Politics, Politics, Politics

The deficit only an issue when a dem is in the white house...big issue then...but funny how it doesn't matter when the right is in charge...they just can't manage!

Senate Republicans pass budget that will add $1.5 trillion to deficit
Good Morning America MARIAM KHAN,

Senate Republicans passed a budget late Thursday night, setting the stage for the GOP's ultimate goal of tackling tax reform later this year.

The measure is estimated to add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years, and contains about $4 trillion in spending cuts.

“We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to replace America’s failing tax codes,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor after the bill was approved.

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The Senate’s plan passed along party lines, with 51 Republicans voting in favor of the bill, and all Democrats voting against it.

“This nasty and backwards budget greenlights cuts to Medicare and Medicaid in order to give a tax break to big corporations and the wealthiest Americans,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said.

The 51-49 vote sets the stage for debate later this year to dramatically overhaul the U.S. tax code for the first time in three decades.

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky was the lone Republican senator who opposed the measure.

“I could not in good conscience vote for a budget that ignores spending caps that have been the law of the land for years and simply pretend it didn’t matter,” Paul said in a statement.

Following the budget's passage, the White House released the following statement: "President Donald J. Trump applauds the Senate for passing its FY 2018 Budget Resolution today and taking an important step in advancing the Administration’s pro-growth and pro-jobs legislative agenda. This resolution creates a pathway to unleash the potential of the American economy through tax reform and tax cuts, simplifying the overcomplicated tax code, providing financial relief for families across the country, and making American businesses globally competitive. President Trump looks forward to final enactment of the Fiscal Year 2018 budget resolution so we can bring jobs back to our country."

And White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted a photo of President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump at a gala dinner benefiting the UNHCR at the Kuwaiti embassy at which the first lady was honored. "Great night honoring @FLOTUS & perfect ending w/ @POTUS announcing passage of budget—major step forward for tax cuts," Sanders tweeted

The resolution is a nonbinding budget framework, and is a legislative vehicle that will allow Republicans to pass a tax plan under the rules of reconciliation. This means the GOP tax bill could pass without a single Democratic vote. It also avoids a filibuster attempt by Democrats.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., a member of the Budget Committee, told reporters Thursday afternoon, "This is the biggest hoax hatched upon the American people ever, that this budget process even exists. The only thing about this that matters is preparation for tax reform."

The Senate opted to fast-track the bill by adopting an amendment that aligned its budget to some technical aspects in the House's version of the bill, which was approved in the House chamber last week.

The move to align the two plans is intended to help speed up the process in getting final passage from both chambers of Congress, by potentially foregoing a conference committee that would work out the differences in both plans.

Speaking to CBS on Friday, House Speaker Paul Ryan affirmed that middle class families would see significant tax cuts.

When we get the numbers, which are going to be finalized in matter of days, then we can put the whole bill out," Ryan said. "If this was a tax increase on middle-income taxpayers, we wouldn't be doing this. This is about lowering people’s taxes in the middle-class, simplifying the tax system and growing this economy."

Before the Senate passed its bill Thursday night, lawmakers agreed to a bipartisan amendment that called the entire budget voting process "utter nonsense."

Schumer said it would go down “as one of the worst budgets Congress has ever passed” in the nation’s history.
isn't that what we are all doing...

No, that's what you do - I continue to demand better. Why do you think I don't "settle" for the ACA - it's garbage - we all deserve better. But as long as we have cool-aid drinkers like yourself - you "settle" and worse - you defend it.

The government spoon feeds us bull *******. They know the media will take it, mix it with some piss and squirt it out like Diarrhea - further dividing the people. We can have better, we just need to stand together as a people and demand it.
No, that's what you do - I continue to demand better

sure you do....you sit back and claim to vote whatever and yet support everything the right proposes!
careful or that pedestal you sit on might tip over when reality comes by!

Why do you think I don't "settle" for the ACA
you don't like it because you have to pay...like most republicans!
has anyone even tried to work on it...NO..replace and repeal!...not once has your party tried to do anything to fix the problems..until now...and even then with the bipartisan efforts it MIGHT make it in the senate...but Ryan has already said no!
the right wants nothing except things their way...ACA...taxes...overtime rules....etc....nothing for the worker!

we all deserve better.
yes we do but it won't come from your party!

But as long as we have cool-aid drinkers like yourself - you "settle" and worse - you defend it.

