How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
I wonder if Vegas is taking any monetary bets against Trump? If so and you guys gamble feel free to step forward @MacNfries, @subhub174014 , and @bigblackbull76 and place a bet. If the odds are right you might make a fair amount of cash provided you are right about such a date if Trump gets impeached.
....I wouldn't bet on "impeachment" parse ... as no President has ever been impeached and removed from office. Nixon resigned and the 2 other presidents served their terms in office. No president has been ******* removed from office.
....However, it doesn't take impeachment to remove a President or any servant of Washington from office, just incompetence. The phrase "constitutional crisis" has been floating around Washington quite a bit by some very distinguished people ... but, it has to be voted 2/3 for by both House & Senate ... they covered that on a political channel just recently. BUT, Donald Trump is proving to be a very unusual president and it wouldn't surprise me, if the charges and investigations lead to him becoming the first President to be impeached & removed. Unlike Nixon, Trump's ego probably isn't going to relent to his resigning "gracefully'. Maybe Congress should just take Trump's advice that he gave regarding the ACA ... leave it along and it'll collapse on its own ... I figure you give Trump no advice on anything and within a week or two he'd crash & burn, too.

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....I wouldn't bet on "impeachment" parse ... as no President has ever been impeached and removed from office. Nixon resigned and the 2 other presidents served their terms in office. No president has been ******* removed from office.
....However, it doesn't take impeachment to remove a President or any servant of Washington from office, just incompetence. The phrase "constitutional crisis" has been floating around Washington quite a bit by some very distinguished people ... but, it has to be voted 2/3 for by both House & Senate ... they covered that on a political channel just recently. BUT, Donald Trump is proving to be a very unusual president and it wouldn't surprise me, if the charges and investigations lead to him becoming the first President to be impeached & removed. Unlike Nixon, Trump's ego probably isn't going to relent to his resigning "gracefully'. Maybe Congress should just take Trump's advice that he gave regarding the ACA ... leave it along and it'll collapse on its own ... I figure you give Trump no advice on anything and within a week or two he'd crash & burn, too.

You surprise me @MacNfries. I thought at the very least you'd be in sync with this Irish betting house I did an internet query online? Where they give a 60% chance that Trump would be impeached? And from your perspective make easy money?
( https://www.inverse.com/article/26292-donald-trump-impeachment-odds )
You surprise me
We live in "strange times", STIFF ... nothing seems to be as it appears to be. Trump very well may become the first truly removed president by impeachment ... he has some very serious charges going. I still think, however, that he'll he hit with tax evasion & money laundering before they ever get enough proof to crown him with collusion, etc.
We live in "strange times", STIFF ... nothing seems to be as it appears to be. Trump very well may become the first truly removed president by impeachment ... he has some very serious charges going. I still think, however, that he'll he hit with tax evasion & money laundering before they ever get enough proof to crown him with collusion, etc.

Somebody is either writing a huge comedy or this is surreal life for Americans
Well I shouldn't argue with someone who knows what three quarters of the western world thinks but she has been a criminal since she was in arkansas.

And yet here you are arguing lol.... No seriously, Trump is the laughing stock in three quarters of the western world... Hell 27 countries of NATO think he's a complete idiot... They are giving him dumb downed briefings, , they are mentioning his name in them just so he pays attention after it was revealed its the only way to stop he wandering off mentaly....Come on, you seriously cannot tell me you still believe in this man.
And yet here you are arguing lol.... No seriously, Trump is the laughing stock in three quarters of the western world... Hell 27 countries of NATO think he's a complete idiot... They are giving him dumb downed briefings, , they are mentioning his name in them just so he pays attention after it was revealed its the only way to stop he wandering off mentaly....Come on, you seriously cannot tell me you still believe in this man.
It has nothing to do with who I believe in, voted for or support. Clinton has a ton of criminal baggage in her past and not even the liberal media could have helped her had she been elected. Europeans and Democrats are like Pavlov's dogs. All you have to do is mention words connected to D.C. ( Potomac river, Lincoln Memorial, cherry blossoms) and you lose your minds and go off into some anti Trump rant. Smoke some weed and relax.
It has nothing to do with who I believe in, voted for or support. Clinton has a ton of criminal baggage in her past and not even the liberal media could have helped her had she been elected. Europeans and Democrats are like Pavlov's dogs. All you have to do is mention words connected to D.C. ( Potomac river, Lincoln Memorial, cherry blossoms) and you lose your minds and go off into some anti Trump rant. Smoke some weed and relax.

