Politics, Politics, Politics

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefitting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.

The first decision occurred in October 2010, when the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States unanimously approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom, giving Moscow control of more than 20 percent of America’s uranium supply.

When this sale was used by Trump on the campaign trail last year, Hillary Clinton’s spokesman said she was not involved in the committee review and noted the State Department official who handled it said she “never intervened ... on any [Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States] matter.”

In 2011, the administration gave approval for Rosatom’s Tenex subsidiary to sell commercial uranium to U.S. nuclear power plants in a partnership with the United States Enrichment Corp. Before then, Tenex had been limited to selling U.S. nuclear power plants reprocessed uranium recovered from dismantled Soviet nuclear weapons under the 1990s Megatons to Megawatts peace program.

“The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions,” a person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by U.S. or Russian officials.

The Obama administration’s decision to approve Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One has been a source of political controversy since 2015.
That’s when conservative author Peter Schweitzer and The New York Times documented how Bill Clinton collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in Russian speaking fees and his charitable foundation collected millions in donations from parties interested in the deal while Hillary Clinton presided on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

The Obama administration and the Clintons defended their actions at the time, insisting there was no evidence that any Russians or donors engaged in wrongdoing and there was no national security reason for any member of the committee to oppose the Uranium One deal.

But FBI, Energy Department and court documents reviewed by The Hill show the FBI in fact had gathered substantial evidence well before the committee’s decision that Vadim Mikerin — the main Russian overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion inside the United States — was engaged in wrongdoing starting in 2009.

Then-Attorney General Eric Holder was among the Obama administration officials joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States at the time the Uranium One deal was approved. Multiple current and former government officials told The Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the criminal activity they uncovered.

Spokesmen for Holder and Clinton did not return calls seeking comment. The Justice Department also didn’t comment.
Mikerin was a director of Rosatom’s Tenex in Moscow since the early 2000s, where he oversaw Rosatom’s nuclear collaboration with the United States under the Megatons to Megwatts program and its commercial uranium sales to other countries. In 2010, Mikerin was dispatched to the U.S. on a work visa approved by the Obama administration to open Rosatom’s new American arm called Tenam.

Between 2009 and January 2012, Mikerin “did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire confederate and agree with other persons … to obstruct, delay and affect commerce and the movement of an article and commodity (enriched uranium) in commerce by extortion,” a November 2014 indictment stated.

His illegal conduct was captured with the help of a confidential witness, an American businessman, who began making kickback payments at Mikerin’s direction and with the permission of the FBI. The first kickback payment recorded by the FBI through its informant was dated Nov. 27, 2009, the records show.

In evidentiary affidavits signed in 2014 and 2015, an Energy Department agent assigned to assist the FBI in the case testified that Mikerin supervised a “racketeering scheme” that involved extortion, bribery, money laundering and kickbacks that were both directed by and provided benefit to more senior officials back in Russia.

“As part of the scheme, Mikerin, with the consent of higher level officials at TENEX and Rosatom (both Russian state-owned entities) would offer no-bid contracts to US businesses in exchange for kickbacks in the form of money payments made to some offshore banks accounts,” Agent David Garden testified.

“Mikerin apparently then shared the proceeds with other co-conspirators associated with TENEX in Russia and elsewhere,” the agent added.

The investigation was ultimately supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump’s deputy attorney general, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director under Trump, Justice Department documents show.

Both men now play a key role in the current investigation into possible, but still unproven collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election. McCabe is under congressional and Justice Department inspector general investigation in connection with money his wife’s Virginia state Senate campaign accepted in 2015 from now-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe at a time when McAuliffe was reportedly under investigation by the FBI.

The connections to the current Russia case are many. The Mikerin probe began in 2009 when Robert Mueller, now the special counsel in charge of the Trump case, was still FBI director. And it ended in late 2015 under the direction of then-FBI Director James Comey, who Trump fired earlier this year.

Its many twist and turns aside, the FBI nuclear industry case proved a gold mine, in part because it uncovered a new Russian money laundering apparatus that routed bribe and kickback payments through financial instruments in Cyprus, Latvia and Seychelles. A Russian financier in New Jersey was among those arrested for the money laundering, court records show.

The case also exposed a serious national security breach: Mikerin had given a contract to an American trucking firm called Transport Logistics International that held the sensitive job of transporting Russia’s uranium around the United States in return for more than $2 million in kickbacks from some of its executives, court records show.

