Politics, Politics, Politics

Of course he will want to "edit" it and take out anything incriminating.....

White House Could Request Redactions to Protect Trump From Democratic Memo, Schiff Says
Cristina Maza,Newsweek

The White House could request that information embarrassing to President Donald Trump be redacted from a Democratic memo connected to the Russia investigation, Representative Adam Schiff warned Tuesday.

The California Democrat said his biggest concern about the memo's potential release would be "political redactions."
"That is, not redactions to protect sources or methods, which we’ve asked the Department of Justice and the FBI to do, but redactions to remove information they think is unfavorable to the president," Schiff told CNN Tuesday. "That could be a real problem, and that's our main concern at this point.”

The Democratic memo is a rebuttal to a controversial GOP memo that was released last Friday by the House Intelligence Committee. The Republican memo was compiled by the committee's Republican chairman, Devin Nunes. It claimed that the FBI and Justice Department had relied heavily on unverified information compiled in a dossier by a former British intelligence officer when they sought to renew a court warrant for surveillance of Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser for the Trump campaign.

The Nunes memo was not redacted, causing concern among Democrats that sensitive information was being released.

The notorious Christopher Steele dossier contains salacious allegations about Trump—including claims that he had been cultivated by Russia for years.

The dossier also contains verified information about Page’s contacts with Russia during the 2016 campaign. For example, the dossier claimed that Page met with Russian energy industry officials during a 2016 visit to Russia, which Page himself later confirmed.

Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, has argued that the GOP memo contained “cherry-picked” information that does not give a complete picture of the surveillance application.

Democrats say the GOP memo was meant to damage the credibility of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to influence the outcome of the presidential election. They also say there were legitimate reasons apart from the dossier for the government to wiretap Page. The FBI says that important information had been omitted from the GOP memo and that there were “grave concerns” about its accuracy.

The House voted unanimously on Monday to release the Democratic memo, which is said to provide further context for the GOP document. The White House now has five days to review the Democratic memo and decide whether its release would constitute a threat to national security.
Democrats say it is unlikely that the White House will try to impede the release of the Democratic memo after it advocated so strongly for the release of the GOP document. But the White House could request that information from the Democrats' memo be redacted.

Schiff said Democrats would have “limited recourse” if important passages were redacted from their memo. But they could seek a declassification review from the FBI and Justice Department so the document could be released in its entirety, he noted.

wonder if the right is getting just a little nervous

Democrats Win Special Election In Missouri District That Went Big For Trump
Amanda Terkel,

Democrats flipped a Missouri state House seat Tuesday, marking the 35th seat that has changed from red to blue since Donald Trump become president.

Mike Revis, 27, defeated his Republican opponent in a special election Tuesday by 3 percentage points.
The 97th District in Jefferson County went for Trump in the presidential election by 28 points. The area is historically Democratic but has recently tilted Republican.

In other words, the district has swung 31 percentage points toward Democrats since Trump won last year.

“Rep.-elect Mike Revis’s victory tonight will undoubtedly send another shockwave through the GOP as we continue to run the best candidates focused on addressing local issues and improving their neighbors’ quality of life,” said Jessica Post, executive director of a group dedicated to electing Democrats at the state level. “The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee continues to be impressed by our dedicated and talented slate of candidates, who have stepped up to run in these precedent-setting special elections.”

Revis is a procurement manager at Anheuser-Busch Inbev. He ran against Republican David Linton, 59, who stressed his opposition to abortion rights and his support for the Second Amendment.

In addition to the 35 state legislative seats Democrats have picked up, they have also flipped the governorship in New Jersey and a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama. Republicans, meanwhile, have flipped four state legislative seats from blue to red during Trump’s tenure.
Last month, Democrats also picked up a seat in Wisconsin’s state Senate, where Democrat Patty Schachtner defeated her opponent by 11 percentage points, taking a seat Republicans had held since 2001. The district was solidly red: Trump won by 17 percentage points in 2016, and Republican Mitt Romney won it in 2012. The Republican incumbent state senator won her re-election race in 2016 by 26 points.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) called the results a “wake-up call” for his party, and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Republicans certainly needed to “pay attention” to the results.
There were, in total, four special elections in Missouri on Tuesday ― all for seats previously held by Republicans. Democrats won one, while the GOP held on to the other three.
Determined little fuckers aren't they......just can't let democracy run free

