Politics, Politics, Politics

The rats are fleeing the sinking ship!


A top FBI investigator on Mueller's witch hunt has left after only being on the team a few weeks. Of course if this was a Trump staffer that left the administration, we'd hear nothing but 24/7 coverage of liberal opinions on how this means the end of the Trump presidency on all the mainstream media news channels (*cough* Scramucci *cough*)
Peter Strzok.

Significant happening, or nothing at all?

Given his background, I find it interesting, but also disturbing from a civil libertarian perspective, as this entire thing was started as a counterintelligence investigation. It seems to have morphed into something else entirely.

To be clear, I was against this of thing (special counsels, at that time, special prosecutor AND grand jury's becuase they both violate civil liberties and lacs due process) when the shoe was on the other foot. Before anyone starts posting Trump memes. Because although now it is Trump, previously it was Bill Clinton (and many others) and eventually, it will be someone else.
It really isn't that hard to understand. Trump is defending their right as well - but the left wing media wants to spin it just like you are - ******* the cool-aid much?

No I get it you are defending Trump really.... and like I said before you are watching the wrong news channels...it's always the left.....and just like your man trump... they didn't do anything wrong... it was the other guys....not hard to understand what you are saying....get off that pedestal and look around some... and quit watching fox!

And how about the BLM that showed up dressed in black with helmets and base ball bats - I suppose they were looking for a good whiffel ball game, right? No word about those facts from the media.

it was on the media... but those giant white mosquitoes there are something else....hahaha
what about all of your people carrying guns... you fail to mention that

you are pissed because you thought I was agreeing with you and now it looks like I'm not....I do agree they do have a right to protest as does anyone else..... I just don't think they should allow "hate" groups to hold a rally or march... leave that to the boy scouts. school bands and etc.... something that does not offend half of the community!

If their little march was ignored, it would have been done and over with and everyone would be back home
they were pretty hard to ignore with their torches and chants praising almighty trump!
the only reason he is supporting them... David duke and most of them are his base supporters and he knows it!
the man has promoted violence since he first started... or did you fail to read all those sites I posted.... but then they don't go with your thinking...so like a typical right winger... you choose to ignore the facts

Now, because of that -our first amendment rights are at risk
and how pray tell me..... I'm sure with your right wind standards you see something in this...all I said was I didn't agree with ANY of the protests!... how is that infringing on our rights?
as for giving up my rights.... again you have something twisted... I am not giving up anything... you just stick to defending your man trump and what he preaches... because you are ... into the Kool-Aid!
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To be clear, I was against this of thing (special counsels, at that time, special prosecutor AND grand jury's becuase they both violate civil liberties and lacs due process) when the shoe was on the other foot. Before anyone starts posting Trump memes. Because although now it is Trump, previously it was Bill Clinton (and many others) and eventually, it will be someone else.

well me being a lefty...... naturally the Clinton deal did get out of hand... it started out as an investigation into his..finances?.... and they found nothing.... but like everytime the right starts on them they just couldn't/wouldn't give up.... and found Monica's dress!

as for Trump... we are talking about working with the Russians to sway an election.... and nothing should be out of bounds when it comes to working with the enemy!
and it is starting look a lot like he did..... I read and posted it on the impeach thread.....one of his staffers had met with the Russians and the Russians wanted to meet with senior trump people.... he sent out emails... to trump himself also!
2bi... you don't think maybe you are just following along party lines do you?
And watching the same news channels that Trump is?
you are saying they have the right to march... I don't like it... but I agree with you
and like your party leader...everything that went wrong is the left's fault
sure sounds biased to me.......
2bi... you don't think maybe you are just following along party lines do you?
And watching the same news channels that Trump is?
you are saying they have the right to march... I don't like it... but I agree with you
and like your party leader...everything that went wrong is the left's fault
sure sounds biased to me.......

You really need to pay attention. Do you ******* a lot?
You really need to pay attention. Do you ******* a lot?

Here’s What Really Happened In Charlottesville
Who came ready for violence? Was it on “many sides”? The answers are clearer on the ground.

Yes, you can blame the Nazis.

The race-fueled chaos that wracked Charlottesville, Virginia, finally came to rest on Sunday night. And the hundreds of people who spent the weekend fighting in streets — and the millions who watched them — began what has become a new American ritual: arguing about what really happened, and what a spasm of localized political violence means.

