teaming against me? Perhaps the left are hunting Trump acolytes or something this night? Or perhaps it's a full moon tonight? But should Trump overcome his present difficulties, it will sting you more than a swarm of mosquitoes, or overcoming anything that I throw back at you.:hot::eek::D:)
Of course she'd love to "fuk Trump", but she'd better clear it with Melania.:D
Ok? Not sure why you and @bigblackbull76 were tag teaming against me? Perhaps the left are hunting Trump acolytes or something this night? Or perhaps it's a full moon tonight? But should Trump overcome his present difficulties, it will sting you more than a swarm of mosquitoes, or overcoming anything that I throw back at you.:hot::eek::D:)

Dam bruh we just having fun on here with each other

If you dish it you gotta be able to take it too. But something is mentally wrong with calling yourself an acolyte and defending a man who is abhorrent.
Dam bruh we just having fun on here with each other

If you dush it you gotta be able to take it too.
We're cool, but if you recall I did say I was going to keep my chats free of insults :angel:, I'd hope you'd keep our chats at the same level of respect as you are a moderator after all?

Let our bruises be with the facts and things that we can disprove from each other's arguments. If this were a game of chess you can insult me all you want so as long as I always checkmate your king. Similarly Trump is taking various tsunamis and hurricanes and earthquakes and meteor strikes of insults yet he's signing executive orders getting things done that will manifest sometime down the road.
Dam bruh we just having fun on here with each other

If you dish it you gotta be able to take it too. But something is mentally wrong with calling yourself an acolyte and defending a man who is abhorrent.
As I was talking with @subhub174014 earlier, he had a viewpoint similar to yours condemning Trump. Then I told him:

Our arguments are circular. Again we'll have to wait on what Mueller says and to see how this will turn out. But as an American, in the meantime, if you wish to exercise any pull you might have with your Congressmen and Congresswomen and your senators (or those within six degrees of separation from them) to ******* Trump out be my guest but I think you'd be premature doing so.

His response was most intriguing as he replied:
are you kidding.... I live a redneck state!
they may not defend trump.... but would never speak against him!
they have been interviewed several times... and danced around every question... never gave an answer

And then I concluded:
So they are waiting just like everyone else. If you are going to take down a president one must have to have all your ducks in a row or else Trump would make their lives hell should he emerge victorious against all the charges against him.

So, if Congressmen, Congresswomen, and Senators are possibly waiting for more facts why can't you? But as you once suggested you are creating that petition against Trump as it is your right, but at the very least I'd wait until Mueller does his analysis or you might find yourself on the losing side and have all your hard work disappear in vain and worse still appear to be mentally damaged should Trump emerge victorious yet again?