Politics, Politics, Politics


For decades, researchers and immigration experts alike have warned lawmakers and administrations of the negative impact immigration, both legal and illegal, has on the African-American community.
Two studies from 2008 reviewed in great detail and length just how much black Americans have been kept down economically by a U.S. immigration system that admits more than 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants a year, with no end in sight.
Cornell University’s Vernon Briggs Jr. wrote in his testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights of how, in 2004, mass immigration to the U.S. had led to black Americans being replaced as the largest minority group in the country, being overtaken by Hispanic-Americans.
“Although black Americans were 13.5 percent of the nation’s native-born population, they were only 7.8 percent of the foreign-born population in 2000,” Briggs noted. “Hispanics, on the other hand, were only 8.5 percent of the native-born population while being 45.2 percent of the foreign-born population.”
In his 2008 testimony, Briggs stated that there was “little doubt that there is significant” impact on African-American workers who generally compete for the same U.S. jobs that illegal aliens and legal immigrants are often looking to get.
Briggs says that this immigration impact makes poor and working-class African-Americans the “major loser” in the workforce.
Excellent health and a perfect score on his cognitive test....I bet Trump can even do a proper percent error calculation Mac!

... and I imagine you can suck a cock like no other submissive white boi, too .... why don't you go do just that.
You know, I never would of thought an old, white man, like you, would have a mouth as big as your asshole to accept cocks, but I'm realizing more and more you are just a natural 'cock sucker'.
Now, as usual ... pic_FuckOff2.jpg.... CUM breath!
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Democrats Score Special Election Upset In Wisconsin GOP Stronghold
Amanda Terkel,HuffPost

Democrat Patty Schachtner won a special election for a state Senate seat in Wisconsin on Tuesday, scoring a huge upset victory for her party in a district that President Donald Trump handily captured just over a year ago.
It was the latest in a string of election victories for Democrats since Trump took office, and a sign of hope for the party that the energy from the base and frustration with the president could lead to more wins in November.
With every precinct counted, The Washington Post reported that Schachtner, the chief medical examiner for St. Croix County, won by 9 percentage points.
Republican Sheila Harsdorf had held the seat since 2001, but she left in November to become Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s agriculture secretary. In 2016, Harsdorf won re-election by 26 percentage points, and Trump beat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by 17 points. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney won the district in 2012.

Scott Walker warns GOP to ‘wake up’ after Dems flip deep-red Wisconsin district
The Hill

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) warned Republicans to "wake up" after Democrats flipped a state Senate seat in a GOP-leaning district. "Senate District 10 special election win by a Democrat is a wake up call for Republicans in Wisconsin," Walker tweeted. "WAKE UP CALL: Can’t presume that voters know we are getting positive things done in Wisconsin. Help us share the good news." Walker also warned that the GOP can't "presume voters know that more people are working than ever before" or that "we invested more actual dollars into schools than ever before." He urged people on Twitter to "help us share the good news." The warnings come after Patty Schachtner (D) defeated state Rep. Adam Jarchow (R) ...
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Why I'm leaving the Republican Party
Chicago Tribune

I have been a member of the Republican Party my entire adult life. I firmly believe in a federal government that provides for our national security, but has a limited role in the economic and social lives of our communities and households. I highly value individual choice, responsibility and opportunity. I proudly worked on retired Congressman John Porter’s staff and volunteered for former U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk and U.S. Rep. Bob Dold. These are all people I admire and feel represented the very best of the party. Even though I have disagreed with some of the Republican organization’s positions, for decades I never questioned my affiliation with the party until the ascension of Donald Trump from ...
Cock Brothers must be worried......and wanting to buy another election and starting early

Scott Walker amasses $4 million campaign war chest, dwarfing Dem rivals in Wisconsin governor's race
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin-Foxconn deal could cost public $4.5 billion
The Hill
A planned Foxconn manufacturing facility in southwest Wisconsin could cost taxpayers roughly $4.5 billion, a state assemblyman said Tuesday. Wisconsin Assemblyman Gordon Hintz (D) told reporters that a memo from the state legislature’s fiscal bureau indicated the cost of the facility to the public will likely be higher than the $3 billion Gov. Scott Walker (R) projected last year. News of the memo was first reported by the Wisconsin State Journal. The $4.5 billion mostly consists of costs to state government through tax credits the state granted Foxconn over a 15-year period. Other factors included are utility costs, road improvements and local government grants, according to the State Journal. ...
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Even Paul Ryan digging into his massive war chest....the right might be getting a little worried?

