How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
All I said is that Hillary is crooked, greedy and incompetent as you seem to think trump is.
/...First, no, that's not what you said in post #289... quote: "It's nothing compared to the circus it would have been had Hillary won." unquote. I was just asking you to elaborate. Thought you might wish to share as to why you felt Clinton winning would have been worse; apparently you don't wish to do that.
....Secondly, as far as your gender, ect ... I could care less in a political forum, BUT, the use of the word "man" is a figure of speech used often in the English language ...like "ohhh man". I wasn't implying you were a man, but take it as you wish. Many "so called females" on here ARE men.
...Now, please, go back to your "fun", whatever that entailed. ;)
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Trump has spend a 1/3 of his time at golf courses
Not even close to 1/3 of his time. 19 days out of 100. Some of which weren't exactly the vacationing time you're trying to imply...they were diplomatic outings like with Japan's prime minister. But why bother with details and reality when you can spew some half true BS to rile up the useful idiots.



Granted he's golfed way more than past presidents. It's easy to criticize him on that using the real facts...so why make ******* up and exaggerate like you did with your 1/3 of this time bullshit???? Oh yeah, that's just what you do!

still has a 1/3 of unfilled staff seats

Not sure on the 1/3 number but this is largely due to the Democrat Party of NO obstructing his nominees. Here's plots of the time from appointment to confirmation for Obama and Trump. This link has them for the last six presidents. Trump's nominees have faced historic obstruction from the Democrats in the Senate




Do the math on that and you'll see Trump's cabinet picks have averaged 69.9 days waiting for confirmation thanks to the Democrat obstruction.

Do the same math and you'll see Obummer's cabinet averaged just 43.5 days to get approved....And Obummer's stats would have been better if he didn't have to withdraw Tom Daschle as HHS secretary for being a tax cheat..

Funny how the then Democrat controlled Senate under Obummer went ahead and confirmed Tim Geitner A TAX CHEAT as the Treasurey secretary!!!! At least they thought about it 63 days before putting a tax cheat in charge of the IRS :rolleyes:

fired the federal judges and hasn't replaced them

PLEASE PLEASE Oh great MacFly tell us the name of JUST ONE federal judge Trump has fired....I dare you.
Not even close to 1/3 of his time. 19 days out of 100. Some of which weren't exactly the vacationing time you're trying to imply...they were diplomatic outings like with Japan's prime minister. But why bother with details and reality when you can spew some half true BS to rile up the useful idiots.



Granted he's golfed way more than past presidents. It's easy to criticize him on that using the real facts...so why make ******* up and exaggerate like you did with your 1/3 of this time bullshit???? Oh yeah, that's just what you do!

Not sure on the 1/3 number but this is largely due to the Democrat Party of NO obstructing his nominees. Here's plots of the time from appointment to confirmation for Obama and Trump. This link has them for the last six presidents. Trump's nominees have faced historic obstruction from the Democrats in the Senate


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View attachment 1279170

Do the math on that and you'll see Trump's cabinet picks have averaged 69.9 days waiting for confirmation thanks to the Democrat obstruction.

Do the same math and you'll see Obummer's cabinet averaged just 43.5 days to get approved....And Obummer's stats would have been better if he didn't have to withdraw Tom Daschle as HHS secretary for being a tax cheat..

Funny how the then Democrat controlled Senate under Obummer went ahead and confirmed Tim Geitner A TAX CHEAT as the Treasurey secretary!!!! At least they thought about it 63 days before putting a tax cheat in charge of the IRS :rolleyes:

PLEASE PLEASE Oh great MacFly tell us the name of JUST ONE federal judge Trump has fired....I dare you.

What is it with you Trump supporters. You do nothing but insult people, call them idiots, and a few choice words as well each time your so called leader is shown up... Is it a mental challenge or genetic stupidity that none of you seem to be able to actually discuss things????
What is it with you Trump supporters. You do nothing but insult people, call them idiots, and a few choice words as well each time your so called leader is shown up... Is it a mental challenge or genetic stupidity that none of you seem to be able to actually discuss things????
What is it with you Trump haters....why don't you try to debate any of the substantive points I made instead of whine about something I actually didn't do. (hint: you might want to study the background of the term "useful idiot" to avoid further demonstrating ignorance)

