Politics, Politics, Politics

Dems keep winning GOP seats they shouldn't be winning

Despite the differing circumstances in each of these races, however, Republicans ignore this trend at their own political peril. While Democrats at the federal level haven't been able to pull off the wins they have scored downballot, in virtually every House special election this year Democrats overperformed -- by a large amount -- Hillary Clinton's 2016 showing in these congressional seats. There's also the fact that approval for the Republican party hit its lowest point ever recorded in a CNN poll this month. And that Democrats held a 9-point lead over Republicans on the generic ballot question in that same poll. Then there's the daunting history facing the GOP. According to Gallup, the average ...
All day Trump has said his TAX CUT is strictly for the poor & middle class ... LOL!
Now explain how #1 elimination of the estate tax, #2 changing the alternative minimum wage tax, #3 dropping the top bracket income bracket from 39 to 35% while raising the minimum rate from 10% to 12% ... lol! And on top of that, they cut Medicaid by $800 billion, Medicare by $500 billion and intend to put the states in charge of their own Medicare plan and give them state grants to run it. Typical Republicans helping the poor & middle class tax CUT? with more "trickle down".
Still nothing mentioned as to how they'll pay for ANYTHING and still no SPECIFICS on anything ... typical Republicans ... typical "Trickle Down" and typical Trump. And on top of it all, its going to dramatically RAISE the deficit and Nat'l debt even faster.
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typical Republicans ... typical Trump.

did you happen to read the article I posted on Reagan and others ..."trashing" the country?
it's just plain greed...and they don't care...look at Trump under most circumstances any normal congress would have impeached him by now...but the right is so eager for those tax cuts and doing away with ACA they just don't care

when Reagan came into office we were the largest exporter of manufacturing goods and the largest importer of raw materials on the planet. And, the largest creditor--more people owed us money than anybody else in the world. Now, just 28 years later, we're the largest importer of finished goods, manufactured goods; the largest exporter of raw materials--which is kind of the definition of a third-world nation -- and we're the most in-debt of any country in the world. This is the absolute consequence of Reaganomics." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thom-hartmann/thom-hartmann-defends-the_b_150964.html)

and now under trump we are going even further down...something going to happen (recession?)and something needs to be done

these right wingers have to be the dumbest *********** around....and greed....*******....I just saw that there are at least 6 members of trumps team using private servers for email....and yet the right wanted to jail Hillary over it....trump was going to drain the swamp and end corruption...he restocked the swamp...and leads and president in corruption...but they don't care they want aca gone...look at some on this board...shows you what we are dealing with...it just goes on and on ...seems to be no end to what they will do to fill their own pocket....country be damned

this country runs on taxes.... we are already in the hole... and they are demoting the country to part time!
you know they plan on getting it from the middle class...but most of them are on life support now....something got to give...but they don't care

there is an old saying...war is good for the economy......and with the N.korea situation...who knows...wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't all part of the right wing plan
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looks like if you are gay you better head back to the closet

Trump Administration Says Employers Can Fire People for Being Gay
Newsweek Chris Riotta,Newsweek

Why does President Donald Trump care about what gay people do in the bedroom? The question came up this week, when a lawyer for Trump's Department of Justice argued that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect LGBTQ Americans from being fired because of their sexual orientation—a complete ...

more Reaganomics in the making......it all "trickles down"?

The Trump tax plan won't pay for itself. Here's why it doesn't matter

Chief White House economic adviser Gary Cohn is making no bones about it. He's promoting the idea that any revenue losses from the Trump/GOP tax plan will be made up for by increased economic growth. No they won't. And even if they do, it really doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong. Tax cuts do boost economic growth, create more jobs, and eventually grow tax revenues because more people are employed and paying taxes in the first place. That's what happened when Presidents Warren Harding, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan, cut taxes, (though technically it was Lyndon Johnson who got Kennedy's cuts passed after JFK's assassination). There was even good tax revenue growth after the tax cuts enacted ...

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thing's that make you go Mmmmmmmm

US senator of Alaska: Republican Party seems fractured

Republican John Kasich Says He Can't Support His Own Party Unless It Fixes Itself
Newsweek Harriet Sinclair,Newsweek


it's people like this that makes the republican party so great!