One of Mikerin’s former employees told the FBI that Tenex officials in Russia specifically directed the scheme to “allow for padded pricing to include kickbacks,” agents testified in one court filing.

Bringing down a major Russian nuclear corruption scheme that had both compromised a sensitive uranium transportation asset inside the U.S. and facilitated international money laundering would seem a major feather in any law enforcement agency’s cap.

But the Justice Department and FBI took little credit in 2014 when Mikerin, the Russian financier and the trucking firm executives were arrested and charged.
The only public statement occurred an entire year later when the Justice Department put out a little-noticed press release in August 2015, just days before Labor Day. The release noted that the various defendants had reached plea deals.

By that time, the criminal cases against Mikerin had been narrowed to a single charge of money laundering for a scheme that officials admitted stretched from 2004 to 2014. And though agents had evidence of criminal wrongdoing they collected since at least 2009, federal prosecutors only cited in the plea agreement a handful of transactions that occurred in 2011 and 2012, well after the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States’s approval.

The final court case also made no mention of any connection to the influence peddling conversations the FBI undercover informant witnessed about the Russian nuclear officials trying to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons even though agents had gathered documents showing the transmission of millions of dollars from Russia’s nuclear industry to an American entity that had provided assistance to Bill Clinton’s foundation, sources confirmed to The Hill.

The lack of fanfare left many key players in Washington with no inkling that a major Russian nuclear corruption scheme with serious national security implications had been uncovered.

On Dec. 15, 2015, the Justice Department put out a release stating that Mikerin, “a former Russian official residing in Maryland was sentenced today to 48 months in prison” and ordered to forfeit more than $2.1 million.

Ronald Hosko, who served as the assistant FBI director in charge of criminal cases when the investigation was underway, told The Hill he did not recall ever being briefed about Mikerin’s case by the counterintelligence side of the bureau despite the criminal charges that were being lodged.

“I had no idea this case was being conducted,” a surprised Hosko said in an interview.
Likewise, major congressional figures were also kept in the dark.

Former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), who chaired the House Intelligence Committee during the time the FBI probe was being conducted, told The Hill that he had never been told anything about the Russian nuclear corruption case even though many fellow lawmakers had serious concerns about the Obama administration’s approval of the Uranium One deal.

“Not providing information on a corruption scheme before the Russian uranium deal was approved by U.S. regulators and engage appropriate congressional committees has served to undermine U.S. national security interests by the very people charged with protecting them,” he said. “The Russian efforts to manipulate our American political enterprise is breathtaking


talk about a broken search engine!
Trump promoted all through his campaign!...for protesters....even Hillary..saying people who like the 2nd amendment should take care of her.....to offering to pay the legal fees for someone who would punch a protester in the face....

and I won't even mention....well yes I will Charlottesville

Like I said - only the LEFT claims to be non-violent... I see you are still having trouble with reading comprehension. Never stated the right wasn't violent nor does the right claim not to be. There is a difference from just being violent and being violent while claiming not to be violent.
John McCain just delivered a total and complete takedown of Trumpism
CNN 5 hours ago .

What McCain's speech shows -- again -- is just how far Trumpism is from the traditional Republican party on virtually every issue. And how much Trumpism represents a break from the ways in which all post-World War II presidents -- Republican and Democratic -- have envisioned the role the U.S. can and should play in the world. (Perhaps the most moving part of McCain's speech was when he recounted attending an event in which George H.W. Bush was commemorating soldiers lost on Dec. 7, 1941; "May God bless them, and may God bless America, the most wondrous land on earth," McCain recounted Bush saying, with emotion heavy in his voice.) That McCain is giving this speech isn't terribly surprising. He ...
and for those that will not read anything from CNN...(the world leader in news!)

Emotional Sen. John McCain blasts 'half-baked, spurious nationalism'
USA Today 16 hours ago .

PHILADELPHIA — An emotional Sen. John McCain on Monday leveled a blistering attack on what he called the "half-baked, spurious nationalism" that seems to have inspired President Trump's administration to retreat from the world stage. In a speech to accept the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal, McCain, R-Ariz., emphasized that the United States is "a land made of ideals, not ******* and soil," a rebuke to the Nazi slogan about bloodlines and territory chanted in August by White supremacists demonstrating in Charlottesville, Va. An at-times raspy-sounding McCain drew applause and cheers at the Philadelphia event when he said: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters ...

