Politics, Politics, Politics

But still....... there are those fools that don't know better and just can't see the light and believe this snakeoil salesman

Analysis | 26 hours, 29 Trumpian false or misleading claims

In a period of less than 26 hours — from 6:31 p.m. on July 24 to 8:09 p.m. on July 25 — President Trump made two fired-up speeches, held a news conference and tweeted with abandon, leaving a trail of misinformation in his wake. Here’s a roundup of his suspect claims.

anyone notice that since Trump began slamming cnbc..... that their ratings have almost doubled?

people eager for actual news that is going to put this traitor behind bars!
I heard if the Trump is serious about the WALL that he needs to use Hillary Clinton's e-mails. It seems its the only thing that he and Republicans can't get over ... gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif ......gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
anyone notice that since Trump began slamming cnbc..... that their ratings have almost doubled?

people eager for actual news that is going to put this traitor behind bars!

Because CNN is losing viewers at breakneck speed

Once Trump and others(regular bloggers) finish off's CNN
Then cnbc is next on the chopping block

After that MSNBC, ect.

Fox will be the last one standing, but even they will be destroyed by the internet and social media.

The internet blogs are taking over along with social media. The old media setup was already dying because the boomers are dying and the internet is taking over and democratizing news.
The filters are being torn away.

Trump is just giving them a push to help them on their way out
since I doubt you have the ability to do that... I will do it for you!
go ahead and post all the phoney bullshit you want.... the facts speak for them selves!

CNN Has The ‘Trust’ Advantage Over President Trump In A New Poll
The split among partisans, though, is dramatic.
By Carla Herreria

Even as controversy continues over President Donald Trump’s tweet of a video showing him beating up a personified version of CNN, a poll released Tuesday shows the cable news outlet edging him in trust among most Americans.

The survey also showed the New York Times, Washington Post and the broadcast television networks faring better than Trump in trustworthiness. But the poll, conducted by Survey Monkey and published by Axios, also illustrates the stark political divide in the U.S.

The poll, conducted between last Thursday and Monday, showed that 50 percent of American adults trust CNN more than Trump, with 43 percent favoring the president. Trump posted his disparaging CNN tweet on Sunday.

The poll also found that by a nine-percentage-point margin, American adults trust the Post and the Times ― lumped together ― more than Trump. And ABC, CBS and NBC are more trusted by an 11-point margin over the president.

In the Trump-CNN battle, though, Republicans and Democrats are on completely different pages. The poll reported that 89 percent of Republicans in the survey trust Trump over CNN, with only 9 percent favoring media outlet. Among Democrats, the results are even more one-sided ― 91 percent give CNN the trustworthiness nod, with just 5 percent choosing Trump.

Among political independents, 55 percent said CNN is more trustworthy while 40 percent put more stock in the president than the news network.

Jon Cohen, Survey Monkey’s senior vice president for research, told Axios that Democrats shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that Trump’s tweets are distancing him from his Republican base. On the other hand, Cohen warned that Republicans should worry about Trump’s standing among independents.

“Not only do most Republicans approve of [Trump’s] use of Twitter, but asked to describe those tweets, the No. 1 mention among the GOP is ‘truthful,’ with ‘entertaining’ in second place,” Cohen told Axios.

But he added: “Fully three-quarters of pure independents (those that don’t lean one way or the other) disapprove of Trump’s tweeting, and their top three descriptors for it are ‘undignified,’ ‘mean,’ and ‘dishonest.’”

The poll surveyed 4,965 adults online and has an error margin of +/- 2.5 percentage points for its results for all American adults.

The survey comes on the heels of a similar poll published Monday that showed both Trump and, even more so, the media struggling on the trust issue.

In the NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist College poll, more than two-thirds of American adults ― 68 percent ― said they trust the media “not at all” or “not very much. The figure for Trump was 61 percent.

The poll also found that most Americans think Washington is generally less civil under Trump’s administration.

Guess that about sums it up.... you want to serve....don't have any ethics!

