Politics, Politics, Politics

Follow the money.......and through America's largest money pit!?

FBI Investigates if Trump Campaign Received Russian Money Funneled Through NRA
Grace Guarnieri,Newsweek

The FBI is investigating a Russian banker for allegedly funneling money to President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign through contributions made to the National Rifle Association.
As special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe continues, investigators are now looking into Russian banker Alexander Torshin, who has ties to the Kremlin, two sources told McClatchy. The anonymous sources did not say how long the investigation has been going on and remained unnamed due to the confidential nature of the Mueller investigation.
Torshin has a close relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and ties to the NRA.

"Only one candidate in the general election came to speak to you, and that candidate is now the president of the United States, standing before you," Trump said at the NRA convention in April 2017. "You came through for me, and I am going to come through for you." The NRA spent about $30.3 million in support of Trump's presidential campaign in 2016.

It was revealed in November 2017 that Torshin, the deputy head of Russia's central bank, also attended a NRA dinner in Kentucky in May 2016, where he spoke with Donald Trump Jr. He had previously attempted to set up a meeting about the Trump campaign.

Donald J. Trump Jr. was attending an NRA convention and having dinner when an acquaintance asked him to say hello to Torshin and made an introduction," attorney Alan Futerfas told NBC News in November. "They made small talk for a few minutes and went back to their separate meals. That is the extent of their communication or contact."
Both Donald Trump Jr. and President Trump's *******-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner denied email requests involving Torshin for a meeting with the candidate. In February 2017, the White House reportedly canceled a meeting with Torshin after a national security aide found that the high-level Russian banker had mob ties.

In recent weeks, Trump's family and friends have been new targets for investigation in Mueller's Russia probe.
On Wednesday, a lawyer for President Trump told CBS News that the president was "very eager" to talk to Mueller about the Russia investigation and "put the matter to rest."
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon also agreed on Wednesday to an interview with Mueller to avoid testifying before a grand jury.

NRA’s denial it has illegal ties to Russia hits stumbling block with revelation of FBI investigation

The FBI is investigating whether Russian money was illegally funnelled through the National Rifle Association (NRA) and spent on activities to support the election of Donald Trump as president. Citing two sources, McClatchy reported on January 18 that “FBI counterintelligence investigators have focused on the activities of Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank who is known for his close relationships with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and the NRA.” Noting that the NRA’s spending on the 2016 presidential race dwarfed the association’s previous efforts, McClatchy reported that at this time “the extent to which the FBI has evidence of money flowing from Torshin ...https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/04defa03-1560-3814-857d-eefea4943526/nra’s-denial-it-has-illegal.html

Mmmm Mueller taking on the NRA....?????
.gif_FollowTheMONEY.gif...... also find the leftover $56 million campaign contribution that suddenly dissipated a few days after the election.
also find the leftover $56 million campaign contribution that suddenly dissipated a few days after the election.

and how about the sale of his property to a Russian official...he bought the property for 40mil....sold for 100 mil...just happens to be at the time the Russian bank was wanting 60 mil to buy more Russian condos....way to much....coincidence.....?????

and another large amount just shows up in his account in time to put his name on a couple Hotels in a couple countries....no explanation where that money came from...because he hadn't sold anything to get that money...

money just seems to appear when he needs it
WASHINGTON -- The ministers leading the negotiations for a new NAFTA will be in Montreal for a longer-than-expected round of upcoming talks.
Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, American Robert Lighthizer and Mexico's Ildefonso Guajardo will attend the closing of the round on Jan. 29.
The Montreal talks were originally scheduled to run Jan. 23-28, but are now set to begin Jan. 21.

.....As the chips continue piling up on the Robert Mueller table (yesterday-Russians funneling money through NRA to Republicans), it appears the Trump teams in the past & present administrations are starting to decide it won't be wise to take a bullet for the president. The Trumpster's attempt to undermine our democracy and establish his autocratic rule are starting to be proven ... I honestly think once the evidence is all revealed, there will be no way to escape at least some prison time for Trump except exiting the country. Trump is so willing to sell out everyone, including his family, to save himself and betray the country that enabled him to attain his status in this great country.
.....If you doubt this, just know that Trump's usually reliable Fox News is now realizing this and won't even argue that its not happening .... see the Shepard Smith report on Guardians Of Democracy.

Republicans on Trump: ‘We can’t trust the SOB’
Capitol Hill Blue

Republican sources within the beleaguered House of Representatives and Senate say partisan divides and personal dislikes reached “breaking point” this past week and blame the dishonest president from their own party for most of the mess. “I’m supposed to work with the *******-of-a-bitch because he’s the leader of the party but I can’t stand him,” says a GOP member. “I despise him.” The opinion of that one Republican is becoming the norm in Congress. In a private conversation within the GOP cloakroom this week, another Republican said he missed working with Barack Obama. “We disagreed on most things but he is a better man,” he said. More than one Republican nodded quietly in agreement. Several ...
And the shut down.....who would have thunk it....yuk yuk yuk!
Lets start with Ryan
He made no move to make it bi-partisan...instead he went out of his way to appease the conservative base...and all he talked about was how this was going to hurt military and etc......yet last time they pulled this stunt he is on record as saying it will not effect any of the people he is saying it will hurt this time
McConnell...hell even he said he would work on something as soon as he could figure out what the pres wants...again he has done nothing but play partisian politics and can't figure out why the dems won't go along.....he has know all about this since Sept and done nothing!
trump...said he wanted a bi-partisan bill and he would sign...they gave him one and he didn't sign it....besides he wants to do nothing on the daca issue anyway....he is rounding up people and sending them home...which is what he and his base wants to begin with
how can it be anyone but the right to blame...they have all 3 branches!
Democrats are “complicit” in illegal immigrant violent crime and ******* so long as they continue blocking funding for a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and hold up negotiations on pro-American immigration reforms, President Trump’s new campaign ad states.
The ad was released a day after Senate Democrats voted to shut down the federal government because the spending bill to keep the government open did not include amnesty for at least 3.5 million illegal aliens, as Breitbart News reported.
Luis Bracamontes, a 37-year-old illegal alien from Mexico who allegedly shot and killed Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver in October 2017, is featured in the ad, saying in the courtroom during his ******* trial that he wished he “had killed more of the motherf*ckers.”