Pennsylvania Republican wants to impeach judges in gerrymandering case

Washington (CNN)Faced with a Friday deadline to redraw the state's congressional maps, Pennsylvania Republicans are instead insisting they'll continue to fight against the state Supreme Court -- with one lawmaker calling for justices' impeachment. State Rep. Cris Dush circulated a letter to House colleagues Monday urging the ouster of five justices who ruled that the legislature must redraw Pennsylvania's gerrymandered maps. "The five Justices who signed this order that blatantly and clearly contradicts the plain language of the Pennsylvania Constitution, engaged in misbehavior in office," a memo from Dush read. "Each is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removal from office and disqualification ...
Now we see deeper into why the dems didn't want FBI texts released to the public. Obummer was neck deep in the investigation. Publicly Obummer said:

'I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line,' he said on April 10, 2016.

'I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period,' he said.'


Now in comes out that in private he insisted on knowing everything going on.

In one Sept. 2, 2016, text exchange between Strzok and Page — who were romantically involved — Page writes that she was preparing the talking points because "potus wants to know everything we’re doing."

The thing that amazes me the most about this thread is how people can see sets of facts so diametrically opposed to one another !!!
It is completely amazing to me how the left claims that anyone that doesn't agree with them is brainwashed but if you follow this thread it seems - obvious - who is both brainwashed and trying to brainwash ; }
Now in comes out that in private he insisted on knowing everything going on.

why shouldn't he?
he is/was the pres and they knew Russia was hacking and doing all kinds of *******....he should know...and should have done more...except he didn't want to scare the voting public...and everyone thought Hillary would win and let her handle it
although at the time they didn't know about the 500,000 texts on facebook and etc......and so much of the other
It is completely amazing to me how the left claims that anyone that doesn't agree with them is brainwashed

well it WAS stated early on that most Trumpies are poorly educated!...an example being????
you think with all the ******* Trump is pulling and trying to hide the Feds are not going to dig?
along with every newspaper in the country trying to be the first to get the news out
and just like with Nixon..this time it is Time mag...coming up with most of it!
and so far very accurate
even if you right wingers want to defend your man...and the trumpies refuse to open their eyes
well it WAS stated early on that most Trumpies are poorly educated!...an example being????
you think with all the ******* Trump is pulling and trying to hide the Feds are not going to dig?
along with every newspaper in the country trying to be the first to get the news out
and just like with Nixon..this time it is Time mag...coming up with most of it!
and so far very accurate
even if you right wingers want to defend your man...and the trumpies refuse to open their eyes
Yes and we're "deplorables" as well !!!
Your assumption of Trumps guilt is completely un American as in this country - it's supposed to be - innocent - until proven guilty !!!!
You and all your liberal friends including the media - convicted Trump - in your minds - the moment he was elected - talk about being brainwashed !!!
Your assumption of Trumps guilt is completely un American as in this country - it's supposed to be - innocent - until proven guilty !!!!

If nothing else he is guilty of obstruction....and Nixon was impeached for far less...but the republicans didn't like Nixon so he was out...Trump is making a lot of republicans very rich so dragging their heels

the collusion that will be up to Mueller...obstruction..already guilty by his own admission when he fired Comey!

actually it just shows the progression of greed over the years.....greed over country!
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what keeps getting overlooked and not mentioned as much.....it was all started by the republicans!
these same conservatives who are such staunch supporters are the very ones that started this and wanted to burn trump to begin with...but now they love him

Trump–Russia dossier

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Trump–Russia dossier, also known as the Steele dossier,[1] is a private intelligence dossier of 17 memos that were consecutively written from June to December 2016[2] by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence (MI6) officer. It contains allegations of misconduct and conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government before and during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, much of it detailing alleged cooperation between the campaign and Russians to interfere in the election to benefit Trump.[3] The contents of the dossier were published in full by BuzzFeed on January 10, 2017.[4] Several mainstream media outlets have criticized BuzzFeed's decision to publish the dossier.[5][6][7]

Some of the dossier's allegations have been confirmed, while others have yet to be proved or disproved.[8][9] Some claims may require access to classified information for verification.[10] The media, intelligence community, as well as most experts have treated the dossier with caution, while Trump himself denounced the report as "fake news". In February 2017, some details related to conversations between foreign nationals were independently verified.[11] As of December 2017[update], the dossier's allegations of collusion have not been corroborated.[12][13]
The dossier and the separate investigation preceding its creation were both part of opposition research on Trump during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign. The American research firm Fusion GPS was hired for both investigations. The first investigation into Trump was initially funded by a conservative political website, The Washington Free Beacon, before Steele was involved.

