Politics, Politics, Politics

That's the stupidest article I've ever read. It says the UK ******* rate is five times the USA rate and the truth is exactly the opposite.
"There were a total of 17,284 reported ******* and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2017".

UK "There were 719 homicides – murderand manslaughter – in the year to June, a 14% increase from 630 in the previous year excluding exceptional incidents in 2017".

Your population is about 5 and a bit times ours, so adjust our ******* rate to about 3500, which is a bit more than a quarter of yours.

Well, if you actually read the article then you would see that the claim "the UK is 5 times more violent" isn't actually true. The numbers are played with to mislead. But the fact that the US has 5 times the population than the UK, obviously our crime rate will be higher.
Well, if you actually read the article then you would see that the claim "the UK is 5 times more violent" isn't actually true. The numbers are played with to mislead. But the fact that the US has 5 times the population than the UK, obviously our crime rate will be higher.
Are you trying to wind me up, or are you serious? Nobody said the UK has a higher violent crime rate than the UK anyway. The article is totally irrelevant, so please don't dissemble and make out there's some amazing insight here.
You do understand what ******* RATE means?
Restrictive? I am not restricted in any way that concerns me. Ok, I'm not permitted to buy an AR15, but I have no need for one. Nor do i have a need of a handgun for that matter. I guess i might feel different if every fucker had one, however. And that's your situation - your ******* rate is 5 times the UK ******* rate. Wonder why...?

The price of FREEDOM - I guess
Now - if you want to reqire a mental health check to buy a gun, I'll agree to that because that is a big part of the problem. That would be going after the problem, not the tool used.

Or, maybe we should just have the innocent, law abiding citizens, who don't carry firearms, to just yell words-TrickOrTreat.jpg That should scare the badguys with AR 15s, right?
For those interested ... the per capita crime rates of UK vs USA ... (take special note of the murders by firearms)

That is interesting. What stopped me was the capital punishment - ranks UK first with the US, but we haven't had an execution for over 50 years and it is banned in the UK.

I do wonder about the gathering of some stats - obviously, they can look worse if law enforcement are doing their jobs well or effectively.

Cheers and please don't think I hate America. I just like a robust exchange of views on issues that interest me.
Guns involved in crimes are usually destroyed once they're no longer needed as evidence.
No, I mean what happens if you are licensed to carry/own a gun and you die of natural causes? Is the gun claimed by the govt since you are now dead? Or does someone else simply take ownership?