Politics, Politics, Politics

Silent Republicans have their reasons. They don't have an excuse.

Whatever his impact may be on the country or the world, Donald Trump’s presidency imperils the future of his party, and there isn’t a serious-minded Republican in Washington who would tell you otherwise, privately.

In the short term, Trump’s determination to upend the health care market, his vague tax plan that’s already unpopular, an approval rating that can’t crack 40 percent, his exhausting and inexhaustible penchant for conflict — all of it threatens to make a massacre of the midterm elections, if you go by any historical marker.

In the longer term, it’s plausible to think that Trump’s public ambivalence toward white supremacists, along with his contempt for immigrants and internationalism, could end up rebranding Republicans, for generations, as the party of the past.

Trump doesn’t care what happens to Republicans after he’s gone. The party was always like an Uber to him — a way to get from point A to point B without having to find some other route or expend any cash.

Which leads to the question I hear all the time these days. Why aren’t more Republicans separating themselves from Trump? And why aren’t they doing more with the power they have to get in his way?

Sure, you have a senator like Bob Corker, a party pillar and notorious straight shooter, who publicly worried that an unrestrained Trump might bumble his way into World War III. That should have been sobering.

But barely a week later, here’s Mitch McConnell, the majority leader whom Trump has repeatedly demeaned, standing in the Rose Garden, smiling thinly and making hollow sounds about unity, allowing himself to be used for another weird Trump selfie.

It’s actually not hard to understand why McConnell and his fellow lawmakers don’t stand up and declare independence from this rancid mess of a presidency.

It’s just increasingly hard to justify.

I don’t read a ton of opinion pieces online, unless they happen to concern the Yankees, but there was one on CNN.com last weekend that caught my attention. It was written by Steve Israel, who until this year was a senior Democrat in Congress, serving Long Island.


Responding to Corker’s sudden eruption of candor, Israel explained that retiring politicians like Corker, who has announced this will be his last term in the Senate, have the luxury of dispensing with political calculation.

“Many of us who’ve left elective life feel a sense of liberation, as if our tongues are no longer strapped to the left or right side of our mouths,” Israel wrote, with admirable flair.

“It’s wonderful to speak your mind without worrying about the next campaign, or parsing every word knowing that some opponent could twist an errant phrase against you out of context.”

We get it. It isn’t news that politicians have to be, you know, political. Or at least politicians not named Trump.

And these days, as I’ve noted many times, the real fear for most elected officials in Washington isn’t that they may say something to offend persuadable voters, whose existence no one really believes in anymore, like Bigfoot or Bill O’Reilly.

No, the fear now, if you’re sitting on either end of the Capitol, is that some no-name activist will decide to primary you, because you’ve somehow run afoul of extremists with followings on Twitter and Facebook, and you’ll have to spend all your time and money holding onto a job that you might very well lose, since it takes only one fringe group or millionaire and a few thousand angry voters to tip the balance in your average congressional primary.

The fact that Israel is the one writing about this dilemma should tell you that this isn’t simply a Republican phenomenon. Yes, Republicans are more tightly wedged between conscience and job security right now, because the president is constantly putting both in jeopardy.

But Democrats, too, often find themselves pinned between reason and reflexive ideology, mouthing mantras of economic populism that aren’t all that different from what Trump believes, and that most of them know to be painfully simplistic. Serving in Congress now, on either side of the aisle, often means hearing from a tiny slice of loud activists first, and everyone else where you can fit them in.

Our primary system wasn’t designed for an age when social media could supplant institutional loyalties, and at the moment it’s skewing the entire political process. So Israel offers a pretty fair explanation for why his former colleagues remain so maddeningly reticent.

To which I would offer a succinct reply: Grow up and get some perspective.

Just as a reminder, we don’t send representatives to Washington so they can stay there as long as they want. No voter has ever said the words: “I’m so glad we elected this guy. I just hope he can hold the seat for the next 20 years.”


This isn’t 1960. None of the rest of us expect to have just one job, or one career, that we can hold onto forever. According to my friends at Pew Research, more than half of Americans expect they will need additional education throughout their careers to adapt to changing industries.

And most of us have no idea what’s going to happen if we suddenly lose our jobs. Not so for any member of Congress, who can count on landing some half-time gig that pays more in a year or two than most Americans will see in a decade.

Seriously, what’s the worst that could happen? You’ll lose a primary and have to choose among law firms and cable networks, or at least until the next open seat comes along? How many of your constituents would consider that a tragic fate?

