Politics, Politics, Politics

No, there isn't any evidence of voter fraud in New Hampshire
PolitiFact Fri,

Kris Kobach, the Kansas Secretary of State and Vice Chairman of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, has alleged voter fraud in the New Hampshire 2016 election. But his evidence is circumstantial at best. Kobach penned a Breitbart column on Sept. 7, 2017, claiming that 5,313 fraudulent votes likely altered the results of the Senate race between Democrat Maggie Hassan and Republican Kelly Ayotte and the presidential general election. Hassan won her race by 1,017 votes, and Clinton won the state over President Donald Trump by 2,732 votes. "Facts have come to light that indicate that a pivotal, close election was likely changed through voter fraud on Nov. 8, 2016: New Hampshire’s U.S. ...
typical of the right and especially Trump...if they don't vote how you want... block them from voting!

E.J. Dionne Jr.: Kris Kobach and the struggles of column-writing
The Capital Times

WASHINGTON — It is neither paranoid nor alarmist to begin asking if the Trump administration plans to rationalize blocking a large number of voters who oppose the president from casting ballots in 2018 and 2020. And it is imperative that the civic-minded of all parties demand the disbanding of a government commission whose very existence is based on a lie. The lying doesn't stop. Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, is vice chairman of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Its name reminds us why the adjective "Orwellian" was invented. Kobach chose to use a meeting of the commission held in New Hampshire on Tuesday to continue to cast doubt on the state's election ...

this sums up the rights version of any of their health care proposals...it's all about the money!

The loss of morality in America's health-care debate
Washington Post 19 hours ago .

PostPartisan | Opinion Throughout Republicans' doomed push to replace Obamacare, two words struck fear into their hearts: "CBO score." No matter how much momentum the GOP built up for an updated bill, the Congressional Budget Office would project tens of millions of newly uninsured people and skyrocketing health-care costs, and Republicans would be on the defensive again. Democrats would express anger at the numbers; even centrists would chastise the GOP for being so cruel to so many. And what wasn't in those headlines? The budget savings. Few Republicans dared to argue that leaving millions uninsured was just fine because the government would save money, because so many rightly saw that reasoning ...
Senate Republicans claim they are a few votes away from repealing Obamacare
vox.com 17 hours ago .

The Obamacare repeal drama is back, and everybody is picking up where they left off. Senate Republicans are trying to build momentum for a last-gasp bill to replace the Affordable Care Act, swearing that they are once again just a few votes short of delivering on their seven-year pledge. The health law’s supporters are trying to regalvanize the base that helped beat back previous repeal attempts, worried about being caught off-guard by a new plan that nobody took seriously until recently. An imminent deadline is fueling the sense of urgency: Republicans have until the end of the month to act on a repeal bill. Otherwise, they’d need to start the process over at the very beginning — by passing ...
they already donate and criticize and get away with it...now looks like the right is going to make it legal

The House just passed a bill that could politicize churches

The U.S. House of Representatives quietly passed a spending bill on Thursday that could transform churches and other houses of worship into entities more closely resembling SuperPACs. When House members passed a $1.2 trillion “megabus” spending bill yesterday in a 211-198 vote, media attention largely focused on the proposal’s high cost and potential challenges in the Senate. But according to the House Appropriations Committee press release, the bill contains a rider with a provision that would make it difficult to enforce the so-called Johnson Amendment, a part of the tax code that prohibits churches and other houses of worship from endorsing political candidates. “Members of Congress had ample ...
This Chart Shows How Much Americans Pay in Taxes vs. the Rest of the World

So if the rest of the world jumps off a cliff - we should to?
The "rest of the world" isn't doing so good either if you care to look.
Government corruption is more the issue than taxes.

If you don't mind paying higher taxes - feel free to give the government more. You can do that you know. Or simply cut the red tape and hand 30% of your check to a homeless person each week. And if you think higher tax only on the rich will only effect the rich - then your a fool.

From your article you didn't read, just looked at the pretty chart
Republicans are right about one aspect of U.S. taxes, however. When it comes to taxing corporate profits, the U.S. does indeed have one of the highest nominal maximum rates in the world, at 35%.
So if the rest of the world jumps off a cliff - we should to?

hell yes..have to keep up with the jones's....you wouldn't be getting a little sarcastic with me would you?

The "rest of the world" isn't doing so good either if you care to look.
yeah I will agree ... we seem to be doing better than most

Government corruption is more the issue than taxes.
yes..greed and stupidity.....and all these pork barrel attachments that get put on every bill

If you don't mind paying higher taxes - feel free to give the government more

I don't mind paying a little more...and am willing..if it went to education...school lunches and etc...not to give some asshole company a tax break!

And if you think higher tax only on the rich will only effect the rich - then your a fool.

I know .... those fuckers are to greedy and will just pass it on to the lower class
like the old saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer!

