Politics, Politics, Politics

The Democratic Party was thrown into disarray Friday after the publication of a classified memo exposing as a factionally-motivated witch hunt the investigation by leading intelligence agencies into the Trump administration’s alleged collusion with Russia.
The so-called Nunes memo, which Democratic lawmakers, US intelligence agencies and major newspapers had been seeking to block for days, alleges that the FBI under the Obama administration used discredited sources and withheld key information to initiate a wiretap of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
The Democrats responded to the prospective release of the Nunes memo with undisguised hysteria, declaring that it threatened national security and was insufficiently deferential to the US intelligence agencies. Now that the memo has been released, the Democrats’ claim that it contains sensitive national security secrets has been exposed as lies.
The memo, written by staffers for Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, claims that the FBI obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court authorization to wiretap Page in the fall of 2016 based on a memo compiled by former British intelligence official Christopher Steele.
The so-called Steele dossier, which was released to the public last year, made lurid allegations that Russian government officials had recordings of Trump engaging in “perverted sexual acts” with prostitutes “which have been arranged/monitored by the FSB [Russian intelligence service].” According to the Nunes memo, FBI director James Comey called the Steele Dossier “salacious and unverified” in congressional testimony in June 2017.
In perhaps its most explosive passage, the memo alleges that Andrew McCabe, a deputy FBI director who just stepped down this past week, testified before the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought… without the Steele dossier information.”
In addition, the FISA application “ignored or concealed [Steele’s] anti-Trump financial and ideological motivations,” i.e., the fact that his “research” had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The Republican memo does not specify what information was collected by the wiretap or whether it captured any conversations with Trump.
The contents of the memo are another demonstration of the manufactured and partisan character of the anti-Russia campaign and the Democrats’ allegations that Trump “colluded” with Russia. What is playing out is a partisan battle between two criminal and reactionary factions of the state apparatus, centering ultimately on differences over foreign policy.
The release of the memo once again underscores the fact that the US intelligence agencies have massively intervened in US politics. This is true not only with regard to the concocted narrative about Russian “meddling” in the 2016 election and “collusion” between Trump and Moscow, but equally so with James Comey’s public announcement about re-opening an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails just days before the presidential vote, which Clinton claims may have cost her the election.
The memo has undermined the aura of professional impartiality that the Democrats and their allied news outlets, the New York Times and the Washington Post, have sought to cultivate around the so-called “intelligence community.”
The real fear of the Democrats is that the exposure of the anti-Russia campaign will undermine the credibility of the FBI.

Rep. Adam Schiff
“The selective release and politicization of classified information sets a terrible precedent and will do long-term damage to the intelligence community and our law enforcement agencies,” declared Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, on Friday.
Schiff added,
“If potential intelligence sources know that their identities might be compromised when political winds arise, those sources of vital information will simply dry up, at great cost to our national security.”
But all such arguments about “national security” have been rendered absurd by the release of the document, which contains no sensitive information besides the wrongdoing of the FBI and the Democrats—including Schiff himself.
In an editorial published Friday, ahead of the document’s publication, the New York Times accused congressional Republicans of “undermining the credibility of the law enforcement community” that they had “once defended so ardently.”
It was left to the satirical news website the Onion to point out the obvious absurdity of such arguments:
Stressing that such an action would be highly reckless, FBI Director Christopher Wraywarned Thursday that releasing the “Nunes Memo” could potentially undermine faith in the massive, unaccountable government secret agencies of the United States. “Making this memo public will almost certainly impede our ability to conduct clandestine activities operating outside any legal or judicial system on an international scale,” said Wray, noting that it was essential that mutual trust exist between the American people and the vast, mysterious cabal given free rein to use any tactics necessary to conduct surveillance on US citizens or subvert religious and political groups.
Responding to the Democrats’ allegations that the publication of the document would threaten “national security,” journalist Glen Greenwald tweeted,
“What conceivable argument is there that any part of the Nunes Memo could jeopardize national security?”
The Times editorial effectively argues that no documents critical of the actions of the US intelligence apparatus should be published. To make this point, the Times quotes Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, who argued against the release of the memo on the grounds that the public would “see this release as proof that selective classification is used more often to deceive them than to protect them.”
It is, of course, true that “selective classification” is used to deceive the American people. This was demonstrated by the publication in 1971 of the classified Pentagon Papers, which documented how flagrantly and extensively the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations lied to the American people about the Vietnam War.
As The Post, the recently-released film by Stephen Spielberg, effectively documents, the New York Times and Washington Post made the decision at the time to defy the Nixon administration and publish the Pentagon Papers, rejecting the spurious argument that their publication would harm “national security.”
The editorial published in the Times Friday reads like a cruder version of the arguments put forward by the Nixon White House to block the release of the Pentagon Papers. If one were to take the editorial at face value, one would conclude that if the Times had had the Nunes memo in its sole possession, it would never have published it.
The Times has become little more than a mouthpiece for the US intelligence agencies, whose aim is to prevent the dissemination of any information that they see as harmful to the interests of the American ruling class and the capitalist state.
Sessions Silent as Trump Attacks His Department, Risking Autonomy and Morale