Was this an assault by racist extremists on innocent, rightly outraged Americans? Was it a clash between “many sides,” as President Trump notoriously said? Was the scale of the white supremacist threat blown out of proportion? Was the violence of the black-hooded “antifa” understated?

The answers are clearer on the ground than they are in the filter bubbles driven by fierce partisan argument on social media and cable news. They are complicated but not ambiguous. Here are a few:

* The right-wing protesters were relatively homogenous — in ideology and appearance — and largely ready for violence. They ranged from old-line racists like the Ku Klux Klan to the ones who wear polo shirts instead of hoods who try to brand themselves “alt-right.” There was no ambiguity about their cause — they demand the nation become whiter, and they are emboldened by a White House administration they believe makes that promise when the president yells “America first.”

* The counterprotesters, in contrast, represented a far broader spectrum of the American center and left. There were self-identified “anti-fascists”; Black Lives Matter activists from around the country; religious leaders, including around 100 Christian ministers wearing their clerical collars; furious Charlottesville residents; and garden-variety liberals from as far away as Seattle. A handful of the “anti-fascists” wore Black Bloc garb — black shirt, black pants, black balaclava — to conceal their identities from police, though most did not.

* The right-wingers were more prepared for violence. Most white supremacist and Nazi groups arrived armed like a paramilitary ******* — carrying shields, protective gear, rods, and yes, lots of guns, utilizing Virginia’s loose firearm laws. They used militarized defensive maneuvers, shouting commands at one another to “move forward” or “retreat,” and would form a line of shields or a phalanx — it’s like they watched 300 a few times — to gain ground or shepherd someone through projectiles. It seemed that they had practiced for this. Virginia’s governor said that the right’s weaponry was better than that of the state police. The opposition was largely winging it, preferring to establish bases in other parks with water, coffee, food, first aid, and comfort. Conflict would start much the same as it has at other alt-right rallies: two people, one from each side, screaming, goading each other into throwing the first punch.

By Sunday, even among the most radical voices on the left, there was incredulity at attempts — from various swaths of the mainstream to pro-Trump media, and of course, the president himself — to compare them to their enemies. This is Trump’s “many sides.”

“No one on our side is calling for vast swaths of the public to be put to death,” said Lacy McAuley, an anarchist activist based in DC who led counterdemonstrators in a march through the streets.

That is all to say that the neo-Nazis came to fight. And then their car attack escalated their rolling American streetfight with antifa to a far deadlier level than previously seen.

On Friday night, white supremacists gathered for an eerie torchlit march through the University of Virginia. They fought with counterdemonstrators and menacingly encircled student activists who held the line at the statue of Thomas Jefferson — the image of the darker circle of students surrounded by the light from burning tiki torches becoming an image that traveled widely on social media. The torch-bearers were chanting the Nazi slogan “******* and soil” and the KKK mantra “You will not replace us.” Richard Spencer led a similar march in Lee Park on May 15 to protest the removal of the statue of Lee.

Kessler scheduled the Saturday rally to start at noon. By the time BuzzFeed News arrived at 10:30 a.m., violent conflict was already in full swing.

Through the day, the right-wing extremists brawled with the leftists who had really come to fight, all in a park formerly named for a Confederate general. The day got bloodier and more dangerous until 1:45 p.m., when a young man identified by police as James Alex Fields, 20, drove his Dodge Challenger into a crowd of anti-racist counterdemonstrators, and peeled away in reverse. He allegedly injured 19 people and killed one, Heather Heyer, in the act of terrorism.

Hard to see from afar, but intensely visible on the ground, were the different shades of right-wing extremist. They included new racist and personalities like social media personality Baked Alaska, Spencer, and Identity Evropa, a white supremacist group that argues for pure European heritage, alongside more old-school hate groups like the Traditionalist Workers’ Party, affiliated with the KKK, and the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization that held its ornate banner, which clearly evokes a Swastika, aloft throughout the day. Fields was marching with Vanguard America, a small white nationalist organization, wearing the group’s uniform and carrying its shield.

A few of the counterprotesters — namely members of a group called Redneck Revolt — were armed with shotguns, assault rifles, and pistols.

