Politics, Politics, Politics

We have become a country of ignorant fools. From the beginning on it has gotten worse and worse, Our government is a disaster, corruption everywhere, we the people, or common people don't have any control on where we are headed. Racism!!! We as a country ready to self destruct. Voting was all we people had to effect our government, I say that had because 50% of the people that call themselves Americans are no more than servile, subordinate minions. We complain about wealthy corporations that truly in reality would have no more power then a homeless man on the street If we were the America of the people instead of the battlefield between opposing parties, who are suppose to be our servants. We people in the United States don't need to take our voices out in the streets in protest because of differing opinions, that is playing right into the hands of those in government , they sit back and revel in victory as they view WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA instead of holding all elected representatives accountable by saying you are done. We don't vote, we don't have a clue what goes on in the town hall let alone in the White house and capital building. Yes under the system we have now the wealthy have way more influence in controlling our government, only because they have the money and power to get the officials of government at all levels to do their bidding. As far as government goes WE THE PEOPLE need to start afresh because our whole government is out of control and we are destroying America from within, we need to throw out all these rules, regulations and government mad up laws, and start over. This country will fail unless ever single citizen wakes up and acts by becoming involved. President Trump is hated by the people because he is an outsider hated by both Democrats and Republicans because he is trying to wake up WE THE PEOPLE, thus erasing the undeserved power and greed our government now has.
That's enough for me. No need to read the rest.
And you ReThuglicans cry about fake news, gesh!

"Allegedly said" - Democrat = obviously innocent, no need to look into it further.

"allegedly colluded with Russia" - Republican = GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!! no need to prove it just lock him up.

President Trump is hated by the people because he is an outsider hated by both Democrats and Republicans because he is trying to wake up WE THE PEOPLE, thus erasing the undeserved power and greed our government now has.
Well, I'll have to admit, there for a few sentences you had me going. I thought you were actually making some sense, then you went and fucked it all up by justifying Trump's action as alt-President by stating this BULLSHIT.
Hottobe, IF (and that's a huge IF) Donald Trump didn't have the garbage history dating back way before he decided to run for President, I might be inclined to give some latitude to what you started OUT saying. But the Donald has been corrupt for decades; he's untrustworthy of anything he says he'll do. Three separate adulterous marriages, thousands of workers he fucked out of money, including his felonious Trump Universaty, bankruptcies, etc etc etc .... I say YOU are as full of ******* as he is or dumber than a box of rocks (your pick).
Insults - name calling - negativity
The hallmarks of the left
Bunch of sore LOSERS !!!!

Nothing going for 2020 but socialists - ole Joe just processing too slow

The coming election just one way to go

President Trump term two

Democrats so so so so blue :}
O'Rourke: 'Hell Yes' Democrats Are Coming For Your Guns
(and even though he said this on live TV you are going to call this fake news because it is from a right wing source)
gif_Yellowball-scratchingHEAD2.gif Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't realize the new "TwoBiRule", that being if any Democratic candidate, regardless of how minimal his chances of winning the Democrat nomination, it automatically becomes a platform of the party ... that your "TwoBiRule"? How about O'Rourke knows he's losing voter confidence and is trying to find something that separates himself from the others?
All I know is that is not the party platform of the moderate democrat party. But, if it helps you lose more sleep and motivates you to vote for Trump then by all means believe it to be the Democrats 2020 platform, ok?
All you're trying to do is get responses from me; if you keep making these stupid assumptions I'll toss you in the "no response" files with yours truly.
If you have something truly to discuss, we'll discuss it ... otherwise ... gif_yellowball-FuckOFF.gif
View attachment 2840557 Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't realize the new "TwoBiRule", that being if any Democratic candidate, regardless of how minimal his chances of winning the Democrat nomination, it automatically becomes a platform of the party ... that your "TwoBiRule"? How about O'Rourke knows he's losing voter confidence and is trying to find something that separates himself from the others?
All I know is that is not the party platform of the moderate democrat party. But, if it helps you lose more sleep and motivates you to vote for Trump then by all means believe it to be the Democrats 2020 platform, ok?
All you're trying to do is get responses from me; if you keep making these stupid assumptions I'll toss you in the "no response" files with yours truly.
If you have something truly to discuss, we'll discuss it ... otherwise ... View attachment 2840555

So you're saying it is just more fear mongering. OK got it.
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