I just ******* in reality.....you seem to like what the right dishes out.... you guys are the problem with the country...it's all about you!
I defend it because it can be fixed!....as several have found out here recently...but again with the house refusing to accept that....

The government spoon feeds us bull *******.

I knew that years ago...saw it in the Army....when you are fighting for your country and all full of RAH, RAH, Rah....and you see things... and then see the news and it is nowhere what you saw...you learn early!

They know the media will take it, mix it with some piss and squirt it out like Diarrhea - further dividing the people.

true but most have so become sold on what they read and hear...and only listen to biased stories it just adds to it....compromise is a thing of the past!
really disappointed in Kelly today..I thought he was one of the few Trumpies that was honest.....and now he gets caught in a lie supporting trump...just shows you can't trust anyone!

We can have better, we just need to stand together as a people and demand it.

yes we can but it goes back to people read and hear what they want to believe
just like those poor fools here that supported Trump...and now are without health care
and all that ******* on Hillary.... she wasn't my choice...but stillvoted for her over Trump..but the majority of ******* put out on her was FALSE...but because she is a dem...and a little questionable to begin with..they bought it all hook line and sinker!

the right is good at that you know...done it every election...although this time they did it with Russia's help...they did the same to john Kerry when he ran..after the election was over all the ******* came out as being false...but election over...same with Hillary...same with Dukakis...it just goes on

saw excerpts of some debate between Cruz and Sanders.....apparently no one did any fact checking during that debate...they said Cruz beat up sanders...but part of Cruz's words were how well the economy improved during Reagan...and we need that back...WHAT?...and sanders let it slide
but the right says they won because Cruz did a good job...yes again he just pushed lies!

hell look at Benghazi.....the right spent millions and 2 years just to discredit her...and the right bought it all....and yet look at when Bush was in what 16 killed...nothing said....under Reagan 150 killed...nothing said...all bullshit politics...most of the time controlled by the right!

Look at the email...how much deleted under Bush? to avoid any question....Trumps whole staff right now using private servers...but with Hillary a big issue

I could go on and on as to why I hate the right!
again not in love with the dems....lesser of 2 evils!
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The dems may have their faults...not fulfilling all their campaign promises and taking the workers for granted
but they don't flat lie and pass ******* knowing it will fuck the country just to give to that 1%

I really feel sorry for all those going to lose health care now...but ******* for brains said he was going to do away with it..he did...said he would have something better...he lied...nothing new from a republican...so I guess they got what they voted for
The Top 13 Lies In Modern Republican Convention History

On Wednesday, Jonathan Cohn asked if Paul Ryan’s address was “The Most Dishonest Convention Speech … Ever?” Now that Mitt Romney had his turn, I decided to answer the question.

After reviewing presidential and vice-presidential nominee acceptance speeches throughout the era of the modern Republican Party, back to 1980, I present to you: the Top 13 Republican Convention Speech Lies.

Which Republican Is The Biggest Liar According To PolitiFact

There are few things as satisfying as exposing Republicans for their lies. Here at the Burnt Orange Report, we love to remind our readers just how frequently Republicans are guilty of such practice. But while a “Republicans lie a lot” news article would not exactly be very news-breaking, perhaps taking a closer look at who is the biggest liar out of the statewide GOP candidates may paint us a more detailed picture of the horrible tendency they all have of doing. So we took a look at PolitiFact in order to break down each candidate’s record.

word_OPPS.jpg https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...n-fox-news-was-a-fake/?utm_term=.4220be92a597
pic_FoxNews.jpg It seems all these so-called conservatives simply run in packs ... fakes, liars, exaggerators, limelight seekers ... they create their sensationalized stories, and when discovered, quickly move on to another fake story as their duckling followers waddle along behind them "quacking out their agreement" to their next lie, exaggeration,and/or fabrication.
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That's because most republicans have a JOB.

your support of the communist party is bewildering...but since he gives you what you so dearly crave...I guess that can all be over looked right?
then you might finally be able to move out of your moms basement.

shows your lack of understanding.....here in tornado country....they don't have basements!...because of the water level and the cost!
they do have these little walk-in shelters in the ground....but after a while most of them pop-up and start floating

with you supporting your communist leader....and a defender of the right... you might want to rethink that
there is not enough space on this server to defend all the screw-ups the right has given the country over the last 30 years!
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