Politics, Politics, Politics

Well, since the Republicans refuse to acknowledge global warming, I'd be more apt to start blaming them for the droughts, floods, hurricaines, etc ... Personally, I buy in to the 99% of scientists who say we are destroying our ozone layer with our pollutants, which is causing polar icecaps to melt, fresh water to rise in the oceans, and hurricaines to be more damaging. I'm pretty sure you conservatives have another opinion, however.

No Mac WE being the united states have done a lot more towards EP than a lot of countries. You should be more worried about China and Russia and a handful of other contries that could give a ******* less about the environment.

Christ just look at all the ******* you used to be able to use 30 years ago that are all banned now.
Well, since the Republicans refuse to acknowledge global warming, I'd be more apt to start blaming them for the droughts, floods, hurricaines, etc ... Personally, I buy in to the 99% of scientists who say we are destroying our ozone layer with our pollutants, which is causing polar icecaps to melt, fresh water to rise in the oceans, and hurricaines to be more damaging. I'm pretty sure you conservatives have another opinion, however.
Perhaps you should actually listen to the scientists and learn something then. You're demonstrating once again you're clueless about the science. I explained this to you back in post 8214 with a link straight to NASA for backup. Do I have to add this to our list of numbered responses???

For your reference:

Herein lies one of the key problems with global warming discussion. Way too many people try to talk about it that don't have an F'ing clue about the science. Deteriorating ozone does not drive global warming. We're talking two completely different topics here. Well....if you want to get really down in the technicalities, there is a minor link....just the opposite of what you're claiming. Reducing the amount of ozone in the atmosphere will trap less heat....and cause global cooling. Ozone is such a tiny amount of the atmosphere though that this impact is orders of magnitude less than CO2, methane etc.

From NASA: The ozone hole itself has a minor cooling effect (about 2 percent of the warming effect of greenhouses gases) because ozone in the stratosphere absorbs heat radiated to space by gases in a lower layer of Earth’s atmosphere (the upper troposphere). The loss of ozone means slightly more heat can escape into space from that region.

sound familiar...kind of like we have heard some of this recently!
God I hope so ... its the same old "Trickle Down, Voodoo Economics" playbook Republicans have been running for 36 years and counting ... and their base keeps eating it up, and the ReThugs go behind the curtains, pour themselves a martini and laugh their asses off at their voter base. It really does help them, however, with having to come up with any original, new ideas ... just demo gauge the Democrats, gerrymander, create voter fraud lies and cheat at the voting booths, and keep running the same old playbook. Only differenc this time is President Asshole doesn't care who knows, doesn't care what people think, and continues to tell his lies to cover his lies.

This Larry Flynt $10 million bounty is a bit disturbing, however ... :rolleyes:
Russian trolls were schooled on ‘House of Cards’
Michael Isikoff

The Russians who worked for a notorious St. Petersburg “troll factory” that was part of Vladimir Putin’s campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election were required to watch the “House of Cards” television series to help them craft messages to “set up the Americans against their own government,” according to an interview broadcast Sunday (in Russian) with a former member of the troll factory’s elite English language department.

The interview, broadcast by the independent Russian TV station Rain, provides new insight into how the troll factory formerly known as the Internet Research Agency targeted U.S. audiences in part by posting provocative “comments” pretending to be from Americans on newspaper articles that appeared on the websites of the New York Times and Washington Post.

A central theme of this messaging was demonizing Hillary Clinton by playing up the past scandals of her husband’s administration, her wealth and her use of a private email server, according to the interview with the agency worker, identified only as “Maksim,” with his face concealed.

“Maksim” says he worked for the agency during 2015, the year before the election, when it was already focusing its attention on Clinton.

“The main message is: Are not you, my American brothers, tired of the Clintons? How many have they already been?” Maksim says, adding that he and his colleagues were told to emphasize the Clintons’ past “corruption scandals.”

But more broadly, the instructions given to employees of the English language department were to stoke discontent about the U.S. government and the Obama administration in particular. “We had a goal to set up the Americans against their own government,” he says. “To cause unrest, cause discontent [and] lower [President] Obama’s rating.”

