Politics, Politics, Politics

some times you just have to wonder how fucking dumb some of right wingers can get...or what an ass they can be just to get their way

In effort to expose voter fraud, Kansas Republican exposed 945 Social Security numbers

During testimony before the Kansas legislature earlier this month, Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) claimed he was unaware of any security breaches with the Interstate Crosscheck Program, a project Kansas administers to compare voter registration databases across states for duplicate voters. “We have never had any security breach, ever, since the Crosscheck program has existed,” Kobach said on January 10th. Less than 10 days later, Florida announced it would be providing free credit checks to 945 individuals whose social security numbers Kansas inadvertently sent through unsecured email and that Florida then provided to an individual who filed a public records request seeking information about the state’s participation in the program. ...

things are looking up....maybe...????

Pennsylvania Supreme Court strikes down state's congressional districts
CBS News


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has struck down the boundaries of the state's 18 congressional districts, granting a major victory to plaintiffs who had contended that they were unconstitutionally gerrymandered to benefit Republicans. It gives the Republican-controlled Legislature until Feb. 9 to pass a replacement and Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf until Feb. 15 to submit it to the court. The court said the boundaries "clearly, plainly and palpably" violate the state's constitution, and blocked it from remaining in effect for the 2018 elections. Republicans who controlled the Legislature and governor's office following the 2010 census broke decades of geographical precedent when redrawing the map, producing one of the country's most gerrymandered districts outside Philadelphia, dubbed "Goofy kicking Donald Duck" for its absurd shape. ...

.....Level playing field ... no more handouts?!?! Wow ... what a novel idea ... gee, wish the conservatives would practice what they preach. You still are under the assumption that handouts start from the bottom up ... no, no, no, sir .... the handouts start from the top and go down. Trickle-Dickle Economics???? You just don't look at the handouts given to the wealthiest and the corporations as handouts. You look at them as "oh how great, subsidies & tax cuts for the wealthy to help create grand jobs for the poor & middleclass":rolleyes:..... LOL! I guess when you're brainwashed to believe that the poor are bloodsuckers, and the wealthy are the only ones contributing to society, you have to look at it that way. But, I truly think you know the real answer. Hell, if everyone was on the same playing field, the black population would be a lot further along than they are. I imagine they'd really shake your hand if you could cause that to happen.

Sorry you feel that way Mac, but that is far from how I feel. You really need to get off your high horse.

The government is corrupt - inside and out. Doesn't matter if it is a Republican or a democrat. They are one in the same, your just too blind to see it.

Vote Libertarian, Independent, or anyone who has never held office. Too many puppets in too many pockets. BUt feel free to continue the with doing "the same thing"
Doesn't matter if it is a Republican or a democrat. They are one in the same, your just too blind to see it.

Vote Libertarian, Independent, or anyone who has never held office

you either vote for one or the other...only 2 choices!...anything else is a dream and a non-vote!
so now we are back to picking the lesser of 2 evils....and for that there is only one choice...the right is proven corruption ( although you seem to defend most of what they do and what they say)...the right passes laws to benefit a select few..........and I think I have mentioned this before...name 5 things the right has done for the country in the last 50 years!....nothing!
the left hasn't done a lot either...except to save the economy everytime we have had a republican president...but they don't pass laws to hurt people!
so it comes down to logic......and only one choice!

