Politics, Politics, Politics

.....I would have thought the conservatives, who were lied to about Mexico paying for the wall, would be upset. This so-called wall doesn't even have a real estimate ... they're saying between $8 billion and 68 billion ...

And how much will it cost if we just hand our tax dollars over to the millions if illegals in the form of SSI, Entitlements and welfare?
And how much will it cost if we just hand our tax dollars over to the millions if illegals in the form of SSI, Entitlements and welfare?
Oh its perfectly fine to hand over our tax dollars on illegals.....that's a government program called DIVPP Democrat Illegal Vote Procurement Program.

That's why building the wall is such a horrible idea for Democrats. It will block some future illegal voters from getting into the country and its money the democrats cant hand over to buy votes.
That's why building the wall is such a horrible idea for Democrats. It will block some future illegal voters from getting into the country

you can't be that stupid!
we have walls and fences now...all it does is slow down a few honest immigrants looking for jobs

the real criminals just hop the cartels subway and moved right into the country
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And how much will it cost if we just hand our tax dollars over to the millions if illegals in the form of SSI, Entitlements and welfare?

how much in entitlements are we giving wall street?
kock brothers...wal mart? etc
we are not giving them anything but citizenship....several are currently in the military...college and etc...all you see is what it MIGHT cost...while ignoring the amount we give to those that do not need a cent!

careful there ...your white superiority attitude is showing again
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you think the right won't lie to try and make themselves look good and the left look bad?
kind of funny when they get caught at it though

Mitch McConnell blocked a Democratic measure to pay troops during the shutdown, but nobody told Mike Pence
Peter Weber,The Week (RSS)

On Sunday, during his shutdown-exempted trip to the Middle East, Vice President Mike Pence criticized Democrats for the partial government shutdown, telling U.S. service members they "shouldn't have to worry about getting paid" — which would happen if the shutdown lasts past Feb. 1 and Congress doesn't act. On CBS Face the Nation on Sunday, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney noted that "traditionally every single time there's a shutdown, Congress has voted to go and pay [troops] retroactively, and we support that." Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), one of five Senate Democrats who voted for the stopgap spending bill (five Republicans voted against it), proposed just such a measure on Saturday; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked it. ...
And how much will it cost if we just hand our tax dollars over to the millions if illegals in the form of SSI, Entitlements and welfare?
.....Well, actually, IF any immigrant is in the US illegally, that means they contribute to SS & Medicare but have NO WAY to access their accounts when it comes time for them to retire because they won't be able to produce legitimate documentation. Check out the 'Earnings Suspense File' that Social Security has set up ... showing over $1.7 trillion of earnings, since 1937, that can't be paid out to anyone because of the lack of documentation. So the better question might be, "then what is our government doing with that money they collect on FICA but aren't paying out?"
.....The meat factories I serviced for 5 years hired a lot of undocumented workers, and the files I had on each of them showed that the plant owner was withholding FICA from their paychecks ... think there were around 2,500 undocumented at the one plant of about 7,500 total employees. Since they had over 30,000 total employees, I imagine there were over 10,000 illegal Hispanics there, and the employer was paying them about $3 per hour less than the other employees. Very few of them spoke any English, and there was only a couple "Spanish speaking" HR people in the plant; none of them were Hispanic. So go figure ...

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Big government is the reason wall street has subsidies to begin with. Blind in one eye - can't see out of the other..
Whether we're willing to admit it or not, our government is becoming just as corrupt as Russia's, and many other countries. The rich & powerful control this country and they'll pick who serves as our representatives ... administratively and judicially. It's become all about the money ... period
Did anyone read about our border arrests are down 45% in the past year?
Trump letting go of the border to prove a point?
or just got them busy rounding up decent people trying to support a family?

but there is border patrols!...the Mexican Military yesterday executed 3 American's
.The meat factories I serviced for 5 years hired a lot of undocumented workers, and the files I had on each of them showed that the plant owner was withholding FICA from their paychecks ...

You can't withhold FICA without a SS# to link it to when reporting it, so obviously that employer was pocketing that money, or the SS#'s were bogus. Maybe you should have blown the whistle ??

There is a legal process for entering this country, and that process needs to be followed. Even my neighbors from South Korea get pissed about all the illegals. They went though the process and believe everyone else coming to the USA should too. Their grandfather is the only one here not a US citizen, yes they fear he could be deported, but they understand if he is.