From your article you didn't read, just looked at the pretty chart

no I read it...but doesn't mean I agree with that part of it....I think corps should pay more!...there was several different articles and wasn't sure that was the best one... but I picked it!???

well let me rephrase that...maybe not more...just bring back home what they invest overseas...plus all that hidden money
china didn't come here and steal all those jobs...... big corporations gave it to them so they could make even more money

they can keep...and maybe even lower the tax rate....if there is a BIG penalty for what they do overseas!

Ike had the right idea....keep it high and penalize them for not expanding or creating job growth here!
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you know before Obama left office the was a thing out on how much corps have right now and are just sitting on!
also it had an estimate just how much U.S. money is in overseas banks..... they could invest and create....but for whatever reason they are not.... I know in the past couple of months I have read more than one article saying that they expect sometime next year for the bottom to fall out of a whole lot of things!
Trump's version of reaganomics?....world economy still stagnant?....???

the economy was just starting to take a swing for the better and hadn't made the full swing yet... and now we have all these trump changes coming.??????

I bought into it anyway...probably made all the wrong moves...I know it has cost me right now..... I took a big chunck out of the bank and went ahead and paid off this house and bought some property in Missouri so if things go south I have no bills really....cost me at the end of the year big time...first time I ever had to pay!

but anyway not the first time I have read where we are headed for a downfall...maybe big biz knows more than they are telling?
but like I said according to that report more comp have more money now than in a long time and just sitting on it!
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both sides seem to think it can be... and a group of bi partisan senators got together and came up with something...but the right won't even consider it because all they are interested in is cutting the taxes from ....country be damned they want their tax cut!
that about sums up the right

the right's only concern is big biz and the ins comp.... could care less how many die with no health care... all of their proposals show that!

I posted an article a while back on the 3 major problems with the aca and the easy fixes.....but the right is not interested it won't fit into the tax breaks and cuts they want....goes right back to fucking those without and giving to those that are greedy!
You damn right they think it can be repaired. Both parties are up to their armpits in special interest. Both parties stand to get billions to apply patch after patch to a failed health care system. There are no easy fixes. The only fix that will bring health care costs under control and improve health care quality is a single payer system. But the insurance companies don't want single payer because it would cost them trillions. And the medical industry doesn't want single payer because they would no longer control the price of services
Like the meme says I'm not sold on the Dems...... they are lacking a lot anymore
they don't pass laws and do things to hurt the working class!.......can you show me just one appointment Trump has made that has done something good for the country/workers/economy or the earth?
that goes from the Dept of Educ to the EPA!
Don't hurt the working class? Remember Dodd-Frank it was to protect the banking system. And it does but not in the way most people think. Dodd-Frank was passed when I was still working. One of the actuaries that worked for the company a rather brilliant and a bit quirky man came to my office and asked me if I really wanted to know the purpose of Dodd-Frank because it wasn't what everybody thought. So he spends about a half hour showing me charts and graphs and finally asks me if I know what it all means. What Dodd-Frank really does is stifle competition. The cost of the regulatory burden is prohibitive on banks with under about 60 million in capital. Multibillion dollar banks the cost of the additional regulations is spread over a larger amount of assets so the effect is negligible. And sure enough there hasn't been a single new bank charted in Wisconsin since the bill became law.
Remember Dodd-Frank it was to protect the banking system

that was designed to protect the consumer from shady banks.....but the banks claim it stifled things..... couldn't do those bad loans and etc that got us into trouble

it had a good intent!....unlike most of what the right tries to push through...what is their intent?

similar to health care ...set up to help most people but the right couldn't stand it
and the clean water act and the...........
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Republicans' last-chance Obamacare repeal has a giant money problem
Business Insider Bob Bryan,Business Insider

The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson bill, the last gasp Obamacare repeal plan from Republicans, has a money redistribution problem.

The GCHJ shifts the current system of federal healthcare funding to a block grant system that gives states money up front in a large lump sum. The current system matches a percentage of each state's actual spending to ensure it grows along with expenditures.

The bill would also change the formula to determine how much each state receives from the federal government. The idea, as the authors have put it, is not to favor those states that decided to expand Medicaid under Obamacare.

This does, however, lead to a distinct separation of winners and losers under the bill.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities broke down just how much states would gain or lose in federal funding through 2026 under GCHJ. The biggest loser would be California, with $27.8 billion of funding shaved off over the timeframe. This biggest winner is Texas, which would receive an additional $8.2 billion. In total, federal funding would decrease by $80 billion through 2026.

Here's a breakdown of the winners and losers in map form:


Perhaps most interestingly, in the political sense, is the fact that three of the losers from GCHJ are Arizona, Maine, and Alaska.