Just how effective “comments” placed on the websites of American news organizations are in influencing public opinion, if they do anything at all, is far from clear. Still, the interview is potentially significant. Although other Russian language trolls who worked in the agency’s domestic departments have spoken out in the past, Maksim appears to be the first member of the highly selective English language section to describe the agency’s meticulous methods. This is the same department that Facebook has said covertly placed over 3,000 messages on its platform — one component in the Russian “influence campaign” during last year’s election that is getting increased attention from the House and Senate intelligence committees.

The Rain broadcast says the station’s journalists verified Maksim’s bona fides because he was able to produce documents showing that he worked for about a year at the Internet Research Agency, the former name of a media conglomerate that is believed to be owned by Evgeny Progozhin, a wealthy oligarch and restaurateur who is widely known as “Putin’s chef.”

While the anti-Clinton messaging Maksim describes is consistent with the longstanding conclusions reached by the U.S. intelligence community about the Russian influence campaign, Maksim’s account adds some colorful new details — especially the requirement that the agency’s English language trolls study “House of Cards” to better understand American politics.


Well this has been debated and there is so much data from both sides of the argument that either side can claim they are correct. I will say this. Our summer here where i live was one of the coolest on record. I think we only hit 90 degrees once which is very rare.

Granted this is only one part of one state but my point is there are always going to be variations in global temperature and i am skeptical that the current rise in temperature which is well within the standard deviation of temperature fluctuations over the last 100 years has anything to do with man caused warming. If the planet is indeed warming i think most of it is natural caused.
1. Regardless of the cause - we need to stop polluting the earth. Simple cause and effect logic should tells us that something is going to happen as an effect of the pollution.

2. The "Go Green" campaign is a multi-billion dollar industry subsidized by mostly the US government. Leaching tax payers of millions. Most of which are scare tactics instead of accurate concrete data. The earth isn't going to become a fireball anytime soon.

3. The EPA is a government organization that sells "permission to pollute" via emission credits. Once they sell out of credits - the EPA magically greats more, or companies are allowed to buy from other states. How about we just make it illegal to pollute - period.

4. Until every major country in the world is on board, it's a mote point. The US alone can not stop or reverse any effect the pollution might be causing. We are also unable to stop any natural causes.
Another calamity that's on the earth's horizon is a polar axis shift that scientists say happens to the earth every quarter million years ... guess what, it is near time for that shift. Adding to that possibility is the melting of the snow at the poles. Makes you wonder, IF the earth suddenly shifts its axis, just what does that do on earth? Maybe little or no gravity for a while? ... that'd be nice, we'd see all the airhead conservatives just float off into space, and as they rose out of site, we would hear them denying ... "this isn't happening".
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Funny stuff right there. Not deeply rooted in the fact pattern currently known, but entertaining.
Then you should certainly be "at home" and comfortable with it seeing as everything that comes through the POTUS lips is either exaggerated or completely & intentionally fabricated. ;)
Another calamity that's on the earth's horizon is a polar axis shift that scientists say happens to the earth every quarter million years ... guess what, it is near time for that shift. Adding to that possibility is the melting of the snow at the poles. Makes you wonder, IF the earth suddenly shifts its axis, just what does that do on earth? Maybe little or no gravity for a while? ... that'd be nice, we'd see all the airhead conservatives just float off into space, and as they rose out of site, we would hear them denying ... "this isn't happening".
View attachment 1499744
Are you talking about the magnetic pole axis shift or the Earth's spin axis shift?

Why would you think either shift would have any impact on Earth's gravity. Gravity is created by the warpage of space-time. Unless you or the Earth's mass changes or the radius of the earth (your distance from center of mass) changes....the gravity you experience isn't changing.

Wait....just saw your last post on global warming. I see now you get your science "education" from buzzle.com and the huffington post...explains a lot

If you look at your buzzle.com graphic, note the first thing on their list of anthropogenic causes for global warming is respiration. Feel free to step up and do your part to stop breathing. :bounce:
I'll just stick with everything Anti_Trump!...a subject near and dear to my heart

Trump falsely says Obama did not call families of dead soldiers

In an attempt to defend his lack of public statements about four soldiers killed in black, President Trump falsely claimed that previous presidents did not call the families of dead soldiers — name-checking former President Barack Obama specifically as one of those who did not.