After Trump emerged as the probable Republican nominee, attorney Marc Elias of the Perkins Coie law firm retained Fusion GPS to investigate Trump on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton presidential campaign. Fusion GPS later subcontracted Steele to research and compile the dossier.[14] Following Trump's election as president, funding from the Democrats ceased, but Steele continued working on the report, with financing coming directly from Glenn R. Simpson of Fusion GPS.[15] The completed dossier and its information was then passed on to British and American intelligence services.[16]

The dossier contains multiple allegations, some of which are currently unverified and others for which possible verification is classified.[10] Natasha Bertrand has stated that it "alleges serious misconduct and conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia's government", and that, quoting the dossier, the "well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [the Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership was managed on the Trump side by the Republican candidate's campaign manager, Paul Manafort."[17]
The memos allege that Russia has been cultivating a relationship with Trump for decades, that the Kremlin favored Trump in the U.S. presidential election, and took various actions during the 2016 election to promote his candidacy and oppose Hillary Clinton's. The document claims that several of Trump's associates, in particular campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Trump's personal attorney Michael D. Cohen, and Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page, worked with Russian contacts to promote Trump's candidacy. Alleged activities include planning the hack of Democratic National Committee emails and their subsequent leaking, arranging coverups and cash payments, and promising favorable policies toward Russia if Trump was elected. The document also claims that Russian operators possessed compromising information about Trump which could make him subject to blackmail.
Trump has repeatedly denied the allegations, labeling the dossier as "discredited", "debunked", "fictitious", and "fake news".[18]

The dossier and the investigations preceding it were part of opposition research on Trump. The investigation into Trump was initially funded by The Washington Free Beacon, an American conservative political journalism web site, before Steele was involved, and was later funded by Democrats.[19][20][2][21]

In October 2015, during the Republican primary campaign, The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website primarily funded by Republican donor Paul Singer, hired the American research firm Fusion GPS to conduct general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates.[1] For months, Fusion GPS gathered information about Trump, focusing on his business and entertainment activities. When Trump became the presumptive nominee on May 3, 2016, The Free Beacon stopped funding research on him.[2][22][23]
In April 2016, Marc Elias, a partner in the large Seattle-based law firm Perkins Coie and head of its Political Law practice, hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump. Elias was the attorney of record for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton presidential campaign.[14] As part of their investigation, Fusion GPS hired Orbis Business Intelligence, a private British intelligence firm, to look into connections between Trump and Russia. Orbis co-founder Christopher Steele, a retired British MI6 officer with expertise in Russian matters,[2] was hired as a subcontractor to do the job.[24] Orbis was hired between June and November 2016, and Steele produced 16 memos during that time.[25]

According to Fusion GPS's co-owners, Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch, they did not tell Steele who their clients were and "gave him no specific marching orders beyond this basic question: 'Why did Mr. Trump repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state that most serious investors shun?'"[26] In total, Perkins Coie paid Fusion GPS $1.02 million in fees and expenses, $168,000 of which was paid to Orbis and used by them to produce the dossier.[27] Simpson has stated that Steele did not pay any of his sources.[28][26]

According to Steele, he soon found "troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. He said that, according to his sources, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit." He described the finding as "an extraordinary situation" and concluded it was "sufficiently serious" for him to share it with the FBI, which he did in July 2016.[29]

Steele delivered his report as a series of two- or three-page memos, starting in June 2016 and continuing through December. He continued his investigation even after the Democratic client stopped paying for it following Trump's election.[2] After the election, Fusion GPS co-owner Simpson "reportedly spent his own money to continue the investigation".[15]

On his own initiative, Steele decided to also pass the information to British and American intelligence services because he believed the findings were a matter of national security for both countries.[30] According to the testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, Steele approached the FBI because he was concerned that the then candidate, Donald Trump, was being blackmailed by Russia.[31] However, he became frustrated with the FBI, which he believed was failing to investigate his reports, choosing instead to focus on the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails. According to The Independent, Steele came to believe that there was a "cabal" inside the FBI, particularly its New York field office linked to Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani, which blocked any attempts to investigate the links between Trump and Russia.[30] In October 2016, Steele had compiled 33 pages (16 memos) and passed on what he discovered so far to a reporter from mom Jones magazine.[29]

