Politics, Politics, Politics

Isn't this the same gal that sent out a tweet asking her followers what/how they wanted to replace ACA with? and over 80% told her to leave it alone?....and yet she is running on that as a campaign pledge?!...go figure

Blackburn enters Tennessee Senate race, as Haslam passes

The GOP jockeying to replace Sen. Bob Corker has begun. Tennessee GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn announced she would run for Senate on Thursday, the same day her biggest potential primary challenger, Gov. Bill Haslam, opted out of the contest. In her announcement video, Blackburn takes aim at the upper chamber she hopes to join and boasts about her conservative credentials. She says the Senate Republican majority’s failure to repeal Obamacare is a “disgrace” and calls the Senate “dysfunctional” and “enough to drive you nuts.” Story Continued Below “Too many Senate Republicans act like Democrats or worse, and that’s what we have to change,” she says directly to the camera. “I will fight every single ...

I think she knows she is about to lose her gop seat in defeat...so trying for Senate....and her campaign issue.....hope it spells her downfall!
these "heartwarming" stories really show there is hope you know?

Poll: GOP's popularity 'is in freefall'
The Hill

Registered voters are increasingly turning away from the Republican Party and looking to the Democrats to solve America's biggest problems, according to a new poll. A Suffolk University-USA Today survey released Thursday shows that 62 percent of respondents now have an unfavorable view of the GOP, a 7-point jump in unpopularity for the party since the same poll in June. Just under half, 48 percent, feel the same way about the Democrats. The poll found that 43 percent of voters look to congressional Democrats to protect families when it comes to health care, compared to 15 percent who trust President Trump on health care and less than 10 percent who say the Republican Party should lead the way. ...
Chief justice: Pay no attention to the rigged election behind the curtain
Detroit Free Press


For 12 years, Chief Justice John Roberts has worked overtime peddling the dubious conceit that he and his life-tenured colleagues on the U.S. Supreme Court are above politics and determined to remain so. Plaintiffs in a case known as Gill v. Whitford want the Supreme Court to rule that Wisconsin legislators violated the U.S. Constitution when they drew district boundaries that systematically diluted the electoral clout of their state's Democratic voters. A lower court ordered Wisconsin to draw a fairer map after concluding that evidence and voting data submitted by the plaintiffs proved Republicans had configured districts designed to preserve their party’s legislative majority even when Democrats win a majority of the popular vote. ...

The Wisconsin Gerrymandering Case


Here’s a quick recap of what’s going on with the current case in the Supreme Court, why it’s important and why, regardless of the outcome, there will be a lot of work left to be done on redistricting reform. Gerrymandering in 2 sentences: Gerrymandering refers to a practice whereby the majority party in the state legislature (which typically controls redistricting) redraws district lines to favor the ruling party in future elections using approaches such as “packing” (grouping minority party voters into districts they typically win by large margins — think 85% or 90%) and “cracking” (splitting up concentrated groups of majority party voters to spread their votes among several districts that they will win by smaller margins — 60% or 65%). ...
How Trump is planning to gut Obamacare by executive order
vox.com 3 hours ago

With a repeal bill off the table, the Trump administration has drafted an executive order that could blow a huge hole in the Affordable Care Act, according to a source with direct knowledge of the plan. The order would, in effect, exempt many association health plans, groups of small businesses that pool together to buy health insurance, from core Obamacare requirements like the coverage of certain essential health benefits. It would potentially allow individuals to join these plans too, which would put individual insurance marketplaces in serious peril by drawing younger and healthier people away from them. Together, these changes represent a serious threat to Obamacare: President Trump seems ready to open more loopholes for more people to buy insurance outside the health care law’s markets, which experts anticipate would destabilize the market for customers who are left behind with higher premiums and fewer insurers. ...


Trump to sign order rolling back health insurance regulations: report
The Hill

President Trump will sign an executive order next week aimed at rolling back health insurance regulations put in place by former President Obama in an effort to undo his predecessor's signature health care law, according to The Wall Street Journal. The order will direct the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Treasury to make it easier for individuals to group together and purchase insurance through "association health plans," according to the report. The president also directs the agencies in the order to roll back the Obama administration regulations of “short-term medical insurance,” which is a cheap limited protection option that the former administration claimed was ...

just making America great again
Trump says he called Schumer, touts prospect of 'great' bipartisan health care bill
ABC News

President Trump tweeted today that he called Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer about possibly doing a bipartisan health care bill in the wake of Republicans' repeated failure to pass legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. Schumer in a statement confirmed that he talked to the president about health care and said he told Trump that repealing Obamacare is "off the table." “The president wanted to make another run at repeal and replace and I told the president that's off the table," the Senate minority leader said in his statement. "If he wants to work together to improve the existing health care system, we Democrats are open to his suggestions. A good place to start might be the Alexander-Murray ...

I think the first thing Schumer and/or Democrats should corner & ask Trump & Republicans is "what really IS your true intentions at repealing & replacing a health plan with a plan that is worse and more costly". The Republicans just keep saying the same thing over and over and over without verifying any of their claims. And the Democrats & media do a very sorry job in cornering them and forsing them to reveal & prove their claims. And then the public & voters just get more and more confused because of it, which is precisely what the Republicans want.
Sonia Sotomayor tore apart partisan gerrymandering with one simple, devastating question

Throughout Tuesday's oral arguments in Gill v. Whitford, Justice Anthony Kennedy and the Supreme Court's left-leaning justices grilled Wisconsin's attorneys with tough questions that suggest a majority of the court is prepared to impose constitutional limits on political redistricting. The highlight of the hour came when Justice Sonia Sotomayor posed a very simple inquiry that cut to the core of the case: "Could you tell me what the value is to democracy from political gerrymandering? How does that help our system of government?" Sotomayor's question arrived after the justices had debated abstract principles of law (and math) for nearly half an hour. Kennedy and the liberals had already laid ...
What if Corker is right?
Washington Post

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) not only told the truth about President Trump’s unfitness for office, but also confessed that many Republicans agree.