Oh, and if you're worried about name calling...please point the same level of angst at ole Mac. He's the king of name calling and insults on here...has been temporarily banned from the forum for it more than once. Just in the recent past he's called me personally buttface, dickwad, round mouth, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. I've shown rather remarkable restraint at avoiding calling him names like that. He really doesn't like it when he gets called out on some ignorant thing he's posted...like his recent comments about black holes related to the LHC. My explaining a bit about quantum mechanics is what earned me the "buttface" and "dickwad" names from Mac.
What is it with you Trump haters....why don't you try to debate any of the substantive points I made instead of whine about something I actually didn't do. (hint: you might want to study the background of the term "useful idiot" to avoid further demonstrating ignorance)

Oh, and if you're worried about name calling...please point the same level of angst at ole Mac. He's the king of name calling and insults on here...has been temporarily banned from the forum for it more than once. Just in the recent past he's called me personally buttface, dickwad, round mouth, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. I've shown rather remarkable restraint at avoiding calling him names like that. He really doesn't like it when he gets called out on some ignorant thing he's posted...like his recent comments about black holes related to the LHC. My explaining a bit about quantum mechanics is what earned me the "buttface" and "dickwad" names from Mac.
He and his brother in lunacy Subhub are unreal. I've never seen people as easy to bait as the two
tell us the name of JUST ONE federal judge Trump has fired....
....I meant US attorneys ... sorry 'bout that, but then, you knew what I meant. I was typing fast and responding to several posts at the same time. Usually the attorneys are gradually replaced with attorneys of the sitting president ... but noooo, not Trump. He simply fires them all in the "Trump Style" ... no replacements, and a lot of the 46 fired attorneys finding out that they had lost their jobs through the news media ... the old Comey way of firing people. They were suddenly told to clean out their desks and leave. And there are hundreds of vacancies in the government agencies because Trump's too busy with his golf game to appoint them ... they've now hired an outside employment agency to help find people for the Labor Dept, Dept of Education, EPA, State Dept ...
Confirmed Appt.s the First Hundred Days
Trump ...= 27
Obama ...= 69
G. Bush.. = 35
Clinton... = 49
H. Bush.. = 50​

Speaking of those 46 fired US Attorneys ... why would Trump just suddenly fire them all at once last week? Do you think, just possibly, he's attempting to slow the FBI down from their Trump/Russian investigations?

He's the king of name calling and insults on here...has been temporarily banned from the forum for it more than once.
....Wrong, dumbnuts ... I've been banned ONCE and that was from the politics forum. And I told that individual we were going to get banned if we didn't stop trading insults, and HE ended up getting anned twice on the same thread.

What is it with you Trump haters....why don't you try to debate any of the substantive points I made instead of whine about something
....I won't speak for Daphne, but I will say because you don't discuss the posts ... or initiate a post ... all you do is find something in a post and take issue with it ... like above with the US Attorneys ... I'm betting you knew exactly what I was referring to, BUT, preferred to point out that I said Federal Judges just to prove a wrong statement. You didn't even mention any of the body of the main points ... plus, I hate Trump because he cheated to be president ... obtained outside sources to mess with the voting, voter suppression, lied out his ass to his voters as to his healthcare plan, tax cuts, wall, and a host of other BS ... there's a lot of reasons to hate the 3 time married adulterer. He shits on the little people for his own gain ... has proven it time and again. We'll find that there was a reason he didn't reveal his tax records ...
....But that's ok, once the FBI is through crawling up every orifice he has on his fat body, he may be warming a seat in a federal prison ... getting him impeached would be a BONUS.
So, once again I'll tell you ..........pic_FuckOff.jpg
What is it with you Trump haters....why don't you try to debate any of the substantive points I made instead of whine about something I actually didn't do. (hint: you might want to study the background of the term "useful idiot" to avoid further demonstrating ignorance)

Oh, and if you're worried about name calling...please point the same level of angst at ole Mac. He's the king of name calling and insults on here...has been temporarily banned from the forum for it more than once. Just in the recent past he's called me personally buttface, dickwad, round mouth, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. I've shown rather remarkable restraint at avoiding calling him names like that. He really doesn't like it when he gets called out on some ignorant thing he's posted...like his recent comments about black holes related to the LHC. My explaining a bit about quantum mechanics is what earned me the "buttface" and "dickwad" names from Mac.