Pennsylvania Race to Test Democrats' Hopes for Anti-Trump Wave
US News & World Report

Saccone is a staunch Christian conservative, backing gun and abortion rights and introducing a resolution declaring 2012 to be "the year of the Bible." While Democrats were surprised a more moderate candidate was not chosen to oppose Lamb, Christopher Nicholas, a Pennsylvania-based Republican consultant, said Saccone "fits the district." Ending Spending Inc, a Republican Super PAC, is reported to be spending at least $1 million on advertisements to support Saccone. The Congressional Leadership Fund, a PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan, has hired a coordinator and brought in 50 canvassers with a goal of knocking on 250,000 doors before the election. ...
One of America’s worst gerrymanders faces a tough day in court today

Pennsylvania’s supreme court will hear oral arguments Wednesday in a challenge to that state’s aggressively gerrymandered congressional map — the map is so thoroughly gerrymandered that Republicans won 13 of the state’s 18 Congressional districts in 2012, even though Democrats won a majority of the popular vote, and they’ve held those 13 seats in each subsequent election. Opponents of this map have good reason to be optimistic that it will go down in court. Among other things, five of the state’s seven supreme court justices are Democrats. Should the state supreme court strike down these maps, moreover, they could potentially create a firewall against gerrymanders in Pennsylvania even if the ...

Got to love it....the right having problems everywhere!

Facing Republican wrath, Gov. Brownback fights for relevance
McClatchy Washington Bureau

Gov. Sam Brownback once wielded enough power to bring state government into line with his conservative ideology. During his first six years in office, he ushered in large tax cuts, privatized the state’s Medicaid system and enacted massive changes to welfare and other programs with the enthusiastic backing of the Republican-controlled Legislature. But with only a year left in office — or perhaps just a few weeks or months — Brownback finds himself fighting to stay relevant in a Capitol where many are ready for him to move on to the Trump administration. With a Kansas Legislature that’s grown cold to his ways, he may have exhausted any political capital he had left with conservative GOP lawmakers ...
how sweet it is...His big fucking mouth..now going to cost him money....nut he will just fuck America out of more....

Trump Hotels Refuses to Leave Panama Despite Vote To Oust Company
Chantal Da Silva,Newsweek

An attempt to try to strip President Donald Trump's name from a hotel building in Panama has turned bitter, with the U.S. leader's hotel company refusing to leave the Central American country without a fight.
Owners of the Trump International Hotel in Panama City, the country's capital, are reportedly fighting to have the name of the building changed and oust the president's hotel management company, Trump Hotels.
However, two people familiar with the matter have told the Associated Press that Trump's staff "ran off" a team of Marriott executives invited last month to visit the property as a prospective new hotel operator.

The head of Trump Hotels, Eric Danziger, also called Marriott's CEO to complain about the visit, the two people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told AP.
Newsweek also found that the group formerly known as The Trump Ocean Club Panama Owners Association has already stripped the president's name from it's title.
In September, records show the group's website had branded itself under the president's name, with "Trump" appearing 13 times on the front page.
But by January 5, the owners association had completely erased the U.S. leader's name from its title and website.

How illegal immigration hurting Black Americans

The Senate heard testimony Wednesday that examined the impact of immigration on U.S. workers, and one of the more stinging rebukes of current U.S. policy came from an unlikely source – U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow.
Kirsanow testified that blacks have been hurt more by President Obama’s immigration policies than perhaps any other subgroup of the U.S. population.
During that period, the U.S. has been importing about 1 million legal immigrants per year, along with 350,000 to 400,000 or more immigrants who hop the border illegally or overstay their visas and never go home.
“The evidence that we gathered shows that, unequivocally, the wage and unemployment levels of black Americans are disproportionately adversely affected by illegal immigration, particularly when it pertains to the effect on black males,” Kirsanow told the Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on immigration and the national interest.
“Since the beginning of the 2008 recession, there has been an increase of 2 million working-age blacks in the population,” he said. “However, during the same period of time, the number of blacks currently in the workforce was also 2 million less. So there has been no net increase in the number of employed blacks despite a substantial increase in the black population. And what’s curious about that, though, is that during the same period of time, 4.4 million more foreign-born workers were employed in the United States.”
Indeed, research shows that immigration accounts for 40 percent of the 18-point percentage decline in black employment levels in the last several years, he said.
“An 18-point decline is hundreds of thousands of blacks without jobs,” Kirsanow concluded. “In addition to depressing black employment levels, the evidence that we adduce shows that illegal immigration – frankly any low-skilled immigration – tends to drive down the wages of jobs that are available for black Americans.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/03/civil-ri...d-by-illegal-immigration/#BBzcrbzwM9aw8Qw5.99

Apparently, the rain helped stop the riot. Four years ago, on the day after Martin Luther King Day, an Hispanic policeman in Miami killed a black motorcyclist and his passenger with a single gunshot. The death led to three days of rioting in Overton, Liberty City and Coconut Grove, the very poor, mostly black sections of the city.
When the Colombian-born officer was acquitted of manslaughter over Memorial Day weekend, there were fears of renewed rioting. But a strengthened police presence, the calming influence of community leaders, and an unseasonably chilly rainstorm reduced the feared rioting to a few scattered disturbances.


