Politics, Politics, Politics

Then stop bringing up these stupid talking points and lets discuss the REAL issue. We have a disrespect for life and a mental health problem, not a gun problem.
They're ALL talking points, like it or not, TwoBi, just not with you folks who have convinced yourself that the Big Invasion or Apocalypse is coming. Its the Republicans who have and still are making cutbacks to mental health care, yet when you bring it up to discuss regarding gun issues, they flip to some other asinine reason for gun violence. They won't allow themselves to be committed to any gun violence fix that involve the ownership or restrictions on guns or gun types, OR requiring gun owners to jump through a few more hoops in order to own aggressive weaponry. Its like squeezing air in a balloon.
So, sorry, until someone convinces me that those high velocity ammunitions are needed or necessary, I'll stick with eliminating the guns & ammo until the rightards realize they have to meet anti-AR advocates at the table "willing to make concessions". I feel just fine with shotguns and a couple handguns in my home to keep me and mine safe.
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They're ALL talking points, like it or not, TwoBi. Its the Republicans who have and still are making cutbacks to mental health care, yet when you bring it up to discuss regarding gun issues, they flip to some other asinine reason for gun violence. They won't allow themselves to be committed to any gun violence fix that involve the ownership or restrictions on guns or gun types, OR requiring gun owners to jump through a few more hoops in order to own aggressive weaponry. Its like squeezing air in a balloon.
So, sorry, until someone convinces me that those high velocity ammunitions are needed or necessary, I'll stick with eliminating the guns & ammo until the rightards realize they have to meet anti-AR advocates at the table "willing to make concessions". I feel just fine with shotguns and a couple handguns in my home to keep me safe.
If you let the goverment pick your guns today is ar tomorrow pistols
Of course it is. Don't tell me, guns don't ******* people?
People WITH GUNS ******* people.

People ******* people. The gun is a tool like a hammer. Hammers ******* more people in the USA every year than ARs do. We should ban hammers first then.
A serf lives by the government, a citizen if free to choose how they live. Without a way to defend your freedoms, you no longer have a choice.
Picture yourself in Venezuela, Congo, Iraq or Afghanistan- then answer that question.

A lot of you people on the left live in a bubble, you have no clue what really goes on in the world. You just want your safe space preserved like sucking on your mothers tits and you are willing to give up whatever it takes.
I'm perfectly free thanks. I think you've become confused along the way - if I lived in one of those countries you mention I may well feel the need to defend myself. As it happens I don't feel the need to defend myself in that way. I have had problems with a few guys over here since I was a kid and we've sorted it by fighting. I had a fist fight with two guys in Regents Street in central London in broad daylight once, because one had assaulted my girlfriend. No guns drawn and the police waved me away as he pulled the broken teeth out of the guy's throat.

Very very few people here have guns and so nobody feels the need to have one. As it happens, I do own a shotgun but it is locked in a gun safe 99% of the time and I shoot clays with it. I'm one of the only people I know in my daily life who possesses a gun and i had to be intensively vetted, even to the extent where they checked my social media accounts for signs of extreme beliefs.

I know of nobody with a hand gun or rifle in the UK. It is extremely rare.

As a result we don't have mass shootings, or rather we haven't since they tightened up the laws years ago. Actually, Andy Murray was present for the last mass shooting in the UK when he was a baby in Dunblane about 30 years ago. Can't remember the exact date. We had another in hungerford around the same time. None since then. Nobody here can understand your preoccupation with guns.

Because guns are so rare, the police are not paranoid. Again, we are shocked when we see US police draw their weapons because some guy questions why he's been arrested - it seems to me that you don't really have that much freedom because you fear your police and I'm not surprised you do. The police are there to protect and serve, not pull hand guns on you.

I think you've become brainwashed. The more guns there are, the more guns you feel you need. I find it unbelievable that you actually train elementary school teachers to use guns. Violence begets violence it seems. Your answer to gun violence - get more guns! It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

Somehow, you have learned to equate gun ownership with freedom. That's a false connection. It DOES suggest that you'd be willing to use your weapons to defend your right to own weapons. That indicates to me that you live in an EXTREMELY unstable and paranoid society. When these rights are challenged many of you guys react with really extreme outrage. It is bizarre to everybody here.
Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2018 | Statista
The statistic shows the percentage of households in the United States which own firearms from 1972 to 2017. In 2017, about 42 percent of U.S. households had at least one gun in possession. Additional information on firearms in the United States.
Never said anything of the sort Mac - that's all you. Maybe if you cared to read and comprehend you wouldn't be so flustered all the time.
That was an "opinion" statement, TwoBi ... not a restatement of what you have said.
" just not with you folks who have convinced yourself that the Big Invasion or Apocalypse is coming"
So, I suggest you take your own advice which was ... "Maybe if you cared to read and comprehend you wouldn't be so flustered all the time."
I'm perfectly free thanks. I think you've become confused along the way - if I lived in one of those countries you mention I may well feel the need to defend myself. As it happens I don't feel the need to defend myself in that way. I have had problems with a few guys over here since I was a kid and we've sorted it by fighting. I had a fist fight with two guys in Regents Street in central London in broad daylight once, because one had assaulted my girlfriend. No guns drawn and the police waved me away as he pulled the broken teeth out of the guy's throat.

