Politics, Politics, Politics

he IS working on it,,,look at some of the things Session is doing.... just with voting alone!

I don't think anything has been passed.... and I usually keep tabs on new laws...but Session is/was backing the texas version of voters laws/suppression
Trump has even brought up the voter laws...of course he has mentioned so many things...but as of yet has done nothing.... hell he can't even get any of his signature laws passed
He's against increasing the minimum wage, against unions, for right-to-work states ... of course this is TODAY, no telling what he'll be for tomorrow or next week ... he's like the wind.
He's against increasing the minimum wage, against unions, for right-to-work states

the departing union man from his Company coalition or whatever you want to call it.... said the committee was nothing more than collusion to knock out workers rights and wages...he didn't speak very highly of it...luckily most quit over his Charlottesville comments and trump broke up the rest

this man is working on destroying everything that is good for this country...still think he is just doing what p u t I n is telling him to!
Those Individuals need to be held accountable for their actions.

I will agree with that
I saw a thing this morning... some guy actually crying on you-tube ( white supremacist's) about people knowing who he was

WTF... you want to pull that ******* and have those beliefs you need to be known!
I'm sure he wasn't getting a lot of sympathy

but if you think about it.... just like the ISIS recruiting.... a lot of the young seem to have ...no guidance?????
and are easily duped into some of this *******...they get into a crowd of others and things just seem to get out of hand
I'm also sure the guy that drove the car is doing a lot of souls searching right now!...but for him sounds like he was/is just plain rotten to the core!
I'm sure with today's technology and cell phones and etc...... there are a lot of them thinking twice about marching....knowing their face is being recorded and posted.....suppose they will want to go back to the hoods....but the city should stop that....and might end a lot of this *******!
Well I can agree on that point. Tearing down statues isn't going to suddenly change our past. It's part of the American history - get over it.
That is mis information. They aren't tearing them down, they are removing them from public property. They will go to other venues where if you want to view them you can.
I saw a thing this morning... some guy actually crying on you-tube ( white supremacist's) about people knowing who he was

I think pure pressure is a much more effective way of changing peoples behavior than laws or violence. Obviously hate for other individuals is not an acceptable behavior for a moral society. So if someone is going to be a hater - then that person better be prepared for it's repercussions, like loosing your job (if warranted), friends, and family and being shunned by his neighbors. Those that threaten to vandalize, use bodily harm, or Death are simply perpetuating the issue. The feeling of being alone or excluded is much more powerful.
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That is mis information. They aren't tearing them down, they are removing them from public property. They will go to other venues where if you want to view them you can.

I Know that with some, yes. But I was more referring to the recent ones that were torn down and destroyed by the crowds. But since you bring that up - you will notice most main stream media is not talking about that. They simply say "Removal of..."

I always felt instead of removal, simply replace the plaques with one that describes who the person really was.
I Know that with some, yes. But I was more referring to the recent ones that were torn down and destroyed by the crowds. But since you bring that up - you will notice most main stream media is not talking about that. They simply say "Removal of..."

I always felt instead of removal, simply replace the plaques with one that describes who the person really was.
That is a good point.
So if someone is going to be a hater - then that person better be prepared for it's repercussions, like loosing your job (if warranted), friends, and family and being shunned by his neighbors.

don't know who this kid is... saw a thing on him.... but he seems to have hit the nail on the head with what he is doing.... and he has received several death threats because of it!
saw a couple have lost their jobs... another not welcome home... it's working
White supremacist cries on camera as he describes 'terror' over arrest warrant

A white supremacist who helped organise the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has appeared on camera crying as he describes his fear of arrest.

Chris Cantwell, a racist who previously claimed he and others would "f***ing *******" anti-fascist demonstrators for interfering with their right to express their views, sobs uncontrollably in the clip.

He claims to be the subject of an arrest warrant, and says he is "terrified" of the prospect of being detained.

The blogger was featured in a Vice News documentary filmed before, during and after the rally in Virginia turned violent. In the film, after being pepper sprayed, he rants that "we're not non-violent. We'll f***ing ******* these people if we have to."

He is seen showing off a number of guns he brought to the city.