For as much time as I have spent around politicians, and I have been writing about national politics for a good 20 years now, this is the one mystery I have never come close to solving. I will never understand what it is about the job — congressman, senator, city alderman — that makes so many politicians willing to sacrifice all self-respect just to keep doing it.

It seems to me that if we lived in a world where we weren’t quite so jaded about our politics, and quite so self-absorbed in public service, it would be remarkable to say out loud what Israel feels liberated to say. It would not be OK to admit that for years you were timid and calculated, for fear of the consequences, and that’s just how it is.

You have to applaud guys like Corker and fellow senators Jeff Flake and John McCain, all of whom make their concession to political reality here and there, but who manage at the same time to be true to themselves.

And you’d have to say to other Republicans that while fear of retribution may explain what you’re up to, it doesn’t excuse the conspicuous silence. You should stand up and level with your constituents, if only because America needs a strong and thoughtful conservative party, and the longer you abet Trump’s madness, the more decimated that party is going to be.

You were sent here to do the job, not to keep it.
saw that and read it.....just more fake news put out by the right...and probably the trump campaign to try and divert the facts!
you notice Sessions did everything he could to dance around the truth yesterday!
6 Ways the Trump Administration Is Sabotaging Obamacare
The Motley Fool

The Affordable Care Act, which has survived more attacks than perhaps any law in American history, has been hit again by the Trump administration. And if you get your insurance on the ACA exchanges, you could become collateral damage. As Republican congresspeople make repeated efforts to repeal Obamacare, the Trump administration has quietly targeted Obamacare in ways big and small. October brought some of the most damaging attacks yet, potentially putting Obamacare exchanges on course to become nothing more than costly high-risk pools -- if they survive at all. What exactly has President Trump been doing to undermine Obamacare behind the scenes as we've all been focused on his tweeting? Let's ...
It's unproven that it was made by the Russian hackers.

Twitter took a year to close a fake GOP account run by Russians

The Russian troll farm that bought ads pointing to fake news sites on Facebook also ran a fake Twitter account impersonating the Tennessee Republican Party. While it has now been permanently suspended, Buzzfeed says the platform refused to take the account down for months even though the real party reported it thrice for impersonation since 2016. @TEN_GOP gained a huge following that reached 136,000 followers between November 15th to August this year just before Twitter finally yanked it offline.

Within that timeframe, the account consistently tweeted out pro-Trump, anti-Obama, anti-Clinton, anti-mainstream media and anti-Islam sentiments. The account is now gone, but we looked through some of the snapshots Wayback Machine saved to give you a taste of what it used to tweet:



maybe where you live....you don't get the news!
Would be nice if someone showed the examples of it

even more for you badbitch......

Trump personally thanked fake Twitter account linked to Russia

Among the dozens of fake Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts run out of Russia revealed by Russian publication RBC earlier this week, one may have caught the eyes of political journalists. The @TEN_GOP account, the largest fake Twitter account run out of Russia that was uncovered by RBC, had become something of a conservative gadfly on Twitter. With nearly 150,000 followers, The Daily Beast described the account – which called itself the “Unofficial Twitter of Tennessee Republicans” – as “an influential pro-Trump” account. Twitter, however, recently suspended the account, along with @ELEVEN_GOP – another account revealed by RBC as Russian. The @ELEVEN_GOP account, sharing the same profile ...
Bipartisan group of governors calls on Congress to stabilize ObamaCare markets
The Hill

A bipartisan group of 10 governors is calling on Congress to vote on a deal to stabilize ObamaCare’s insurance markets. “We urge Congress to quickly pass legislation to stabilize our private health insurance markets and make quality health insurance more available and affordable,” the governors wrote Wednesday in a letter to House and Senate leaders from both parties. “Senators Alexander and Murray have negotiated in good faith and developed a bipartisan agreement that will help achieve these goals," the letter continued, referencing the deal brokered by Sens. Lamar AlexanderAndrew (Lamar) Lamar AlexanderChildren’s health-care bill faces new obstacles Overnight Health Care: Schumer calls for ...
24 senators co-sponsor bipartisan ObamaCare deal

The bipartisan deal to stabilize ObamaCare's markets has 24 co-sponsors, Senate Health Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) announced Thursday.

Twelve Republicans and 12 Democrats signed on to the bill, which would continue ObamaCare's insurer subsidies for two years and give states more flexibility to waive ObamaCare rules.

"This is a first step. Improve it and pass it sooner rather than later," Alexander said on the Senate floor.

Trump announced last week he was canceling the payments, arguing the previous administration lacked the authority to make them.