But there were many more guns on the right, many carried by a group called the Three Percenters, a heavily armed “patriot” militia group that’s acted as security at other alt-right rallies in Portland and elsewhere. The group’s views align more with libertarianism — fundamentalist interpretations of the Constitution and an emphasis on personal liberty — than with the alt-right.

Those groups, evidently aware of the real danger, appeared to keep members of each side separate from the other in certain areas. Three Percenters stood on one side of Emancipation Park, Redneck Revolters a few blocks away at a different park.

Three Percenters said in an official statement after the rally that they disowned the racist groups at Unite the Right and issued a stand-down order during the rally. But they also served as a kind of armed guard for their leaders: After police ****** the white nationalists out of Emancipation Park, Three Percenters formed a protective barrier around alt-right blogger Mike Enoch and Spencer. Enoch appeared to have been pepper-sprayed.

The area of most intense conflict was on the steps into Emancipation Park. Each side squared off against the other in a schoolyard turf war. At around 11:00, counterdemonstrators deployed a large sign made from plywood spray painted with “alt-right scum your time has come” and a decapitated Pepe the Frog. It doubled as a barrier and quickly became a prize, with each side fighting to gain control of it. Eventually it fell, right-wingers stomped on it, and people continued fighting.

Each side also threw dozens of water bottles at the other. It was the preferred projectile of the day, along with rocks, tomatoes, broken flagpoles, and balloons filled with paint, one of which splattered a police car.

Right-wing extremists carried a variety of different flags — the libertarian “Don’t Tread on Me” with the familiar sliced-up snake, flags with symbols of the racist neo-pagan cause Odinism, Confederate flags, Blue Lives Matter flags, Kekistan flags, and others. Counterdemonstrators made a game of stealing the banners, though right-wingers would beat them with the shorn flagpoles.

The weapon of choice — for the police, right-wing fighters, and antifa alike — was pepper spray. Police used the most, blasting it from large canisters at protesters. None of the fights that broke out lasted very long because one side or the other would use pepper spray to rescue their combatants.

Around noon, both state and local police declared Unite the Right and the demonstrations in the surrounding streets an unlawful assembly. They evicted everyone from Emancipation Park by a police line. Right-wing extremists and white nationalists fought the police, which is highly unusual. (At previous rallies in Berkeley and Portland, the alt-right has complied with police direction and sought permits for their gatherings, which has helped them maintain the stance that they are acting in self-defense when things get violent. The permits, in particular, ensure that their left-wing antagonists, often antifa in Black Bloc formation, end up on the wrong side of a police riot shield.)

In Charlottesville, though, white nationalists, including Spencer, leaned against police’s riot shields in a desperate attempt to keep their place. Police pushed them along the entire length of the park and down the stone steps into a waiting, screaming crowd.

While police were removing people from the park, counterdemonstrators had a chance to storm one side of it as right-wingers retreated. There were mixed messages among right-wingers, some of whom said to fall back and some of whom wanted to hold their ground despite police warnings.

One young white man carrying the black and white flag of Odinism started brawling with counterprotesters even as his own comrades retreated.

“Let’s get this race war started! Shoot me!” he yelled.

Instead, a counterdemonstrator stole his flag and tried to escape over a police fence. The man with the Odinist flag followed the protester, grabbed his backpack, and smashed his head into the metal barricade.

After police vacated the park by *******, both sets of protesters splintered. BuzzFeed News followed a group of white nationalists and Black Lives Matter activists who engaged in a ******* brawl involving metal poles in a parking garage adjacent to the Charlottesville police station. One of the victims, De’Andre Harris, said he was yelling curses at white nationalists and was wearing a white scarf with curses about the Klan scrawled on it. They chased him, caught him, and beat him with wooden poles and punches.

Zach D Roberts ‎@zdroberts
Earlier in a parking garage in #Charlottesville - white supremacists beat this black kid w/poles. [Photo for by @zdroberts @NationofChange]

Kessler, Redneck Rebellion, Vanguard America, Spencer, and Identity Evropa declined to speak to BuzzFeed News.

When Fields allegedly drove his car into a crowd after the crowds were ****** from the park, people at the intersection of 4th and Market were hysterical, calling out for friends and asking people they knew if others in their circles were safe, though each person seemed to have less information than the last. Emergency responders had difficulty making their way to the site of the attack because of the crowd’s sheer size. After, there were isolated reports that white nationalists were driving around town taunting people, but things remained largely quiet.