Here's the thing.. Any oone who says or posts anything negative about the lump that is trump they have to be a hater... Sorry no it doesn't. But the fact 'YOU' and the other Trump supporters keep bringing the hate up shows the level of insecurity you feel about your so called president.. I, like nearly all of Europe are wary of this incredible ignorant and self centered president YOU Americans have to put up with. He needs to be told evelen times he has to deal with the EU not a single country as an example. NATO is dumbing down their briefings and adding his name into them JUST TO KEEP HIM INTERESTED. Nearly all his achievements benefit Trump in one way or another. You also have a president that appears to be the dumbest person ever to hold office. Has back tracked on nearly every single comment, statement he has made, he doesn't even have the attention span of a gold fish...( by the way goldfish have anything up to a five month memory) his record according to his own staff is TEN MINUTES.

And as for debating any of the points...Well as the past has proven, Trump supporters are not the most level headed of debaters and usualy end up calling anything posted disproving or showing the statement in another light is called 'FAKE NEWS'... So against that background you can see why not many will enter the twilight zone of debates with Trump supporters. As for me I don't worry about Trump... Hubby does as he has things to do.. but as he says about Trump...Stupid is as stupid does...And yes , that's a direct qoute!

I, like nearly all of Europe are wary of this incredible ignorant and self centered president YOU Americans have to put up with. He needs to be told evelen times he has to deal with the EU not a single country as an example. NATO is dumbing down their briefings and adding his name into them JUST TO KEEP HIM INTERESTED. Nearly all his achievements benefit Trump in one way or another. You also have a president that appears to be the dumbest person ever to hold office. Has back tracked on nearly every single comment, statement he has made, he doesn't even have the attention span of a gold fish...( by the way goldfish have anything up to a five month memory) his record according to his own staff is TEN MINUTES.
Gee golly, why would ANYONE mistake you for a Trump hater??? :rolleyes:

And as for debating any of the points...Well as the past has proven, Trump supporters are not the most level headed of debaters and usualy end up calling anything posted disproving or showing the statement in another light is called 'FAKE NEWS'... So against that background you can see why not many will enter the twilight zone of debates with Trump supporters. As for me I don't worry about Trump... Hubby does as he has things to do.. but as he says about Trump...Stupid is as stupid does...And yes , that's a direct qoute!
I'll accept your deflecting here as your admission you are unable to come up with any substantive argument on any of the points I made in that post you replied to.
I was typing fast and responding to several posts at the same time.
No, go back and look. You were responding to one post...and it was a whopping TWO sentences long.

He simply fires them all in the "Trump Style" ... no replacements, and a lot of the 46 fired attorneys finding out that they had lost their jobs through the news media

Actually Trump fired them Clinton Style! Trump was simply trying to live up to the ways of your hero Ole Bubba Billy Clinton. Clinton fired EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 93 US attorneys on the same day. Trump's action fired LESS than HALF the number Clinton fired. That has you so frothing at the mouth you can't think straight enough to know the difference between a judge and an attorney...gee wonder how wound up you were over Bubba firing the whole damn bunch :rolleyes:


And ole Bubba sure as hell didn't have replacements for those 93 attorneys ready to go! For example....ironically, one of the US attorneys Bubba Clinton fired was Jeff Sessions...now our Attorney General. Bubba fired Sessions along with the 92 others on March 23, 1993. That post sat vacant for WAY over a year. The replacement was Don Foster who didn't get into office until Jan 1995.



Speaking of those 46 fired US Attorneys ... why would Trump just suddenly fire them all at once last week? Do you think, just possibly, he's attempting to slow the FBI down from their Trump/Russian investigations?

So by your own logic....why do you think Clinton just suddenly fired ALL the US attorneys??? Think maybe he wanted his own cronies in there to help protect him...slow down any investigations into Whitewater, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, etc. etc. etc.????

Wrong, dumbnuts ... I've been banned ONCE and that was from the politics forum. And I told that individual we were going to get banned if we didn't stop trading insults, and HE ended up getting anned twice on the same thread.

Oh gee...you were ONLY banned once. Wow....something to be proud of. But lets get this straight...you knew you would get banned, but still couldn't control your own name calling....seriously???? Why should I be surprised, since you just called me yet another name. As I said, ole Mac...you're the King of the name callin. I guess everyone has to be good at something!
Gee golly, why would ANYONE mistake you for a Trump hater??? :rolleyes:

I'll accept your deflecting here as your admission you are unable to come up with any substantive argument on any of the points I made in that post you replied to.