Besides, the government can use that 1.7 trillion to pay for DACA. (or better yet, the wall ;) )

Whether we're willing to admit it or not, our government is becoming just as corrupt as Russia's, and many other countries. The rich & powerful control this country and they'll pick who serves as our representatives ... administratively and judicially. It's become all about the money ... period

Yes, and if you watched any length of that video - that is exactly the point the guy is trying to make.

Crony capitalism needs to go and we need true capitalism back. The government needs to simply ensure that everyone is on the same playing field, no more handouts - no more bail outs, and then let the big boys play, succeed or fail.
In October 2014 in Sacramento, Mexican national Luis Bracamontes, a repeat deportee and career criminal, gunned down police officers Danny Oliver and Michael Davis. The case reveals the failure of California’s ruling Democrats to recognize the violent racism of false-documented illegals.
After shooting Danny Oliver in the head with a 9mm handgun, Bracamontes attempted to commandeer the car of Anthony Holmes. When the African American Holmes refused, Bracamontes shot him five times. Holmes survived but Bracamontes also brandished the AR-15 rifle he used to ******* Michael Davis, and he wounded another officer before being captured.

The ******* of two police officers is a serious matter but the violent attack prompted no statement from California governor Jerry Brown or attorney general Kamala Harris. Both failed to lament the “gun violence” on display in the case.

In the early going Bracamontes admitted killing the cops but in his current trial in Sacramento he took it to a new level. “I wish I had killed more of the motherfuckers,” he boasted, adding, that he would “break out soon and I will ******* more,” so “there’s no need for a fucking trial.”
The criminal Mexican also shouted “fuck you all,” toward the Oliver and Davis families and said “Fuck Danny Oliver! Fuck Michael Davis!” The criminal illegal also called witness Anthony Holmes a “n..............”

Holmes testified that Bracamontes demanded “give me your car,” and when Holmes tried to flee “he just shot me in my head, in my ear,” taking other wounds in the hands. As he shot Holmes, Bracamontes wore a smirk on his face “just like he’s got right now,” Holmes testified.
As he left the witness stand Bracamontes told Holmes, “You’re lucky I didn’t ******* you.” The repeatedly deported Mexican then turned his attention to African American family members and jurors, shouting “black lives don’t matter!” As it happens, Danny Oliver’s wife Susan is African American.

(or better yet, the wall ;)

you guys have got to be kidding on that wall!...hell we have it in some places now..that and fencing...what does it do..nothing?!
all it amounts to is a monument to trump!
what makes it even worse is the price tag....they can't even agree on a decent price for it...if it was approved...but like I said it is more a monument than a wall...if it was just a decent wall in some areas on Arizona and N.Mexico ..ok....but not a damned monument when most of the problem people are coming in through tunnels anyway
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels


Border Patrol agents discovered a *******-trafficking tunnel west of the San Ysidro border crossing this week after a sinkhole gave away its location.
The tunnel had yet to be completed but was already showing the tell-tale signs of a sturdy trafficking passage, including a rail and air ventilation system.
In an interview with The Times, Joseph DiMeglio, 41, a 13-year veteran with the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement and supervisory special agent for the San Diego tunnel task ******* for the last two years, described what authorities have encountered in years past.
RELATED: Two tunnels discovered at California-Mexico border

How far do these tunnels go into the U.S. and where are they found?
As far as a third of a mile in some cases. The tunnel ends are hidden under the floors of buildings like homes or warehouses where it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to see some people going in and out.
The tunnel location depends on the soil and what’s around the area. Tunnels in Arizona are dug in sandy soil that requires more support than those a few miles east of Otay Mesa, which is a soil called Caliche that holds its form better.
Wherever they’re dug, the tunnel ends are usually found in areas that are not heavily populated, particularly at night, like an industrial complex.
In the Southwest, most tunnels are found in Arizona, said Lauren Mack, an ICE spokeswoman. Since 2006, authorities have found more than 80 sophisticated tunnels – about 25 of them were around San Diego.
As Donald Trump Calls for Wall on Mexican Border, Smugglers Dig Tunnels

NOGALES, Ariz. — On an embankment that runs along a towering steel fence separating this border town from its Mexican sister city, a patch of new concrete with a date carved into it stands out, marking the exit of a tunnel Border Patrol agents sealed in May.
Dozens more like it snake around town, part of a vast underground network that Mexican ******* cartels have used for years to funnel hundreds of pounds of illicit ******* into the United States. When Border Patrol agents find the tunnels, they dump concrete to seal them and
stamp them with the date that they are shut down.
But they struggle to stay ahead of the digging. Last Friday, the Border Patrol, in a joint operation with Mexican authorities, discovered an unfinished tunnel that started in a Mexican cemetery.

