Politics, Politics, Politics

A rather amateurish photoshop that has been debunked for some time....but probably good enough to fool lots of the useful idiots.

Original photo & snopes debunking:


more ...making America great again?

More Trump Populism: DOJ Shuts Down an Operation That Was Successfully Combatting Consumer Fraud

The Justice Department plans to terminate Operation ******* Point, an Obama-era law enforcement crackdown on scam consumer transactions that conservatives characterized as an attack on gun sellers and legal businesses. It concludes one of the more brazen misinformation efforts in recent political history — with misinformation triumphing. The idea behind Operation ******* Point, initiated in 2013, was to prevent consumer fraud by limiting access to the financial system. Any transaction that requires a deduction from a bank account has to go through what’s called the Automatic Clearing House, or ACH. Only banks with access to the payment system can facilitate those transactions. Banks, of course, have ...

20/20 last night covered this White Nationalist group and ANTIFA. Well, they didn't talk much about antifa - you know - that biased news thing. But I had to laugh my ass off when they showed these supremacist dudes running around with shields. Reminded me of those groups that gather in the park and play Harry Potter - lol. This is the most disorganized group I have seen since the 4th grade basket ball team. Hell they were an hour late to a rally because they didn't know how to read a map! Maybe the GPS was invented by a Jew so they wouldn't touch it :bounce:

Wow - this is what everyone is afraid of? I'm not saying we should ignore these groups but I'm betting that if we stop giving them the media attention they so desire - we will see less and less of them. Antifa, I believe is just fueling their fire - as far violence Antifa is just as bad if not worse because they instigate it and promote it within their group. Although they call it "self defense" because words are a "physical" attack - seriously?
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I'm betting that if we stop giving them the media attention they so desire - we will see less and less of them.
Or maybe NOT... they've blended in quite well with the various so-called voluntary militias around the country. I'm afraid if there is ever a real government rebellion, many of these militia groups will fall in line with them ... they're just itching to get to use their sophisticated 'pop guns' for a cause and always proclaiming they don't recognize the federal government or the government's illegal taxation system. A perfect environment for those Neo-Nazis.
This is the most disorganized group I have seen since the 4th grade basket ball team.

I saw a thing that some of them were well trained... and someone was calling push ahead or pull back or push here or there just like someone knew what they were doing with riot control or something... they were using their shields...thinking it was the neo-nazis... but don't remember...but one group was well trained and well organized

I'm betting that if we stop giving them the media attention they so desire -

think trump may have given them a boost... but lets see how Boston works out
I like the part of taking their picture and posting it on the net....takes the wind out of some of their sails....they are all....well like most "crowds"...braver in the crowd
Felix Sater? The same Felix Sater that Loretta Lynch had the federal records sealed on? You know, becuase he works with our intelligence community providing intelligence on the Russians.

FWIW, everyone knows Trump is tied to the Russian and American mob, if ony at the margins. Fewer know the connection Sater has to the CIA however.

I don't care what side you're on, if you can't see this entire special prosecutor situation is a hoax, and can't see both grand jury's and special counsels fly in the face of the Constitution, you're blind.

NY Mag. An obviously right leaning publication.

Felix Sater? The same Felix Sater that Loretta Lynch had the federal records sealed on

Don't know about all that... kind of doubt it... but....the article just said in the past they have shared a lot of biz deals and knows Trumps finances pretty well

but who knows.... they are all in bed together one way or another
Felix Sater is old news with respect to the ongoing investigation. I can't imagine the US Gov is going to want Sater's testimony. But since this is really starting to look like an attempted coup, I could imagine they'll let him testify to get Trump. But not testify how the DOJ has routinely let him get away with crime due to his intelligence value.

Knowing all of this, even Trump haters, if they have a brain, might need to take a step back and start to ask some questions.
trump having trouble now finding republicans to agree on anything he says

McConnell undercuts Trump's claim: 'Most news is not fake'
POLITICO 2 hours 36 minutes ago .

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday undercut one of President Donald Trump's most-repeated claims, telling a group at the Louisville Chamber of Commerce that "most news is not fake." Trump has consistently hammered media organizations for their critical coverage of both his candidacy and his presidency, accusing them of putting out "fake news" — an accusation that has become a rallying cry for his supporters. His latest salvo came Monday morning when he retweeted a message about "fake news" attacks against him, writing, "Thank you, the very dishonest Fake News Media is out of control!" Story Continued Below But when asked on Monday about where he gets his news, McConnell — who has ...
this from the party that would rather shut down the gov instead of give an inch?

Mitch McConnell: 'Zero chance' US fails to raise the debt ceiling
Jacob Pramuk,CNBC 3 hours ago .

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday insisted the U.S. government will raise the debt ceiling and avoid defaulting on its debt.

"There is zero chance — no chance — we won't raise the debt ceiling. No chance," McConnell said at an event in Kentucky with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. "America's not going to default. And we'll get the job done in conjunction with the secretary of the Treasury."

Mnuchin has called for Congress to pass a bill to increase the borrowing limit by the end of September. By then, the Treasury will have exhausted its so-called extraordinary measures to continue its borrowing authority and risks defaulting on its debt.

The Treasury secretary has called for a "clean" debt-ceiling increase, meaning lawmakers would not attach spending cuts or other provisions to it. Some conservatives, particularly in the House, have previously tried to pair measures to raise the debt ceiling with spending cuts.

On Monday, Mnuchin said the debt ceiling was his top priority when lawmakers return from recess next month.
McConnell has to be the biggest asshole on the hill... and yet has the most smarts and savy to pull ******* off
and Trump has been picking on him and I'm sure that didn't go over well at all
If someone were to push the "flush" lever I don't think many would rush to stop it.... maybe the guy from Nevada and calif and a couple others...but you don't bite the hand that feeds you!
and trump bite hard for several days
well he is a "colorful" character for sure

Former Trump Partner Reemerges To Deliver Ominous Message

We haven’t heard this name, in some time.

Felix Sater, the shady character who occasionally found his way into conversations about Donald Trump throughout the primary and election season is back.

Sater is a former business partner of Trump’s, with a history of legal troubles. His former real estate company, the Bayrock Group, had a big hand in selling Trump’s condos to Russia.

He’s also the guy who did a stint in prison for stabbing a guy in the face with the stem of a martini glass.


Reportedly, Sater has been in contact with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team, and from what he’s telling people, he feels there is the distinct possibility of trouble ahead.




definitely a lot on him!
anyone watch the CNN town hall debate with Paul Ryan last night... I tuned in expecting to see fireworks... and boring..scripted... didn't watch more than 20 minutes or so..... I know during his last campaign he would not do any radio or tv interviews unless he knew before hand the questions and the people asking...... and it looks like the same on that townhall last night...every question asked made him look good...even the ones on ACA
you think trump IS NOT taking us backwards in favor of big biz?

Trump administration halts research on mountaintop coal mining's health effects
The Independent Alexandra Wilts,The Independent

Donald Trump’s Department of the Interior has told the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to stop studying the effects of coal mining on health.

A branch of the interior department – the office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement – was funding an inquiry into the potential correlation between increased human health risks and living near surface coal mine sites in Central Appalachia.

Coal mining in Central Appalachia, where the committee’s work is focused, includes mountaintop removal in which peaks have been blasted off. Scientists have asserted that the practice is so harmful to the environment that the government should put an end to it.

According to a statement by the academy, the Trump administration told the organisation last week that “it should cease all work on the study”, as the interior department “has begun an agency-wide review of its grants and cooperative agreements in excess of $100,000”. The review was prompted largely by the department’s changing budget situation, the statement said.