Ohh dear.. And here's me thinking you were capable of rational thought...My bad...

I think I am the wrong place ............................I thought everyone was having so much fun having sex that there was no time for politics .
I think I will leave my Trump hat at home before I would meet anyone .................................Let's not get started on your favorite NFL team.................:p:D:happy:
Ohh dear.. And here's me thinking you were capable of rational thought...My bad...

no such thing from a "Trumpie"

but I will give her credit.... she is hanging in there and voicing her position..... most of the others have run.....so I give her credit for that.... most Trumpies are embarrassed right now.... and he is an embarrassment!

I will rate you right up there with HH... someone has to provide good entertainment

but his days are numbered... and he knows it or he wouldn't have already hired an impeachment team

but I agree with mac... he has so many other lawsuits going... it is going to all catch up with him.... and he will run with his tail between his legs!
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Clinton has a ton of criminal baggage in her past and not even the liberal media could have helped her had she been elected

guess you haven't looked into Trump's background?!
just took him at his word...... and believed what he and Russia and some on the right said about her

why don't you go back and look at the last 2 times he announced he was running.... campaign didn't last long ... he was laughed out of the race.... difference is this time he found a bunch of suckers looking for some kind of salvation.... and this time it is he who is doing the laughing
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you lose your minds and go off into some anti Trump rant

a good president would have worked to try and unite the country after taking office.... never saw any of that.... would have lived up to at least some of his campaign promises.... haven't seen any of that....... done something for the good of the country...... haven't seen any of that, it has all been for the benefit of trump

an old army saying.... this guy flat stepped on his dick!
Truth be told politics & sex are the furthest emotional differences the two don't belong together IMHO . No more then religion and the lifestyle .

I want not to get a piece of tail or a bj .............................But whatever .....
It's nothing compared to the circus it would have been had Hillary won. Even with the media protecting her
Really? How so, northsb? Trump has spend a 1/3 of his time at golf courses, still has a 1/3 of unfilled staff seats, fired the federal judges and hasn't replaced them, is under investigation for a dozen different things, hasn't fulfilled one campaign promise, has flipflopped on just about all his issues ... just yesterday he flipped on Nafta. He lied to the majority of the voters on healthcare ... tax cuts ... the Wall .... and pissed off our allies ... is the most unpopular President in his first year in history ... Jesus Christ, and you think Hillary would have done worse? Pray tell ... HOW? Trump's entire staff went with him overseas to get away from the media. No one left in Washington.

Pull your head out of your butt and look around, man! Even the Republicans are saying the idiot Trump is in a death spiral ... and he's not even got a world crisis on his hands yet. Do we want to wait until the bombs start going off to see what his meddle is all about? The man ONLY WINS when he has a distinct advantage over his opponents ... he's a renown vulture & crony capitalist and makes his living picking on the little guys. He's like a 5th grader on the playground who goes around to the 2nd and 3rd graders stealing their lunch money. The fool even is suspected of *******; have you seen the news in Russia on him?

You better get a grip?
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Really? How so, northsb? Trump has spend a 1/3 of his time at golf courses, still has a 1/3 of unfilled staff seats, fired the federal judges and hasn't replaced them, is under investigation for a dozen different things, hasn't fulfilled one campaign promise, has flipflopped on just about all his issues ... just yesterday he flipped on Nafta. He lied to the majority of the voters on healthcare ... tax cuts ... the Wall .... and pissed off our allies ... is the most unpopular President in his first year in history ... Jesus Christ, and you think Hillary would have done worse? Pray tell ... HOW? Trump's entire staff went with him overseas to get away from the media. No one left in Washington.

Pull your head out of your butt and look around, man! Even the Republicans are saying the idiot Trump is in a death spiral ... and he's not even got a world crisis on his hands yet. Do we want to wait until the bombs start going off to see what his meddle is all about? The man ONLY WINS when he has a distinct advantage over his opponents ... he's a renown vulture & crony capitalist and makes his living picking on the little guys. He's like a 5th grader on the playground who goes around to the 2nd and 3rd graders stealing their lunch money. The fool even is suspected of *******; have you seen the news in Russia on him?

You better get a grip?
I've been on here for over a year and you think I'm a man? Seems like you need to get your head out of your ass and not only get a grip but get some thorazine. All I said is that Hillary is crooked, greedy and incompetent as you seem to think trump is. There are democrats who believe that, prove me wrong. But just saying that sends so many of you into the hysteria zone. It's like a game. You don't have to defend trump, just criticize a democrat and you seals go into your act. I have fun to get back to