In a court filing in April 2017, Steele revealed previously unreported information that in December 2016, shortly after the presidential election, he gave a copy of the 16 memos to "the senior British national security official and sent an encrypted version to Fusion GPS with instructions to deliver a hard copy to Senator John McCain (R-AZ).[25] McCain, who had been informed about the alleged links between Kremlin and Trump, met with former British ambassador to Moscow Sir Andrew Wood. Wood confirmed the existence of the dossier and vouched for Steele's "professionalism and integrity".[30] McCain obtained the dossier from David J. Kramer and took it directly to FBI director James Comey on December 9, 2016.[2][20] Comey has confirmed that counter-intelligence investigations are under way into possible links between Trump associates and Moscow, and CNN has reported that the FBI used the dossier to bolster its investigations."[25]

After delivering the 16 memos, more information was received, and two more pages, the "December memo", dated "13 December 2016", was prepared. It alleged efforts by Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, to pay those who had 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak|hacked the DNC and to "cover up all traces of the hacking operation".[32][25] Trump and Cohen have denied the allegations.[32][25][33] Cohen said that between August 23 and August 29 he was in Los Angeles and in New York for the entire month of September.[34] According to a Czech intelligence source, there is no record of him entering Prague by plane, but Respekt magazine pointed out that it's theoretically possible he could have entered by car or train from a neighboring country in the Schengen Zone.[35]

Hints of existence
By the third quarter of 2016, many news organizations knew about the existence of the dossier, which had been described as an "open secret" among journalists. However, they chose not to publish information that could not be confirmed.[2] Finally on October 31, 2016, a week before the election, mom Jones reported that a former intelligence officer, whom they did not name, had produced a report based on Russian sources and turned it over to the FBI.[29] It starts with the allegation that:

The "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance". It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals". It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him".
— mom Jones, October 31, 2016[29]

In October 2016, the FBI reached an agreement with Steele to pay him to continue his work, according to involved sources reported by The Washington Post. "Steele was known for the quality of his past work and for the knowledge he had developed over nearly 20 years working on Russia-related issues for British intelligence."[36] The FBI found Steele credible and his unproved information worthy enough that it considered paying Steele to continue collecting information, but the release of the document to the public stopped discussions between Steele and the FBI.[36]

President-Elect Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier by the chiefs of several U.S. intelligence agencies in early January 2017. Vice President Joe Biden has confirmed that he and the president had received briefings on the dossier, and the allegations within.[37][22][38][39]

On January 10, 2017, CNN reported that classified documents presented to Obama and Trump the previous week included allegations that Russian operatives possess "compromising personal and financial information" about Trump. CNN stated that it would not publish specific details on the memos because it had not "independently corroborated the specific allegations".[40][41] Following the CNN report,[42] BuzzFeed published a 35-page dossier that it said was the basis of the briefing, including unverified claims that Russian operatives had collected "embarrassing material" involving Trump that could be used to blackmail him.[43][44][41][45]

Many news organizations knew about the document in the fall of 2016, before the presidential election, but did not publish it because they could not independently verify the information.[46] BuzzFeed was harshly criticized for publishing what Washington Post columnist Margaret Sullivan called "scurrilous allegations dressed up as an intelligence report meant to damage Donald Trump",[47] while The New York Times noted that the publication sparked a debate centering on the use of unsubstantiated information from anonymous sources.[48] BuzzFeed's executive staff said the materials were newsworthy because they were "in wide circulation at the highest levels of American government and media" and argued that this justified public release.[5]

When CNN reported the existence of the dossier on January 10, 2017,[49] it did not name the author of the dossier, but revealed that he was British. Steele concluded that his anonymity had been "fatally compromised" and realized it was "only a matter of time until his name became public knowledge", and, accompanied by his family, he fled into hiding in fear of "a prompt and potentially dangerous backlash against him from Moscow".[50][51][19] The Wall Street Journal revealed Steele's name the next day, on January 11.[52] Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd, for whom Steele worked at the time the dossier was authored, and its director Christopher Burrows would not "confirm or deny" that Orbis had produced the dossier.[49][2]