The day after the rally, Kessler attempted to hold a press conference but was run off by protesters. Later, on Periscope, he disputed the characterization of the rally as affiliated with the KKK or neo-Nazis, saying it was “only about the statue” and blaming the day’s carnage on police inaction. Many right-wingers at the rally have charged police and Charlottesville city government with the crimes of the day.

He did not reject the description of it as a white nationalist rally, and he did say that the KKK and neo-Nazi groups who were slated to speak had “good points to make.” He exaggerated the extent of the antagonism right-wingers faced by saying that antifa were armed with rifles and that right-wingers had been pinned in the park by thrown bricks. Police in fact evicted right-wingers from Emancipation Park, and the only left-wingers armed with guns appeared to be blocks away.

Sheryl Gay Stolberg
✔ @SherylNYT

A few wrap-it-up thoughts from Charlottesville: 1. Striking how many of the white nationalists were young people, almost entirely men. 1/3

Sheryl Gay Stolberg
✔ ‎@SherylNYT

2. The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding "antifa" beating white nationalists being led out of the park 2/2

Each side did engage in intense violence and attempted to seriously injure the other. But when the battle lines were formed, the right came better equipped and ready to use ******* to defend their belief that white people are better than nonwhite people. And on the white supremacist side is Fields, whose alleged act was named terrorism by people from the far left to members of the Trump cabinet (but not the president himself). He is charged with one count of second degree *******, three counts of malicious wounding, and one count of hit and run.

After posting the tweets above, Sheryl Gay Stolberg later apologized and modified her statement, clarifying that she was talking about physical violence rather than hate.

On the ground, leftists were incredulous at the parallel between the Nazis and their range of enemies.

“One side wants to eject all black people from America, the other wants fair hiring,” said Emily Gorcenski, a Charlottesville activist. “It makes me sick to hear people say both sides are equally bad, especially when we tried so hard to make it nonviolent.”

Despite the deep enmity on the ground in Charlottesville, the violence came after some backchannel efforts a week ago to prevent it failed. Gorcenski met with C.J. Ross and Daniel Highberger, members of the Virginia Three Percenters, in Fishburn Park in Roanoke, Virginia, last Saturday, Gorcenski and Ross both confirmed.

Ross had been in conflict with right-wingers online; he did not want the event to have white nationalist overtones and did not want the Three Percenters to participate if it did. Kessler personally disinvited him. He went in plainclothes.

Ross was looking for Gorcenski at the time of the car attack. She said she was mere feet from the Dodge Challenger. He said he was around the corner. In the mayhem following the attack, Ross said he tried to make way for emergency responders. As paramedics went to work, he said he got into conversation with Black Lives Matter activists and found he liked and agreed with them.

“I had a great conversation with them. I’d never met anyone in a BLM group before. These particular people said they were all about freedom and liberty as well,” he said. “Something awful happened, and, for me at least, it turned into a small positive thing, which, I think, is what we all want.”

yes there are several articles out.... several from Briebart and some other right wingers...depends on who you read... this one seemed unbiased
I don't defend them- I defend their right to be an asshole - get it straight

you acuse me of being in the Kool-Aid.... and yet you are acting just like your leader!
you say it's all about their right to protest... and I agree
but then later you say it is the left that starts it.... I dispute that and you accuse me of being in the kool aid because you say it is about their right to protest

so which is it?... the right to protest... or the left starts it?

those little memory laps are a start to senility and old age you know

you seem to have trouble focusing on what to argue about... and when it's not going well you want to revert back to your original claim

makes me wonder if maybe you aren't into that right wing fruit punch just a little to much and feel the need to argue with a lefty once in a while just to boost your ego....but then when the argument goes wrong...it's the left and the Kool-Aid??????

My point being.... your point shifts depending on how the argument goes!
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just more of the right.... and their "sensitivity" issues

5 Women Line Up to Oust Congressman Who Complained "Women Are in My Grill"

A congressman up for reelection in 2018 is finding that his challengers don't just represent the opposite party - they also represent the opposite sex.

Rep. David Brat, who currently represents the 7th district of Virginia, outraged many earlier this year after he complained about his constituents - specifically, women - at a conservative event.