IF you could believe or Trust Trump and the right...it may not have had to go this far...but with the right so full of provens lIARS AND CON ARTISTS.THEY HAVE TO TAKE STEPS TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM THOSE ON THE RIGHT THAT ARE WILLING TO DESTROY THEM AND THIS COUNTRY...just to pad your wallet and theirs!

Corruption...it is what the right has based their platform on....and when dealing with people of that type steps have to be taken

besides...your fearless leader had a chance to end it a week ago....and changed his mind.....and in the words of your most famous leader M McConnell....as soon as the pres tells me what he wants we will have a place to start........even now your president doesn't understand what is going on...calling for the nuclear option....he doesn't even know that all of the republicans didn't vote for it!
more of the right...taking care of each other the normal way.......and they don't care how fishy it looks...hell they own the state and make no bones about it

Paul Ryan Collected $500,000 In Koch Contributions Days After House Passed Tax Law

Just days after the House passed its version of the federal tax law slashing corporate tax rates, House Speaker Paul Ryan collected nearly $500,000 in campaign contributions from billionaire energy mogul Charles Koch and his wife, according to a recent campaign donor report.
Koch and his brother David spent millions of dollars to get the tax law passed and are spending millions more in a public relations campaign in an attempt to boost support for the law, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Koch Industries, one of the largest private corporations in the nation, operates refineries and manufactures a variety of products. The new tax law — which slices corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 21 percent, slashes estate taxes and includes a special deduction for oil and gas investors — is expected to save the Koch brothers and their businesses billions of dollars in taxes.
Police detained nine TV crew members for allegedly trying to sneak a fake bomb through a security checkpoint at New Jersey’s Newark Liberty International Airport as part of a CNBC reality show, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) revealed, noting that the forged item “had all of the makings” of a pipe bomb.
The fake bomb was made out of “motor, wires and PVC pipes,” all of which are “indicators of an improvised explosive device [IED] such as a pipe bomb,” reported TSA, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Citing a law enforcement source, NJ.com revealed that the TV crew may be charged with creating a false public alarm, conspiracy, and interference with transportation.
Some of the production team members “attempted to intentionally carry through the security checkpoint an item in a carry-on bag that had all of the makings of an improvised explosive device. At the same time, others in the group covertly filmed the encounter,” noted TSA in a press release.

.....I would have thought the conservatives, who were lied to about Mexico paying for the wall, would be upset. This so-called wall doesn't even have a real estimate ... they're saying between $8 billion and 68 billion ... wow ... okkkkkkk .... so which is it 'dumb fucks?" Jesus H Christ, there's a hell of a lot of difference between 8 and 68, especially now that the middleclass & poor are the ones that are going to PAY FOR IT. One of the women at work hear us talking about it in the break room and chimed in that "Trump said Mexico was going to eventually pay for it!" She was so serious in her voice, too. That fucknut couldn't negotiate a free shirt & tie with one of his custom made $10,000 suits. And Trump calls himself a "negotiator"? He's the biggest phony to ever walk this earth. He continues lying and lying and his Trump drones just keep believing his NEXT lie ... damn! All he's doing with this government shutdown is taking the media attention away from his fraud & money laundering scheme for a while ... I image he loves that ... hell, he closes down the government THEN goes to his 2020 FUND RAISER at his club in Florida at OUR EXPENSE ... except I think the fund raiser is for his lawyers he's gonna need when his big, fat ass is hauled off to a federal prison.
THEN goes to his 2020 FUND RAISER at his club in Florida at OUR EXPENSE ... except I think the fund raiser is for his lawyers he's gonna need when his big, fat ass is hauled off to a federal prison.

so far most of his fund raisers have been for his legal expenses...AND he has been milking the RNC for money for his legal aid also
They will never change....can't run a decent candidate....so rig the election....although I doubt this little scam will stick for long

Dallas County Republicans file lawsuit to kick 128 Democrats off election ballot
Dallas Morning News

Dallas County Republicans have filed a lawsuit to have 128 Democrats kicked off the March 6 primary ballot. The lawsuit, filed in Dallas County late Friday, contends that Dallas County Democratic Party Chairman Carol Donovan didn't sign the petitions of 128 Democratic Party candidates before sending them to the Texas Secretary of State's office, as required by law. "The Election Code says the chairman, and nobody else, has to sign them," said Elizabeth Alvarez Bingham, a lawyer for the Dallas County Republican Party. "Carol Donovan is the chair. She was supposed to sign them. She didn't do it." The news stunned some Democrats after a lawyer for their party notified them of the lawsuit Sunday ...
He doesn't care about the dreamers or anyone else...the shut down MIGHT? be embarrassing.....BUT all he really cares about is his MONUMENT...the wall

Trump willing to support legal status for 'Dreamers' in exchange for border wall: White House sources


He HAS to have the Dems on board to get his wall....the conservatives of his own party will not vote for and have said so.....he needs to blackmail the dems into getting his wall