Politics, Politics, Politics

Our public education system has yet to adjust to the fast developing technologies of today. Also, parents find themselves "less educated" than their children, thus unable to help with educational needs.
In the past, when faced with rising taxation, many corporations have invested hiring new employees, but that's starting to change as the human factor becomes de-valued as workers.

that should about cover it.............you don't pay a fair wage....we all end up giving them money one way or another

and just to throw it in


where does it become common sense to pay more....it saves the rest of us in the long run

AND I didn't even go into what we pay wall street for ?????????
a little logic would have to apply here

corps keep doing all they can to fatten their wallet and that of the CEO's raise prices..do away with unions ..lower wages...eliminate benefits for those that can't afford things now......sooner or later this has to catch up...who is going to buy all their products...kind of priced themselves out of biz.......that's where all this china ******* came in to begin with...American's just raised the price so much the avg guy couldn't afford it

and now with the avg guy buying at wal mart and etc ...we have made China rich and now a country to be reckoned with....all over American greed.......our greed is our downfall....we are no longer the super power we were a few years ago....we are in debt so much it will take a miracle to get out....and that miracle IS NOT in the WH now
what about your garbage collector....tv/appliance repairman...clerks and etc
they can barely make ends meet and they need an education for that.....true in MOST cases an education pays off...but not always...back when I worked for the airlines we had 2 college educated guys working there..one was a teacher.....couldn't make ends meet and pay off his education!

some don't need the education they just need better pay

hell look at trump...he just got another 60 imported workers to work at his resort....said he just couldn't find qualified help....bullshit he just didn't want to pay...greed!

you want to work in a bank...yes get an education....but others have to do this work no one else wants to and they are the ones we are supporting through other means!....and they are also the ones the right is planning on cutting those means off of...what then?...crime goes up!
getting an education from somewhere other than internet memes would be a good start

you wouldn't be implying that I got/get my education from meme's would you
I know it's just sales...and by the way you don't need college for that....but I make a pretty good buck at this...craziest job I ever had...but for the money I get apid to be around this thing long hours...and at my age...got to love it
some good news

Donald Trump Is an “Idiot” and a “Liar,” Americans Say in New Poll
Celeste Katz,

Americans aren’t damning President Donald Trump with faint praise, according to a new poll: They’re mostly just damning him.
When asked for the first word that pops into their head when they think of the commander-in-chief, U.S. voters gave such glowing descriptors as “idiot,” “liar” and “a**hole,” according to a new Quinnipiac University survey out Tuesday.
In an open-ended question, Quinnipiac asked respondents over the phone, “What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of President Trump?” A total of 53 people responded with the word “idiot, 44 with “liar” and 36 with “incompetent.” Another 26 people gave the response “a**hole,” while 19 respondents said “moron,” 18 said “arrogant” and 17 said “disgusting.”
“President Donald Trump is known for hurling insults, and he’s getting slammed right back. ‘Idiot’ is just one of a string of insults thrown his way by American voters,” said Tim Malloy, Quinnipiac University Poll assistant director, in a release about the poll, which echoed the results of a similar survey conducted in May.
Other words the pollsters heard more infrequently about Trump—at least five times each—included “businessman,” “jerk,” “powerful” and “evil.”
To be fair, it wasn’t all bad news for Trump, although voters polled by Quinnipiac said they disapproved of the job he’s doing by a margin of 57 percent to 37 percent. In the open-ended question about impressions of the first-year president, 35 respondents gave pollsters the word “leader” and the same number picked “strong,” while 21 answered “great.”
Can Roy Moore still win in Alabama? He wants a recount, and here's how it could work

Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore did not concede to opponent Doug Jones late Tuesday night as expected. Instead, the defeated candidate said that the election “is not over,” telling his supporters to “wait on God” and a recount. “Realize, when the vote is this close, it is not over,” Moore said to a room full of his supporters on Tuesday. “We still got to go by the rules, by this recount provision.” Before Moore took the stage, his campaign chairman, Bill Armistead, homed in on that process: The votes have to be certified––which will happen between December 26 and January 3, according to the Alabama Secretary of State––and if the margin is less than 0.5 percent, the votes must ...
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NEVER trust nor put anything past a republican!
As usual, every meme of yours I've ever bothered to read was complete bullshit. I posted a link just yesterday to McDonalds form 10-K. A quick glance at that (or many other sources) debunks this BS meme. McDonalds gross revenue for all of 2016 was only $24.6 billion. After espenses (which includes worker's pay) they had a total net income for the year of only $4.6 billion. There's no way in hell they could have made a $20 billion payout to shareholders since they only had $24 billion in total gross sales. Here in reality, McDonalds pays out to shareholders a dividend of roughly $1 per share per quarter. They have roughly 800 million shares outstanding so their annual payout to shareholders is around $3 billion. Given their $172 price to buy a share, the $4 annual dividend is a meager 2.3% return on your investment.


A strong majority of Americans—across all races—believe that politicians have not been putting America first.
The Public Religion Research Institute’s 2017 American Values Survey found that 60 percent of Americans agree with the statement, “In the past, America’s leaders have been too focused on helping other nations at the expense of our own country.”
Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon has been insisting that economic nationalism is the unifying ******* that will bring together Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, and the comprehensive study found that “roughly equal numbers of white (62%), black (60%), and Hispanic Americans (57%) agree that American leaders have been too focused on helping other nations in the past.” The survey also found that “no group shows stronger agreement that American leaders” have not been putting the country’s interests first than Republicans (78% agree), showing how much Trump’s economic nationalist campaign has transformed the GOP.

As usual, every meme of yours I've ever bothered to read was complete bullshit

and as usual your fake news....or twisted facts just don't add up!

and your opinion is really .......where do you get your info?...and your opinion...the link below shows just how far off you are!


might want to keep an open mind...or expand your internet education

once AGAIN I have shown you how you are wrong...does this mean it will go on all week again?

and as far as I know...you are.... 0fer in proving anyone wrong

BUT the only thing I will agree with you on...is that numbers can be presented a bunch of ways to benefit whatever the argument is...been there done that
just because your article says one thing...and mine says another........
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and as usual your fake news....or twisted facts just don't add up!

and your opinion is really .......where do you get your info?...and your opinion...the link below shows just how far off you are!


might want to keep an open mind...or expand your internet education

once AGAIN I have shown you how you are wrong...does this mean it will go on all week again?

and as far as I know...you are.... 0fer in proving anyone wrong

BUT the only thing I will agree with you on...is that numbers can be presented a bunch of ways to benefit whatever the argument is...been there done that
just because your article says one thing...and mine says another........
No, you've only proven you lack of basic business knowledge. You posted a link to a three year old newspaper article speculating what McDonald's might do in the future. What you called my fake news was McDonald's 10K filing certifying what actually happened. If you can find their 10K is fake, don't waste time on here....contact the SEC. Executives have gone to jail for fraudulent 10K filings. You probably didn't know that....doubt that tidbit has been posted in any memes.
No, you've only proven you lack of basic business knowledge

Like I said before...numbers can be juggled to prove whatever you want

I think my article says what needs to be said...the meme is factual!
go on all you want with your holier than thou attitude.....doesn't mean you are right..far from it...they could have given their employees a nice raise and still paid the shareholders!democrat4.png
are you really wanting to argue the point...or are you just complaining my meme's irritate your ass?


but like I said it's not about the issue......for you it's about the meme