But Democrats, and some Republicans, including Alexander, have pushed for Congress to temporarily fund the payments as a way to stabilize the ObamaCare markets.

If they don't, Alexander said, "there will be chaos in this country and millions of Americans will be hurt."

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said canceling the insurer payments could lead to premium increases through 2020.

Republicans likely wouldn't put the bill on the floor of the Senate without the expressed approval from President Trump, who has sent mixed messages.

He has repeatedly referred to the insurer payments as a "bailout," which has been echoed by some conservative Republicans in Congress.

Responding to that criticism Thursday, Alexander said he was open to adding any language the White House might have to strengthen a provision already in the bill to ensure that insurers can't keep the payments for themselves, but rather have to pass savings on to consumers in the form of rebates or another mechanism.

Alexander said he predicts the bill will pass by the end of the year. Some have suggested it could be attached to the end of year spending deal.

But the proposal might face an uphill battle in the House.
Senate votes to eliminate state and local tax deductions
New York Post

WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans voted Thursday in favor of eliminating the state and local tax deduction used by some 44 million Americans. Author Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) said that the state and local tax (SALT) deduction “disproportionately benefits the wealthy and high-earners.” Scrapping the tax break would raise $1.3 trillion over 10 years and that money “would be better spent on relief for the middle-class, working class folks,” Capito said, citing those who make $50,000 or less. Meanwhile, a Democrat-sponsored measure to preserve state and local tax deductions failed in a party line vote 47-52. “Well, this was our first effort to get everybody to oppose the elimination of the ...


you buy that I have a bridge for sale!
It is the republican way...if you don't do or follow what they say...you can't talk (or vote) anymore!

Cub Scout Ousted From Den After Asking Politician Tough Questions
HuffPost David Moye,HuffPost

A cub scout in Colorado has been cast out of his den after he asked a state legislator pointed questions about racially charged comments she made about African-Americans in 2013 and a gun bill she co-sponsored.

Ames Mayfield, 11, and other members of his den in Broomfield had a question-and-answer session with state Sen. Vicki Marble (R) at an Oct. 9 meeting. Topics raised by the scouts included the border wall, fossil fuels, and former President Barack Obama, according to The Denver Post.

Mayfield queried Marble about comments she made during a 2013 hearing on poverty suggesting that mortality rates among blacks were tied to their consumption of barbecue ribs and fried chicken.

“I was astonished that you blamed black people for poor health and poverty because of all the chicken and barbecue they eat,” Ames asked, according to ABC News.

Marble responded, “I didn’t; that was made up by the media.” She added, “So, you want to believe it? You believe it. But that’s not how it went down. I didn’t do that. That was false. Get both sides of the story.”

The complete exchange can be seen here:

For the sake of accuracy, the Denver newspaper reprinted Marble’s original comments:

“ “When you look at life expectancy, there are problems in the black race. Sickle-cell anemia is something that comes up. Diabetes is something that’s prevalent in the genetic makeup, and you just can’t help it.
“Although I’ve got to say, I’ve never had better barbecue and better chicken and ate better in my life than when you go down South and you, I mean, I love it. Everybody loves it.”

Mayfield also asked the senator about her co-sponsorship of a bill to allow domestic violence offenders to continue to own a gun, phrasing it bluntly.

“Why on earth would you want someone who beats their wife to have access to a gun?” he said.

The boy’s den leader cut him off and he was kicked out of the group a few days later, according to Denver station KMGH-TV.

His mom, Lori Mayfield, told the station that her ******* had no clue he did anything wrong.

“He is heartbroken his den leader kicked him out. What does that teach scouts (about asking challenging questions)?” she said.
Marble is steering clear of the controversy.

“Decisions about who is in or out of a den are internal organizational matters that I won’t second guess,” Marble told the Denver Post by email. “I don’t blame the boy for asking the questions, since I believe there was an element of manipulation involved, and it wasn’t much different from the questions I normally field in other meetings.”

Lori Mayfield told the paper that her ******* spent a lot of time researching Marble before the den meeting.

“The only coaching I gave him was to be respectful,” she said. “Don’t be argumentative, preface things ‘with all due respect.’ I felt my ******* followed directions. He asked hard questions, but he was not disrespectful.”

Now she and her ******* are looking for a new den.

