Politics, Politics, Politics

If Trump didn't cover up his bald spot, could you tell which the real dummy was?
Surprise ... they're both REAL DUMMIES ... that was a trick question for Trumptards!

The NFL headed into Week 5 hoping to gain some momentum with their attendance numbers, however, several stadiums still seemed more empty than they ought to be.
Politics, expensive tickets, frequent game stoppages and too many rules.
The president who just told Turkey to stop bombing the Turks, who just said 'Nah' in response?

I think Trump pulling troops out was a ******* move - but why should Turkey listen to Trump, Obama or any other president? Maybe Trump should pay Turkey off like Obama did with Iran? Turkey is it's own country with no ties to the US, they make their own choices. Why are they not listening to the UK? If the Queen tells them to get out of the sandbox, will Turkey listen?
Plus, there was a time when a country like Turkey WOULD have listened to the states.

Not really - not unless they stood to gain something. Ever since Carter, our country has been paying off these terrorist nations to sit quiet. These "nations" if you can call them that flare up knowing we will step in with tons of free food, clothing, and cash to "save the people". meanwhile their government takes it all.
Not really - not unless they stood to gain something. Ever since Carter, our country has been paying off these terrorist nations to sit quiet. These "nations" if you can call them that flare up knowing we will step in with tons of free food, clothing, and cash to "save the people". meanwhile their government takes it all.
That's pretty cynical
That's pretty cynical

LOL doesn't matter if it is cynical or not - it's true. This bullshit gets old after a while. I'm sick and tired of this country catering to everyone and then when we try to stop the ******* we get called racist. We are expected to to just open our southern boarder, Protect the Curds, Help Ukraine, and lick the UNs ass hole. Why the fuck should we be responsible to every other nation? How about the UK step up?

Look at Venezuela for a good example.
LOL doesn't matter if it is cynical or not - it's true. This bullshit gets old after a while. I'm sick and tired of this country catering to everyone and then when we try to stop the ******* we get called racist. We are expected to to just open our southern boarder, Protect the Curds, Help Ukraine, and lick the UNs ass hole. Why the fuck should we be responsible to every other nation? How about the UK step up?

Look at Venezuela for a good example.

trump made all kinds of promises there...….UNTIL...Russia put troops there and told the us to stay out.....never heard anymore about it

Russia tells Trump its troops will stay in Venezuela for ...
Mar 28, 2019 · Russia tells Trump its troops will stay in Venezuela for 'as long as needed' Russia has said its troops will remain in Venezuela “for as long as needed” in a blunt rejection of Donald Trump’s...
LOL doesn't matter if it is cynical or not - it's true. This bullshit gets old after a while. I'm sick and tired of this country catering to everyone and then when we try to stop the ******* we get called racist. We are expected to to just open our southern boarder, Protect the Curds, Help Ukraine, and lick the UNs ass hole. Why the fuck should we be responsible to every other nation? How about the UK step up?

Look at Venezuela for a good example.
With power comes responsibility. As US power is subsiding, then other nations are seeing that and starting to assert themselves. Namely Russia.
With power comes responsibility. As US power is subsiding, then other nations are seeing that and starting to assert themselves. Namely Russia.
all part of P.utin's plan....when he put trump in power

Obama told P.utin he would destroy him through his economy if he didn't quit fucking in our election....couldn't risk Hillary following through on that promise....plus he didn't like Hillary anyway after she said his re-election was a sham...that pissed him off and created a little furor in Russia against P.utin

Obama: I Told the Russians to ‘Stop It’ and ‘Cut It Out ...
Dec 16, 2016 · President Barack Obama defended his response to Russia after Wikileaks published emails from top Democrats which disrupted the elections. “I told Russia to stop it, and indicated there will be consequences when they do it,” he said to reporters during a press conference on Friday.
No wonder the main stream media isn't covering Hong Kong much, it goes against their narrative.
Once again another nation asking the US for help. So if Trump steps in and helps Hong Kong is he an asshole or is he an asshole if he doesn't step in - which way do you guys want it? I'm sure either way he goes Trump will be the ass in all of this.
Sorry, I didn't realise it was a serious question. Mainly because it wasn't the UK that ass-fucked an ally that had been shedding ******* for us.

Well I can't argue that, but I'm not talking just Turkey. It seems the US is always expected to help everyone and if we don't we are total *******, and if we do help them we didn't do it right.