The dirty secret of tax reform: It’s all about cutting business taxes

A battle is raging among tax geeks that ordinary voters will soon have to weigh in on. Is cutting taxes on businesses and corporations good for the middle class? Or is it just a windfall for CEOs and shareholders?

President Donald Trump’s tax outline calls for cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% from 35%, which just about everybody agrees would boost corporate profits and push stock prices up. But then what? Would companies invest more, hire more and pay more? Or would extra capital remain concentrated in the hands of the wealthy, with little net effect on economic growth?

There’s data supporting each view. The White House’s Council of Economic Advisers published a recent study arguing that Trump’s cut in the corporate rate would boost the typical family’s take-home pay by at least $4,000 per year. Companies would invest and spend more in the United States, boosting demand for goods and services and pushing wages up. An independent analysis by tax experts at Boston University and MIT generally supports that view, finding that the cuts would boost wages by 4% to 7%, after inflation.

But Larry Summers, former Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, blasted the CEA prediction as “absurd” and “unprecedented.” And recent analysis by the Tax Policy Center found that the Trump plan would boost after-tax income for the top 1% of earners by 8.5%, while those in the middle would see a gain of just 1.2%. That study also found the Trump plan would add $2.4 trillion to the $20 trillion national debt.

No truth czar is going to materialize to settle this debate by the time a tax bill lands on Trump’s desk, probably sometime in the spring of 2018. So, the question of whether ordinary people would benefit from a cut in business taxes is going to be a matter of persuasion and belief.

Individuals’ tax breaks

The final tax bill will almost certainly include cuts in tax rates for individuals, as well, since it’s not politically feasible to cut taxes for businesses without also cutting them for ordinary folks. But individual tax cuts aren’t expected to help the economy much, if at all, as surprising as that may sound. The Boston University/MIT study finds that cutting personal rates actually generates “lower long-run economic welfare” because it pushes federal deficits upward. So even if individual cuts are in the bill, it’s the change in the corporate rate that might produce the largest economic benefit.

If other countries had corporate tax rates similar to the U.S. rate, none of this would be an issue. But developed countries in Europe and other parts of the world have been cutting their corporate rates, to attract multinational corporations that can do business anywhere, leaving the United States an odd man out. The U.S. rate of 35% is now the highest among developed countries, higher even than in France. Most U.S. companies don’t pay that rate, thanks to deductions, credits and other loopholes. But the high marginal rate still affects where companies do business and invest.

The divergence in corporate rates around the world has left the business side of the U.S. tax code in greater need of repair than the individual side. For individuals, the tax burden in the United States is lower than average for advance economies, with a typical family with two ******* owing about 14% of gross income in federal taxes, according to the OECD. That’s not terrible, and the individual tax code doesn’t exactly create incentives for Americans to move to other countries, the way the business side of the tax code does.

So as the Republican tax reform effort develops, tax cuts for individuals will largely serve as window dressing for lower business rates. That might be okay in the end, but we won’t know for years and the arguments will probably continue no matter what the outcome.

Just more trickle down Reaganomics!
and look what happened the last time... we went from the richest country in the world to one that owes more money than most countries do combined!
Reaganomics killed America’s middle class
This country’s fate was sealed when our government slashed taxes on the rich back in 1980
There's nothing "normal" about having a middle class. Having a middle class is a choice that a society has to make, and it's a choice we need to make again in this generation, if we want to stop the destruction of the remnants of the last generation's middle class.

Despite what you might read in the Wall Street Journal or see on Fox News, capitalism is not an economic system that produces a middle class. In fact, if left to its own devices, capitalism tends towards vast levels of inequality and monopoly. The natural and most stable state of capitalism actually looks a lot like the Victorian England depicted in Charles Dickens' novels.
When you let outside money influence our politics & allow those in government, who set legislation, to partially profit from the legislation they pass, you no longer have true capitalism. You have crony & vulture capitalism.

