Politics, Politics, Politics

No, I mean what happens if you are licensed to carry/own a gun and you die of natural causes? Is the gun claimed by the govt since you are now dead? Or does someone else simply take ownership?
Well, with my great grandfather (dad's side), it was the old "5 finger discount" .... his ******* had a Springfield rifle, along with scabber and bayonet, that he brought back from the Civil War. When he died, my dad's ******* was suppose to get the rifle, but it suddenly disappeared from the family cedar chest along with the gun powder horn. And to think, being the oldest sibling in dad's family, I might have inherited that rifle. Dad did inherit a 25 cal Colt semi from his ******* which he gave to me. Even has the original box it came in.
you know that for a fact?!….don't suppose the relatives are all around looking at this or that and one says I want this .45 and takes it…...seen way to many of those estate sales....relatives always get first dibs on what they want

go clean your sock drawer

You take possession of a handgun in Mass without a LTC and get caught you'll end up In prison.
No, I mean what happens if you are licensed to carry/own a gun and you die of natural causes? Is the gun claimed by the govt since you are now dead? Or does someone else simply take ownership?

It depends state to state, but usually it is passed down to family members, as long as they are legally able to own a gun. Just like any other peice of property in an estate. If it is sold publicly (estate auction), the buyer must clear a BG check and again, be legally able to purchase the weapon. If it is sold privately (person to person) then the buyer better be able to own that gun if that person is caught with it later. There are also different rules for hand guns vs. rifles. Gun laws are incredibly confusing. But then again, what isn't when the government is involved.
Gun laws are incredibly confusing. But then again, what isn't when the government is involved.
Statutes that are written as a compromise between competing ideologies are always a mess. Neither side gets the desired result and the meaning of key words or phrases is often so compromised that it can only be settled by the interpretation of a court ruling. This happens because the electorate just doesn't know they should care about government.

In our participatory democracy, we have done a miserable job educating our electorate about the crucial need for voting and citizen engagement.
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Comparing the USA to the UK is apples to oranges, we live in a country based a republic that was created to allow real freedom for it's people. The fact that even our Government can completely do away with our freedom is real. This is fact,

The inception of nearly every dictator's coup in my lifetime has consisted of these acts:
- confiscation of arms from individuals and opposition
- restriction of press and communications media (now including the net)
- incarceration and killing of ethnic, religious, or political "undesirables"

We as American Free People deserve the right to have arms equal to those of the United States Armed Forces and police departments, that are government controlled. These Antifa rallies are a small example of what could happen. They are allowed to carry with them all sorts of clubs and other weapons with the intent to commit violence, but in the cities run by liberal Governors and other members of the Democratic Party the Police are told to stand down