That unfortunately reveals them to be irresponsible cowards if they continue to hold their tongues, knowing the president cannot manage the duties of his office.

Corker’s truth-telling has some profound implications in the short-term and long-term. First, albeit in an emergency situation, we have invested extraordinary power in two ex-generals (Jim Mattis at Defense and John F. Kelly as chief of staff) and one current general, H.R. McMaster as national security adviser. It’s a serious departure from absolute civilian control of the ...
we have invested extraordinary power in two ex-generals (Jim Mattis at Defense and John F. Kelly as chief of staff) and one current general, H.R. McMaster as national security adviser. It’s a serious departure from absolute civilian control
....Sounds like the developing stages of a dictatorship to me, and I imagine one army we aren't even watching are the various state militias who are dying to try out their weapons on human targets. And since foreign terrorists haven't really threatened the US yet, they'll conjure up another imaginary enemy. The DividerNChief Trump and his "home growns" ... Charlottesville but a tiny taste if we, the people, don't regain control of our self-serving government. And you know what Russia is striving to accomplish.

pic_house-divided-7.jpg....."Brought to you by our Divider N Chief Trump!"
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Donald Trump’s Obamacare Sabotage Is Starting to Piss Off Republicans

Republican lawmakers and state officials have grown increasingly frustrated with the Trump administration as it holds some states’ health insurance exchanges hostage over the future of the Affordable Care Act. In Iowa, some lawmakers have accused the president of playing politics, while others are frantically trying to convince him to drop his opposition to a waiver the state is seeking in order to expand access to the individual health insurance markets in 2018. The Washington Post reported last week that Trump, in an unusual move, personally intervened to try to prevent Iowa from being granted what is known as a 1332 waiver, which gives states more flexibility in enforcing the Affordable Care Act. ...
we are sure not the nation we used to be...hell we are getting "hacked" by everyone now

US-South Korean war plans reportedly stolen by North Korean hackers

Hackers in North Korea have allegedly stolen a cache of classified military documents from South Korea, according to a South Korean lawmaker.

Lee Cheol-hee, a member of South Korea's ruling Democratic Party, initially told local media outlets that the documents were taken in a September 2016 hack of the country's Defense Ministry. The ministry would not comment to ABC News, citing national security concerns.

"The way it got hacked was preposterous," Lee told ABC News, confirming what he initially told South Korean media. "It wasn't because North Koreans had advanced hacking skills but was due to negligence on the South Korean part."

He continued, "I don't think the situation is as serious as it may sound but the reason why I alerted this is to push the new administration and the Defense Ministry to quickly find remedies so that this kind of loss don't happen again."

The sensitive documents reportedly contained U.S.-South Korean plans for a decapitation strike against North Korea — removing its leadership — a plan that has reportedly angered dictator Kim Jong Un.

when Reagan came into office we were the largest exporter of manufacturing goods and the largest importer of raw materials on the planet. And, the largest creditor--more people owed us money than anybody else in the world. Now, just 28 years later, we're the largest importer of finished goods, manufactured goods; the largest exporter of raw materials--which is kind of the definition of a third-world nation -- and we're the most in-debt of any country in the world. This is the absolute consequence of Reaganomics." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thom-hartmann/thom-hartmann-defends-the_b_150964.html)

and we all know the numbers after he left office and what happened to the country

and now we have another Reaganite?
lets see we have had 3 hurricanes...building up the military...building up our nukes....building a wall...and tax cuts!
the math just isn't there!
we are headed for an economic disaster!
what is taking Mueller so long?
although we still have Pence and the right to worry about.....this is just not looking good at all!
when Reagan came into office we were the largest exporter of manufacturing goods and the largest importer of raw materials on the planet. And, the largest creditor--more people owed us money than anybody else in the world. Now, just 28 years later, we're the largest importer of finished goods, manufactured goods; the largest exporter of raw materials--which is kind of the definition of a third-world nation -- and we're the most in-debt of any country in the world. This is the absolute consequence of Reaganomics." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thom-hartmann/thom-hartmann-defends-the_b_150964.html)

and we all know the numbers after he left office and what happened to the country

and now we have another Reaganite?
lets see we have had 3 hurricanes...building up the military...building up our nukes....building a wall...and tax cuts!
the math just isn't there!
we are headed for an economic disaster!
what is taking Mueller so long?
although we still have Pence and the right to worry about.....this is just not looking good at all!

Just curious who your blaming the hurricanes on Reagan or Trump
Just curious who your blaming the hurricanes on Reagan or Trump
Well, since the Republicans refuse to acknowledge global warming, I'd be more apt to start blaming them for the droughts, floods, hurricaines, etc ... Personally, I buy in to the 99% of scientists who say we are destroying our ozone layer with our pollutants, which is causing polar icecaps to melt, fresh water to rise in the oceans, and hurricaines to be more damaging. I'm pretty sure you conservatives have another opinion, however.
According to Pew Research 20% indicate no evidence for global warming. A couple of points. It's not global warming any longer. I believe it's now climate change. Those 20% (deniers, if you will) are not 100% Republican.

So in the real world, outside of message boards, you are factually inaccurate. A condition you are likely used to by now.

Next we could move on the your made up percentage of scientists. Especially the part about hurricanes.

But who really has time to engage you?