pic_policital-capitalism-Types2.jpg pic_policital-capitalism-Types3.jpg
Your search engine must be broken, or maybe you see only what you want to see. There is violence from both, like it or not.
I'm not sure where I wrote that there wasn't violence on both sides, TwoBi. Are you so desperate to sarcastically comment my post that you restructure what I wrote? This is one of the reasons why I despise getting involved, for any length of time, in these political posts.
"Only consistent violence I've seen have been coming from Trump drones."
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I know about the US much more than an ordinary American.
I can agree with that, especially if you're referring to the President Trump "drones".
In what country are you located, BadBitch?
And since the US teaching the whole world how to live and acting like an ideal country (no); I have moral right to talk about the US.
....Again I can agree ... I think the USA sticks its nose into the business of too many governments ... and usually for selfish reasons. Many US citizens feel the same way. Just remember that stereotyping US citizens with our government officials is not wise. Most of us aren't anything like the snakes that we have in our government.
....By the way, as you're thinking of how the USA sticks its nose in the businesses of other countries, also keep in mind the FIRST country that usually comes to the aid of countries when they have catastrophic occurrences like earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, outside invasions, etc. And the USA is the first country that those countries usually look to for HELP because they say "the US has so much". So before you stick up your nose to the USA, think what possible part of your country's history did the USA come to help your country and ask for nothing in return ... that is until we voted President Trump in as President.
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A reporter finally asked Trump to just explain his health care plan. His response was a train wreck.

During a joint White House news conference with the prime minister of Greece on Tuesday, President Trump was asked an extremely basic question about his health care plan. He responded with a lengthy, incoherent word salad. Trump was responding to Fox News’ John Roberts, who noted that Trump’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act through legislation have failed, and then asked him, “I’m wondering, at this point, what is your health care plan, sir?” Without addressing the question, Trump immediately attacked insurance companies. “Well if you look, ah, insurance companies, and you take a good strong look at the numbers, you’ll see since the formation of Obamacare they’re up 400 percent, 450 ...

Trump Claims Obamacare Is 'Dead' and 'You Shouldn't Even Mention It'
Newsweek Harriet Sinclair,Newsweek

Donald Trump says it's over: Obamacare is "dead.” The president made the announcement in a cabinet meeting on Monday that the Affordable Care Act established by his predecessor should not be mentioned anymore.

Speaking out against the health care act he pledged to repeal and replace during his presidential election campaign, the president said he had never believed it could be a success. "Obamacare is finished. It's dead. It's gone," Trump said at the meeting, in comments reported by The Hill.

"You shouldn't even mention it, it's gone. There is no such thing as Obamacare anymore. It is a, and I said this years ago, it's a concept that couldn't have worked,” he added, despite Obamacare continuing on and open enrollment running from November 1 to December 15.

His comments come as the administration continues to work to dismantle the law, following a failed Senate vote to repeal and replace the legislation in July, a failure for which Trump has openly blamed Senator John McCain, who joined Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski in voting against the repeal bill.

“You look at McCain—what McCain has done is a tremendous slap in the face to the Republican Party. Tremendous. He was good to go all the way up until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning when he voted... Without John McCain, we already have the health care,” the president stated in an Alabama radio interview in September.

Over the past week, Trump’s administration has taken steps to pull apart the Obamacare legislation, announcing an end to health care cost-sharing subsidies. The president tweeted on October 13: “The Democrats ObamaCare is imploding. Massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies has stopped. Dems should call me to fix!”
The Senate Budget Is A Tax Giveaway To The Rich, Paid For By Cutting Medicare And Medicaid
The Huffington Post

It is said that a budget is a reflection of values; it is a moral document. Or, in the case of the budget the Republicans are about to pass, it is an immoral document. Two weeks ago, House Republicans passed such an immoral budget. It is Robin Hood in reverse: Take from the poor (or, in this case, the 99 percent) and give to the rich. Their plan paves the way for privatizing Medicare, while cutting its budget by almost $500 billion and raising its eligibility age to 67. It also calls for the destruction of Medicaid by block-granting it, while cutting an even more enormous $1.5 trillion. Now the action has moved to the Senate, which is doubling down on this plan to make the rich even richer, and ...
This chart should really worry Republicans about 2018
Washington Post 17

The Fix | Analysis Buried inside the new CNN poll is a finding that won't make many headlines, but should probably cause a good bit of concern for Republicans. The poll asked the standard “generic ballot” question: Would you prefer a generic Democrat or a generic Republican in the upcoming election? Democrats lead on that question for the 2018 midterms by a whopping 16-point margin, 54 percent to 38 percent. If that were actually to turn out to be the case, of course, we'd be talking about a Democratic landslide — and almost definitely a Democratic takeover of the House that is so difficult given the map. But even if it's just close to reality, it could be a very bad omen for the Republican Party ...
Before the Obama administration approved Russia's acquisition of more than 20 percent of America's uranium supply, the Federal Bureau of Investigation found Russian racketeering involved.

