Politics, Politics, Politics

well HH looks like your man is not doing any better on the federal level than he did on the state level

Kris Kobach watches his voter fraud lie get fact-checked. It didn’t go well.

Several Democratic voting experts including New Hampshire’s secretary of state on Tuesday repudiated White House voting commission co-chair Kris Kobach’s claim that thousands of out-of-state voters in New Hampshire likely tipped the Senate race to Democrats. Kobach acknowledged he should have hedged his wording, but did not admit he was wrong. In a Breitbart column last week, Kobach claimed that he had definitive proof that more than 5,000 out-of-state voters cast fraudulent ballots in 2016, tipping the Senate and potentially presidential race to Democrats. During the second meeting of his voting commission in New Hampshire Tuesday, Kobach called his evidence “anecdotal” and said he’s not sure ...
One side accuses the other side of voter fraud. The other side of course denies it. I think any case of voter fraud should be investigated. If the fraud proves unsubstantiated the accuser bears the cost, posting a bond would be a good way. If the voting district proves to be at fault then they bear the cost. The responsible parties in the district should automatically subject to a fraud investigation by an outside law enforcement agency if fraud is demonstrated
Government is good at cluster fucks. PPACA is one of the best examples to have come along in years. As to the effect of a single payer system I couldn't care less. The purpose of government is to serve the people not the political parties. The incremental approach mention in the article is really the only logical way to go. If it was my call I would drop the age to enroll in Medicare 5 years for 5 years. This would leave only people younger than 40. The sixth year they would be rolled in. No mater how it is done there will be issues. Re-inventing the wheel rarely gosmoothly
Obama's only real concern was to be credited with providing better health all it had to do was last until he was out of office and then the finger pointing could start

I disagree with that... he worked with Ted kennedy a lot on health care long before he got into office. I think he wants it to stay!

Things would have likely have worked better for PPACA but the healthcare industry and insurance companies saw this mandatory, government subsidized cash cow and got greedy.

that's where the greed came in... and the right didn't do anything to help it either.... and still doing what they can to destroy it!

It is the only major program the gov put out that was never "tweaked" except for the right to try and repeal. It does have it's issues... some are created by the right and others that were there from the start that could have and still could be corrected... the right just can't stand it because it's "Obama-care"! and that about sums it up!

In essence what PPACA ****** people to buy health care whether they wanted it or needed it. Some people got subsidies and the rest got dumped on the states

I will agree with that...but it can be repaired!
One side accuses the other side of voter fraud. The other side of course denies it.

true but Kobach has already been fined and etc for lying and his manipulating things just isn't going to fly in most states he got away with some in Kansas.... but.... "Dorothy we are not in Kansas anymore"!
Democrats haven't done well U.S. Congressional special elections. A lot of state legislative seats are often more the person than the party they belong to.

well they just took over two places that was very strong Trump last election!

I am waiting rather impatiently for the 2018 midterms

so am I! I think now people can see the right just can't manage.... and they can't balance a check book...something they always scream about!

In an ideal world the Democrats would gain little of nothing, and the Republicans would loose both houses to a third party

Nice.... but not likely...if anything the conservatives will start their own party and just screw up the right even more...but then maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing... at one time and that seems like so many years ago....but both sides used to work together!...if the republicans didn't have to cater to the conservatives maybe we could go back to a working gov!
And the Democrats don't?

Like the meme says I'm not sold on the Dems...... they are lacking a lot anymore
they don't pass laws and do things to hurt the working class!.......can you show me just one appointment Trump has made that has done something good for the country/workers/economy or the earth?
that goes from the Dept of Educ to the EPA!
Repairing PPACA? That is a fantasy

both sides seem to think it can be... and a group of bi partisan senators got together and came up with something...but the right won't even consider it because all they are interested in is cutting the taxes from ....country be damned they want their tax cut!
that about sums up the right

the right's only concern is big biz and the ins comp.... could care less how many die with no health care... all of their proposals show that!

I posted an article a while back on the 3 major problems with the aca and the easy fixes.....but the right is not interested it won't fit into the tax breaks and cuts they want....goes right back to fucking those without and giving to those that are greedy!
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the right has had control for quite a while now...name one thing they have done for the country or the middle class....


but with trickle down we are really doing great

If it wasn't for all the billionares and millionares and big corps who don't pay ******* in taxes to help this country

if you look at the stats... we are not that far off from being a third world country...except the right doesn't want to get into those numbers... they are all about taxes
This Chart Shows How Much Americans Pay in Taxes vs. the Rest of the World
Ian Salisbury Jul 19, 2017

As the Republicans in Washington prepare to dig into the coming round of budget negotiations, their top priorities will include an systemic overhaul for U.S. taxes, which President Trump has characterized as "just about the highest in the world."

But how much do Americans really pay compared with other nations? It may be less than you think.

Now need you ask why I am anti-republican?
It's not that I'm pro Democrat....just more anti-republican.... for soooo many reasons!
I could give you a lot more....but I don't think you really want to see/hear them

not sure if I posted that meme or not.... but one says....can you name one thing the right has done for the good of the country in the last 30 years?

anyway Torp...if you want to defend the republicans.... I will post a bunch of stuff showing just how wrong you are...and mostly FACTS!

you want to talk taxes... you could get me on that one...but after paying for the first time in my life this year...I am getting into it and learning...same with health care..... getting to a point it is important to me and learning....any other subject up for debate.... but politics.... like the saying goes... you can't reason with a republican because if they had any reasoning they wouldn't be republicans!....and I don't mind showing the right the error of their ways!

not to say I am really anti republican... they do have some good...beliefs? and like I said it was nice when both parties got together and worked for the betterment of the country....... but those days appear to be gone

actually they USED to be the party of Lincoln..... but that all changed when we became industrialized...they saw the money..... and over they years their eyes and pockets just kept getting bigger and could care less about any of Lincolns values!

and actually under trump they have showed they don't even have any loyalty to country.... money over everything!
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you have to wonder ......just how much of these N.Korea missle tests...Russia is behind...Russia has been working hard on trying to get our allies against us...and seems to be working with trump to that end..... but these N.Korea missle tests over Japan and etc seem to have that same goal!