Politics, Politics, Politics

following that carrot seems to suit you.

I am not the one following the carrot....I think some call trump carrot top
but ......you need to get your nose out of the clouds....you must be an employer......

WE DON'T keep letting the scandals slip away....check the party in power when all this ******* happens!

with the fake news on Dukakis and John Kerry....the right had control...didn't pursue anything because they got their man in!

the Bush thing with firing those judges...and deleting any evidence...who controlled congress at the time?

who spent 2 years and millions of dollars...just to discredit a potential candidate...and found nothing...and the party in power? and to top it off they discover the man leading the committee to do all of that was himself altering her emails...and what does the party in power do?...put him in charge of the judiciary committee!
just how friggn corrupt is that?

everyone knows trump is using private emails...the party in power?
same when Powell used them...the party in power?

now tell me again who lets the gov get corrupt!

the right with all their holier than thou attitude...and yet does more to corrupt than any 10 democrats!

you complain about all the corruption in government and yet defend the party most responsible!

you have no right to complain about government corruption...while you support and defend the people most responsible!
and that is not even going into the gerrymandering and voter suppression!
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I beg to differ with him, but, the majority of the American people didn't elect Trump, and IF the cheating were to be taking out of the election it probably wouldn't have even been close.
Trump did not fight in the biggest states. U know the strategy of candidates? U know the syste of vote, BTW?? Trump hater... lets see
Trump hater...
I'll have to admit, I've never disliked a president more than I dislike Trump. He's an embarrassment to our country in so many ways ... and it makes me wonder about those who continue backing & believing in this fool with as much crap and lies as he has and continues to spills "daily". Its ridiculous! If ever there was a hell, Trump certainly deserves to be placed in the hottest part of it, that's for sure.
....Well, now that Trump has addressed the "*******" of their nemesis, Obamacare, with yet another executive order, he's now pushing his ridiculous TAX CUTS for the middleclass ... gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif Guess, once he sees that his Republican congress can't pass the tax cuts without gutting entitlements and 401-k contributions, he'll simply find another executive order to sign ... and say the usual ... "tax cuts pay for themselves & create jobs" or "we'll figure out a way to pay for it later". Pretty much how Trickle Down works ... cut huge chunks of revenue with tax cuts, then shy away from the necessary cuts to entitlement spendings that the middle & lower class depend on to survive. And Trump and economists say THIS tax cut is one of the biggest yet ... and will create another $10-15 trillion of new debt.
.....Actually a lot of tax exempt programs are being considered, along with employer health plans, life insurance proceeds, etc etc ....
WE DON'T keep letting the scandals slip away....

Again - show me one that has been prosecuted since watergate, I've asked 3 times now - still waiting.

Again - show me one that has been prosecuted since watergate, I've asked 3 times now - still waiting

and I have answered several times.... to big a fish to fry
plus when it happens the right is in power...look at now with Trump.....the most corrupt ******* of a bitch to ever sit in Washington...already have more than enough to impeach...and yet has a 76% approval rating among republicans...Dukakis lost to bushSr....the right doesn't care how bush got there and not going to risk anything that might take him out...it just goes on and I told you all that already...your party has no limits on corruption!

Isn't this where I am supposed to bring up your reading skills?

you are just trying to divert the conversation away from your support for the right

Trump has more on him than any president so far...and I bet he won't ever see jail!
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See that is where you are wrong, I don't support the Republican party. I haven't since Bush. The GOP of today is not the same GOP as yesterday.

you keep saying that and yet.......you sure defend them and their policies!

you once said you voted independent..... but you knew before you voted that vote would get less than 5% of the vote...so that would mean you helped put Trump in there...wouldn't you say?

not that I'm a Hillary supporter......but would gladly take her over Trump!

again the lesser of two evils....where as you knowingly turned your back!...If you voted independent...
there are several on here that don't claim to be republicans.....but sure defend everything they do!
can't say I blame them I would be ashamed to be a republican also....and would "stay in the closet"

there is nothing honest and "clean" about the right...everything they do and say is mostly lies and false news....hell there are a couple on here good examples of that....it is all catered towards the well to do....and they do it by fear, false claims, and tampering with weak minds...and there are a bunch of those in the party and on here!

just one example would be the gun nuts!

I do apologize for coming down on you so much....guess there are so many phoney's on here...who speak out of both sides of their ass....kind of just lumped you all together...along with my contempt for the right....and how they have made politics so dirty....
not that the dems are angels by any means...but the corruption from the right has been going on for several years and it seems like they now have no limits!

and the stupidity of those that buy into it just amazes me...and some even post it here and call it facts!
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In the days of Lincoln...the republicans were the party to vote for.....but along came the industrial revolution and the fuckers have been stuffing their pockets and fucking the country/workers ever since
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The Republican political feud in Washington often appears to be a battle of egos and personalities
As I see it, its a battle of several different conservative ideologies, actually. I'm still surprised that the religious right have endorsed and supported Trump ... simply doesn't make sense.
Libertarians want their day in the SUN ... but no one (few voters) knows who they are or what they stand for.
so would the libertarian party support the lifestyle of the people of blacktowhite?

Yes, as long as you are not forsing others to comply and your consenting adults.

1.4 Personal Relationships

Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government’s treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, baby custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.
funny.............where is the love?

Trump's White House Asked Americans What They'd Do With a Raise. It Backfired
Chris Riotta,

President Donald Trump's White House called on Twitter users to let it know what they’d do with a $4,000 raise, with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders promising to should out the answers during her daily briefing Monday afternoon. The White House should have known what sort of responses to expect.

"What would your family do w/ a $4,000 raise from the President’s tax cut plan?" Sanders tweeted Sunday. “REPLY & I’ll share your family’s story in the press briefing."

The tweet came as the administration is trying to drive up support for an overhaul to the American tax system that would provide big tax breaks to corporations, such as lowering their tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. Doing so, the White House says, would boost the average American family’s annual income by $4,000.

That effect wouldn’t be felt for at least eight years, however—families would instead see closer to a $500 annual raise in the near term, according to Trump's own economic advisers—and it isn't clear how the plan will affect lower-income Americans. But Twitter users decided to play along anyway, and boy did they deliver.

Many of the respondees said they'd donate $4,000 to whoever runs against Trump in 2020:

Trump's White House Asked Americans What They'd Do With a Raise. It Backfired
Chris Riotta,

President Donald Trump's White House called on Twitter users to let it know what they’d do with a $4,000 raise, with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders promising to should out the answers during her daily briefing Monday afternoon. The White House should have known what sort of responses to expect.

"What would your family do w/ a $4,000 raise from the President’s tax cut plan?" Sanders tweeted Sunday. “REPLY & I’ll share your family’s story in the press briefing."

The tweet came as the administration is trying to drive up support for an overhaul to the American tax system that would provide big tax breaks to corporations, such as lowering their tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent. Doing so, the White House says, would boost the average American family’s annual income by $4,000.

That effect wouldn’t be felt for at least eight years, however—families would instead see closer to a $500 annual raise in the near term, according to Trump's own economic advisers—and it isn't clear how the plan will affect lower-income Americans. But Twitter users decided to play along anyway, and boy did they deliver.

Many of the respondees said they'd donate $4,000 to whoever runs against Trump in 2020:

i can only read your posts when i click "reply"