He has previously claimed that "white men are the de facto rulers of the Earth".
That is mis information. They aren't tearing them down, they are removing them from public property. They will go to other venues where if you want to view them you can.
not so ... they are tearing them down in Durham NC ... 3 got arrested this morning on felony damage to government property ... took a rope, put it around the statue's neck, and the crowd pulled it down and it broke when it hit the ground.
"Vile, Hateful & Racist": A Fargo Family Disowns White Supremacist Relative After Charlottesville

One of the participants in the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville was a man named Peter Tefft. He was outed by the Twitter group "Yes, You’re Racist," which had been posting screenshots of participants in an effort to expose them. His *******, Pearce Tefft, has come out and publicly denounced his white supremacist ******* in an open letter published in The Forum, a newspaper in Fargo. The letter read, in part, "I, along with all of his siblings and his entire family, wish to loudly repudiate my *******’s vile, hateful and racist rhetoric and actions. We do not know specifically where he learned these beliefs. He did not learn them at home." We speak with Jacob Scott, the nephew of Peter Tefft. ...
Most Republicans Approve of Trump’s Charlottesville Responses, New Poll Shows
Greg Price,Newsweek 3 hours ago .

Republicans have remained supportive of President Donald Trump, their party leader, throughout his many trials and tribulations during his first seven months in office. Be it his attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, the immigration ban or tough stance toward North Korea, to name just a few.

And a new CBS poll released Thursday morning showed a large majority of GOP members even back the president’s response to and handling of the Charlottesville, Virginia, protest, which resulted in the death of one woman and reignited racial tensions throughout the country.

The poll showed 67 percent of Republicans approved of Trump’s response, compared with 82 percent of Democrats disapproving and 55 percent of respondents overall claiming disapproval. Thirty-four percent overall approved, but 53 percent of those who identified as independent disapproved.

Going further, 68 percent of Republicans believed Trump’s blame of “many sides” being responsible for the violence that engulfed the college town over the planned teardown of a statue honoring Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Fifty-five percent overall claimed Trump was inaccurate.

And more than half of Republicans polled, 56 percent, thought Trump was having no effect on race relations around the country, while 70 percent of Democrats said Trump’s actions were creating more division. Overall, Americans were somewhat split with 44 percent saying Trump was causing division and 39 percent in the no-effect category.

The protest Saturday brought white supremacists and nationalists, as well as neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members, face-to-face with counterprotesters who also included anti-fascists, or “antifa.” Trump’s first statement following the death of 32-year-old counterprotester Heather Heyer cited “many sides” at fault for the violence.

Two days later, amid mounting public pressure to condemn the white supremacists by name, Trump spoke at the White House to specifically blast any form of racism or bigotry and called out the hate groups.

But on Tuesday, Trump returned to his rhetoric of “many sides” during a press conference at Trump Tower that was supposed to focus on plans to revamp the country’s infrastructure.

Instead, Trump suggested that the “alt-left” had an equal role in the violence, and also stated that if Lee’s statue could be taken down then former Presidents George Washington’s and Thomas Jefferson’s could as well. Trump brought up the fact that both presidents had been slave owners while accusing the media at the conference of improperly reporting the protest.

“Many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee,” Trump said. “So this week, it is Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, Where does it stop?”

The president reaffirmed his stance on the issue Thursday morning in three tweets, again invoking Lee, Jefferson and Washington, and citing the “beauty” of the Confederate statutes being taken down around the country.

The poll was conducted from Monday to Wednesday and drew from a sample of 1,223 adults around the country.
With respect to the posts regarding Trump's attacks on civil liberties. I read through the one link provided. Completely read through it. And I read the other response. There aren't a lot of specifics in the first link. The second post virtually none of the items mentioned impact civil liberties that greatly.

In any event, as a civil libertarian I'm utterly confused how these pass as an attack on civil liberties, and more egregious examples like the current 1A situation, grand jury's, special counsels, the federal criminal justice system, and the over incarceration, mandated in some instances at the federal level, situations remain either unmentioned, or in some cases, seemingly supported by both posters.

