Politics, Politics, Politics

It’s unbelievable that the ******* for brains Democrat candidates have followers - all put together they couldn’t run this country as well as our President is.
It’s unbelievable that the ******* for brains Democrat candidates have followers - all put together they couldn’t run this country as well as our President is.

The reason why someone like Trump can win, is because the progressives and democrats are so bad.

It seems the political left is as blind as the political right.

Communism sounds good in theory, but it proved to be a nightmare in practice in every single country that has ever embraced communism.

The same applies to left wing progressivism. Environmental consciousness, racial equality, sexual equality, redress for past wrongs, inclusive narratives, freedom of population movements, freedom of religion, shelter and support for all refugees... all good stuff. Until you wonder who is going to pay for it, and how to keep bad actors from misusing and abusing all the good stuff.
no flaws in my arguments...the KKK and white supremist supported him and he knows it...he got famous with the over the birther issue...they helped him a lot and he knows it....several things he has done lately has pleased them and he knows it......but I'll give you the hint one more time Ellis...and Rosa Parks
As a Black male I generally do not have access to the KKK, but after seeing BlackkKlansman
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlacKkKlansman )

it details the true story of how a Black man, Ron Stallworth, infiltrated the KKK, oops I mean "The Organization", in the 1970s with the aid of his fellow Jewish police officer!!!???

Being a movie that was made by Spike Lee who agrees with you about Trump @subhub174014 he foreshadows a future president in the movie that "The Organization" would support but being accurate to the film a young Donald Trump was nowhere to be seen in the movie, not even Donald Trump's Dad who did have ties to "The Organization".

At any rate just to show you that I did my homework @subhub174014 I did look up your clue and I naturally discovered the fact that Donald Trump earned many awards from this site:
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_honors_and_awards_received_by_Donald_Trump )

One of which was the Ellis Island Medal Of Honor
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellis_Island_Medal_of_Honor )

where Donald Trump naturally exhibits his "mission to share with those less fortunate, their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity."

And that Donald Trump won the same award that Rosa Parks did being the brave Black woman who refused to surrender her seat on a bus to a white bus passenger on December 1st, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, thereby becoming the matriarch of the Civil Rights Movement
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_Parks ).

That would illustrate the irony of having a "racist" win the same award that Rosa Parks did. But if you look at the other awards Trump won from this site seen here once more?
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_honors_and_awards_received_by_Donald_Trump )

Donald Trump won the "Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award" in 2007. If Donald Trump were a true racist it is incredibly ironic having him win an award named by an individual who fought against racism all his life.

And you know what @subhub174014 observe this article that also was something that I discovered in my search called "Donald Trump Reflects on His Relationship With Muhammad Ali" from the New York Times. If Donald Trump has such a long history of racism why did that article state that:

"The two men had been friendly for many years, dating back at least to the 1980s. Ali attended Mr. Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania Knauss in Palm Beach, Fla., and Mr. Trump appeared at Ali’s charity events."??????
( https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/05/us/politics/donald-trump-muhammad-ali.html )

Again it just goes to show that Donald Trump is NOT a racist.
Is Donald Trump racist? Most Americans think so, according ...
Mar 01, 2018 · In all, 57 percent of adults — including 8 in 10 blacks, three-quarters of Hispanics and almost half of all whites — say the nation’s leader is a racist, according to the poll. About 85 percent of Democrats say Trump is a racist, while 21 percent of Republicans say the same, according to the poll, which surveyed 1,337 adults from Feb. 15 to 19.

Quinnipiac Poll: Majority of Americans Say Trump Is a Racist
Just over half of all Americans think Donald Trump is racist, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, including a majority of people identifying as Independents. ... 56 percent called Trump ...
‘These are violent people’: Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there would be ‘violence’ if the GOP lost in midterms

profielfoto John Haltiwanger John Haltiwanger 29 Aug 2018


Foto: Alex Brandon/AP President Donald Trump reportedly warned Christian leaders there

  • President Donald Trump on Monday night reportedly told evangelical Christian leaders there would be “violence” if Republicans lost their majority in Congress as a result of November’s midterm elections.
  • “You’re one election away from losing everything that you’ve got,” Trump said, according to the report.
  • If Republicans did lose big to Democrats, Trump said, “They will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently, and violently.”
President Donald Trump on Monday night reportedly told evangelical Christian leaders there would be “violence” if Republicans lost their majority in Congress as a result of November’s midterm elections.
Trump suggested Democrats would “quickly” and “violently” overturn gains he’s made for conservative Christians, according to excerpts of the closed-door meeting obtained by NBC News.
“You’re one election away from losing everything that you’ve got,” Trump said, according to the NBC News report. “The level of hatred, the level of anger is unbelievable.” Trump apparently went on to say that the midterm elections were not only a referendum on him.

If Republicans were to lose big to Democrats, Trump reportedly said: “They will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently, and violently. There’s violence. When you look at Antifa and you look at some of these groups – these are violent people.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.
During Monday’s meeting, Trump also reportedly repeated a previously debunked claim that he’d gotten rid of a law that prohibits churches and charitable organizations from endorsing political candidates. Presidents do not have the constitutional authority to repeal laws.
Trump was apparently referencing what is known as the Johnson Amendment. In May, Trump signed an executive order aimed at undermining the law, but legal experts have said say the executive step was largely symbolic. Efforts to ******* the law in Congress have stalled.

Yet the Reprat chuckle brothers continue to say everything is the Democrats fault....