LOl Wow you really are a snowflake. That noise you heard was the point flying over your head... But nice try any way.
That noise you heard was the point flying over your head...
....That's his style Daphne ... if you wrote a perfect paragraph, but misspelled a word, he'd make an issue pointing that out. There's NO getting the last comment with this imbecile ... he always insist on the last comment and wasting b2w ink with babble. I've actually asked him many times to simply quit directing his sarcasm at me and we'd get along fine ... he's too stupid to do that; then complains when I call him a name. I think he's masochistic or something.
....That's his style Daphne ... if you wrote a perfect paragraph, but misspelled a word, he'd make an issue pointing that out. There's NO getting the last comment with this imbecile ... he always insist on the last comment and wasting b2w ink with babble. I've actually asked him many times to simply quit directing his sarcasm at me and we'd get along fine ... he's too stupid to do that; then complains when I call him a name. I think he's masochistic or something.

Funny as his 19 is in fact 21 times playing golf...Or 20% of his time. Gosh a Trump supporter getting facts all wrong....Surely not :eek:
Here's the thing.. Any oone who says or posts anything negative about the lump that is trump they have to be a hater... Sorry no it doesn't. But the fact 'YOU' and the other Trump supporters keep bringing the hate up shows the level of insecurity you feel about your so called president.. I, like nearly all of Europe are wary of this incredible ignorant and self centered president YOU Americans have to put up with. He needs to be told evelen times he has to deal with the EU not a single country as an example. NATO is dumbing down their briefings and adding his name into them JUST TO KEEP HIM INTERESTED. Nearly all his achievements benefit Trump in one way or another. You also have a president that appears to be the dumbest person ever to hold office. Has back tracked on nearly every single comment, statement he has made, he doesn't even have the attention span of a gold fish...( by the way goldfish have anything up to a five month memory) his record according to his own staff is TEN MINUTES.

And as for debating any of the points...Well as the past has proven, Trump supporters are not the most level headed of debaters and usualy end up calling anything posted disproving or showing the statement in another light is called 'FAKE NEWS'... So against that background you can see why not many will enter the twilight zone of debates with Trump supporters. As for me I don't worry about Trump... Hubby does as he has things to do.. but as he says about Trump...Stupid is as stupid does...And yes , that's a direct qoute!

Seems to me you do quite a bit of worrying about Trump. Did you think Obama was a good President?
....That's his style Daphne ... if you wrote a perfect paragraph, but misspelled a word, he'd make an issue pointing that out. There's NO getting the last comment with this imbecile ... he always insist on the last comment and wasting b2w ink with babble. I've actually asked him many times to simply quit directing his sarcasm at me and we'd get along fine ... he's too stupid to do that; then complains when I call him a name. I think he's masochistic or something.
I sometimes wonder if you really believe your BS. I make substantive points with facts and documentation....like in the post above with charts showing the Democrat Party of NO's obstruction of Trump appointments. You whine and moan claiming I'm only arguing about misspelled words.....oh and call me names. I don't mind your name calling. It tells me I've won the debate, when your level of intelligent conversation sinks to "elementary school playground"

As for your latest name calling/insult of "imbecile"....I'll compare IQs with you any day....or as Rockhound so eloquently put it http://www.hark.com/clips/bdmkqcgggl-compare-brain-pans
Funny as his 19 is in fact 21 times playing golf...Or 20% of his time. Gosh a Trump supporter getting facts all wrong....Surely not :eek:
Care to provide the slightest shred of evidence to support that? If so you might want to take it up with

CBS: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-r...issued-low-in-approvals-nearing-100-day-mark/

The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/04/10/us/politics/trump-golf-course-getaways.html

CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/28/politics/donald-trump-100-day-data/

Business Insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/why-american-presidents-play-so-much-golf-2017-4

All of which say 19 times in 100 days, just as I said. But why bother with facts and reality when you can exaggerate and lie about Trump?
Seems to me you do quite a bit of worrying about Trump. Did you think Obama was a good President?

No. I don't worry about Trump at all. But thanks for missing the point as well... As for Obama.. He was 'YOUR' president. Like Trump I have no good or bad thoughts about him...But Obam's actions were never this disruptive or on such a childish level that Trump operates on... Any one who has to have a thirty minute briefing dumbed down to two to three minutes and have his (Trumps) name mentioned to keep him interested is really asking to have the complete piss taken out of him by all concerned... European diplomats, NATO heads all are frightened and dismayed at the total ineptitude from the man you all voted in. The very man who has threatened NATO, Mexico to name just two. So in that respect..Yeah Obama certainly was better.