How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
I think that view is pretty much world wide...... don't suppose you noticed his election did set one record...... it had protests on every continent in the world..... kind of makes what you say seem pretty small wouldn't you say?

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It would also be an occasion that we all missed where Trump could have made anyone with a little bit of cash rich too. Hillary was such a favorite to win if anyone placed million to one odds that Trump would win, a $20 bet would yield $20 million! An opportunity that we all missed thanks to Trump.
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and Russia.... and WikiLeaks.... and Gowdy....
I was just talking about the unexpected win for Trump election. But during the election if a gambling house placed odds for Russia interfering with the US election, I'd think the odds would be much higher than million to one? Maybe at least a billion to one? If not a trillion to one? If the latter a penny wager in favor of Trump would bankrupt them.
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By the way I am a Trump supporter and I have been on this site for slightly over a year. And you can ask @MacNfries, @subhub174014, or @bigblackbull76 ( who are my greatest critics thus far ) in my prior conversations on these threads ( that you are most welcome to read ) I did not have to resort to name calling or insults as we agreed to play fair and stick with the facts and logic. I hope you can too should we ever lock horns on any issue. :angel:

LOL. Well I would never have gathered.

Being different or having other choices is what life is about. My personnal experiance here is that once, (as in me) articles and sources are posted that show what others have commented on etc are indeed not a factual as they make it out to be, it usually ends up with the second party getting personnal. I don't have that much experience in US politics, but funny thing is It takes seconds to research something.... That fact alone is something people forget.

As for Trump. I will listen to what his supporters say. Then check their facts. And heres the rub right now not many stay on topic, and a lot of their claims are easily disproven. Do they all post BS and 'fake news'? Nope. But blind loyalty is what got Europe into a war that killed millions.
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LOL. Well I would never have gathered.

Being different or having other choices is what life is about. My personnal experiance here is that once, (as in me) articles and sources are posted that show what others have commented on etc are indeed not a factual as they make it out to be, it usually ends up with the second party getting personnal. I don't have that much experiance in US politics, but funny thing is It takes seconds to research something.... That fact alone is something people forget.

As for Trump. I will listen to what his supporters say. Then check their facts. And heres the rub right now not many stay on topic, and a lot of their claims are easily disproven. Do they all post BS and 'fake news'? Nope. But blind loyalty is what Europe into a war that killed millions.
Politics is the most sensitive topic there is second only to religion. Undoubtedly people have their slant on things, but it's rare to find a forum where people don't resort to insults in order to get their point across, let alone try to proselytize the other into accepting your view.
Oh you have no good or bad thoughts about trump it sounded like you did but I must have missed the point. So when you said trump was inept is that how people from the Netherlands express neutrality? You are from the Netherlands aren't you or did I miss the point

People from the Netherlands look at others behaviour, their policies, their treatment of law and on their communication and treatment of fellow sovereign states and its leaders. So far mr 'fake news' has shown all the classic signs of a narcissic baby who is inept in his dealings with staff, politics. foreign policies and the world in general. But no need to worry. We give each leader the chance to prove he or she is capable. Something our own politiciians have found out to their cost in the past.

'Sounds like sounded' like. I'm guessing anyone who disagrees with your views of a so called leader of the most powererful country in the world behaving like a three year old will have that claim thrown at them.

Remember YOU Americans are judged on who you follow... Right now, all the world hears is
baaaa baaa
Politics is the most sensitive topic there is second only to religion. Undoubtedly people have their slant on things, but it's rare to find a forum where people don't resort to insults in order to get their point across, let alone try to proselytize the other into accepting your view.

