How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Well now that the dam has broke and the news is flooding about Trump and his russian ties and corruption with covering the whole thing up seems like i do know everything after-all huh. Well actually I don't know everything but one thing I do know - Trump is GUILTY AS A MUTHA-PHUC...SHUT YOUR MOUTH. I'M ONLY TALKING ABOUT TRUMP BABY - YOUR DAM RIGHT.

@STIFFBBC - did I hear and see that your starting to change your vote yet? You still got time to get on the right-side of this thing my friend, come over to the cause for true Justice. :bigsmile::balanced:

I confess that it looks very bad for President Trump especially with him firing Comey right now. If this were a boxing match where Trump was fighting someone else at the very least he'd either be on the ropes or he'd be lying on the canvas where the referee was giving him his count to 10. Let's imagine if there is something to be said about Russia infiltrating America's election or America herself somehow. If that's the case there would severe problems about national security. If you or anyone else were in Trump's position what would you rather do: take this troublesome criticism of being a bad president where you press on and do what needs to be done as POTUS and have your actions vindicate you afterwards, or admit something is very rotten in America with the Russians and see the stock market crash and turmoil occur after the fact razing America to the ground? I still need some time to see how this is to play out. Generally America does not elect presidents that commit treason, and I'd adhere to that until I see more damning evidence against Trump. Moreover if Russia is running America, you would need to eliminate those ties as you would need to conduct another election where you would need to elect another President and not another Comrade. How to do so I have no credible idea short of going back to a pure paper system where you'd use Brink trucks to carry physical ballots to a physical location where they'd be physically counted and abandon the use of computers? A troublesome task for a nation that has a population upwards of 300 million????

Also to turn the tables on Russia, one would need to somehow infiltrate Russia or get double agents to work for America. When Russia trains spies to invade America, they are most likely trained in all areas to "fit in" America where he/she speaks and can write in English and be familiar in all things American before they enter America. Similarly, at the least America should augment it's educational system whereby more Americans can train students to become her spies infiltrating Russia where he/she can read and write in Russian and be familiar with all things "русский" ("Russian", courtesy of google translate) so as to get to the forces that trespassed in America and terminate it. And should American spies could invade the Kremlin and find words to effect that "Мы владеем Трампом, и он теперь наша сука, хахаха." (Russian for "We own Trump and he is our bitch now, hahaha." courtesy of google translate) on certain documents that would prove the conspiracy theory even more so.
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This was all part of a game. I wonder how Obama would serve another term. The Zionist will distract people from the truth. The war is coming sooner than we think.
Trump knew he was going to be President ten years ago. This is all scripted. I don't know how long he remain as acting President. But something says this will end up like the old tv show (Dallas). Also the Bildeberg meeting will be held in the United States this year in Sierra City. We will see what tricks they have up their sleeves... There will be a lot of false flag distraction in the news, in the United States in the next couple of months. And the sheeple what they call us will believe it all.
Trump knew he was going to be President ten years ago. This is all scripted. I don't know how long he remain as acting President. But something says this will end up like the old tv show (Dallas). Also the Bildeberg meeting will be held in the United States this year in Sierra City. We will see what tricks they have up their sleeves... There will be a lot of false flag distraction in the news, in the United States in the next couple of months. And the sheeple what they call us will believe it all.
I hear ya, quite possibly this could even be revenge back onto Trump for conceivable not bowing to those Bildebastards at Bohemian Grove and not sucking their cocks like other presidents might have done?
I hear ya, quite possibly this could even be revenge back onto Trump for conceivable not bowing to those Bildebastards at Bohemian Grove and not sucking their cocks like other presidents might have done?
And you might have point about that. Trump has pissed some of the Elite off. And nice to see another Hebrew negro man here that isn't sleep. These cock roaches have plans for us. Wal-Mart and other retailers have sign on to convert their stores in prison camps. But the most high will put a stop to that.
And bro. Trump has took it up the ass and suck dick before. It is part of the rituals. La Costa Nostra. Which really means to fuck another man. And never speak of it again. Which Bush and his buddies practice at Yale. Skull and Bones. Leverage or Blackmail to keep key postion holders in place.
And you might have point about that. Trump has pissed some of the Elite off. And nice to see another Hebrew negro man here that isn't sleep. These cock roaches have plans for us. Wal-Mart and other retailers have sign on to convert their stores in prison camps. But the most high will put a stop to that.
My eyes are quite open my man. Fortunately the elite don't do anything original as history tends to repeat itself to a degree and there is even predictive programming whereby they try to reveal certain plots even on TV. You ever watch Quantico? There was a scenario where a female president was impeached, a FBI director was ****** to quit (that episode came on before Comey was fired by Trump by the way), and the FBI and the CIA was ****** to work together in an effort to bring down an unsavory man with considerable unknown connections with the Elite assumed presidency. It might sound somewhat familiar to real life does it not? And if things go very sour in America, and the people cry out why is this happening? The elite can snicker back to everyone saying that we warned you and we even announced what we are doing on TV to warn you but you wouldn't listen. MUAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantico_(season_2) )
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My eyes are quite open my man. Fortunately the elite don't do anything original as history tends to repeat itself to a degree and there is even predictive programming whereby they try to reveal certain plots even on TV. You ever watch Quantico? There was a scenario where a female president was impeached, a FBI director was ****** to quit (that episode came on before Comey was fired by Trump by the way), and the FBI and the CIA was ****** to work together in an effort to bring down an unsavory man with considerable unknown connections with the Elite assumed presidency. It might sound somewhat familiar to real life does it not? And if things go very sour in America, and the people cry out why is this happening? The elite can snicker back to everyone saying that we warned you and we even announced what we are doing to warn you but you wouldn't listen. MUAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantico_(season_2) )
I've watched that tv show and had the same thoughts. What you think about Cern. And them experimenting with black matter. Or dark energy?
And bro. Trump has took it up the ass and suck dick before. It is part of the rituals. La Costa Nostra. Which really means to fuck another man. And never speak of it again. Which Bush and his buddies practice at Yale. Skull and Bones. Leverage or Blackmail to keep key postion holders in place.
Not sure about that my man? Becoming able to read almost 100 languages (thanks to google translate but in real life being Canadian I have had some French beaten into me in high school) "La costa nostre" simply means "our coast" in Italian? However, if it's an underworld organization with ties to the mafia, they might do such activities behind the scenes?
I've watched that tv show and had the same thoughts. What you think about Cern. And them experimenting with black matter. Or dark energy?
It's hard to say what might come from it as I don't have a PhD in Physics or related disciplines like Dr Stephen Hawking or Dr Michio Kaku, but I don't think black holes would appear to consume the Earth? But if it did let it start with DAESH.
It's hard to say what might come from it as I don't have a PhD in Physics or related disciplines like Dr Stephen Hawking or Dr Michio Kaku, but I don't think black holes would appear to consume the Earth? But if it did let it start with DAESH.
They are building a super Collider. And every they fire that thing up. Strange things happen. Just like the people losing their minds in Chicago. Thanks to Firmlabs
Japan is dumping radioactive matter into the Pacific which is having massive affects on the west coast.
Not a willful act if you consider the Fukushima disaster with the tsunami they had. I wonder if Hawaii is even worse as they are closer to the source of the radioactive waste?
Orion, its sure obvious that you're up on your SciFi ... but don't overestimate man's ability to annihilate us with that "black hole" gadgetry. I think the world is well on track to annihilating a major portion of its surface life with nuclear weapons, and its only a matter of a few years at most.