This shocking news is in a must-read investigation by reporters John Solomon and Alison Spann in The Hill on October 17.

"Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow," sources told Solomon and Spann.

But acting FBI investigators at the time – including then-U.S. attorney Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller, the man Rosenstein would later choose to investigate possible Russian collusion that helped Donald Trump win the 2016 election – apparently did not share this information about Russia with key members of Congress.

Solomon, Spann, and The Hill might win a Pulitzer Prize for their excellent investigative reporting...if it incriminated Republicans. But since it instead found potential wrongdoing by Democrats, the mainstream media will either ignore or find fault with it.

This investigation points to important issues it does not spell out, so we shall use it as a stepping stone to touch on three of them:

1. The new investigation clearly indicates that Mueller and Rosenstein knew of Russian millions paid to Bill and Hillary Clinton's foundation. This foundation served as a slush fund that paid for some of her political activities and subsidized her campaign staff before 2016.

This is a priori evidence of Russian influence in American politics – in the form of more than $145 million funneled by Russia to the Clintons. Ms. Clinton ran for president in 2008 and was clearly positioning herself to run again in 2016.

Yet Mueller persists in not investigating Ms. Clinton as a suspect in his fishing expedition that seeks some crime of "election collusion by Russia," yet to be found, committed only by President Trump. Can Mueller continue stonewalling after this new evidence?

2. Russia has been doing more than trying to corner the world uranium market, as China has done with rare-earths. Russia also builds reactors for others, reportedly including eight reactors it has contracted to build for Iran. Could American-supplied uranium already be part of the reactor fuel supplied to Iran for a Russian-built reactor now in operation, despite the non-proliferation spirit of the Iranian nuclear deal?

3. Has Hillary Clinton created not a "Circle of Life," but a circle of death by profiting from selling to Russia the very nuclear materials that Iran could soon turn into ICBM warheads or terrorist nuclear weapons? Will Iranian (or North Korean) nukes that come home to roost and destroy American cities have an invisible sign on them that says "Made in USA"? Is this to be the Clintons' and President Obama's legacy?

Lenin famously said the last capitalist will sell the rope with which he ends up hanged. Nobody is greedier than Hillary Clinton.

The latest silly lie Republicans are using to push a tax reform plan for the wealthy

The Job Creators Network, a group of wealthy CEOs partnering with Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to lobby for Trump’s deeply regressive tax cuts for the rich, is running a new television ad in three states this week taking President John F. Kennedy’s words out of context to suggest that tax cuts are urgent. The ad quotes Kennedy’s 1962 remarks at the Economic Club of New York: …Tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now…. And the reason is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction can pave the way to that employment. The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a ...

Newt Gingrich ... LOL ... now there's another LOSER, triple adulterer, liar, self-focused idiot. Even chastising Bill Clinton for his little affair as he was committing adultery with his current wife behind his prior wife's back. Now THAT would have been a catastrophe ... Trump & Gingrich on the same ticket. I guess we were fairly lucky there.
Naturally....they don't care how they ******* people they are showing just how much they care in so many ways right now...health care...taxes...

GOP Lawmaker Says Emergency Rooms Should Be Able To Turn People Away
HuffPost Amanda Terkel,HuffPost

Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) proposed on Friday that hospital emergency rooms should be able to turn patients away to help keep health care costs down.

“I’m an emergency room nurse,” Black told MSNBC host Chuck Todd on Friday. “There are people that came into my emergency room that I, the nurse, was the first one to see them. I could have sent them to a walk-in clinic or their doctor the next day, but because of a law that Congress put into place to say, no, I have to treat everybody that walks into that emergency room.”

“You took away our ability to say, ‘No, an emergency room is not the proper place.’ And then, you put a burden on top of that to say, ‘You must do that,’” added the congresswoman, who is also running for governor of Tennessee.

At issue is the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, which was signed into law by former President Ronald Reagan in 1986. It was a congressional response to stories of “patient dumping” ― hospitals would deny treatment to patients or send them elsewhere, usually because the individuals didn’t have insurance. Many of these patients were unemployed or were people of color.

Those transferred individuals were more likely to die, and the delayed care often jeopardized the patients’ health.