The Denver area council of the Boy Scouts told KMGH that a scout’s eligibility is ”up to the chartered organization, but it is working to help Ames find another den “so that he may continue to participate in the scouting program.”
you couldn't prove it by the people on this board...they all seem to be die hard republicans...no matter what!
they just claim to be something else and yet defend Trump/policies to the hilt!...but then you guys are not up for re-election

Trump Support Among Republicans Free Falling

Trump boasts about "doing more" than any president despite no major legislative wins. Trump campaign surrogate David Wohl joins “The Beat” after a “guarantee” Trump’s promises would become realities.

still trying to get on Hillary....and divert the fact we have a commie in the white house....you republicans are really pushing it
already been determined that is from the Russian sites!
and yet the right still WANTS to believe it....rather than look at what they have!

Take a good hard look in the mirror - just takes the cake the way you cool-aid drinkers think the Demicrooks do no wrong. It's always "fake news" with you - to blind to see that our government as a whole is corrupt.
to blind to see that our government as a whole is corrupt
wrong! I know they are all corrupt...just some more than others!...and that would be the right!

Like I have said many times on here...it's the lesser of two evils!
Russia pushed a lot of propaganda against Hillary...and the right bought it because ...it is what they wanted to hear and believe!
she has her flaws...maybe more than some...but doubt we would be in the mess we are now had she made it

news here this morning 7 counties going to lose their health care coverage due to the changes...most say they have had coverage for several years
like to feel to feel sorry for them...but this is a republican state and who did they vote for?
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Fox News ****** to correct video showing 'retired Navy SEAL' veteran
Gianluca Mezzofiore,Mashable

It was the perfect pro-Trump story in a time of controversy over veterans.

On 8 October, Fox News published a video about John Garofalo, a multi-decorated Navy SEAL who had personally carved a ginormous — 4 foot, 150 pound — glass seal he wanted to give to President Donald Trump.

In the clip, Garofalo, 72, is reported to have received two Purple Hearts and about 22 commendations for his seven years of service in the Navy. He was reportedly listed twice in Vietnam as M.I.A.

“Garofalo is used to working under pressure,” Fox News reporter Bryan Llenas said. “The Vietnam War veteran served seven years as a member of the nation’s first Navy SEAL team. He was awarded 22 commendations, including two purple hearts.”

"You are a hero," Llenas tells him in praise. "True hero," another anchor repeats. "An amazing guy, I hope he gets to meet the president," says another one.

There's only one problem. The story is fake, as Garofalo himself admitted to NavyTimes.

It turns out the guy never served in Vietnam, was never a SEAL and didn't receive a Purple Heart:

“It got bigger and bigger," he said. “What I did I‘m ashamed of, and I didn’t mean to cause so much disgrace to the SEALs.”

Fox News was ****** to run a correction last night:

So what's true in Garofalo's story? The 72-year-old served in the Navy from 1963 to 1967 as an aviation boatswain's mate, and was deployed for a while in Rota, Spain. He is also a talented glass artist who gifted two presidential seals to President Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

Former and retired SEALs said they tried to contact Fox News about Garofalo's fake story but the network failed to correct it.

“Fox News not withdrawing that story has drove me nutty,” Don Shipley, a retired SEAL who's dedicated to finding fake military stories, told Navy Times.

He provided the website proof of Garofalo's real military service.

He provided the website proof of Garofalo's real military service.

A Freedom of Information request shows "Naval Special Warfare Command having no records of Garofalo in the history of the elite units’ ranks," according to Navy Times.

In its apology, Fox News added:

Over the last two weeks, we've worked with Garofalo's family and the National Personnel Records Center to get to the bottom of a military past that Garofalo had claimed to be covert. We apologize to our viewers, especially veterans and servicemen and women
Like I have said many times on here...it's the lesser of two evils!

The lesser of two evils is still a corrupted politician and government - I don't want to "settle". If everyone simply Settles, then we are no better off. Might as well make Howdy Doody the president. So you continue to take the back seat - and I'll continue to strive forward for something better.
I don't want to "settle".
isn't that what we are all doing...and have been for a few years...although...in my opinion...Obama turned out alright...it's been a long time since we had good choices!
I once posted a caption about all of people in congress should wear suits like NASCAR where we can see just who is buying them!
Voter suppression in Wisconsin directly affected last year's election, mom Jones investigation finds
The Week

In the 2016 election, President Trump won the state of Wisconsin by almost 23,000 votes. But a new report from mom Jones published online Thursday found that statewide voter turnout in the Badger State was also the lowest it had been since 2000. Perhaps not coincidentally, the 2016 election was also the first major contest in Wisconsin to require registered voters to bring a current, valid form of state or national identification to the polls — just one of 33 election changes passed under Gov. Scott Walker (R). Other restrictions reduced early voting hours and restricted early voting locations. Such policies are ostensibly instituted to prevent or discourage voter fraud, but mom Jones points ...