Politics, Politics, Politics

Hasty generalization much?
hey....where in the hell have you been.....thought you got stuck watching football or something

I saw that this morning and thought it was kind of funny...was with some people on sat when the mentioned NASCAR doesn't kneel....and then saw what is posted above... and just had to laugh a little
I go to all of Iowa's games, home and away. I don't see the point of participation on here. There is little in the way of substantive debate on policy.
I go to all of Iowa's games, home and away. I don't see the point of participation on here. There is little in the way of substantive debate on policy.

go hawks..... sat was... and the penn state game...both a little disappointing...think Firenze suspected as much that's why he went for 2 at the last!

yes...participation here has become more fighting right vs left... than anything on issues...but that's politics..after a while people get a little testy and things go south...I'm as guilty as the rest.... but I never consider myself wrong....hahahha
Yeah, I guess it's true. Except it isn't. It's been debunked. A simple Google search would reveal this.

Anyway, carry on.

Yeah, I guess it's true. Except it isn't. It's been debunked. A simple Google search would reveal this.

Anyway, carry on

doesn't surprise me....although it wouldn't surprise me if it was either

what's funny is I got that one and the NASCAR ones off another IR site...not supposed to be political
They've played 11-13 freshman, or red shirt freshman. I like this group og young players. Not sure how many wins it translates into, but I suspect they will be o.k. this season.

I expect a potential break out year next season. We lose three linebackers (at Iowa, this is never good) and Wadley, but we're building depth this year, so it won't be as bad as normal. Especially the linebackers.
I really thought we had that Penn St game...even with over a minute left...good tough game...but our defense had been on the field a lot and by the end....just couldn't do it....although after that game we did move up in the power rankings!

as for mich St.....that was not like an Ia team at all....but I'm sure Firenze will pull out a bowl game... I don't think he has ever had a losing season
you believe this... I have a bridge for sale!

US won't be able to pay down debt until growth hits 4% again, says GOP policy chair

U.S. Rep. Luke Messer: We're going to get a budget passed 1 Hour Ago | 03:43 Republican Policy Committee Chairman Luke Messer said Thursday the GOP budget plan is a step toward helping the economy reach 4 percent growth, a level that's necessary to cut the nation's debt. The GOP is looking to push through a $4.1 trillion budget plan through the House on Thursday as the party looks to set the stage for tax reform. President Donald Trump has predicted his policies, including tax reform, would spur growth of 3 percent. "We don't want to have a tax cut that doesn't really get the economy growing again because I can tell you this: If we want to pay down the debt and deficit ... the only time we've ...
Partisan Gerrymandering Got the Sotomayor Treatment

Throughout Tuesday’s oral arguments in Gill v. Whitford, Justice Anthony Kennedy and the Supreme Court’s left-leaning justices grilled Wisconsin’s attorneys with tough questions that suggest a majority of the court is prepared to impose constitutional limits on political redistricting. The highlight of the hour came when Justice Sonia Sotomayor posed a very simple inquiry that cut to the core of the case: “Could you tell me what the value is to democracy from political gerrymandering? Kennedy and the liberals had already laid out their constitutional case against partisan gerrymandering: When Republicans draw district lines designed to dilute the power of Democratic votes, they are punishing Democratic voters for associating with, and expressing support for, the Democratic Party. ...

Trump has to have his monument...at any cost!

U.S. House committee approves Texan's bill to put $10 billion toward border wall
The Texas Tribune

WASHINGTON – The House Homeland Security Committee voted to send a bill to the full U.S. House on Wednesday that aims to follow through on President Donald Trump’s campaign promise of constructing a wall at the United States' southern border. The bill from U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, an Austin Republican and the committee's chairman, included $10 billion toward building a wall. It ******* of committee on a party-line, 17-12 vote. “We will never successfully secure our homeland until we are capable of controlling who can lawfully enter our country,” McCaul said in his opening statement. McCaul and the five other members of the Texas delegation who sit on the committee played starring roles in ...
Some times this guy does show signs of being decent!

John McCain attacks gerrymandering and tells Supreme Court to 'return control of our elections to the people'
The Independent Alexandra Wilts,The Independent Wed, Oct 4 2:27 PM CDT .

Senator John McCain has called on the Supreme Court to protect US elections from partisan gerrymandering, as the justices consider a high-profile case on the issue that could fundamentally change the way American elections are conducted.

The Republican and his Democratic colleague Sheldon Whitehouse said the court has the power through its decision to “return control of our elections to the people”.

“The Court can clean up a cause of America’s crisis in confidence in our democracy,” the senators wrote in a joint statement. “The American people do not like gerrymandering. It leaves them feeling powerless and discouraged; that their votes are wasted and voices silenced.”

This week at the Supreme Court, lawyers for the state of Wisconsin defended a redistricting plan that gave Republicans many more seats in the State Assembly. An attorney representing Democratic voters, meanwhile, argued that the map – pushed through by the state’s Republican leadership in 2011 – was so partisan that it violated the Constitution.

In 2012, after the adoption of the new map, Republicans won 48.6 per cent of the statewide vote but captured 60 seats in the 99-seat State Assembly.

Mr McCain and Mr Whitehouse also filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case last month, saying the Democratic voters’ lawsuit against Wisconsin “implicates the effective functioning of American representative democracy.”

The Supreme Court’s consideration of the case comes as members of Congress from both political parties continue to lament how redistricting has become more pervasive and partisan over the last decade.

The gerrymandering has helped create a polarised political environment, some have said, in which Republicans and Democrats struggle to reach compromises on major policy issues such as healthcare and government spending.

As districts become less competitive, people elected to represent those areas in government move closer to their ideological bases and further away from the political centre, the Brookings Institution – a nonpartisan think tank – reported.