Republican senator calls health care, food, and shelter a ‘privilege’
The Trump administration's Obamacare 'sabotage' has reached a new level

Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price resigned on Friday after being caught in a scandal in which he took expensive chartered flights without justification.

His short and ignominious tenure at the department was characterized by leading the Trump administration’s fight of the Affordable Care Act, and involved tactics that many observers saw as sabotage to the 2010 health care law known as Obamacare.

One of his final moves to hinder the ACA is the HHS’s shuttering of the federal health insurance exchange HealthCare.gov every Sunday for 12 hours during the open enrollment period, which goes from Nov. 1 to Dec. 15.

The Department said the site will be down for maintenance from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m., preventing people from sorting out their 2018 coverage Sunday mornings, according to a tweet from Kaiser Health News’ Phil Galewitz.

Since inauguration, the Trump administration has taken steps to stymie the success of the ACA, despite the law surviving numerous attempts at several repeals. President Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of its repeal, and while in office has repeatedly incorrectly asserted that it “isn’t failing, it’s failed — done” and wished for its demise.

Obamacare has not died on its own, however. While the problems of high costs are far from fixed — Congress has not attempted to fix it yet — the market is stable, and previously uninsured counties have managed to find insurers for 2018. Now, every county in the U.S. has an option.

‘Planned HealthCare.gov downtime during open enrollment’

The open enrollment period is when most people buy health insurance for the year, as you can typically only buy outside of that period if you have a qualifying life event like a job change or a marriage. All but 15 states use HealthCare.gov to publicly offer individual health insurance plans. In addition to the 12-hour overnight shutdown for six weeks, Kaiser Health News also reported the site will be down on Nov. 1, the first day of open enrollment.

Why not do it before? Why not do it after,” said Abbe Gluck, a Yale University law professor specializing in politics and health law. “My own suspicion is that it’s a technical matter they can justify as an administrative matter. It seems thinly veiled especially when placed alongside the many other instances of intentional sabotage to make it more difficult for people to enroll.”

Narrowing the window will likely decrease enrollment, as it reduces the time a person has to sign up for a plan. “Anyone who has been through limited enrollment knows the amount of time you have facilitates your ability to get it done,” Gluck said.

With each Trump move, the message has gotten louder. Lori Lodes, who previously ran ACA outreach, told Yahoo Finance, “the kindest word you could say is that it’s sabotage.”

A spokesperson for the HHS did not respond to comments by publication time.

The enrollment period has already been cut in half

This isn’t the first time the Trump administration has narrowed the time period for open enrollment, a move that restricts sign-ups and drives costs for insurers up, something that hurts the market. (Industry groups frequently note that they do better when more people are involved.) In September, the enrollment period for this year was revealed to be cut in half to six weeks from 12. Previously, open enrollment used to run through the end of January, giving families a little more time to get their plans in order.

Former CEO of HealthCare.gov told Bloomberg earlier this year that a huge number of people sign up right at the deadline, and a deadline shift may catch people off guard.

The Trump administration has crippled ACA advertising

The damage from a shorter open-enrollment period was magnified by the Trump administration’s suppression of advertising for the program. In January, between the inauguration and the end of open enrollment, the Trump administration pulled $5 million in Obamacare advertising, at the time citing it was searching for “efficiencies.”

In late August, the Trump administration dealt an even bigger blow by slashing the HHS budget for ACA advertising during open enrollment by one-tenth, to a mere $10 million from $100 million in 2017. With a shorter window and fewer announcements, the Trump administration is following a recipe designed to decrease enrollment.

“The ad thing is a really big deal,” said Gluck. “You can’t overestimate how important the cutback on the pre-enrollment period ad events are. It’s a deliberate attempt to weaken the law with disappointing enrollment numbers.”

In late September, HHS also told its directors in its 10 regions not to participate in enrollment events. Andy Slavitt, former head of Medicare and Medicaid Services for HHS, said not investing in these partnerships will reduce enrollment, drive up costs and the rate of Americans who are uninsured, according to Talking Points Memo.

