Politics, Politics, Politics

... and you know this as fact because ............. ????????
That's a very declarative statement, very news worthy, OR, is this just more TwoBi alt-facts?

It's more like how you KNOW Trump colluded. Think about it Mac - Biden wasn't going to run. What changed his mind? Why is he not trying as hard as the others? He just seems to be riding the waves (actually he seems to be in space but...). The only reason he would run is if he is promised the nomination. Also, he is a "Yes" man. He does what he is told. So, I'll come forward with my proof after you come forward with yours ;)
Well, first we "need" them to defend against a government trying to take our rights, including the 2nd amendment.
.... So, what you're saying here is that if Congress declares rifles such as AR-15 and the AK-47 illegal, not only will you NOT turn in your rifles of these and similar types, but that you'll basically declare your independence and ******* those, including military personnel, who request you to surrender those type guns? Can you manage to answer that with a Yes or No before babbling your response?
Besides, they won't come take your AR-15s, TwoBi, if the ammunition to those rifles was outlawed, what good would the guns be without ammo?
Also, people don't "need" others or government telling people how they can live, what they can own, or what people can say. People only "need" to be held accountable for their actions yes, but just because they own an AR-15 doesn't make them a killer. Taking peoples AR-15's becasue they "could" harm someone is no different that cutting off your penis becasue you "could" ******* someone.
.... Such a novel response, TwoBi. I can agree that most owners of the AR-15 have honorable intentions, however, that doesn't protect me & mine from those irresponsible gun owners who sell or lose their AR-15s from theft, etc. Unlike my penis, which I manage and doubt it could be stolen from me without my knowledge, a rifle such as that AR-15 very possibly could be stolen. Not only THAT, but you can't predict your mental state a year or five down the road. Plus, there's really no need for the AR-15 and its powerful ammunition EXCEPT for killing people. So, if the government allowed you to keep those rifles, why else would you need the guns for anything other than killing people THAT any other type of less powerful gun could not accomplish similarly?
.... You said "it isn't FAIR" ... and I gave you similar examples of unfairness that the Republicans and Trump have done but you rightards avoid mentioning and avoid any discussion of ... in fact many of you agree with their actions.
The rest of your post is just more deflection. The discussion is about how the left DOES want to eradicate the 2nd. If you wish to discuss the failed Obamacare, start a new post.
.... I have not heard that the Democrats wish to eradicate the 2nd amendment. No doubt many parts of our constitution need modernized, however, eradication I have not heard ... who is talking about that? Or is this more conservative alt-facts you spew to create havoc, AGAIN?
.... As far as my concern for my family, listen up, meathead, my wife & ******* are the most important things in my life. I'm not using them as a form of deflection, in fact, its because of them I view the Right To Bear Arms with a bit more common sense than you obviously do.
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Well, first we "need" them to defend against a government trying to take our rights, including the 2nd amendment. Also, people don't "need" others or government telling people how they can live, what they can own, or what people can say. People only "need" to be held accountable for their actions yes, but just because they own an AR-15 doesn't make them a killer. Taking peoples AR-15's becasue they "could" harm someone is no different that cutting off your penis becasue you "could" ******* someone.

The rest of your post is just more deflection. The discussion is about how the left DOES want to eradicate the 2nd. If you wish to discuss the failed Obamacare, start a new post.
I think it says a lot about your country if you are prepared to shoot and ******* your own people, just because they are concerned that too many children are being killed by lunatics with guns.
So, if the law charged you would ******* law enforcement officers in their line of duty? That's fucked up.
It's more like how you KNOW Trump colluded. Think about it Mac - Biden wasn't going to run. What changed his mind? Why is he not trying as hard as the others? He just seems to be riding the waves (actually he seems to be in space but...). The only reason he would run is if he is promised the nomination. Also, he is a "Yes" man. He does what he is told. So, I'll come forward with my proof after you come forward with yours ;)
So, you confirm two things here .... first, that it is your assumption that the Democrats have guaranteed Biden the nomination, and two, that its ok for you to use deflection but not ME, is that right?
I think you've been watching way too much conservative TV as of late! Heck, I bet if conservative TV or Trump said liberals were coming to take your penis away, you'd believe that as well, wouldn't you? You folks aren't for real ... causing concerns and havoc from non-necessities.
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I think it says a lot about your country if you are prepared to shoot and ******* your own people, just because they are concerned that too many children are being killed by lunatics with guns.
So, if the law charged you would ******* law enforcement officers in their line of duty? That's fucked up.