Odd to say the least. I'm not sure we get to pick and choose which civil liberties we favor. I'd maintain you're either in favor of civil liberties, or opposed. The framers certainly set it up this way.

This said, I'm not disagreeing with either post, I'm just confused how minor intrusions on civil liberties are huge deal, and major civil liberty infractions (that some probably agree with) get a pass.
I'm just confused how minor intrusions on civil liberties are huge deal, and major civil liberty infractions (that some probably agree with) get a pass.
they are not... but just like the second and first amendments.... where do you stop
although the last I heard...both Sessions and Trump were planning on re-doing the voting rights....Session already allowed changes in Texas
and look at kobach.... and all he tried to do in Kansas... and after a couple years only found a couple and was only able to prosecute one!

the only time there is a voter problem is when you have a sore loser....like trump wanting to believe he won the popular vote!
and Hillary didn't bring all this up either... it was the Russian hacking and the wiki leaks ties and etc
hell you already have the right gerrymandering most states isn't that enough?

Trump on civil liberties
Trump posted a pledge on his Facebook page on August 16, 2016, promising to “reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all its forms.” The statement said, “This is my pledge to the American people: as your President I will be your greatest champion. I will fight to ensure that every American is treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally. We will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all its forms, and seek a new future built on our common culture and values as one American people.”[3]
On August 9, 2016, Trump stated his support for a voter ID law in North Carolina that a federal appeals court struck down in July 2016. The court argued that the law was “passed with racially discriminatory intent.” Regarding North Carolina’s voter ID law and other like it elsewhere, Trump stated, “Voter ID. What’s with that? What’s with voter ID? Why aren’t we having voter ID. In other words, I want to vote, here’s my identification. I want to vote. As opposed to somebody coming up and voting 15 times for Hillary. And I will not tell you to vote 15 times. I will not tell you to do that. You won’t vote 15 times, but people will. They’ll vote many times, and how that could have happened is unbelievable.”[4]
Donald Trump said in a 2011 Forbes interview that online gambling "has to happen because many other countries are doing it and like usual the U.S. is just missing out." Additionally, the country could benefit from tax revenue produced by the new gaming outlet. At the time of this interview, Trump had a personal stake in online gaming regulation because of a potential joint venture with hedge fund manager, Marc Lasry.[5]
In 1990, Trump argued that ******* should be legalized and taxed "to take the profit away" from ******* dealers.[6]

Race and ethnicity
After taking some criticism for not reaching out to the African-American community, Trump made a direct appeal to black voters in a speech in Wisconsin on August 16, 2016. Commenting on the riots in Milwaukee, he said, “Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially for the sake of those living in the affected communities. The main victims of these riots are law-abiding African American citizens living in these neighborhoods. It’s their job, it’s their homes, it’s their schools and communities which will suffer the most as a result. … It is time for our society to address some honest and very difficult truths. The Democratic party has failed and betrayed the African American community.”[7]
In 2005, Trump proposed creating a season of “The Apprentice” that would pit a “team of successful African Americans versus a team of successful whites.” He said, “Whether people like that idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world."[8]
On August 2, 2015, Donald Trump called the number of unarmed black men being killed by police officers “a massive crisis." He added, however, "[W]e have to give power back to the police because we have to have law and order. Hundreds of killings are in Baltimore. Hundreds of killings are in Chicago. And New York is not doing so great in terms of that front. We have to give strength and power back to the police. And you're always going to have mistakes made. And you're always going to have bad apples. But you can't let that stop the fact that police have to regain some control of this tremendous crime wave and killing wave that's happening in this country."[9]
Trump released several tweets on April 28, 2015, regarding the civil unrest in Baltimore, Maryland. Trump suggested the National Guard should intervene and that the Baltimore police were standing idle. Criticizing President Barack Obama, Trump added, "Our great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!"[10]
Following the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Trump said in August 2014, "This is a racial situation. It’s not covered that way in the press. It’s not even discussed in the press. They don’t want to discuss it. They stay away from it."[11] In November 2014, as the grand jury decision regarding Brown's ******* was pending, Trump tweeted, "They’re going to riot in Ferguson no matter what."[12]

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