Foot dragging despite promises of fostering “innovative thinking”

In March, Price announced that he would make state waivers easier to get, to give the localities flexibility in finding health care coverage that fit their unique regions.
On Friday, however, Oklahoma withdrew a request for a waiver for a reinsurance program. In a strongly worded letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Price, the state criticized the unexplained delays in the approval process. The withdrawal was necessary, the letter said, to provide a clear picture of 2018 for insurers. “It’s a pretty solid rebuke from a Republican state to a Republican president,” Gluck said.

The letter concluded: “[The] lack of timely waiver approval will prevent thousands of Oklahomans from realizing the benefits of significantly lower insurance premiums in 2018.”
The administration has sowed uncertainty over cost-sharing reduction payments

Trump and his administration has significantly equivocated over whether they will follow through with payments to insurers to compensate for individual plans for lower-income consumers. These payments, called “cost-sharing reduction payments” or CSRs, are such a big deal that the Congressional Budget Office calculated that premiums would spike 20% if Trump suspended them.

However, some damage has already been done. Earlier this year, Dr. Mario Malino, former CEO of Molina Healthcare, told Yahoo Finance that the uncertainty has already driven up premiums, as insurers must hedge if they think there’s a chance they won’t get reimbursed for the discounts they offer certain individuals. “This is causing a lot of destabilization in the marketplace,” he said at the time.

What Trump could do to help instead of hurt health care

Trump seems to be dead set on an Obamacare failure, but there are a few ways he could help the market, if he chooses to. The first would be to guarantee that his administration would continue CSRs, which would reassure insurance companies, stabilize the marketplace, and keep premiums from rising even higher.

The administration could also make sure to enforce the ACA mandate and its penalty for noncompliance, something that it tried to loosen with an executive order earlier this year. The Internal Revenue Service, however, indicated it would still impose the mandate penalties. In addition to giving penalties, providing positive reminders through advertising would similarly help the market, though this is unlikely, given the slew of recent measures

However, the administration’s efforts, will depend largely on who succeeds Price. The acting Secretary of HHS, Don J. Wright, has been a careerist and milder in comparison to Price. The two leading candidates to take over may be Seema Verma, Vice President Mike Pence-allied administrator of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the milder Scott Gottlieb, head of the Food and ******* Administration. Neither seems likely to generate bipartisan support.
Supreme Court takes up Wisconsin as test in partisan gerrymandering claims
Washington Post

The Supreme Court on Tuesday will consider whether a state's legislative maps are so politically skewed to favor one party that they violate the Constitution. The justices have never thrown out a state's maps because of partisan gerrymandering. But challengers from Wisconsin say they have the evidence that Republican leaders of their state drew maps to ensure enduring GOP control of the legislature, and a test for deciding when political advantage goes too far. The outcome could change the way American elections are conducted. Wisconsin officials say if their maps, which follow traditional redistricting standards, are illegal, dozens of state plans will need to be thrown out. Waiting in the wings ...
more Reaganomics in the making......it all "trickles down"?

The Trump tax plan won't pay for itself. Here's why it doesn't matter

Chief White House economic adviser Gary Cohn is making no bones about it. He's promoting the idea that any revenue losses from the Trump/GOP tax plan will be made up for by increased economic growth. No they won't. And even if they do, it really doesn't matter. Don't get me wrong. Tax cuts do boost economic growth, create more jobs, and eventually grow tax revenues because more people are employed and paying taxes in the first place. That's what happened when Presidents Warren Harding, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan, cut taxes, (though technically it was Lyndon Johnson who got Kennedy's cuts passed after JFK's assassination). There was even good tax revenue growth after the tax cuts enacted ...

You remind me of what I grew up with in the 1960's and 70's.There was a lot of mindless hate toward Black American's. That is one of most powerful things about hate it just exists, it doesn't require rhyme reason. You are quick to attack anyone that disagrees with you as a Republican or as being from the "Far Right".