"Since Obamacare and these issues have come up, the women are in my grill no matter where I go," Brat told the audience at a local tavern. "They come up - 'When is your next town hall?' And believe me, it's not to give positive input."

A fervent Trump supporter and Obamacare repeal advocate, Brat was one of the many members of Congress who attempted to dodge facing his constituency at town halls this Spring, though his choice to complain about his annoyance in a public forum was probably the worst possible way to handle it. Brat also made no attempt to sugarcoat or backtrack his sentiments after the fact; he instead chose to widen his circle of insults to include the far left as well, telling the Richmond Times-Dispatch, "I had one woman on my Facebook say she was going to get up in my grill. There's paid protesters . . . paid activists on the far left, not my Democratic friends I go to church with."

Now, Brat very well may be eating his words. In a district that is typically right-leaning, there are already six Democratic challengers lined up to oust him, five of which are women. And they're formidable challengers; according to The Washington Post, the group of candidates includes "a former CIA operative, a civil attorney and a Marine turned commercial airline pilot." The lone male in the race is a former Marine pilot who served in Hillary Clinton's state department.

It won't be easy, though. Brat won the district by 16 points and has incredible support from the Tea Party in addition to the Republican party and big-money donors. But armed with personal stories about the importance of the ACA, community development, universal income and a whole host of life experience, these six individuals appear ready to put up a fight.
you say it's all about their right to protest... and I agree
but then later you say it is the left that starts it....

You go ahead and link the post where I stated the left started it - I'll wait. All I implied was the Left didn't help matters any.

And I wasn't referring you drinking Kool-Aid, - I never accused the left of starting anything, and yes I agree with what Trump said - BOTH sides need to take responsibility. for their actions.

My point is this,
It does not matter if they are a hate group, a love group, a gay group or a straight group - everyone should maintain their right to free speech. forsing someone to be silent because of their hateful beliefs is no different than forsing someone to be silent because of their sexual orientation.

You claim to agree with that - but yet you continue to argue - why?
It does not matter if they are a hate group, a love group, a gay group or a straight group - everyone should maintain their right to free speech.
I felt that way during the Trump campaign rallies when Trump's people physically any liberals that showed up at their rallies. I think subhub showed a collage of those rally beatings. But Trump voters didn't see a thing wrong with it, and Trump encouraged the beatings in some cases.
There Are Good Reasons To Reconsider Keeping Confederate Memorials
The Federalist 1 hour 40 minutes ago .

In the aftermath of Charlottesville’s violent, despicable protests, America has grappled with an overwhelmingly important question: how do we deal with the ghosts of our past? The white supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville to protest the imminent removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee did not do so merely for the sake of history. For them, the monument was—and is—a talisman of meaning and ideology, a symbol for present and future generations. We must ask ourselves, while Baltimore vanishes its Confederate monuments overnight and protesters topple a Confederate statue in Durham, what place these objects have in America’s life. The question is important not just for history’s ...

Here’s what Robert E. Lee thought about Confederate monuments

The violence that erupted in Charlottesville over the weekend, which left one woman killed and dozens more injured, stemmed from a white nationalist and alt-right protest over the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Debates about the removal of Confederate statues have been ongoing for many years, and opponents of removing the monuments often decry such attempts as an attempt to erase history.

In light of all this, it's probably best to remember one relevant historical fact: Robert E. Lee was opposed to Confederate monuments.

“It’s often forgotten that Lee himself, after the Civil War, opposed monuments, specifically Confederate war monuments,” Jonathan Horn, a Lee biographer, told PBS.

After the Civil War, Lee received a number of letters requesting support for the erection of Confederate memorials, according to Horn.

In June 1866, he wrote that he couldn't support a monument of one of his best generals, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, saying it wasn't "feasible at this time."

As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated," Lee wrote in December 1866 about another proposed Confederate monument, "my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; [and] of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour."

Not only was Lee opposed to Confederate memorials, "he favored erasing battlefields from the landscape altogether," Horn wrote.

He even supported getting rid of the Confederate flag after the Civil War ended, and didn't want them them flying above Washington College, which he was president of after the war.
I saw an interview with a trump supporter last night... a black woman..... and she hasn't changed her mind on trump and still thinks he can and will get the economy growing!
gif_Yellowball-laughing4.gif.....Only thing wrong with it now is the Republicans that are trying to put us back to pre-1960's