Very very few people here have guns and so nobody feels the need to have one. As it happens, I do own a shotgun but it is locked in a gun safe 99% of the time and I shoot clays with it. I'm one of the only people I know in my daily life who possesses a gun and i had to be intensively vetted, even to the extent where they checked my social media accounts for signs of extreme beliefs.

I know of nobody with a hand gun or rifle in the UK. It is extremely rare.

As a result we don't have mass shootings, or rather we haven't since they tightened up the laws years ago. Actually, Andy Murray was present for the last mass shooting in the UK when he was a baby in Dunblane about 30 years ago. Can't remember the exact date. We had another in hungerford around the same time. None since then. Nobody here can understand your preoccupation with guns.

Because guns are so rare, the police are not paranoid. Again, we are shocked when we see US police draw their weapons because some guy questions why he's been arrested - it seems to me that you don't really have that much freedom because you fear your police and I'm not surprised you do. The police are there to protect and serve, not pull hand guns on you.

I think you've become brainwashed. The more guns there are, the more guns you feel you need. I find it unbelievable that you actually train elementary school teachers to use guns. Violence begets violence it seems. Your answer to gun violence - get more guns! It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

Somehow, you have learned to equate gun ownership with freedom. That's a false connection. It DOES suggest that you'd be willing to use your weapons to defend your right to own weapons. That indicates to me that you live in an EXTREMELY unstable and paranoid society. When these rights are challenged many of you guys react with really extreme outrage. It is bizarre to everybody here.

This country twas founded by private gun ownership. Had the population not been armed we’d still be a British colony. Our Founding Fathers were smart enough to know an armed population can not be easily subjugated by government gone wrong.
I like the way things are here and like being American not British with all the restrictive regulations you guys have.
I think you've become brainwashed. The more guns there are, the more guns you feel you need. ... Your answer to gun violence - get more guns! It would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

So sick of people putting words in my mouth - this IS NOT WHAT I THINK OR FEEL.

NEVER have I said more guns is the answer. You and Mac both.

once again, comprehension.
not a restatement of what you have said.
EXACTLY - so why would you make that assumption for your "opinion"????
This country twas founded by private gun ownership. Had the population not been armed we’d still be a British colony. Our Founding Fathers were smart enough to know an armed population can not be easily subjugated by government gone wrong.
I like the way things are here and like being American not British with all the restrictive regulations you guys have.
Restrictive? I am not restricted in any way that concerns me. Ok, I'm not permitted to buy an AR15, but I have no need for one. Nor do i have a need of a handgun for that matter. I guess i might feel different if every fucker had one, however. And that's your situation - your ******* rate is 5 times the UK ******* rate. Wonder why...?
Restrictive? I am not restricted in any way that concerns me. Ok, I'm not permitted to buy an AR15, but I have no need for one. Nor do i have a need of a handgun for that matter. I guess i might feel different if every fucker had one, however. And that's your situation - your ******* rate is 5 times the UK ******* rate. Wonder why...?

It's not because we own guns.

So you don't want an AR, so what? No one else should be allowed to have one either? I have no need for model airplanes either but I'm not out demanding they be banned. Please don't come back with the argument that model airplanes don't ******* people, because guns don't ******* people either.

Now - if you want to reqire a mental health check to buy a gun, I'll agree to that because that is a big part of the problem. That would be going after the problem, not the tool used.
It's not because we own guns.

So you don't want an AR, so what? No one else should be allowed to have one either? I have no need for model airplanes either but I'm not out demanding they be banned. Please don't come back with the argument that model airplanes don't ******* people, because guns don't ******* people either.

Now - if you want to reqire a mental health check to buy a gun, I'll agree to that because that is a big part of the problem. That would be going after the problem, not the tool used.
Your ******* rate is five times the UK 's. Are you five times more insane that British people? No, the argument that guns don't ******* people is silly. Obviously, a gun on its own doesn't ******* someone - even an idiot brit like me wouldn't say that. Neither is it likely that a person, on their own and without a weapon, will ******* someone. But put the two together and.... bingo, you have five times the ******* rate of the UK.
Your ******* rate is five times the UK 's. Are you five times more insane that British people? No, the argument that guns don't ******* people is silly. Obviously, a gun on its own doesn't ******* someone - even an idiot brit like me wouldn't say that. Neither is it likely that a person, on their own and without a weapon, will ******* someone. But put the two together and.... bingo, you have five times the ******* rate of the UK.
Cause no one ever strangle bludgeons suffacates drowns stabbs or shod foot
You can't really compare the US and the UK, good read.
That's the stupidest article I've ever read. It says the UK ******* rate is five times the USA rate and the truth is exactly the opposite.
"There were a total of 17,284 reported ******* and non-negligent manslaughter cases in the U.S. in 2017".

UK "There were 719 homicides – murderand manslaughter – in the year to June, a 14% increase from 630 in the previous year excluding exceptional incidents in 2017".

Your population is about 5 and a bit times ours, so adjust our ******* rate to about 3500, which is a bit more than a quarter of yours.