I made my living finding out the truth and yes I do lean to the right. Mainly because I don't like the Left's practice of buying votes with social program's. In reality neither party cares much for the citizens of this country other that to get their vote and if things continue along the path they currently are that won't even be an issue. People like you on the far left and those on the far right are likely the biggest dangers this country faces
I made my living finding out the truth

your version of the truth is far from factual....you are blind to anything that goes against what you WANT to believe
ie. your faith in reaganomics!
and you say you are not on the right and defend everything about that....kind of phoney isn't it?

I'm all about helping those without and trying to put the train back on the right track...while you are about giving more to those that don't need it and have no intention of helping anyone but themselves

THE ONLY thing you and I are alike on..... is how the country has progressed into such division
more republican hypocrisy......

Report: Anti-abortion US rep asked girlfriend to get one
Associated Press Associated Press

PITTSBURGH (AP) — An anti-abortion congressman asked a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair to get an abortion when he thought she might be pregnant, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said it obtained text messages between Republican U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania and Shannon Edwards. A Jan. 25 text message from Edwards said the congressman had "zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn baby just last week when we thought that was one of the options," according to the paper.

A text message from Murphy's number in response said the staff was responsible for his anti-abortion messages: "I've never written them. Staff does them. I read them and winced. I told staff don't write any more."

Edwards, it turned out, wasn't pregnant.

Murphy's spokeswoman had no comment on the report.
you either vote our way or we penalize you!

The GOP keeps coming after blue states, especially California
Los Angeles Times

President Trump and the Republican Congress sure have it in for blue America. Last week’s immigration arrests targeted sanctuary cities only. The late, unlamented Graham-Cassidy attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act would have decimated health insurance coverage in the preponderantly Democratic-controlled states that accepted the Medicaid expansion, and that did the best job of informing potential beneficiaries of their eligibility. Now comes the Republicans’ so-called tax reform package, which also takes dead aim at Democratic states. By eliminating the deduction taxpayers can take on their federal forms for their state and local tax (SALT) payments, the GOP proposal socks it to those Americans ...
you are blind to anything that goes against what you WANT to believe

Simply not true. I am open to adult discussions about any subject. You (as does anyone on the left) fail to respect other opinions on any given issues. As soon as someone disagrees with a view point the lefts immediate reaction is to call them names, a raciest, a "Trumpie", and fail to try and understand the others view point. And yet the left claims to be so "open minded" You, as many others, judge a book by it's cover instead of trying to understand one position.

It;s not a matter of what I want or don't want to believe. It;s a matter of facts. Most of the facts don't support the ******* you spew out. Simply take a look at the headlines of some of the things you post. The head line alone screams bias, but yet you swallow the article hook, line, and sinker. You can't convince me the journalist isn't being biased in his article with titles like that. Data is easy to manipulate, and so are people like yourself. Stop looking at the world with blinders on. I deal with the real world on a daily bases - I don't sit behind a computer screen and read (what they want me to know) about it.

you say you are not on the right and defend everything about that....kind of phoney isn't it?

I said I really don't support Trump, never said I wasn't on the right. I have always stated I "lean more to the right". I am quite open and agree with a lot of the lefts view on social issues. The only place I really differ is on the financial side of things. But your statement right there simply outlines another side of the left - failure to comprehend. All this time on these forums and you fail to understand.
As soon as someone disagrees with a view point the lefts immediate reaction is to call them names, a raciest, a "Trumpie"

I think I try to go with the flow...go back and look...if the tone gets..."testy" then I get testy...if the tone stays decent I can stay the same
Politics...anymore IS NOT a friendly discussion...we prove that...I go to car shows every sat morn with a small group of friends (all republicans)...and someone will make a comment and one of the others will remind them to not go into it as I'm there!...we get along great...and just don't talk politics...shame it has got that way..but it has... I have my beliefs and am not going to change.....I am not right on a lot of things and don't claim to know it all...but I also am not afraid to use the search engine....apparently some thing some on here know nothing about!

failure to comprehend. All this time on these forums and you fail to understand.

I think that could apply both ways!

and I am not closed minded... I voted for a damn Republican here Langfort.....and was disappointed in him 2 months after the election!....But he conned me into his good intentions of working together and etc
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