The most frequent explanation offered for an outburst following acquittal of a police officer is racism. Certainly racism or at least the perception of racism is a partial explanation. But there is a more direct catalyst for these outbursts. That catalyst is immigration.
Do immigrants replace native born workers or merely displace these workers who move on to other, perhaps better, jobs? When viewed in terms of overall American society, this question has not been conclusively answered. When the question is restricted to the urban, mostly black underclass, there is no doubt. Immigration is devastating.

The effect of immigration on poor blacks has long been noted. In Los Angeles recently, President Clinton was angrily questioned by a young black man about reducing continued, widespread immigration. Few, however, have considered the link between immigration and affirmative action. What happens to affirmative action when immigration turns a minority into the majority?
Miami may be the most dramatic example of how immigration and affirmative action can conflict. Although it is now "the capital of Latin America," prior to 1959 there was little Hispanic influence in Miami. Then, the first wave of Cubans, the professionals fleeing Castro, arrived. There have been other surges of Cuban refugees since, sudden influxes like the Mariel boatlift of the early '80s. Those fleeing the poverty, wars and dictatorships of the Caribbean and South and Central Americas have further swollen the city's Hispanic population.

While no single group dominates Miami, Hispanics are clearly in the ascendancy. The Anglo share of the population has plummeted from 80 percent to barely 30 percent in three decades. In that time Hispanics have grown from 5 percent to 50 percent of the population. Blacks have remained around 20 percent.

Blacks have remained in poverty as well. In 1960, black and Hispanic family incomes were virtually identical. Today, blacks are caught well below the poverty line while Hispanics have risen well above it. Their success has often come at the expense of blacks. One example of this displacement is gas station ownership. In 1960, blacks owned one-fourth of all gas stations in Dade County. Twenty years later, their market share had dropped to less than one-tenth. By then Hispanics owned nearly half the stations in the county.

Affirmative action has not kept pace with these demographic and economic shifts. The affirmative action programs for the Dade County school board and fire department are typical. Hispanics, blacks, Asians, Native Americans and women are all considered eligible minorities.
The minority business program for the City of Miami is less typical but perhaps more instructive. Initially, the program had goals of 25 percent Hispanic and 25 percent black participation in city contracting. When women joined the program, the total goal was raised to 51 percent. No explanation was offered for this particular number, which was seemingly chosen since it can be divided equally among the three groups.


Sanctuary for illegals becomes blacks worst nightmare

California is now a “sanctuary state,” thanks to Gov. Jerry Brown and liberal Democrats in Sacramento.
The Golden State is home to an estimated 2.3 million illegal aliens. And police are no longer permitted to ask suspects about their immigration status or assist with federal immigration-enforcement activities.

To add insult to injury, liberals tried to free Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the illegal alien and seven-time felon who was acquitted of ******* and assault in the 2015 San Francisco fatal shooting of 32-year-old Kate Steinle. Fortunately, Garcia Zarate will not be released for “time served.” He’s been indicted by a federal grand jury for violating state immigration and gun laws and will remain in custody to face federal charges.

Yes, California voters are dumb for voting in liberal Democrats who continue to pass laws that endanger citizens.
For black Americans who might not understand this – you too will be impacted! Now that California has been designated a “sanctuary state,” illegal aliens, including MS-13, will flock to the state in droves and they’ll end up in the black community.

For the past 27 years, my nonprofit organization, BOND, has been trying to educate blacks on this issue with town hall forums, media, rallies, etc. Along with groups like FAIR, California Coalition for Immigration Reform and the late Terry Anderson, we’ve been warning the state and the nation of what was coming, but most blacks refused to listen.

We couldn’t get blacks to support a border wall or to vote against liberal Democrats who are selling them out for the Hispanic vote. Most blacks are so brainwashed by their godless black leaders, they’re willing to vote against their own self-interest. They blindly follow corrupt Democrats like Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Karen Bass, Kamala Harris, Mark Ridley-Thomas and others who use them.

All Democrats have to do is accuse anyone who opposes illegal immigration of being “racist,” and that’s enough to put blacks in a hypnotic trance and make them vote for Democrats.
The illegal immigration issue is out of control. The Hispanic population is growing rapidly, and it’s flexing its political muscle. There’s a warfare brewing between black and Hispanic gangs in Los Angeles, and it’s just a matter of time before it explodes. As a result, decent blacks are fleeing California and moving down south.

That's according to Trumps alt-reality world. Remember, when his lips move, he's lying!
Well here we go sad Mac, Trump will lease the name to be used on hotels which allows an escape but always follow the money and see how much money is moving. There is a Ukrainian connection and some involvement with an Austrian bank. The Ukrainian connection allows some distance from Russian connections but always follow the money. There is more coming if Mueller is crossing that red line and I think he will.
There is more coming if Mueller is crossing that red line and I think he will.
I believe they could probably speed this up by simply opening up ALL of Prez Chump's bank accounts. I thought Mueller was doing that but haven't heard much the past few weeks. Maybe Mueller knows a lot more than anyone can imagine. I think he might just be "lining up the dominos" .... hope so. At this point I won't be happy 'till I see him spend a year or so in a prison. He needs a dose of reality.