GOP Sens. John McCain, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski were the three deciding votes on the first GOP healthcare push and hail from those three states. The issue for Collins and Murkowski with the first Senate Obamacare repeal bill was the amount of money the plan took away from their state, which seems to also apply here.

McCain also emphasized that the bill would need to be beneficial for Arizona, and said he would prefer if the bill went through the normal committee process — which the GCHJ is not.

Given that Sen. Rand Paul came out against the bill on Friday, only one of those three senators could vote against the bill for it to pass. Other wildcard Republican senators in states that lose money, like Shelley Moore Capito in West Virginia, could throw a wrench in the plan.

Republicans ability to pass the bill under budget reconciliation, which avoids a Democratic filibuster, runs out at the end of September.

and you know they want it gone..... trump and the right can not stand to have anything with Obama attached to it

look at the dreamers..... even Trump sympathizes with them...BUT it was a deal done by Obama...so it has to go!..regardless off the dreamers
still think they don't need monitoring?

US Justice Department investigating Equifax execs who dumped shares before announcing breach
John Mannes,TechCrunch 2 hours 3

The U.S. Justice Department is said to be investigating the questionable sale of stock by Equifax executives in advance of the company's public announcement of its massive data breach. The investigation is said to include U.S. prosecutors in Atlanta, the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to a report this morning from Bloomberg.

Three executives, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate VP John Gamble, President of U.S. Information Solutions Joseph Loughran and President of Workforce Solutions Rodolfo Ploder all sold substantive amounts of Equifax stock between the time the company learned of the hack and the date the hack was publicly announced. These trades, amounting to $1.8 million, saved the three executives from feeling the financial sting of the announcements.


Equifax stock has plummeted in the days since 143 million people learned that their Social Security numbers and driver license information was put in jeopardy by the company that failed to patch a known bug.

Equifax told us on September 7 that, "The three executives who sold a small percentage of their Equifax shares on Tuesday, August 1, and Wednesday, August 2, had no knowledge that an intrusion had occurred at the time they sold their shares.”

While it is possible that the executives were not made aware of the breach before they sold their shares, it would be an almost unbelievable coincidence. A breach of the size faced by Equifax would have almost certainly been top of mind of every individual at the company, particularly key executives. To make matters worse, these trades were not pre-scheduled before the hack.

If the executives were aware of the hack in advance of the public and traded on that information, they would have violated insider trading laws. And beyond even the law, profiting on the back of potential negligence is pretty disgusting.

Members of the U.S. Senate and House have been putting pressure on Equifax to explain the trades in question. The pressure from both inside and outside the government seems to have culminated in a formal investigation.

We are reaching out to Equifax and the U.S. Justice Department for comment and will update this post if we hear back.


BRIEF-U.S. prosecutors open criminal probe into whether Equifax execs violated insider trading laws- Bloomberg
Reuters 1 hour 30 minutes ago

they are trying to push a vote on what is the worst of all the ones they have had so far.....?????

Congress is extremely close to repealing Obamacare

The last Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal bill left standing had a dubious chance of passing the Senate. But now, Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) are reportedly weighing whether they could support the Cassidy-Graham bill, which would repeal ACA subsidies and the Medicaid expansion and instead give states a temporary block grant. Additionally, the bill caps funding to the Medicaid program overall. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has characterized this bill as likely the worst iteration of GOP repeal-and-replace because of its grave hits to consumer protections and funding cuts to states. Sens. Murkowski, McCain, and Susan Collins (R-ME) killed the last iteration ...


The Latest: Budget office needs more time on health bill
Associated Press Associated Press 2 hours 17 minutes

The Congressional Budget Office says it won't be able to provide crucial projections about the impact of the newest Republican bill aimed at scuttling President Barack Obama's health care law until after the Senate is expected to vote on it.

The nonpartisan office tweeted Monday that it would take "at least several weeks" to estimate the measure's effect on the number of people covered and insurance customers' premiums.

That is crucial information for GOP senators trying to determine how the proposal would affect their states and whether to support the legislation.

Republicans need support from 50 of the 52 GOP senators to prevail. Procedural protections from a Democratic filibuster expire Sept. 30. After that the bill would need 60 votes, which they can't get due to Democratic opposition.

Senate Republicans are planning a final, uphill push to erase President Barack Obama's health care law. But Democrats and their allies are going all-out to stop the drive.

The initial Republican effort crashed in July in the GOP-run Senate. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said after that defeat that he'd not revisit the issue without the votes to succeed.

South Carolina's Lindsey Graham and Louisiana's Bill Cassidy are leading the new GOP charge.

They'd transform much of Obama's law into block grants and let states decide how to spend the money.

They'll need support from 50 out of 52 GOP senators to succeed.

They only have until Sept. 30. Special procedures expire after that and they'd need 60 votes. That would entail support from Democrats, which they won't get.

again.... give the money to the states.... most of which are broke to begin with....how much gets spent on health care?