Kellyanne Conway: Ethical disclosures discourage people from government service

Top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said Thursday on “Fox & Friends” that having to complete financial disclosure forms demoralizes qualified people from serving in government.

“There are so many qualified men and women who wanted to serve this president, this administration and their country, who have been completely demoralized and completely, I think, disinclined to do so based on the paperwork that we have to put forward divesting assets, the different hoops you have to run through,” Conway said.

Conway’s claim came during her defense of newly appointed White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci. He claimed Wednesday night that he had been the victim of a leak, saying that his financial disclosure form had been divulged to Politico.

But the Politico reporter who wrote the story, Lorraine Woellert, said the disclosure form was publicly available through a records request.
Who’s going to trust Republicans after this fiasco?
Washington Post 3 hours ago .

Republicans’ inability and unwillingness to pass legislation that benefits working- and middle-class voters may send voters scurrying back to the Democratic Party. At least that’s what Democrats hope, and recent polling indicates they have reason for optimism. According to a Harvard-Harris poll, “52 percent of voters trust Democrats to provide the best way forward on healthcare. Twenty-seven percent said they trust President Trump and only 21 percent said they trust Republicans in Congress, bringing the total GOP figure to 48 percent.” Republicans however have made voters realize the positive aspects of Obamacare. (“53 percent said they believe ObamaCare is working, rather ...

I don't fucking believe it!

Trump's border wall rises in GOP agenda

Congress is expected to pass legislation this week that could include $1.6 billion in funding for construction of President Donald Trump’s long-awaited wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

GOP leaders have sprung a plan to lump the wall funding in with a massive $788 billion spending bill that includes money for the military and the Department of Veterans Affairs, which provides political cover for any Republicans that might have qualms. The measure, expected to pass on Friday, combines four appropriations bills into one. The wall money would be added in a procedural vote on Thursday.

The measure, put forth by House Republicans earlier this month, is likely to receive some pushback from Democrats – who have opposed funding the wall along the United States’ southern border. Democrats have said they will fight the inclusion of funding for the border wall in any legislation and successfully did so during a spat over spending in April that nearly resulted in a government shutdown around the end of Trump’s first 100 days in office.

In his May budget, Trump requested $1.6 billion to construct three segments of wall totaling 74 miles, including 14 miles of secondary fencing in San Diego and 60 miles of fencing and levee wall in Texas' Rio Grande Valley. That averages $21 million per mile.

typical of our dictator n chief

Trump administration reportedly threatens Alaska over senator’s health care vote
Andrew Bahl 15 hours ago .

WASHINGTON — Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, confirmed Thursday that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke contacted her after her vote against a health care bill earlier this week. The conversation reportedly involved threats of administrative retribution against her home state.

A Murkowski spokesperson told Yahoo News that the moderate Alaska lawmaker received a call from Zinke on Wednesday, and he “told her that the president wasn’t pleased with the vote that she took.”

Trump also expressed those feelings publicly Wednesday, when he tweeted that Murkowski “really let the Republicans, and our country, down yesterday” when she voted against moving to begin debate in the Senate on a series of health care bills.

But Zinke reportedly went beyond those sentiments, the Alaska Dispatch News reported Thursday morning. Alaska’s other GOP senator, Dan Sullivan, told the Dispatch News that the interior secretary had “a troubling message” and that he threatened to curb department projects in Alaska over the matter.
Trump has no choice but to accept sanctions against Russia, says Bill Browder

Putin has a very personal financial interest in getting rid of Magnitsky Act: William Browder 4 Hours Ago | 03:55 Whether he likes it or not, President Donald Trump will have to accept Congress' harsh sanctions bill against Russia, says enemy of the Putin regime Bill Browder. Russia's hopes for removing the sanctions imposed by the Magnitsky Act are "gone" now that Congress has passed this new bill so unanimously, said the founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital Management. "These sanctions will not go away," Browder said on CNBC's "Power Lunch" Thursday. "To the extent that the president wants to be nice to Russia, he's going to have to find issues to be nice to Russia that don't include sanctions, ...
