Sex with a married man.

Would you have sex with a married person?. Married men used to be off limits to me. I wasn't going to help anyone cheat on there spouse. After a while I changed to the belief that it's not my job to keep them loyal. I'm oversexed and have had several married guys. My husband and I have rules to prevent the emotional bonds. What's your view.
Hotwife Kara Sweet
Both of the guys I have had my recent fun with are married. Their wives know. In fact, one encourages me to "take care of her husband". She is just not that into sex. I cannot seem to keep my underwear on. So, it all works out.
Both of the guys I have had my recent fun with are married. Their wives know. In fact, one encourages me to "take care of her husband". She is just not that into sex. I cannot seem to keep my underwear on. So, it all works out.
😆 🤣 Like the country song, her clothes keep falling off or whatever. I have a couple where the wife asks me to take care of him. My husband fucks her but the other guy is just too much for his wife sometimes.
When vetting prospective playmates for the Mrs, their marital status is irrelevant with our stance on it being that they are an adult, making adult decisions, so if you are cheating its all on you.
Would you have sex with a married person?. Married men used to be off limits to me. I wasn't going to help anyone cheat on there spouse. After a while I changed to the belief that it's not my job to keep them loyal. I'm oversexed and have had several married guys. My husband and I have rules to prevent the emotional bonds. What's your view.
Hotwife Kara Sweet
We don't want the bad karma. If his wife can't trust him, how can we?