“I’ve written them personal letters,” Trump said at a press conference. “They’ve been sent or they’re going out tonight, but they were written during the weekend. I will at some point during the period of time call the parents and the families, ‘cause I have done that traditionally.”

“The traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls,” he added.

Four United States Army Special Forces soldiers were killed and two more were injured in an ambush by Islamic extremists earlier this month. Trump’s comments notwithstanding, Obama did call the families of fallen soldiers.

Trump was later pressed on the false claim, but he declined to retract it.

“I don’t know if he did,” Trump said of Obama in particular. “No, no no. I was told that he didn’t often and a lot of presidents don’t, they write letters.”

“I do a combination of both,” he continued, referencing both writing letters and calling. “Sometimes it’s a very difficult thing to do, but I do a combination of both. President Obama, I think probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didn’t, I don’t know, that’s what I was told.”

“All I can do, all I can do is ask my generals. Other presidents did not call, they’d write letters. And some presidents didn’t do anything. But I like the combination, I like — when I can — the combination of a call and also a letter.”

A former Obama White House official rejected Trump’s claim in a statement, saying, “President Trump’s claim is wrong. President Obama engaged families of the fallen and wounded warriors throughout his presidency through calls, letters, visits to Section 60 at Arlington, visits to Walter Reed, visits to Dover, and regular meetings with Gold Star Families at the White House and across the country.”

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders was asked on Oct. 6 why Trump had yet to make any statements about the U.S. troops slain in black.

“I made a statement on behalf of the administration yesterday in the opening,” she said, according to a White House transcript. “Obviously, anytime one of the members of our great military are injured, wounded, or killed in action, that is certainly something that we take very seriously. Our thoughts and prayers are with those individuals.”

On Monday, former Obama aides Alyssa Mastromonaco and Dan Pfeiffer responded on to Trump’s claim, calling him a “deranged *******” and “a deeply disturbed ignoramus who is a pathological liar,” respectively. Another former Obama staffer, Ben Rhodes, also condemned the “outrageous and disrespectful lie.”

Dan Pfeiffer
✔ ‎@danpfeiffer

Trump is a deeply disturbed ignoramus who is a pathological liar, but Mitch McConnell is cool with it cuz tax cuts or something https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/919988979373608961

1:14 PM - Oct 16, 2017

Alyssa Mastromonaco
✔ ‎@AlyssaMastro44

that's a fucking lie. to say president obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family members of soldiers KIA - he's a deranged *******.

1:08 PM - Oct 16, 2017 · Manhattan, NY

Ben Rhodes
✔ ‎@brhodes

This is an outrageous and disrespectful lie even by Trump standards. Also: Obama never attacked a Gold Star family.


actually the fucking asshole would have done nothing if the press hadn't pushed him!
and even then he says the letters are written....just not mailed out yet!
I'll just stick with everything Anti_Trump!...a subject near and dear to my heart

Trump falsely says Obama did not call families of dead soldiers

In an attempt to defend his lack of public statements about four soldiers killed in black, President Trump falsely claimed that previous presidents did not call the families of dead soldiers — name-checking former President Barack Obama specifically as one of those who did not.

“I’ve written them personal letters,” Trump said at a press conference. “They’ve been sent or they’re going out tonight, but they were written during the weekend. I will at some point during the period of time call the parents and the families, ‘cause I have done that traditionally.”

“The traditional way, if you look at President Obama and other presidents, most of them didn’t make calls, a lot of them didn’t make calls,” he added.

Four United States Army Special Forces soldiers were killed and two more were injured in an ambush by Islamic extremists earlier this month. Trump’s comments notwithstanding, Obama did call the families of fallen soldiers.

Trump was later pressed on the false claim, but he declined to retract it.

“I don’t know if he did,” Trump said of Obama in particular. “No, no no. I was told that he didn’t often and a lot of presidents don’t, they write letters.”

“I do a combination of both,” he continued, referencing both writing letters and calling. “Sometimes it’s a very difficult thing to do, but I do a combination of both. President Obama, I think probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didn’t, I don’t know, that’s what I was told.”