While the Supreme Court has never found a plan unconstitutional because of partisan gerrymandering, federal courts have previously ruled that maps that employ “racial gerrymandering” are against the law.

In racial gerrymandering, map lines are drawn to lower the influence of minority voters, who tend to vote in favour of the Democratic Party.

On Tuesday during oral arguments, the justices seemed to agree that voting maps drawn by politicians to give their party an advantage in elections are an unappealing feature of American democracy. However, the conservative justices voiced concern over whether the court could define a standard for determining when the practice was unconstitutional.

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was appointed by Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate in April, expressed scepticism that the Constitution authorises courts to step in at all.

ObamaCare groups: If Trump won’t, we will
The Hill

Advocacy groups that support the Affordable Care Act are taking matters into their own hands. With the Trump administration cutting back on advertising and outreach, outside groups are mobilizing for a massive, nationwide campaign for the next ObamaCare enrollment period. “Going into this year, whichever way you look at it, you don’t have the support of the administration and, frankly, it’s one that’s actively trying to sabotage the efforts and make sure people don’t get health insurance,” said Katie Keith, steering committee member of Out2Enroll, a national group that launched in 2013 to help LGBTQ people enroll in ObamaCare. President Trump insists ObamaCare is a “failing” law that will soon collapse under its own weight. ...

Expired health care program leaves thousands of Virginia children, pregnant women at risk
WJHL Wed, Oct 4 7:00 PM CDT .

If Congress fails to act, thousands of Virginia children and pregnant women are at risk of losing health care. The Children’s Health Insurance Program provides insurance for children in low-income families, but it expired earlier this week. The program, also known as ‘CHIP,’ has provided low-income children and pregnant women health insurance for decades. The federal government is shouldering a majority of the costs, but this week the program expired, and if Congress doesn’t approve new funds soon, millions across the country and thousands in Virginia could lose coverage. “Will begin to shut down in January and notices will begin to go out to families at the beginning of ...

Obama Vets Plan Health Insurance Sign-Up Campaign Because Trump Won't

If the Trump administration isn’t going to try to sell Obamacare to consumers this year, these Obama administration veterans are ready to step in.

Two former officials who worked on the sign-up campaigns for the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges when Barack Obama was president launched an initiative Wednesday called Get America Covered. In essence, it seeks to stand in for a federal government that, under President Donald Trump, is dramatically scaling back efforts to get the word out that enrollment season is about to begin.

“There needs to be an effort to basically try to fill in as many of the gaps as we can from what the administration is not doing,” said Lori Lodes, co-founder of Get America Covered. “We have a clear sense of what they’re not going to be doing, and it’s a lot.”

Open enrollment begins Nov. 1 and ends Dec. 15. Residents of 39 states access the exchanges via HealthCare.gov, while those living in 11 states and the District of Columbia use state-run exchanges, such as Covered California and Your Health Idaho.

As director of communications at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services under Obama, Lodes oversaw the public information and communications campaigns during previous open enrollment periods. That included supervising the telephone helpline for consumers, implementing shopping tools on HealthCare.gov, buying advertising promoting enrollment and direct outreach to consumers through text and telephone. Her co-founder, Joshua Peck, was chief marketing officer for HealthCare.gov and was responsible for online engagement campaigns, Lodes said.

For all intents and purposes, Lodes, Peck and other former Obama administration officials will be resuming their duties, just from the outside, Lodes said. That will include tasks like creating and disseminating information about how to enroll and what the benefits are, as well as forging partnerships with businesses, state officials and local media that will help spread the word.

The national co-chairs of Get America Covered are former Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Andy Slavitt, activist Van Jones, former insurance executive Mario Molina, and actors Alyssa Milano and Bradley Whitford, according to a press release.

Disappointing GOP leaders, Blackburn launches Senate campaign

Last Wednesday morning, Senate Republican leaders received two pieces of bad news. The first came by way of Alabama, where the GOP's preferred candidate, Luther Strange, lost a Senate primary to Roy Moore, a fringe radical who believes he isn't bound by the American legal system. The second was a retirement announcement from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.). Not only are Senate Republican leaders sorry to see him leave -- Corker is a popular figure on Capitol Hill -- but GOP officials realized his departure would open the door to him being replaced by someone from the party's crackpot wing. Almost immediately, several Republican senators reached out directly to ...
Arizona Sen. Flake's vulnerability feeds GOP Senate concerns
Washington Post

Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake’s re-election race is becoming a case study in the GOP’s convulsions between the establishment, a furious base and angry donors. After bucking Donald Trump in a state the president won, Flake is bottoming out in polls. Yet Republicans look like they may be stuck with a hard-core conservative challenger who some fear could win the primary but lose in the general election. A White House search for a candidate to replace former state Sen. Kelli Ward in the primary appears to have hit a wall. And now conservatives want to turn Arizona into the latest example of a Trump Train outsider taking down a member of the GOP establishment. “People are fooling themselves ...
Is GOP paying for tax cuts with reductions in Medicare?

It didn’t take long for Democrats to criticize President Donald Trump’s tax proposal as being biased toward wealthier Americans. But would those same tax cuts be paid for by big cuts to Medicare and Medicaid? Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said so during a Senate floor speech on Oct. 4. "The Republicans are proposing to pay for their giant tax cut to the rich by gutting Medicare and Medicaid," Schumer said. "That's the bombshell this week. That is the nugget that will destroy their whole plan, because Americans are so against those kinds of cuts." In reality, the linkage between the proposed tax cuts and possible cuts to Medicare is more complicated than Schumer described. Schumer’s ...

more Robin Hood..in reverse?