Called by the media a "highly regarded Kremlin expert" and "one of MI6's greatest Russia specialists", Steele formerly worked for the British intelligence agency MI6 and is currently working for Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd, a private intelligence company Steele co-founded in London.[53][52][54] Steele entered MI6 in 1987, directly after his graduation from Cambridge University.[55]

Former British ambassador to Moscow Sir Andrew Wood has vouched for Steele's reputation.[30] He views Steele as a "very competent professional operator ... I take the report seriously. I don't think it's totally implausible." He also stated that "the report's key allegation—that Trump and Russia's leadership were communicating via secret back channels during the presidential campaign—was eminently plausible".[56]
On December 26, 2016, Oleg Erovinkin, a former KGB/FSB general, was found dead in his car in Moscow. Erovinkin was a key liaison between Igor Sechin, head of state-owned oil company Rosneft, and President Putin. Steele claimed much of the information came from a source close to Sechin. According to Christo Grozev, a journalist at Risk Management Lab, a think-tank based in Bulgaria, the circumstances of Erovinkin's death were "mysterious". Grozev suspected Erovinkin helped Steele compile the dossier on Trump and suggests the hypothesis that the death may have been part of a cover-up by the Russian government.[57][58] Mark Galeotti, senior research fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague, who specializes in Russian history and security, rejected Grozev's hypothesis.[59][57] In interviews with Luke Harding, "Steele was adamant that Erovinkin wasn't his source and 'not one of ours.' As a person close to Steele put it to me: 'Sometimes people just die.'"[60]
On March 7, 2017, as some members of the U.S. Congress were expressing interest in meeting with or hearing testimony from Steele, he reemerged after weeks in hiding, appearing publicly on camera and stating, "I'm really pleased to be back here working again at the Orbis's offices in London today."[61]

Observers and experts have had varying reactions to the dossier. Generally, "former intelligence officers and other national-security experts" urged "skepticism and caution" but still took "the fact that the nation's top intelligence officials chose to present a summary version of the dossier to both President Obama and President-elect Trump" as an indication "that they may have had a relatively high degree of confidence that at least some of the claims therein were credible, or at least worth investigating further".[62] The author of the dossier said he believes that 70–90% of the document is accurate.[63] Steele said that his FBI contacts greeted his intelligence report with "shock and horror".[63] In his June 2017 congressional testimony, former FBI director James Comey called "some personally sensitive aspects" of the dossier "salacious and unverified," but he did not state that the entire dossier was unverified or that the salacious aspects were false. When Senator Richard Burr asked if any of the allegations in the dossier had been confirmed, Comey said he could not answer that question in a public setting.[64][10]
Vice President Biden told reporters that while he and President Obama were receiving a briefing on the extent of Russian hackers trying to influence the US election, there was a two-page addendum which addressed the contents of the Steele dossier.[65] Top intelligence officials told them they "felt obligated to inform them about uncorroborated allegations about President-elect Donald Trump out of concern the information would become public and catch them off-guard".[66]

Former Los Angeles Times Moscow correspondent Robert Gillette wrote in an op-ed in the Concord Monitor that the dossier has had at least one of its main factual assertions verified. On January 6, 2017, the Director of National Intelligence released a report assessing "with high confidence" that Russia's combined cyber and propaganda operation was directed personally by Vladimir Putin, with the aim of harming Hillary Clinton's candidacy and helping Trump.[67] Gillette wrote: "Steele's dossier, paraphrasing multiple sources, reported precisely the same conclusion, in greater detail, six months earlier, in a memo dated June 20."[68]

Newsweek published a list of "13 things that don't add up" in the dossier, writing that the document was a "strange mix of the amateur and the insightful" and stating that the document "contains lots of Kremlin-related gossip that could indeed be, as the author claims, from deep insiders—or equally gleaned" from Russian newspapers and blogs.[69] Former UK ambassador to Russia Sir Tony Brenton stated that certain aspects of the dossier were inconsistent with British intelligence's understanding of how the Kremlin works, commenting: "I've seen quite a lot of intelligence on Russia, and there are some things in [the dossier] which look pretty shaky."[70]

According to Business Insider, the dossier alleges that "the Trump campaign agreed to minimize US opposition to Russia's incursions into Ukraine".[17] In July 2016, the Republican National Convention made changes to the Republican Party's platform on Ukraine: initially they proposed providing "lethal weapons" to Ukraine, but the line was changed to "appropriate assistance". J. D. Gordon, who was one of Trump's national security advisers during the campaign, said that he had advocated for changing language because that reflected what Trump had said.[17][71]