As President Trump hammers away at the Justice Department’s credibility, one voice has been notably absent in the department’s defense: the one at the top.
The attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has been largely quiet and even yielding as the president leads the most public and prolonged political attack on the department in history, a silence that breaks with a long tradition of attorneys general protecting the institution from such interference.
“What is unusual is the F.B.I. and the Justice Department being attacked, the president leading the charge and the attorney general missing in action,” said Jack L. Goldsmith, a Harvard law professor who headed the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel under President George W. Bush. “Why isn’t he sticking up for the department?”
Sad commentary on the level of thought put into politics by brainwashed liberal college students. All these quotes from the State of the Union speech are terrible....until they find out it was Obummer who said them. Reminds me of the "thought processes" of some of the mind numb Obummer bots on here.

Here is another on "Hillaries" tax plan,

It's funny how people side with someone simply because they like or dislike a certain person, and not because they have any thought of their own. Check the women in that video that supports Hillary simply because she is a woman. lol. Who cares what she stands for - vote for her just because it's a female.!
It was well over a year before Nixon stepped down in Water Gate, blkdlaur ... and he was the only one not going to jail, and even received a pardon. This is 3-4 X the size of Watergate, and involves a lot more violations and a lot more people + a foreign adversary. Mueller is simply building his case and already some have pled guilty, and some are going to court. Those involved know how it worked out in Water Gate, and they know it will work out the same way with them ... they won't go down without squealing.
You might ask yourself why Trump refused to reveal his tax returns after promising that he would. You might ask why he keeps obstructing the investigation. Why he has such a high staff turnover. He says he'll be glad to testify under oath to Mueller, and, if you and I knew each other and lived close by, I'd be glad to give you 3:1 odds on Trump testifying under oath to Mueller. He's made his entire living fucking over people and cheating the system to "WIN". He's a habitual liar and womanizer ... he has no ethics or credibility. Why can't you see that?
I LIKE the 3:1 odds !!!!!!
Destroy the country from within....that's what P u t I n wants and Trump and the republicans are doing

how many career diplomats have quit under Trump?...enough to hurt us at some point when it comes to dealing with a country!
and now the FBI and CIA...all just to cover his tracks!

FBI special agent says he's leaving over political attacks against the bureau

Washington (CNN)An FBI special agent says he's turned in his badge so he can publicly voice his concerns over the politicization of the bureau by Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration. "FBI agents are dogged people who do not care about the direction of political winds," ...
I say it's the liberals and their false narrative that are tearing the country apart !!!
this guy is just a national embarrassment.....along with his party!

Britain hits back at Trump over attack on healthcare system

An Actual Nazi Is About To Be The Only GOP Candidate In A Congressional Race
Ed Mazza,

Bipartisan immigration bill surfaces, Trump knocks it down
ALAN FRAM,Associated Press

Donald Trump Jr. Doesn't Understand McCarthyism and the Internet Loves It

Guess this might be a little embarrassing to the republicans and Nunes now huh?

New letter shows Trump adviser bragging about advising Kremlin


As part of the coordinated Republican pushback against the Russia investigation, Donald Trump's GOP allies have become heavily invested in Carter Page. That was almost certainly unwise. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), for example, defended his party's antics last week, telling reporters, "There are legitimate questions about whether an American's civil liberties were violated." He was referring to Page, a former foreign policy adviser to Trump's presidential campaign. On Friday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the key player behind the discredited partisan memo, told Fox News, "I don't believe that somebody like Mr. Page should be a target of the FBI."

Keep this in mind when reading the piece Time magazine published over the weekend:
Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page bragged that he was an adviser to the Kremlin in a letter obtained by TIME that raises new questions about the extent of Page's contacts with the Russian government over the years.
The letter, dated Aug. 25, 2013, was sent by Page to an academic press during a dispute over edits to an unpublished manuscript he had submitted for publication, according to an editor who worked with Page.
"Over the past half year, I have had the privilege to serve as an informal advisor to the staff of the Kremlin in preparation for their Presidency of the G-20 Summit next month, where energy issues will be a prominent point on the agenda," the letter reads.​

If you're starting to think Republicans haven't fully thought through their entire gambit, you're not the only one.
As we discussed last week, the same year in which Carter identified himself in writing as an adviser to the Kremlin, he was targeted by a Russian spy ring, drawing FBI scrutiny.
Six months after the spy ring was broken up -- resulting in multiple criminal convictions -- Page joined the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser, despite having no apparent qualifications for the job. A few months later, Page, newly identified by Trump as someone who had the Republican candidate's ear on matters related to international affairs, traveled to Russia, met with prominent officials, and denounced U.S. sanctions against the Putin government.
It was the sort of thing that was likely to capture the interest of U.S. counter-intelligence officials -- and that's exactly what happened: In fact, Page was suspected as a possible agent of a foreign adversary.
Then Trump won the election, at which point, Page went back to Moscow for another visit, during which time he again met with leading Russian officials.
Remember, according to House Republicans, somebody like Mr. Page shouldn't be the subject of FBI scrutiny. This isn't just some random thought, either -- it's the cornerstone of the entire pro-Trump effort to undermine the federal investigation into the Russia scandal.
I still think the better question is why Trump brought on a suspected Russian agent as a foreign policy adviser for reasons no one in Trump World has yet explained.