Most poor, black, white or purple who want to succeed or at lest do better for themselves - DO. The rest become Liberals.
oh my, that cut so deeeeeeeep! (not)
Vote Libertarian, Independent, or anyone who has never held office.
There ARE some who go to Washington to do good for the country, TwoBi ... can't think of one right off my head ... lol ... but some do go there with good intentions. Keeping the lobbyist out of Washington, making all donations transparent, and installing term/age limits would probably make a huge dent in the way they operate. Having a congressional required "balanced budget" would certainly help as well, but then you'd have Presidents come along who felt the rules didn't apply to them. No names need mentioning!
Most poor, black, white or purple who want to succeed or at lest do better for themselves - DO. The rest become Liberals.
Well, one of the biggest donors to the Republicans ... Koch, is on video saying that the system is tilted in favor of the wealthy. In today's cut-throat capitalism, if you don't have 'starting money' or a hugh string of luck, you're purposely kept from progressing; less competition from those intentionally ******* the system.
There ARE some who go to Washington to do good for the country, TwoBi ... can't think of one right off my head ... lol ... but some do go there with good intentions. Keeping the lobbyist out of Washington, making all donations transparent, and installing term/age limits would probably make a huge dent in the way they operate. Having a congressional required "balanced budget" would certainly help as well, but then you'd have Presidents come along who felt the rules didn't apply to them. No names need mentioning!

And I've always agreed with that. Yes, some do head to Washington with good intentions, but letting them stay too long changes that. Recycle is our only way to get the message across that we will not allow them to become carrier politicians any longer.
installing term/age limits would probably make a huge dent in the way they operate.
We should have had term limits. It was one piece of the Contract With America in 1995 when republicans won control of the House for the first time in 40 years. 79% of Republicans voted for a term limit constitutional amendment. Trouble was 81% of Democrats voted NO. So it failed to get the necessary 2/3 majority in the House.

Having a congressional required "balanced budget" would certainly help
We should have had a balanced budget amendment. We came within a whisker of getting it. It was also part of the Contract With America. Republicans passed it with the needed 2/3 majority in the House. It lost by just one damn vote in the Senate. ALL 33 Senators who voted against it were in the DEMOCRAT PARTY OF NO.

There ARE some who go to Washington to do good for the country

You're right Mac, there are some who go to Washington to do good for the country. Trouble is they are constantly hamstrung by all the Democrats in Washington
We should have had term limits. It was one piece of the Contract With America in 1995 when republicans won control of the House for the first time in 40 years. 79% of Republicans voted for a term limit constitutional amendment. Trouble was 81% of Democrats voted NO. So it failed to get the necessary 2/3 majority in the House.

Again....something you are good at...a little twist on facts there...term limits was part of the contract with America by Gingrich and company DeMint....the contract was what was not bought...and with it was the term limit deal.....but then as now....why would anyone trust the right?

and it was a little more than just the left that voted against it .....the vote was 24 to 75 against
Again....something you are good at...a little twist on facts there...term limits was part of the contract with America by Gingrich and company DeMint....the contract was what was not bought...and with it was the term limit deal.....but then as now....why would anyone trust the right?

and it was a little more than just the left that voted against it .....the vote was 24 to 75 against
Typical utter bullshit spewing from the subwoofer. Here's the vote totals straight from the congressional record:



78.2% of Republicans voted YES to a term limit amendment.

80.2% of Democraps voted NO to a term limit amendment.
typical utter bullshit spewing from the village idiot
I got those numbers from a search on it...came from 2 different sites...but lets say BOTH of those sites are wrong
even with your numbers....that's a far cry from 100 rethuglicans!
I don't know what you searched/found if you even did a search. I gave you a link straight to the congressional record. It lists the vote totals along with how each of the 435 representatives voted. You're just once again demonstrating your ignorance or that you are mindlessly trolling.

naturally your records are always right?
even over an internet search....once again


let me take a wild stab here...you used the fox news search engine?
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Senate rejects term limits in 24-75 vote

Term-limits amendment fails in House, 227-204

WASHINGTON -- Members of the House last night had their first chance ever to vote to limit their congressional careers -- and decided against it.
Facing opposition from Democrats and from some members of their own party, House Republican leaders suffered the first major defeat of their "Contract with America," falling far short of the 290 votes needed to pass a constitutional amendment to impose term limits.
After a daylong debate over four options, House members selected the least restrictive proposal: a plan to limit House members to six two-year terms and senators to two six-year terms -- without counting service before the measure's passage.