Politics, Politics, Politics

From my point of view the FBI upper management trashed themselves thinking they'd never be found out because

do you actually read anything at all...just part of what is posted here would help....but like a true trumpie you have no idea of what's actually going on....just dead set in your belief's that this guy is going to help you and straighten things out.......there is only 2 things the guy is going to do...try and keep enriching himself at the expense of the country.....and.....follow daddy p u t I n in destroying this country from within
well guess working together has been a farce anyway...although he can't blame the left for shooting himself in the foot...he just has to live with being a national embarrassment.....

House Intel Committee reportedly planning to ‘construct a wall’

Under the “leadership” of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the House Intelligence Committee has seen its reputation falter badly. The chairman has repeatedly embarrassed himself with his partisan antics, and House Democrats have taken the unusual step of imploring Republican leaders to replace Nunes on the panel with a more responsible lawmaker.
But to assume conditions can’t get worse would be a mistake. CBS News had this unexpected report this morning:
In a sign of increasing partisan hostilities, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee plan to construct a wall – a physical partition – separating Republican and Democratic staff members in the committee’s secure spaces, according to multiple committee sources. It’s expected to happen this spring.
For now, some Republican committee members deny knowing anything about it, while strongly suggesting the division is the brainchild of the committee’s chairman, Devin Nunes, R-California.
“I’m not part of that decision,” said Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Texas. “You’ve got to talk to Devin. I don’t know what they’re trying to do one way or the other.”​
It’s worth emphasizing that CBS News’ report hasn’t been independently confirmed by NBC News or MSNBC.

That said, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member on the panel, suggested he’s at least heard about the partition plan. “We have heard reports that the chairman may seek to erect a ‘wall’ to divide the staff of the intelligence committee on a partisan basis – this would be a terrible mistake,” Schiff said. “While we have more than our share of difficulties, the important oversight work of the committee continues with our staff working together irrespective of party. This would be a very destructive decision.”
Then again, Devin Nunes has already made his share of destructive decisions, so I suppose this would simply be added to the list.
CBS News’ report added, “While other House committees commonly have some divide between their majority and minority staff, for a committee whose history, broadly, and whose burden, arguably, is to be functionally bipartisan, the plan for the wall – in all its unfortunate symbolism – is a troubling sign of things to come.”
Oh Fuck....another investigation?

Trump now claims the stock market is rigged against him

As recently as last week, President Trump was bragging about how stock market gains he purportedly engineered were propelling an economic surge benefiting all Americans. “[It’s] smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion in value,” Trump said during the State of the Union. “That is great news for Americans’ 401(k), retirement, pension and college saving accounts.” The speech capped off a year in which Trump repeatedly linked the stock market’s steady rise — a rise that began under President Obama in 2009 — with the fortunes of all Americans, roughly half of whom don’t have any investments. But now, days after the largest single-day point drop in the history of the Dow Jones Industrial ...
The Death Spiral of the Republican Party .... fuck 'em all, let 'em all die!

catch any of rand pauls speech?

he is right about one thing......why is it when the Dems are in and incharge we are the party of conservative values
when we have complete control spending limits do not exist....
he rattled off a whole bunch of waste...that IS waste...and doing nothing about...the guy had some valid points!...a lot of them!

I had heard about the natural gas station we built in Afghan....and they didn't have any natural gas cars....gave them cars.....then couldn't afford the gas so we gave them credit cards...didn't know about the rest of it
1.2 million a year maintenance on a street car 2 blocks from the white house that goes no where.....on and on....
do you actually read anything at all...just part of what is posted here would help....but like a true trumpie you have no idea of what's actually going on....just dead set in your belief's that this guy is going to help you and straighten things out.......there is only 2 things the guy is going to do...try and keep enriching himself at the expense of the country.....and.....follow daddy p u t I n in destroying this country from within
Yes - I read everything - whereas you just educate yourself with left leaning propaganda.
Mmmmmm breaking with his own party?....maybe there is still a few republicans with morale's....

George W Bush: 'There's pretty clear evidence Russia meddled' in US election won by Trump
Jon Sharman,

George W Bush has said “there’s pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled” in the US election that saw Donald Trump become President.
The former President also warned that Russia’s Vladimir Putin “is zero-sum. He can’t think, ‘How can we both win?’ He only thinks, ‘How do I win, you lose?’”

Russia has denied trying to influence the November 2016 vote but US intelligence agencies concluded it had.
Mr Trump has previously downplayed the findings but last year said he was “with our agencies, especially as currently constituted with the leadership”.

Mr Bush said it was not clear if Russia’s “meddling” directly affected the election, though he said it was clear they tried and that it was “dangerous for democracy”.

“It’s problematic that a foreign nation is involved in our election,” he added at a conference in Abu Dhabi, and continued: “Putin is a brilliant tactician who has the capacity to detect weakness and exploit it.

“He’s got a chip on his shoulder. The reason he does is because the demise of the Soviet Union troubles him. Therefore, much of his moves [are] to regain Soviet hegemony.”

The Republican leader, who occupied the Oval Office from 2001 to 2009, said Mr Putin “is pushing, constantly pushing, probing weaknesses. That’s why Nato is very important.”
Former FBI director Robert Mueller is currently investigating alleged links between the Kremlin and Mr Trump’s campaign team.
Several people including the Republican’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, have been charged.
Mr Trump denies any such links, and has called the investigation a “witch hunt” perpetrated by his political opponents.

The 43rd US President has intervened a number of times to apparently rebuke Mr Trump during the latter’s time in office.

In a book he said “this guy doesn’t know what it means to be President”, and last October, while not mentioning his fellow Republican by name, he said that in recent times “bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication”.

Mr Bush broke a longstanding silence in February last year to say that a free press was “indispensable to democracy”, after Mr Trump attacked a number of media companies as “enemies of the people”.

“Power can be very addictive, and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power, whether it be here or elsewhere”, he added.

At the Abu Dhabi event Mr Bush also said it was important to recognise that the United States had a history of welcoming people regardless of their religion or where they were born, in an apparent criticism of Mr Trump’s policies.
“Our system is broken but we’ve got to fix it. I had tried, but unsuccessfully,” he said without naming Mr Trump. “It is important for our economy and also important for our soul that the immigration system functions well.”
President Donald Trump commented on a story about Sen. Mark Warner’s texting “with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch,” who also had ties to Hillary Clinton.

“Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch,” Trump wrote, referring to the Fox News story.
The president noted that Warner texted about avoiding a “paper trail” while meeting with lobbyist Adam Waldman in London. Warner wanted to establish contact with the author of the phony dossier, Christopher Steele.
“All tied into Crooked Hillary,” Trump wrote:

President Donald Trump commented on a story about Sen. Mark Warner’s texting “with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch,” who also had ties to Hillary Clinton.

“Wow! -Senator Mark Warner got caught having extensive contact with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch,” Trump wrote, referring to the Fox News story.
The president noted that Warner texted about avoiding a “paper trail” while meeting with lobbyist Adam Waldman in London. Warner wanted to establish contact with the author of the phony dossier, Christopher Steele.
“All tied into Crooked Hillary,” Trump wrote:

The Democrats wanted to investigate Trumps ties to the Russians. And its turning into an investigation of Democrat ties to Russia. LMAO!