“The clock is ticking as soon as they complete a tunnel,” said Kevin Hecht, a Border Patrol tunneling expert. “They know that we will eventually find them. But if even one load gets through before we find it, they consider it a success.”

While Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has made building a wall at the border a central element of his campaign, the fence here that reaches up to 30 feet has done little to deter enterprising ******* smugglers. It has simply helped push them underground.
Border Patrol agents cannot hear smugglers digging and do not know how many tunnels there are, a gap in border security that homeland security experts say renders talk of a wall moot.
“The Border Patrol has done an incredible job, given its resources,” said Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, the White House ******* policy director in the Clinton administration. “But it would be a stretch to say that the border and border communities are secure when the agency lacks a high-confidence ability to detect cross-border tunnels. No wall is going to fix that.”
The government needs to simply ensure that everyone is on the same playing field, no more handouts - no more bail outs, and then let the big boys play, succeed or fail.

right now the left hand feeds the right hand so everyone gets a small piece of the pie...and that is set up by your friendly Koch brothers and a few others

in other words...we are flat fucked and no real end in site...our gov has become so corrupt....that the people in it are just pawns!
I will agree with Nastrodomas when he said that this country will have another major civil war...most of his predictions have been right it seems

anyway... we have become a very corrupt country with no end in sight...look at the tax thing....most of the country was against it....they didn't care..and pushed it through...this immigration thing....again most of country for it...but not happening until the wall is approved
hell you could take it one step further and say impeachment...most of the country thinks this guy is as corrupt as they come and is guilty as *******...but right now it's working out for the right so it doesn't happen...again corruption

although..my 2 cents worth....we can't just impeach every pres that come along because the country doesn't agree with a lot of what he is doing....but there are a lot of signs that he is flat making money off being the press...he sold land last week...well...my 2cents1ttt.gif
You can't withhold FICA without a SS# to link it to when reporting it, so obviously that employer was pocketing that money, or the SS#'s were bogus.
gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif .... TwoBi, when these illegals cross the boarders they have or get social security cards handed to them by the illegals that are going home. I've seen illegals with 3-4 social security cards. I often pulled them up on my laptop by their SS# simply because their names are too damn hard to spell or even pronounce. And when the number they gave me didn't pull up a person, they reached in their pocket and pulled out another number. Yes, they were here illegally ... we knew that. And certainly I'm not the one to contact authorities on them, are you kidding? That was a multi-million dollar account to the agent of record. All that would have done would have gotten me fired, and before ICE could visit the plant, the illegals would be gone for that day. They got visited several times and each time the illegals were given heads up. They are a very tight community, living in a trailer park (over 200 trailers) 2-3 families to a trailer, working different shifts. They weren't spending their money in the US, they were taking almost all of it back to Mexico or Honduras. Getting rid of the illegal Hispanic population is a bit more technical than it sounds.
The government needs to simply ensure that everyone is on the same playing field, no more handouts - no more bail outs, and then let the big boys play, succeed or fail.
.....Level playing field ... no more handouts?!?! Wow ... what a novel idea ... gee, wish the conservatives would practice what they preach. You still are under the assumption that handouts start from the bottom up ... no, no, no, sir .... the handouts start from the top and go down. Trickle-Dickle Economics???? You just don't look at the handouts given to the wealthiest and the corporations as handouts. You look at them as "oh how great, subsidies & tax cuts for the wealthy to help create grand jobs for the poor & middleclass" :rolleyes:..... LOL! I guess when you're brainwashed to believe that the poor are bloodsuckers, and the wealthy are the only ones contributing to society, you have to look at it that way. But, I truly think you know the real answer. Hell, if everyone was on the same playing field, the black population would be a lot further along than they are. I imagine they'd really shake your hand if you could cause that to happen.
I guess when you're brainwashed to believe that the poor are bloodsuckers, and the wealthy are the only ones contributing to society, you have to look at it that way.

they just seem to be borne with that mindset!...what they get is for the good of the country....what others get is being a leach on the country...funny how they come to that conclusion