Reputation in the U.S. intelligence community
According to Paul Wood of BBC News, the information in Steele's report is also reported by "multiple intelligence sources" and "at least one East European intelligence service". They report that “compromising material on Mr. Trump” included "more than one tape, not just video, but audio as well, on more than one date, in more than one place, in both Moscow and St. Petersburg.” While also mentioning that "nobody should believe something just because an intelligence agent says it",[72][52] he added that "the CIA believes it is credible that the Kremlin has such kompromat—or compromising material—on the next US commander in chief" and "a joint taskforce, which includes the CIA and the FBI, has been investigating allegations that the Russians may have sent money to Mr Trump's organisation or his election campaign".[73][74][72] On March 30, 2017, Wood reported that the FBI was using the dossier as a roadmap for its investigation.[75] On April 18, 2017, CNN reported that, according to U.S. officials, information from the dossier had been used as part of the basis for getting the FISA warrant to monitor former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page during the summer of 2016. Officials told CNN this information would have had to be independently corroborated by the FBI before being used to obtain the warrant.[16]

Susan Hennessey, a former National Security Agency lawyer now with the Brookings Institution, stated: "My general take is that the intelligence community and law enforcement seem to be taking these claims seriously. That itself is highly significant. But it is not the same as these allegations being verified. Even if this was an intelligence community document—which it isn't—this kind of raw intelligence is still treated with skepticism."[62][76] Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes wrote that "the current state of the evidence makes a powerful argument for a serious public inquiry into this matter".[76] Robert S. Litt, a former lawyer for the Director of National Intelligence, wrote that the dossier "played absolutely no role" in the intelligence community's determination that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.[77]

On February 10, 2017, CNN reported that some communications between "senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals" described in the dossier had been corroborated by multiple U.S. officials. They "took place between the same individuals on the same days and from the same locations as detailed in the dossier". Sources told CNN that some conversations had been "intercepted during routine intelligence gathering", but refused to reveal the content of conversations, or specify which communications were detailed in the dossier. CNN was unable to confirm whether conversations were related to Trump. U.S. officials said the corroboration gave "US intelligence and law enforcement 'greater confidence' in the credibility of some aspects of the dossier as they continue to actively investigate its contents".[11]

British journalist Julian Borger wrote in October 2017 that "Steele’s reports are being taken seriously after lengthy scrutiny by federal and congressional investigators", at least Steele's assessment that Russia had conducted a campaign to interfere in the 2016 election to Clinton's detriment; that part of the Steele dossier "has generally gained in credibility, rather than lost it".[78] Liberal commentator Jonathan Chait wrote in December 2017 about the dossier that mainstream media "treat it as gossip" whereas the intelligence community "take it seriously".[79]

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has stated: "As I understand it, a good deal of his information remains unproven, but none of it has been disproven, and considerable amounts of it have been proven."[80]

Carter Page testimony
On November 2, 2017, Carter Page, Donald Trump's foreign policy adviser during the campaign, testified before the House Intelligence Committee which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Page testified he informed Jeff Sessions, J. D. Gordon, Hope Hicks and Corey Lewandowski, Trump's campaign manager, of a planned trip to Russia and that Lewandowski approved the trip, responding "If you'd like to go on your own, not affiliated with the campaign, you know, that's fine."[81][82] In his testimony, Page admitted he met with high ranking Kremlin officials. Previously, Page had denied meeting any Russian officials during the trip. His comments appeared to corroborate portions of the dossier.[83][84]