“All I can do, all I can do is ask my generals. Other presidents did not call, they’d write letters. And some presidents didn’t do anything. But I like the combination, I like — when I can — the combination of a call and also a letter.”

A former Obama White House official rejected Trump’s claim in a statement, saying, “President Trump’s claim is wrong. President Obama engaged families of the fallen and wounded warriors throughout his presidency through calls, letters, visits to Section 60 at Arlington, visits to Walter Reed, visits to Dover, and regular meetings with Gold Star Families at the White House and across the country.”

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders was asked on Oct. 6 why Trump had yet to make any statements about the U.S. troops slain in black.

“I made a statement on behalf of the administration yesterday in the opening,” she said, according to a White House transcript. “Obviously, anytime one of the members of our great military are injured, wounded, or killed in action, that is certainly something that we take very seriously. Our thoughts and prayers are with those individuals.”

On Monday, former Obama aides Alyssa Mastromonaco and Dan Pfeiffer responded on to Trump’s claim, calling him a “deranged *******” and “a deeply disturbed ignoramus who is a pathological liar,” respectively. Another former Obama staffer, Ben Rhodes, also condemned the “outrageous and disrespectful lie.”

Dan Pfeiffer
✔ ‎@danpfeiffer

Trump is a deeply disturbed ignoramus who is a pathological liar, but Mitch McConnell is cool with it cuz tax cuts or something https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/919988979373608961

1:14 PM - Oct 16, 2017

Alyssa Mastromonaco
✔ ‎@AlyssaMastro44

that's a fucking lie. to say president obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family members of soldiers KIA - he's a deranged *******.

1:08 PM - Oct 16, 2017 · Manhattan, NY

Ben Rhodes
✔ ‎@brhodes

This is an outrageous and disrespectful lie even by Trump standards. Also: Obama never attacked a Gold Star family.


actually the fucking asshole would have done nothing if the press hadn't pushed him!
and even then he says the letters are written....just not mailed out yet!

Wow you guys on the left are really angry.

Even us conservatives were not this angry with Obama.
Wow you guys on the left are really angry.

Even us conservatives were not this angry with Obama.

I often think that it must be a miserable life to have so much fear and anger all the time. Reminds me of the bumper sticker I saw just the other day...

"Piss off a Liberal: Be responsible, Work hard, succeed, and be happy"

Gave me a chuckle.
Wow you guys on the left are really angry.

I just think he is a friggn crook...******* the country and making money off us!
Used Russia to get into office!
fucking our Allies!
catering to the rich!
Destroying the country just to do away with anything Obama touched
destroying the earth to cater to big biz
I could go on...but I will end with...he makes Wienstien look like a poster boy with some of the ******* he has pulled in his past!

I wasn't happy with busch...but I didn't complain that much...I just thought he was stupid!
Now Cheney I didn't like at all!...and could go on about that!

but what really makes it sad.......Pence!
even if we do get rid of trump soon we have pence......he is a total asshole....but unlike Trump he knows how to get things done....and that is scary!
This white house make Reaganomics look like It was just the start and we are at the beginning of the end....
do the math...3 hurricanes.....nuke/military build-up...his statue to himself (the wall)....and tax cuts for the wealthy

spend..spend...spend... and cut?...something has to give....guess that's us!

to hear them say it the rich are over taxed and making up most of the burden....twisting things just a bit...they are not figuring in the taxes workers pay and etc.....just that they pay XXXXXX?...that's bullshit...they are making more money now than they ever have been...it's just going to top excutive pay...and stockholders...not NOT putting it back into the economy.....
if you look at the wages now...compared to the wages of 1972.....the worker is taking home less!

yes always been a little "irked"...but trump is just topping it off!
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so much fear and anger all the time

I still think of Russia as the bad guy...and Trump used their help to get into office....and yes that just burns my ass!

what really is strange...I went to a Vet's reunion this weekend....can not believe all of those Trumpies!
I had a field day telling them how wrong they are...most had no idea of anything...just he is a republican!

several times during the day I overheard one ask another..."did you hear anything about that?"

so many just vote party....how friggn dumb!

back in those days I was pretty hardcore military...and had a little "thump"...so I definitely caught some off gaurd

note: still favor a strong military....
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