That is very very true.My own experience is that most American think that others should stay out of American politics. Yet they accept the US interfering in other countries politics. Also opinions are just that, opinions. Differences occure, differences are a fact of life. As for changing peoples minds or opinions my hubby has this saying.... A horse can be taken to the water. But a pencil must be lead. LOLOL...He just explained it too me ...:oops:
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I was just talking about the unexpected win for Trump election

well it was that.... the real reason Trump made it was voter apathy..... most of the country fed up and not voting.... Trump had a lot of help from.. "outside" sources.... and also the smearing of Hillary.... even today some still believe all the BS put out on her.... but when the majority of the country doesn't vote.... they really have no say
one thing about it.... I'm sure next election voter turn out will be a little higher..... unless under the rights guidance they really push more of the voter suppression.... which they all did.... Pence being one of the worst with what he did in his state for the moinorities
well it was that.... the real reason Trump made it was voter apathy..... most of the country fed up and not voting.... Trump had a lot of help from.. "outside" sources.... and also the smearing of Hillary.... even today some still believe all the BS put out on her.... but when the majority of the country doesn't vote.... they really have no say
one thing about it.... I'm sure next election voter turn out will be a little higher..... unless under the rights guidance they really push more of the voter suppression.... which they all did.... Pence being one of the worst with what he did in his state for the moinorities
When you mudsling, the truth tends to come out and both sides look dirty.
well it was that.... the real reason Trump made it was voter apathy..... most of the country fed up and not voting....
More BS from the left. Voter turn out in 2016 was 60.2% of eligible voters. That ranks 2016 as the third HIGHEST turnout percentage the US has had since 1970. It was only 2% short of the post-1970 record turnout (62.2%) we had in 2008 with the election of Obummer.




But don't feel bad for being wrong SH. This is a classic case of the FAKE NEWS. Shortly after the election, before all the votes were even counted, the liberal media was putting out stories trying to convince the useful idiots that there was "record low turnout" They haven't even taken down their fake news stories like this one, despite the facts of the final vote counts being in.

When you mudsling, the truth tends to come out and both sides look dirty.

very true... the former first lady had it right
but it would seem mudslinging is just the norm anymore in American politics.... gone are the issues..... now it is just destroy the others reputation
the right started that way back to Dukakis..... and it has progressed a lot more since..... not that the left is "clean" in that either.... but the right has taken it to all new levels
People from the Netherlands look at others behaviour, their policies, their treatment of law and on their communication and treatment of fellow sovereign states and its leaders. So far mr 'fake news' has shown all the classic signs of a narcissic baby who is inept in his dealings with staff, politics. foreign policies and the world in general. But no need to worry. We give each leader the chance to prove he or she is capable. Something our own politiciians have found out to their cost in the past.

'Sounds like sounded' like. I'm guessing anyone who disagrees with your views of a so called leader of the most powererful country in the world behaving like a three year old will have that claim thrown at them.

Remember YOU Americans are judged on who you follow... Right now, all the world hears is
baaaa baaa
The United States likes to throw the brick and hide there hands. Let's not forget ****** Democracy. Basically get down or lay down. There has never been a threat to this country. But that has change. People around the world are getting tired of the Bully on the block. United States soldiers have ******* more women and children, for profit than any other nation
I KNOW I have posted the facts on this several times....to use your own words... maybe it is your reading/comprehension skills?
Again, don't feel bad. Even ole Bernie Sanders is still living in the delusion that voter turnout was way down. Just a month ago he claimed it was the lowest in 20 years on national TV. Not sure if he really believes this or if he's just spewing the BS to keep the useful idiots stirred up.

Politifact set his ass straight:


Of course the useful idiots will never do the research to learn that. They'll just go parroting the party BS to all their friends and contacts. That's how bullshit works....just keeps spreading and getting all over the place. You should know...Oklahoma is cattle country. By the way....you might want to wipe your boots off ;) Looks like you're standing pretty deep in it!
The United States likes to throw the brick and hide there hands. Let's not forget ****** Democracy. Basically get down or lay down. There has never been a threat to this country. But that has change. People around the world are getting tired of the Bully on the block. United States soldiers have ******* more women and children, for profit than any other nation

Very very sad but true...
Very sad.

Though I think you can direct that charge to most of the leading nations of the world. The US just seems to do it more , or has in the past. So no country is innocent I think.
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No it dosen' but at least you didn't call me a bimbo this time so you are making progress

I'm pretty sure I didn't call you a bimbo.... maybe implied something along those lines....I picture a bimbo as someone with big fake boobs and a real "airhead" don't see you being that... but anyway.... progress.... well ok... it's a start...
let me make a long shot here....... change your mind on Trump yet?