Use in 2017 Special Counsel investigation
Main article: Special Counsel investigation (2017–present)
According to Senate Intelligence Committee vice chairman Mark Warner (D-VA), the dossier's allegations are being investigated by a Special Counsel led by Robert Mueller, which is also investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 elections.[85] In the summer of 2017, Mueller's team of investigators met with Christopher Steele.[86] As some leads stemming from the dossier have already been followed and confirmed by the FBI, legal experts have stated that Special Counsel investigators, headed by Robert Mueller, are obligated to follow any leads the dossier has presented them with, irrespective of what parties financed it in its various stages of development, or "[t]hey would be derelict in their duty if they didn't."[85][87]
While Trump and some Republicans have claimed that the dossier was behind the beginning of the investigation into the Trump campaign's potential conspiracy with Russia, in December 2017, former and current intelligence officials revealed that the actual impetus was a series of comments made in May 2016 by Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos during a night of "heavy drinking at an upscale London bar" made to a top Australian diplomat in Britain. Papadopoulos revealed that he had inside information by bragging that the Kremlin had "thousands of emails" stolen from Hillary Clinton which could be used to damage her campaign. He had learned this about three weeks earlier. Two months later, when WikiLeaks started releasing DNC emails, Australian officials alerted the Americans about Papadopoulos' remarks.[88][89]
Other soon-discovered factors then played into the FBI's decision to investigate Russian interference and any role played by the Trump campaign: intelligence from friendly governments, especially the British and Dutch, and then the information about a trip to Moscow by Trump adviser Carter Page. Steele's first report was sent to Fusion GPS, dated June 20, 2016, and FBI agents first interviewed Steele in October 2016.[89] A year later, in October 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and became a cooperating witness in Mueller's investigation.[88]

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I know way to much to read for you right wingers who already have your mind made up...by listening to your own media version of events

and yes...am I biased...yes! I am most certainly anti right...BUT there are just way to much to not know something is going on...if even 1/3 of it is true he belongs in jail!

Is the Steel report a proof of guilt ....NO!
but there are several things in there that go along with what the feds all ready knew...just adds to it!...and looks like Rudy G was trying to suppress things from the start

But the part about trump being groomed by the Russians for over 5 years...is more than enough to make him scary at least!

and with Bannon stating follow the money means he knows something also...he was mad that he got kicked out and wanted to talk...but then found out it cost him all his credibility and job....now he has changed his mind and trying to suck his way back in....but to late he already spoke....and Mueller will run with that!
plus trump Jr's comments and actions...he is going down!

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a leading conservative member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday that he believes that there is an interconnectivity between various high-profile Barack Obama-era scandals and the latest revelations about corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI.

Gosar was asked during the interview on the SiriusXM 125 Patriot Channel show about the corruption on display in the release of the famed memo from House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) that detailed FISA court abuses by the FBI and DOJ in the lead-up to the 2016 election and in the months that followed now President Donald Trump’s win during the transition and even during his presidency.
That all came before the release of new text messages between senior FBI officials Lisa Page and Peter Strzok that detailed how Obama himself was overseeing everything personally on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and rivaling Trump probe. Gosar detailed how this same corruption that is now being further exposed first reared its ugly head in the earliest days of the administration of now former President Barack Obama, with the Operation Fast and Furious scandal then the IRS and Benghazi scandals—all of which had intricate levels of DOJ and FBI involvement.
“If you don’t think the [Operation] Fast and Furious—attacking the Second Amendment—along with Operation ******* Point, you know that sacred amendment that holds our government accountable and protection for all the other amendments, if you don’t think Benghazi and the lack of accountability when they knew something was going to come, if you don’t think that the IRS and the attacking of your adversaries financially, and the unmasking are unrelated things, think again,” Gosar said.

what is really sad about this whole thing is.....
the extent the republicans are willing to go to trash the FBI to save the ass of someone who is making them rich
trashing the very organization that the country relies on for security!
they have come along way from supporting bush and the patriot act
what is really sad about this whole thing is.....
the extent the republicans are willing to go to trash the FBI to save the ass of someone who is making them rich
trashing the very organization that the country relies on for security!
they have come along way from supporting bush and the patriot act
From my point of view the FBI upper management trashed themselves thinking they'd never be found out because - they - like the media - and all left wingers assumed Hillary would run away with the election !!!
Memo End Russia Investigation, Lead to Criminal Investigations of FBI and DOJ Officials
By Joshua Philipp, The Epoch Times
February 2, 2018 4:32 pm

"FBI and DOJ officials lied to or knowingly misled the court to obtain their FISA requests, face charges for perjury; and if the FISA warrants were obtained through unsound means, and the Russia investigation indictments will be thrown out."

A person commits perjury when he or she lies under oath, and according to Marc Ruskin, former FBI agent

The memo names several officials who signed off on FISA warrant applications, using the unverified Trump dossier as its main source. They include former FBI Director James Comey—who signed off on three FISA applications, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Comey described the Trump dossier as “unverified and salacious” in sworn testimony, yet still signed off on its contents. The memo notes officials were aware the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier, yet withheld this information in their FISA requests.
According to Ruskin, the withholding of information is a red flag,