Never said any of that - just your left wing BS assumptions.
Please don't hide behind "The Chil dren" and then turn around and be pro abortion - go fuck yourself. It's not about your safety OR "the chil dren" never has been - never will be.

So I guess our founding fathers were "fucked up" when they defended themselves against a nation that was coming to take their guns. You like to live as a Serf, I like to live as a citizen. I suggest you learn the difference.
Never said any of that - just your left wing BS assumptions.
Please don't hide behind "The Chil dren" and then turn around and be pro abortion - go fuck yourself. It's not about your safety OR "the chil dren" never has been - never will be.

So I guess our founding fathers were "fucked up" when they defended themselves against a nation that was coming to take their guns. You like to live as a Serf, I like to live as a citizen. I suggest you learn the difference.
Oh, so you would hand in your guns willingly should a Democrat govt request that you do so?
Since when do you need guns? We don't really have firearms here - that doesn't equate to living like a 'serf'. How is not owning a gun indicative of serfdom?

I'll treat your abortion comment with the disdain and disgust that it deserves. Your country's obsession with guns is perverse and frankly evil.
So, what you're saying here is that if Congress declares rifles such as AR-15 and the AK-47 illegal, not only will you NOT turn in your rifles of these and similar types, but that you'll basically declare your independence and ******* those, including military personnel, who request you to surrender those type guns? Can you manage to answer that with a Yes or No
NO. Happy?

Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. The fact that YOU would agree with it tells me a lot about your character.

Besides, they won't come take your AR-15s, TwoBi, if the ammunition to those rifles was outlawed, what good would the guns be without ammo?
It's not hard to make Ammo, but not surprised you agree to these types of tactics.

Not only THAT, but you can't predict your mental state a year or five down the road.
That right there is a HUGE statement - you are blind if you can't see the implications of that point right there. You could snap and become a ******* at anytime. Better to require injection to ******* that "weapon" if your not actively trying to get pregnant. That would eliminate the need for abortions also - would it not? I'm sure you will be first in line

Plus, there's really no need for the AR-15 and its powerful ammunition EXCEPT for killing people.
Yes, that is what EVERY gun is intended for - welcome to reality. Whats your point?

I have not heard that the Democrats wish to eradicate the 2nd amendment. No doubt many parts of our constitution need modernized, however, eradication I have not heard ... who is talking about that?

All of them are Mac - where have you been? Tell me again how Trump is trying to destroy the constitution?

As far as my concern for my family, listen up, meathead, my wife & ******* are the most important things in my life. I'm not using them as a form of deflection, in fact, its because of them I view the Right To Bear Arms with a bit more common sense than you obviously do.

Meathead now huh? your such a baby. I understand the "why" Mac.

You may think they aren't coming for your guns, only the AR-15, but when they take your hand guns - Think of me. :lips:
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Since when do you need guns? We don't really have firearms here - that doesn't equate to living like a 'serf'. How is not owning a gun indicative of serfdom?

A serf lives by the government, a citizen if free to choose how they live. Without a way to defend your freedoms, you no longer have a choice.
Picture yourself in Venezuela, Congo, Iraq or Afghanistan- then answer that question.

A lot of you people on the left live in a bubble, you have no clue what really goes on in the world. You just want your safe space preserved like sucking on your mothers tits and you are willing to give up whatever it takes.
I think it says a lot about your country if you are prepared to shoot and ******* your own people, just because they are concerned that too many children are being killed by lunatics with guns.
So, if the law charged you would ******* law enforcement officers in their line of duty? That's fucked up.
almost like 1776
So alcohol causes drunks, ******* cause druggies, and pencils cause miss-spelled words. You want to stop violence, go after the real cause.
If guns were the problem then we would have had this issue long ago.

Britain has all these problems too,though, but we don't have your ******* rate, nowhere near. We are famous for our knife crime. And yet USA has more of that as well. If we had guns we'd have your ******* rate.