Postscript: Asked by Time about his 2013 description of himself, Page, who has faced no charges, replied that his 2013 work was "really plain-vanilla stuff." He added, "Does that make me an evil villain, as some of your sources would like to have you think?"
Guess he does not want anything heard......except what he wants us to hear...like a true dictator

Trump takes aim at House Intel Democrat: 'Little Adam Schiff...'
President Trump attacked Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., on Twitter Monday, accusing the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee of leaking classified information.
“Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper!” Trump tweeted, comparing Schiff with former FBI Director James Comey, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan.
“Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information,” Trump added. “Must be stopped!”
Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!​
well for Trump everything has to be the biggest..........

Dow closes down 1,175 in biggest single-day point loss ever

Here's why investors are nervous about stocks right now

Following Friday’s massive market selloff, the biggest points decline for U.S. stocks since the financial crisis, analysts and fund managers are laying out a laundry list of things that could derail the now almost nine-year-old bull run.
Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.
The selloff introduced a new degree of fear into the market, analysts say. The biggest worry for investors seems to be government policy, both from the fiscal and monetary side.
“Was it a good idea to hit the accelerator when the economy was already at the speed limit?”
The other major worry, though, appears to be over the tax reform bill passed earlier this year by Congress and signed by President Donald Trump. Economists and money managers fear that the increase to the $20 trillion U.S. national debt could carry major blowback to markets.

President Donald Trump commented on the death of Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson, after a previously deported illegal alien driving ******* crashed into his vehicle, according to police.

“So disgraceful that a person illegally in our country killed Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson,” Trump wrote. “This is just one of many such preventable tragedies. We must get the Dems to get tough on the Border, and with illegal immigration, FAST!”
Trump has signaled his willingness to give Democrats amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants brought to the country as children, in exchange for border wall funding, an end to chain migration, and an end to the visa lottery system. The proposal is universally opposed by Democrats.
Fifty-four-year-old Jeffrey Monroe, the driver of the vehicle Jackson was traveling in, was also killed. Police say the man arrested for the crime, Manuel Orrego-Savala, is a citizen of Guatemala and was deported in 2007 and in 2009.
“My prayers and best wishes are with the family of Edwin Jackson, a wonderful young man whose life was so senselessly taken,” Trump wrote.

I thought all the right wing whackos were on here....guess not...there are a bunch in DC!

GOP congressman defends heckling Obama, blasts Democrats for not applauding Trump

In an interview with CNN’s New Day on Tuesday morning, Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) attempted to defend those remarks. Collins then singled out Illinois Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D), who had left the room three minutes prior to the end of Trump’s speech to get to an interview with Univision. “When Gutierrez stood up when the president said ‘we should stand and respect our flag for the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem,’ and those of us Republicans stood and cheered and started shouting ‘USA, USA,’ Gutierrez storms out of the chamber. When Camerota played back footage of Republicans refusing to stand during Obama’s 2010, 2013, and 2016 speeches, noting that Republicans had done the same, Collins punted. ...
he is only interested in the family people.....they draw attention to his little game of a border wall/monument...to himself

Immigration enforcement under Trump: Fewer people caught at border, more arrested in U.S. interior

Border Arrests Plunge, Deportation Arrests Soar Under Trump

Arrests along Mexico border drop sharply under Trump, new statistics show

Huge Drop in Mexican border arrests since Trump too Office
Don't you just love it...they can't lie and cover fast enough to keep Trump the chump out of trouble

Nunes Memo Stunt Blows up in the GOP's Face

Paul Ryan was asked to defend his comments about the Nunes memo. It was a disaster.

During a news conference on Tuesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was asked to defend his own comments from last week about how he doesn’t think the Nunes memo has anything to do with President Trump’s efforts to undermine the Mueller investigation. Ryan, however, wasn’t interested in talking about it. Manu Raju of CNN referred Ryan back to his comments he made at his previous conference on January 30, when he described the Nunes memo as “a completely separate matter from Bob Mueller’s investigation, and his investigation should be allowed to take its course.” But Ryan’s comments were at odds with what Trump said on Saturday, when he tweeted that the Nunes memo “totally vindicates ‘Trump’ in ...